Weekly Topics/Archive
December 2015 |
Gerry and his father Joseph planned to go cycling in a riverfront of the
It's because they knew cycling is one of my hobbies.
However, according to the weather forecast, unfortunately it's going to rain
Since we were tired from sightseeing on consecutive days, we decided to take it
easy at their home today.
So, we got up at 7:30, later than usual.
As was expected, it was drizzling when I looked out of window.
At 8 AM, we have breakfast.
Hannah-chan had breakfast in opa's arm.
(Opa means a baby's word for grandpar in German.)
Hannah-chan having breakfast in Oppa's arms (2015.09.23_08:21) |
[Note] Opa ; オーパ(ドイツ語で日本語の幼児語のお爺ちゃん、ジイジ)、drizzle ; 小雨(霧雨)が降る
riverfront of the Danube ; ドナウ川の河畔、be tired from ~ ; ~で疲れている
on consecutive days ; 連日、take it easy ; 休養する、in someone's arms ; (人に)抱かれて
I was interested in the structure of their large house that rise two stories
the ground and one underground story.
After eating, I asked Opa to give me a tour of the basement.
He has graciously accepted my offer.
Here is the boiler room.
A heat medium (Oil) is transffered to radiator in each room for heating
in winter.
He says the heat source is light diesel oil.
The boiler room (2015.09.23_09:25) |
They use a fireplace for heating the living room at the first story.
The following is the storage room for chopping firewoods and storing them.
The storage room for chopping firewoods and storing them (2015.09.23_09:15) |
Here is the food storaage room.
A variety of foods such as seasonal fruits, vegetables, home-made dressing
materials and jams, home-made fruit liquor and beer, home-made pickles (various
pickles and Sauerkraut) and so on were stored in the room.
Off course, they are foods that can be stored for quite a while.
I was impressed at home-made foods.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The food storaage room (2015.09.23_09:16) |
[Note] rise _ stories above the ground and _ underground story ; 地上_階地下_階建てである
rise ; (建物などが)そびえ立つ、give someone a tour of ~; (人)に~を案内する
graciously ; 快く、accept one's offer ; (人)の申し出を受け入れる
heat medium ; 熱媒体、light diesel oil ; 軽油、fireplace ; 暖炉、firewood ; 薪
seasonal ; 季節の、dressing materials ; 調味料、fruit liquor ; 果実酒、pickles ; 漬物
Sauerkraut ; ザワークラウト(ドイツ等で食されるキャベツの漬物)、for quite a while ; かなり長期間
be impressed at ~ ; ~に感心する
Here is the do-it-yourself room.
This room is for Opa's exclusive use.
The do-it-yourself room (2015.09.23_09:17) |
And finally the laundry room for washing and drying.
This room is for Oma's exclusive use.
The laundry room (2015.09.23_09:18) |
Thank you so much for your time.
You are happy that you have a lot of rooms for specific use.
[Note] do-it-yourself room ; 日曜大工室、be for someone's exclusive use ; (人)の専用である
Oma ; オーマ(ドイツ語で日本語の幼児語のお婆ちゃん、バアバ)、for specific use ; 特定用途の
My daughter was giving English and German lessons to Hannah-chan in the
style of the Kumon method with the educational materials in the living room.
Last year I got knowledge of the method for early childhood education from
K.F-san that I enjoyed yachting in Lake Biwa with.
I recommended her to try it, and it looks like she realized its importance and
has applied it to Hannah-chan.
Hannah-chan who takes English and German lessons with the educational
(2015.09.23_10:00) |
[Note] give English lesson to ~ ; ~に英語を教える、Kumon method ; 公文式
educational material ; 教材、get knowledge of ~ from ; --から~についての知識を得る
early childhood education ; 幼児教育
Hannah-chan is a child born between Austrian father (His native language is
German) and my daughter.
Therefore, she is fated to have to speak at least Germany, Japanese that
language of parent's country and also English that is a common language between
So it looks like my daughter has practiced talking to Hanna-chan in the
style of
Kumon methode with picture books or illustrated cards.
It has stopped raining.
Opa said he will take us for a walk around the village.
Many beautiful flowers are blooming around the house.
It seems Oma has the hobby of gardening.
Trees of blueberry served at breakfast are producing a lot of fruit in
the garden.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Many flowers blooming around the house (2015.09.23_10:04) |
The blueberry fruits |
[Note] be fated to ~ ; ~する宿命にある、picture book ; 絵本
take someone for a walk ;(人)を散歩に連れて行く、produce a lot of fruit ; たわわに実をつける
Hannah-chan walks in a stroller.
Oma pushes the stroller along.
We got to a small pasture.
When a boss's horse and several colts saw us, they were getting near us.
As soon as Hannah-chan see it, she runs to them with a laugh.
She seems to be very happy!
They are continually eating the fruits that have fallen from apple trees
the pasture.
At a small pasture in the village (2015.09.23_10:23) |
[Note] walk in a stroller ; ベビーカーで散歩する (stroller ; 折り畳み式の乳母車)
push along ; 押して進む、pasture ; 牧場、get near someone ; (人)に近づく
with a laugh ; 笑いながら、continually ; ひっきりなしに
We got to a vegetable field on a small rise of land.
The contrast between bright green of countryside and red of the roof on the houses
dotting the area was wonderful.
I guess it might be one of the typical rural landscape in Austria.
The landscape of countryside in Utzenaich (2015.09.23_10:27) |
In Austria, there is a church in the central part of almost all the village.
We can recognize it soon because it is a building in the shape of pointed
We also could see that in this village.
There is a small churchyard next to the church.
Gerry told us that the grave marker contains the name of a younger brother
of his
After he from the village was called to arms for World War Ⅱ, he died in
the battle
between Germany and Russia in Stalingrad.
There was still a tragic scar in the past history left here.
A church tht can be seen in the village
(2015.09.23_10:46) |
The names carved on the grave marker
(2015.09.23_10:57) |
[Note] on a small rise of land ; 小高い丘の上に(で)、dot ; に点在する、rural landscape ; 田園風景 churchyard ; 教会墓地、be called to arms for ~ ; ~に軍隊に召集される
tragic scar ; 悲惨な傷跡、 grave marker ; 墓標
It looks like Opa boastfully introduces Hannah-chan to the villager whenever he
meet them.
Though I don't understand what he's talking about in German, I can get
sense of it
with the atomosphere.
There is a fancy bakery here in the village.
Housewives were enjoying chatting over coffee at a table on the terrace.
A fancy bakery in the village (2015.09.23_10:51) |
When we come back home, Oma is getting ready for lunch.
Opa helped her cook, too.
Opa and Oma cooking an Austrian dish “Schweinsbraten” (2015.09.23_12:30) |
[Note] boastfully ; 自慢そうに、villager ; 村人
get a sense of ~ ; ~を感じ取る、何となく分かる、housewife (housewives) ; 主婦
Gerry told us the cuisine is called “Schweinsbraten”.
It's raast pork that has been cooked by roasting a block of pork in the
It's one of the traditional cuisine in the southern part of Germany, Austria
It comes with potato, cabbage and knödel (boiled dumlings with potatoes).
It was so delicious.
Schweinsbraten with Austrian beer (2015.09.23_12:36) |
After lunch, we go shopping at a mall in Ried im Innkreis nearby by car.
Gerry said he presents an i-Phone to Opa to enable Oma and him to skype
Hannah-chan in Bangkok.
For your information, in Austria, Apple iPhon's price is €300 and the packet
communication fee is €30 per month.
The shopping mall in Ried we visited (2015.09.23_15:05) |
[Note] Schweinsbraten ; シュバイネブラテン(オーストリアなどの伝統的料理、ローストポーク)
come with potato ; (主語に)ジャガイモが添えられている
knödel ; クネーデル(団子料理)、dumpling ; ダンプリング(団子)
Ried im Innkreis ; リートイムインクライス(オーストリアのオーバエスターライヒ州の町)
enable someone to do ~ ; (人)が ~ できるようにする、skype someone ; (人)とスカイプする
packet communication fee ; パケット通信料
Opa makes hungry Hannah-chan drink some milk.
He looks as if there is nothing loverier than granddaughter in the world.
Opa who makes hannah-chan drink some milk (2015.09.23_15:34) |
During that time, I accmpanied my wife who buys Hannah-chan's babies wear.
After that, we had a coffee break at a caffe in the mall.
A coffee break at a cafe (2015.09.23_16:23) |
Like this, today we spent the holiday in Utzenaich which is Gerry's hometown
in a leisurely manner.
Opa told us Tomorrow we intend to have Opa take us for a stroll in the
of the Danube in Passau which is a city in Germany near the Austrian border.
[Note] look as if ~ ; まるで~ のような顔をしている、~のように見える
there is nothing loverier than granddaughter ; 孫娘ほど可愛いものはない、lovely ; 可愛い
granddaughter ; 孫娘、accmpany someone ; (人)に付き添う
in a leisurely manner ; のんびりと、riverfront of the Danube ; ドナウ川の河畔地域
take someone for a stroll ; (人)を散策に連れて行く
Passaw ; パッソウ(オーストリアとの国境に接するドイツ南東部、バイエルン州の都市)
Japanese Diary / No.725-2015.12.29 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.254-Jan.13.,2016 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czeh Republic (14th day-Sept24.2015-)”
At 7:00 A.M., we got up and then took a shower.
At 8:00, we had a buffet breakfast at the restaurant of the pension.
It had the same menue that we had yesterday.
I had orange juice, cappuccino, bread, three type of ham, vegetable salad
Today's schedule is as follows.
We climb Hafelekar, which is 2334 meters above sea level and is located
in the
center of the north chain (Nordkette) of the Austrian Alps.
After that, we return to Gerry's parents's home in Utzenaich.
At 9:45, we checked out of the pension.
It was a sunny day with temperature of 23 degrees Celsius.
However, I wore a thin down jacket for protection against the cold because
I guessed that it might be cold on the top of the mountain.
Since we climb the mountain, we load our luggage into the rental car to
be as
nimble as possible.
By climbing, that means that we go up to the top of the mountain by ropeway.
The ropeway has already been in service with tourists on board ovehead.
The parking space at Hungerburg
(2015.09.22_12:03 |
The ropeway in service (2015.09.22_12:03) |
Our climbing route is shown in the following Google Map. (Pls see it on
a large
Cafe Pension Alpina Hungerburg station Seegrube station Hafelekar station
Hafelekarspitze Cafe Pension Alpina's parking space Utzenaich |
It is shown schematically below.
Nordkette Highlights (Reference;NORDKETTE INNSBRUCK ; NORDKETTE.COM) |
[Note] cappuccino ; カプチーノ、someone's parents's home ; (人)の実家
protection against the cold ; 防寒
load someone luggage into a car ; (人)の手荷物を車に積み込む
as nimble as possible ; 少しでも身軽に、[nimble ; 身軽に、機敏な]
By ~, that means that -----; ~と言っても、----のことです、 be in service ; 稼働(運転)している
with people on board ; (バス、電車などが)人を乗せて、ovehead ; 頭上で
on a large scale ; 拡大して
We bought a ticket at Hungerburg that is the ropeway station in front of
the pension.
It costed €25.9 round trip.
Ropeway ticket (2015.09.22) |
First, we go up from Hungerburg Station(a height of 860 meters above sea
to Seegrube Station by the first ropeway so called Seegrubenbahn.
When I looked down on the earth from the ropeway, I could see hikers climbing
on foot and cyclists riding a mountain-bike down a steep hill.
We got to Seegrube.
Mr. and Mrs.Wagner had their photo taken in a comic foreground with
a character of the climbing to Nordkette.
Mr.and Mrs.Wagner that have their photo taken in a comic foreground (2015.09.22_10:27) |
[Note] €25.9 round trip ; 往復で25.9 ユーロ、a height of ~ meters above sea level ; 標高~m
Seegrubenbahn ; インスブルックのロープウェイの名称
ride a bicycle down a steep hill ; 自転車に乗って急な坂道を降りていく
have one's photo taken ; 写真を撮ってもらう、comic foreground ; 顔出し看板、顔ハメ
foreground ; 前景(background ; 背景)
Here is a top of Seegrube (a height of 1905 meters above sea level).
The scenery of the top of Seegrube (2015.09.22_10:30) |
The following is the cityscape of Innsbruck and the landscape of Tyrolean
mountains from the summit.
Wow, we can see the Inn River clearly running through the city.
The cityscape of Innsbruck from Seegrube Observatory (2015.09.15_10:34) |
The following is the view of the top of Haferekar.
The view of the top of Hafelekar
(2015.09.22_10:31) |
The ropeway on the way to Hafelekar
(2015.09.15_10:32 |
[Note] cityscape ; 都市景観、Tyrolean ; チロルの(Tyrol; チロル/オーストリアの地名)
run through ~ ; ~ を通って流れる
We transfer to the second ropeway Hafelekabahn here to go up to Hafelekar.
The top of Hafelekar is 2256 meters above sea level.
As might be expected, it's cold and windy.
The following is the view of Hafelekarspitze at a height of 2334 meters
sea level from here.
You can recognize a small Cross on the top of the mountain.
The view of Haferekarspitz (2015.09.22_10:51) |
There is a mountain trail from here up to the top of Hafelekarspitze.
I climbed part of the way to the top of the mountain.
However, since it was cold and also I was almost blown away by strong wind,
I gave up climbing to the top.
Mr.and Mrs.Wgner took turns climbing because he or she had to care for
According to them, it took about 15 minutes to reach the top and they could
the fantastic panoramatic view.
Off course, the top of Hafelekar also has the fantastic view.
Below our eyes we can enjoy views of the whole city of Innsbruck below
Tyrolean beautiful mountains beyond that and the snow-capped mountains
of the
Alps connecting from Italy.
The view of the city of Innsbruck from the top of Hafelekar (2015.09.22_10:52) |
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The views of the Alps connecting from Italy to the far south (2015.09.22_10:56) |
[Note] transfer to ~ ; (公共交通機関で)乗り換える
at a height of ~ meters above sea level ; 海抜~mの(にある)、Cross ; 十字架
climb part of the way ; 途中まで登る、be almost blown away ; 吹き飛ばされそうになる
blow away ; 吹き飛ばす、take turns doing ; 交代で~する、care for ~; ~の世話をする
panoramatic view ; 360度のパノラマ(全景)
snow-capped mountain ; 雪を頂いた山、far south ; はるか南、in the direction of ~; ~の方向に
In the north direction of the German border, we can see the mountains that
exposed wildly jagged rocks.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The wild Alps that is on the border with German in the north of Hafelekar
(2015.09.22_11:01) |
The following are portraits of us.
Hannah-chan is wearing a jacket.
At the top of Hafelekar and its mountain cottage (2015.09.22_11:01~11:27) |
We went down from Hafelekar to Seegrube by ropeway.
Hannah-chan was greatly delighted to get her parents to play on the seesaw, slide
and swing at playground for young children.
Hannah-chan who gets her mother to play on the slide (2015.09.22_11:45) |
[Note] in the direction of ~; ~の方向に、wildly jagged rocks ; 荒々しく尖った岩
expose ; 露出させる、be on the border with ~ ; ~との国境に接している
be greatly delighted to ~ ; ~にご満悦、get someone to ~; (人)に ~してもらう、 seesaw ; シーソ
slide ; 滑り台、swing ; ブランコ、playground for young children ; 幼児の遊び場
After that, we had lunch at a restaurant.
I had a beer with sausages and potatoes fried so I'm full.
We had lunch at Seegrube restaurant (2015.09.22_12:34) |
After going down to Hungerburg in front of the pension, we left Innsburuck
at 13:55 for Utzenaich to get to Gerry's parent's house.
Thanks, Innsbruck!
The driving route from Hungerbrug to Utzenaich is as already described
previously on the Google Map.
On the way, we drive into a border town Kiefersfelden in Germany near the
Austrian border.
As you can see on the picture below, the traffic got seriously jammed on the
Autobahn A12 from Austria toward Germany due to border inspection as
measures against refugees.
The autobahn 93 that get jammed due to border inspection around Kiefersfelden
(2015.09.22_15:04) |
Let me introduce the sceneries from the car window.
Around Chiemsee
(2015.09.22_15:33) |
On the autobahn around Salzburg
Mitte (2015.09.22_16:31) |
Around Utzenaich
(2015.09.22_17:50) |
[Note] drive into a town ; 車で町に入る
Kiefersfelden ; キーフェルスフェルデン(オーストリア国境に近いドイツの小さな町)
the traffic get jammed ; 交通渋滞している、border inspection ; 国境検問
measures against refugees ; 難民対策
When we got to Gerry's parent house, dinner has already been arranged
by his mother Josepfine.
We had it with his parents with beer while sharing our memories about trip to
Saltzburg, Neuschwanstein Castle and Innsbruck.
At the end, everyone enjoyed hot coffee with a homemade cake.
A homemade cake by Josefine (2015.09.22_19:35) |
Starting from today, we intend to stay at Gerry's parent's place for two
nights again.
[Note] starting from today ; 今日から、share one's memories about ~; ~の思い出話を人にする
Japanese Diary / No.723-2015.12.10 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.253-Dec.29.,2015 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czeh Republic (13th day-Sept23.2015-)”