Weekly Topics/Archive
February 2017 |
We had one cold day after another as it has rained or snowed for some
time past in the southern part of Lake Biwa, and so used to be at home
in many cases.
Today, it has been clear and sunny since morning after a long time.
I really feel comfortably walm when the sun is shinning, and also have
a feeling that spring is going to approach.
I expected a cycle of three cold days followed by four walm ones, but
according to the weather forecast, it's going to rain tonight.
So, I enjoyed cycling after a long time while the weather was good.
Actually, this is the first cycling for me.
I ride my bike on my regular course turning back at Karasuma peninsula
of Lake Biwa after leaving my home in Kusatsu.
At just 00:45 after noon, I left my home.
First, I ride my bike along the cycle road in the countryside.
[Note] for some time past ; ここしばらくの間(ずっと), after a long time ; 久しぶりに
have a feeling that 〜 is going to --- ; 〜は---するような予感がする
A followed by B ; Aの後にBが続く
a cycle of three cold days followed by four walm ones ; 三寒四温、turn back ; 折り返す
The cycle road on which Mt.Hiei can be seen in front (2017.02.22_12:55) |
I head for Karasuma peninsula after entering the cycle road called
Sazanami-kaido Road.
The landmark “Kusatsu-yume-fuusya”is the windmill remaining suspended due
to a trouble.
It's rare for me to meet someone like walker and bike rider on the cycle
road because it's a weekday.
I take a leisurely bike ride while enjoying the idyllic landscapes along
Lake Biwa and rural ones.
I got to Karasuma peninsula in 35 minutes or so.
A new cafe was opend near the park.
Since I still didn't have lunch, I decided to do that here.
I ordered “A pasta dish with Omi beef ” which is a set lunch menue.
[Note] windmill ; 風車、remain suspended ; 停止したままである
take a leisurely bike ride ; のんびりサイクリングする、rural landscape ; 田園風景
idyllic landscape ; 長閑な風景、a set lunch menue ; ランチセット
My late lunch at the Cafe INTRO (2017.02.22_13:33) |
According to the waitress, it was opened last July.
Now I've got it!
It means I've not taken a bike ride around here since last July.
People can also be provided with a bicycle rental service here.
I cycle round the peninsula after lunch.
I sometimes met kindergartners on a picnic, a few walkers and joggers
on the way.
The summit area of the Hira Mountains on the west side of Lake Biwa was
covered with snow.
[Note] I've got it! ; 分かった、そうだったのか
provide someone with 〜; 人に〜を提供する、bicycle rental ; 貸し自転車
cycle round ; 自転車で一周する、kindergartner ; 幼稚園児
The view of the Hira Mountains on the west side of Lake Biwa (2017.02.22_13:59) |
I got to a lotus colony on the north side of the peninsula.
The wind mill “Kusatsu-yume-fuusya” remains suspended.
Hi, Kusatu City, please give us a dream!
The windmill “Kusatu-yume-fuusya” (2017.02.22_14:07) |
Last year, I read a report in a newspaper that the lotus colony
As was expected, it disappeared perfectly.
In this season, we could see the wintry scene of withered lotus extended
all around here.
Please compare it with a photo taken before.
You can see how abnormal it is.
It's said the cause is not known exactly.
[Note] lotus colony ; 蓮(ハス)の群生地、disappear ; 消滅する、なくなる
wintry scene ; 冬景色、withered ; 枯れた
extend all around here ; この辺り一面に広がる、compare A with B ; AをBと比較する
The withered lotuses that disappeared
from the colony (2017.02.22_14:13) |
The scene of the past withered lotus colony
<Diary.669−2015.03.17> |
It's a pity that we became unable to see such a excellent view of lotus
colony in the flowering season.
The following are photos of clustered lotuses in the flowering season that
I took in the past.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
On the surface of the lake near a withered reed field in winter, Euracian
coots belonging to migratory bird were staying relaxed.
It's said that one of the cause of the disappearance of the lotus colony
due to these coots because they eat aquatic plants.
[Note] become unable to 〜 ; 〜できなくなる、clustered ; 群生した
in the flowering season ; 開花期の、reed field ; ヨシ原、Euracian coot ; オオバン(鳥)
migratory bird ; 渡り鳥、stay relaxed ; くつろいでいる、aquatic (plant) ; 水生植物
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The view of a withered reed field in winter
(2017.02.22_14:20) |
The migratory birds which were staying relaxed
on the lake surface (2017.02.22_14:20) |
I leave the peninsula to start homeward.
I thought I might be able to see a tundra swan, and so stopped at Kusatsu
Waterfowl Observing Station in lakeside green area Shinahama on the
I can say the observing Station is a mere hut.
[Note] start homeward ; 家路(帰路)につく、tundra swan ; コハクチョウ
Waterfowl Observing Station ; 水鳥観測所、lakeside green area ; 湖岸緑地
Countless numbers of waterfowls in front of Kusatsu Waterfowl Observing
(2017.02.22_14:38) |
From around December in which tundra swans come flying to around
the end of Feburary in which they migrate to the north areas, an
environmental volunteer organization “Kusatsu kogan hakucho o aisuru
kai” (Association for loving tundra swans at the lakeshore of Lake Biwa
Kusatsu) has been observing waterfowls here.
Unfortunately, I couldn't observe any swans.
According to a member of the Station, they came flying here only two
times in this season.
Maybe we can always see them in the north area of Lake Biwa.
I could see countless numbers of waterfowls up close in front of the
It looks like tamed waterfowls is waiting for feed.
When I asked a member of the Station what the names of them are, he
answered that they are long-tailed cock and pewit gull.
The waterfowls gathering in crowds in front of the Station (2017.02.22_14:47) |
[Note] countless numbers of 〜 ; 無数の〜、come flying ; 飛来する
migrate to 〜 ; 〜へ移動する
environmental volunteer organization ; 環境ボランティア組織
see 〜 up close ; 間近で〜を見る、tamed ; (動物 )なついた、飼いならされた
long-tailed cock ; オナガドリ、pewit gull ; ユリカモメ、gather in crowds ; 群がる
At 15:05, I came back home.
I enjoyed short-distance cycling whose travel distance is 16.6 kilometers.
In September this year, a two-week overseas expedition for long-distance
cycling (from Prague in Czech Republic to Wien in Austria) is scheduled.
I'm thinking I want to begin strenthening my legs bit by bit.
[Note] strenthen one's legs ; (人)の足腰を強化する、bit by bit ; 少しずつ、ぼちぼち
overseas expedition ; 海外遠征旅行、expedition ; 遠征(調査)旅行
Japanese Diary / No.792−2017.02.22 /
「2017 初サイクリング〜琵琶湖岸を走る〜」