Weekly Topics/Archive
November 2015 (3/3)
At 7:00 A.M., we got up.
It's cloudy and the thermometer in our room of the pension stands at 23
At 8:00, we have breakfast.
Since the pension is small and has a few rooms, it looks like the number
of the guests
is few.
We had also a small variety of dishes because of small restaurant in the pension
compared to the hotel one.
By the way, we have a matter of concern about whether we can visit Neuschwanstein
Castle or not, where is located at the end of the Romantic Road near
the border between Austria and Germany.
Gerry-san got information about situation near the border from the tourist
information office in Innsbruck by iPhone.
According to him, we can get to the castle from Innsbruck by car in an hour and
fortyfive minutes by using autobahn but they can't have any information
how long it takes for the inspection at the border.
We"ll never know it until we try to go.
So we decided to try to go out.
At 9:40, we left the pension.
Our actual travel route by rental car is as follows.
We traveled back and forth between the pension and the castle.
[Note] a matter of concern ; 懸案事項、気掛かりな事柄、Romantic Road ; ロマンチック街道(ドイツ)
Neuschwanstein Castle ; ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城、Innsbruck ; インスブルック
travel back and forth between A and B ; AとBの間を往復する
Cafe Pension Alpina(Innsbruck) Neuschwanstein Castle(Germany)
Restaurant Rasthaus Zugspitz Restaurant Bein Olivenbauer Schloss Hohenschwangau |
We are going to enter the autobahn from Innsbruck.
The autobahn runs through mountains of the Alps, which are 1,000 to 2,000
The weather turned for the better.
The following are the scenery from the car window.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The scenery from the car window when driving on the autobahn 189 (E532) (2015.09.21_10:05~10:37) |
On the way, we took a rest at the restaurant “Rasthaus Zugspitz”which
the beautiful Alps can be seen.
We can get a distant view of the steeply pointed mountains of the Alps.
We stop by the restaurant “Rasthaus Zugspitz” which faces Autobahn 179(E532)
to take a rest.
(2015.09.21_10:39) |
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Rasthaus Zugspitz
(2015.09.21_10:40) |
The view of the Blindsee and the
Alps from Rasthaus Zugspitz
(2015.09.21_10:41) |
Hannah-chan held in her
grandma's arms
(2015.09.21_10:46) |
We drive to Füssen.
Again, the scenery from the window.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
A train running through grassland between mountains
(2015.09.21_11:17) |
The mountains of the Alps (2015.09.21_11:18) |
When we drived for about 40 minutes, we got to Füssen which is a town
in Germany
near the Austrian border.
Luckily, we could easily enter this town without a police check at the
[Note] turn (take a turn) for the better ; (状況、事態、天気などが) 好転する
steeply pointed ; 険しく尖った、get a distant view of ~; ~を遠望する、stop by ~ ; ~に立ち寄る
held in someone's arms ; (人の)腕に抱かれる、Füssen ; フユッセン(オーストリアとドイツ国境の町)
We enter Füssen which is a town in Germany near the Austrian border.
(2015.09.21_11:41) |
Füssen is a town which has its beautiful townscape.
The streetscape of Füssen (2015.09.21_11:41) |
We entered a restaurant “Bein Olivenbauer” and had lunch in the beer garden
which is in thecourtyard.
The church bells just rang noon.
Restaurant Beim Olivenbauer (2015.09.21_11:55) |
I had penne covered with cheese for lunch.
It's pasta in the form of pen chips, and therefore must be called like
That's a lot!
My wife had penne with tomato souce and shrimps.
We left one third to one half of them on each plate.
A large quantity of German penne on a plate (2015.09.21_12:26) |
After lunch, we go for a stroll around the streets of Füssen with Hannah-chan
on the baby buggy.
On the way, we stopped at a bank ATM.
In Germany, we were able to withdraw cash of up to €600 per one time every
from ATM.
( In Austria, it was up to €400 per one time.)
We walked around several blocks in the street.
The following are photos of the streetscape in Füssen.
[Note] townscape ; 都市景観、streetscape ; 街並み、the bell rings ~ ; 鐘が~時を告げる
penne ; ペンネ、in the form of ~; ~の形をした、~状の、pen tip ; ペン先
That's a lot! ; すごい量ですね!、leave food on one's plate ; 食べ残す、
go for a stroll around the streets of ~; ~の街歩きに出かける
withdraw cash from ATM ; ATMから預金を引き出す、~ of up to - ; 最大-までの~
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The views of downtown Füssen (2015.09.21_13:03~13:08) |
We can see a variety of cast-iron signs installed on the wall of shops
on the street
again, as we have seen in the Old Town of Salzburg.
Their beauty of form and shape is indescribable.
They were so beautiful that I took many pictures of them.
[Note] cast-iron sign ; 鋳鉄製のカンバン、beauty of form and shape ; 造形美
indescribable (=beyond description) ; 何ともいえない、言葉で表現できない、形容し難い
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The cazt-iron signs with a variety of designs (2015.09.21_13:04~13:16) |
We finally leave Füssen to head to the castle.
As soon as we drove onto the Romantic Road, the number of cars and sightseeing
buses began to increase.
All of them looks like heading towards the castle.
The Romantic Road (2015.09.21_13:31) |
Neuschwanstein Castle came into view on the hill.
We stopped the car and I depressed a shutter button several times.
That looks like a castle in a fairy tale!
Neuschwanstein Castle (Schloss Neuschwanstein) (2015.09.21_13:35) |
When we get to Hohenschwangau on the foot of the castle, it's too crowded
many tourists for everyone to drive the car forward without driving slowly.
We can see sightseeing carriages too.
The street of Hohenschwangau (2015.09.21_13:54) |
We can see two castle from here.
One of them is Neuschwanstein Castle in the forest and another is Hohenschwangau
Castle on the hill that is opposite side of the street.
[Note] drive onto ~ ; ~に乗り入れる、fairy tale ; (子供向けの)おとぎ話
sightseeing carriage ; 観光用の馬車、Hohenschwangau Castle ; ホーエンシュヴァンガウ城
Hohenschwangau Castle (Schloß Hohenschwangau ) (2015.09.21_13:45) |
After parking, we first have to get the entrance tickets for the castle.
It took a lot of time to get the tickets because many people queued up
to do that.
The entrance ticket for Hohenschwangau Castle (2015.09.21_) |
The entrance ticket for Neuschwanstein Castle (2015.09.21_) |
Listening to what we said that we would like to tour both castles, Gerry-san
bought a set of entrance tickets for both castles.
The entrance fee to the popular castle is very expensive!
Sure, it's the market principle.
Because of entrance restriction, the entrance time permitted is fom 15:50
Hohenschwangau Castle and 18:00 for Neuschwanstein Castle.
We have to wait for about 4 hours from now to tour Neuschwanstein Castle.
So, we decided to first see Neuschwanstein Castle from only the outside without
entering it.
According to the ticket, we have to walk up a 1.5 Km long slope to get
to the castle.
It's tough for us to take Hannah-chan in a baby buggy there.
So, we decided to take the carriage for the castle.
[Note] queue up to do ~ ; ~しょうと列を成す、列をつくる、entrance restriction ; 入場制限
walk up a slope ; 歩いて坂を上がる、tough ; しんどい、つらい
Going to Neuschwanstein Castle by a carriage (2015.09.21_14:32) |
A short walk from the carriage terminal took us to the castle.
The castle is in the forest and so the air is cool.
I could understand the situation to hear that the castle was used as the
Now, let me introduce you to Neuschwanstein Castle.

Neuschwanstein Castle is a palace on a hill in Hohenschwangau district of
Schwangau, Bavarian,Germany near the Austrian border.
It was built in the 1800's (1845~1886) by King LudwigⅡof Bavarian as a
Such a variety of an architectural style as Byzantine, Gothic and Romanesque is
Click here (Wikipedia; “Neuschwanstein Castle”) for more information.

The castle is so big that we can't see it without looking up at.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The view of Neuschwanstein Castle (2015.09.21_14:56~15:00) |
It's said that the castle makes its fantastic appearance according to
angle and season.
Let me introduce you to such fantastic pictures just for your information.
[Note] carriage terminal ; 馬車の終点、Bavarian ; バイエルン州
King LudwigⅡ ; 国王ルートヴィッヒ2 世、Byzantine ; ビザンチン、Gothic ; ゴシック
Romanesque ; ロマネスク、look up at ~; ~の方を見上げる、make one's appearance ; 姿を現す
just for your information ; ご参考までに
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
After seeing the castle, we walked to the bus stop and went down the hill
by bus
in order to be in time for specified time to enter Hohenschwangau Castle.
The following is Neuschwanstein Castle which could be seen at the slope
on the way.
It is better to view its whole image from a distance than to do that at
close range.
The view of Neuschwanstein Castle (2015.09.21_15:16) |
We walked up to Hohenschwangau Castle on the hill to observe.
The following is the castle viewed from under the hill.
Hohenschwangau Castle (2015.09.21_16:44) |
The view of the lake, green countryside and the townscape of Schwangau
are really
[Note] go down a hill ; 下山する、specified time ; 指定時間、at close range ; 近距離で(から)、近くで
view ~from a distance ; 遠くから~を眺める、townscape ; 町並み、町の景観
The view of Forggensee from Hohenschwangau Castle (2015.09.21_15:53) |
The view of the townscape of Hohenschwangau from Hohenschwangau Castle |
We took a tour of the castle while listening to the audio guidance in
It was prohibited for visitors to take a photo inside the castle.
So I'm sorry that I can't show you it with the pictures.
[Note] Forggensee ; フォルクゲン湖、take a tour of ~ ; ~を見学する
Now, let me introduce you to Hohenschwangau Castle.

Hohenschwangau Castle stands on a hill with a hight of 865 meters in
hohenschwangau district of Schwangau, Bavarian,Germany.
“Hohen”refers to“high”,“Schwan”to “swan”and “gau”to “the country
of ~”.
“Schwangau”refers to “the country of swan”.
Hohenschwangau Castle was built in 12th century by the ruler of the area.
After that, it had become a ruin by the time that it was acquired by dauphin
Bavarian, Maximilian (later King Maximilian Ⅱof Bavarian) in 1832.
He took four years to rebuild the old castle and gave it the name of Hohenschwangau
Castle after the name of the area.
King LudwigⅡwho built Neuschwanstein Castle spent at Hohenschwaingau Castle
in his childhood.

When we walked around the casstle after touring the inside of it, we saw
the fountains in the shape of the same swan as the name of the castle.
The fountains in the shape of swan (2015.09.21_16:28) |
The following pictures are Hohenschwangau Castle viewed from up close
Neuschwanstein Castle viewed from here.
No matter how many times I look at them, they are beautiful.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Hohenschwangau Castle (2015.09.21_16:30) |
The view of Neuschwanstein
Castle (2015.09.21_16:31) |
[Note] A refers to B ; A はB を意味する、dauphin ; 王太子、in his childhood ; 幼年時代に
fountain ; 噴水、in the shape of ~; ~ の形をした、from up close ; すぐ近くから、間近で
No matter how many times ~;何回(度) ~しても
We enjoyed fantastic castles near the Romantic Road in Germany.
This Road is the 366 kilometers of route between Würzburg and Füssen in southern
According to information obtained from the Internet, there are small towns
retains the atmosphere of medieval times and beautiful castles.
So it might be very nice to tour them by bicycle.
We drive back to Innsbruck.
The following are the scenery from the car window on the way.
At any rate, the Alps is fantastic, isn't it?
The scenery from the car window between Füssen and Innsbruck (2015.09.21_17:36 & 18:09) |
We visited the old town again today to have dinner after getting into
The following are the sceneries of the old town.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Downtown Innsbruck
(2015.09.21_18:41) |
Annasaule standing in the old town
of Innsbruck (2015.09.21_19:07) |
Maria-Theresia-Straße in the
old town of Innsbruck
(2015.09.21_19:08) |
[Note] Würzburg ; ヴュルツブルク(ドイツ・バイエルン州の都市)
Füssen ; フユッセン(ドイツ・バイエルン州の最南西部の都市)、Annasaule ; 聖アンナの記念柱
retain the atmosphere of ~; ~の雰囲気(面影)をとどめる、medieval times ; 中世
at any rate ; それにしても、とにかく
By the way, we intend to climb Hafelekar, which is a mountain in the North
chain(Nordkette) of the Alps in Austria tomorrow.
Japanese Diary / No.720-2015.11.30 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.252-Dec.10.,2015 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czeh Republic (12th day-Sept22.2015-)”
At 6:30AM, we got up.
As I went to bed ealier than usual last night, it follows that I slept
for about 9 hours.
At 7:40. we have breakfast at the hotel restaurant.
The restaurant serves in a buffet style and so there is the same menu as
Hannah-chan really likes tomato and has a good appetite.
Hannah-chan at breakfast (2015.09.20_07:48) |
A petite waitress was coming to Hannah-chan.
She must like small children.
According to her, she comes from Slovakia and works for four different Austrian
Trend Hotel Europa in Salzburg evry two weeks due to job rotation.
Now she and her husband who comes from Germany have a double income.
They plan to buy their house and go to Sri Lanka for their honeymoon next
after they save money.
They also plan to have a baby next year.
She talked to us so hard.
We got information from her about refugees from Syria.
Roughly speaking, they are as follows.
・The strict inspection has been held on the road at the nearby border between
Austria and Germany.
・The cases that Syrian refugees pay money to general Austrian drivers to
go to
Germany have been increased.
If it is found by police, Syrians don't receive any penalty but Austrian
are punishable by fines.
・The refugees from Syria are rich. On the other hand, Hungary is an economically
poor country and hates the influx of Syrian refugees in the context of
Therefore, there are movements to try to blockade the Hungarian border.
・Austrian Red Cross Society set up camps in front of Salzburg Hbf to house
They have become a great help.
[Note] it follows that ~ ; ~という結果になる、従って~ということになる
have a good appetite ; 食欲がある、petite ; (女性が)小柄な、 Slovakia ; スロバキア
have a double income ; 共働きである、refugee ; 難民、be as follows ; 以下の通りです
inspection ; 検問、Syrians ; シリア人、be punishable by fines ; 罰金刑に処せられる
influx of refugee ; 難民の流入、in the context of ~ ; ~との関連(からみ)で
public sentiment ; 国民感情、therefore ; 従って、それ故、blockade ; 〔港・海峡などを〕封鎖する
Austrian Red Cross Society ; オーストリア赤十字社、house the refugees ; 難民を収容する
We travel to Innsbruck from now.
It's because we make here our base to tour Neuschwanstein Castle which
is located
at the end of Romantic Road in Germany.
The positional relation among Salzburg, Innsbruck and Neuschwanstein Castle
is as follows.
[Note] Innsbruck ; インスブルック(オーストリアのチロル州の州都)
Romantic Road ; ロマンチック街道、make ~one's base ; ~を拠点にする
Neuschwanstein Castle ; ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城
The positional relation among Salzburg, Innsbruck and Neuschwanstein Castle |
In this region of Austria, there is not the expressway directly leading
Salzburg to Innsbruck in the same country because steep mountains of the
Alps lie
between them.
So, we have no choice but to make a slight detour.
That is to say, we cross the border into Germany through A1 West Autobahn
then re-enter Austria to go to Innsbruck through Inntal Autobahn A12 after driving
on the German Autobahn 8 for a while.
At that time, we will need information about refugees at the border between
I heard from my daughter that Gerry returned to the hotel before dawn this
Since it's been a long time since he last returned from abroad, he was
drinking with
his friends until after midnight.
After a while, Gerry joined us for breakfast.
At 10:30 AM, we left the hotel for Innsbruck after packing our luggage
into the car.
The actual travel route from Salzburg to Innsbruck is as follows.
[Note] expressway ; 高速道路、have no choice but to ~; ~せざるを得ない、~するしかない
make a detour ; 回り道をする、[detour ; 回り道、迂回路]
cross the border into ~ ; 国境を越えて~に入る、A1 West Autobahn ; オーストリアのアウトバーン
re-enter ~; ~に再入国する、再び~に入る、Inntal Autobahn A12 ; オーストリアのアウトバーンの一つ
before dawn ; 未明に、夜明け前に、until after midnight ; 真夜中過ぎまで
pack ~ into one's car ; 車に~を積み込む
Travel from Salzburg (Austria Trend Hotel Europa Salzburg) to Innsbruck(Cafe
Pension Alpina) |
Soon after getting out of the City of Salzburg, he refuel the car at a
roadside petrol
Refuel to the rental car at a roadside petrol station (2015.09.20_10:44) |
We almost reached the border in question.
The autobahn is congested. It may be because of the border inspection.
When he saw that, he got off the autobahn on the way to avoid it and use
the byway
and then entered it again.
Last night, he might have got information about a detour.
For a while after getting into Germany, we travel along Autobahn 8.
The following are the photos of the scenery from car windows.
[Note] refuel ; 燃料補給(する)、petrol station ; ガソリンスタンド、in question ; 問題の
be congested ; 渋滞している
The scenery from car windows along Autobahn 8 in Germany (2015.09.20_10:57~11:30) |
After getting into Austria, we travel along the Inn River.
After a while, we enter Inntal Autobahn A12 to head straight for Innsbruck.
Again, the following are the scenery from car windows.
Travel to Innsbruck on Inntal Autobahn A12 along the Inn River
(2015.09.20_12:45) |
Tratzberg Castle
We already travel in Tirol.
There stretch idyllic landscapes at the foot of mountains on the both sides
of the
This is the very landscape of Tirol I've imagined.
[Note] head straight for ~ ; 一路~を目指す、Tirol ; チロル州(オーストリアの州の一つ)
idyllic landscape ; 牧歌的風景
The world in Tirol (2015.09.20_12:55) |
We left Inntal Autobahn A12 to enter Innsbruck.
The following are the townscape of Innsbruck.
The townscape of Innsbruck (2015.09.20_13:12~13:17) |
At 13:30, we arrived at a small pension “Cafe Pension Alpina” in the town
Hungerburg on the foot of mountain.
Gerry-san, thank you very much for your driving for a long time .
There is a station of the ropeway line called Seegrubebahn in front of
the pension.
I heard from Gerry it's the base for climbing Austrian Alps Nordkette.
Cafe Pension Alpina (2015.09.20_13:29) |
The ropeway line in front of the pension
(2015.09.20_13:30) |
We could see the beautiful landscape of Tyrol from the pension.
[Note] townscape ; 町並み、Seegrubebahn ; ゼーグルーベバーン(インスブルックにあるロープウェイ)
The view of Tyrol from the pension (2015.09.20_14:53) |
Now, let me introduce you to Innsbruck.

Innsbruck is the capital city of Tyrol, which is surrounded by the magnificient
high mountains of the Alps.
It is located 574 meters above sea level.
The population is about 130,000.
It is the largest historic town in the European Alps.
It's said the name of the town means the bridge over the Inn River.
Innsbruck has prospered as the crossing point of the Inn River since old
It's played an extremely important role as key junctions in the transportation
connecting to the north, south, east and west of Europe since the ancient
It also continued to develope as a political, economic and artistic centre
under the
reign of the Hapsburg, and still remains strongly some remnants of medieval
Innsbruck is internationally famous for a scenic sightseeing spot and
also a winter
sports centre.
As you may know, it also known as the city that hosted the 1964 and 1976 Winter
[Note] crossing point ; 渡河地、play a role as ~ ; ~としての役割を果たす
key junctions in the transportation ; 交通の要衝、under the reign of ~; ~の統治下で
the Hapsburg ; ハプスブルク家、remain a remnant of ~ ; ~の面影を残している
scenic ; 風光明媚な、景色の良い

At 18:20, as we're going for a walk, we go out for dinner.
We go to the Old Town by car and park it in a parking place.
The Inn River and the Nordkette (2015.09.20_18:38) |
The following are the townscape of the Old Town.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The scenery of the Old Town (2015.09.20_18:42~18:47) |
The scenery of the Old Town (2015.09.20_18:44) |
The following is the Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof) (A museum, the Maximilianum
is also contained in the building).
It's a landmark structure located in the Old Town of Innsbruck.
It is considered the city's most famous symbol.
Completed in 1500, the roof was decorated with 2,657 gilded copper tiles
Emperor Maximilian I to mark his wedding to Bianca Maria Sforza.
The building is five stories high and totally Gothic.
The entire oriel is decorated in sculpted reliefs and mural paintings.

Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof)
(A museum, the Maximilianum) |
The following is the Stadtturm.
It was build as a fire tower next to the city government office in the
14th century.
We can enjoy a panoramic view of the city and the Alps from the observatory
a height of 57 meters.
The Stadtturm (2015.09.20_18:47) |
After that, we enjoyed dinner at a restaurant near the Goldenes Dachl.
Tomorrow, we are going to tour Neuschwanstein Castle which is located at the end
of Romantic Road.
[Note] Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof) ; 黄金の屋根、gilded ; 金箔を施した(を貼った)
mark one's wedding ; 人の結婚を記念する、Emperor Maximilian I ; 皇帝マクシミリアン1世
be ~ stories high ~; ~階建てである、oriel ; 出窓、mural painting ; 壁画
Stadtturm ; 市の塔、fire tower ; 火の見櫓、city government office ; 市庁舎, observatory; 展望台
Japanese Diary / No.718-2015.11.22 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.251-Nov.30.2015 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czech Republic (11th day-Sept21.2015-)”