Weekly Topics/Archive
November 2015 (2/3)
At 7:00 a.m., we got up.
When I was watching on the CNN 's TV news program in the morning, I heard
current news topics about Japan.
I watched the news from CNN.com with closed captions like this.
Japan rethinks Pacifism Clause of Constitution.
In other words, the past cabinets have made constitutional interpretations
the use of the right to collective self-defense shouldn't be approved.
However, the present cabinet of the same party approved and thus enacted
security-related laws in the Upper House plenary session by changing the
We took about an hour breakfast slowly from 7:40 a.m.
[Note] closed caption ; 字幕、rethink ; 見直す、Pacifism Clause ; 戦争放棄条項
constitution ; 憲法、make constitutional interpretations ; 憲法解釈を行う
the use of the right to collective self-defense ; 集団的自衛権の行使、approve ; 容認(賛成)する
enact ; (法律など)を成立させる、制定する、security-related law ; 安全保障関連法案
Upper House plenary session ; 参議院本会議、plenary session ; 本会議、総会
take a _hour breakfast ; _時間かけて朝食をとる
Hannah-chan having breakfast (2015.09.19_07:59) |
Today, we are going to stroll around the area on the left bank of the Salzach out
of “Historic Center of the City of Salzburg” that has been designated a World
The actual walking route is as follows.
Our actual walking route within the Old Town of Salzburg (2015.09.19) |
We are scheduled to visit my daughter's friend before strolling around
the town.
Her friend is a German named Collina who is raising a 2-year-old boy and a
2-month-old baby girl.
Since she has visited my house in Yokohama, I remember her well.
She is a university professor, but is on maternity leave right now.
She just happened to live near the hotel and so came to pick us up at
the hotel.
There was her appartment about 5 minutes walk from the hotel.
We went inside her appartment.
Her husband is also a professor at German university.
Though today is Saturday, he was absent from home for a conference in Madrid,
As was expected, there were a lot of infant toys in the room.
Hannah-chan looks very delighted to be friends beside her.
[Note] Salzach ; ザルツアッハ川
Historic Center of the City of Salzburg ; ザルツブルク市街の歴史地区
raise ; (親が子供を)育てる、養う、_-month-old ; _ケ月の、on maternity leave ; 育児(出産)休暇中
went inside someone's appartment ; (人の)部屋にお邪魔する、infant ; 幼児(の)
Hannah-chan who plays with Collina's children (2015.09.19_10:45) |
Collina served hot coffee to us.
She also cooked a large cheese cake for us last night.
My daughter had a long talk with her for about an hour for the first time
Child-raising looked like the main topic of their conversation.
A commemorative photograph with everyone (2015.09.19_10:50) |
At 10:55 a.m., we go out to stroll around the town.
She took us to the entrance to the Old Town while walking along Salzach
Hannah-chan on the baby buggy.
Walk along salzach (2015.09.19_11:33) |
Salzach flows from Austrian Alps near the Italian border and then join the
Donube after flowing through Salzburg.
It is flowing between the old and new town in Salzburg.
We can have the fantastic view of Festung Hohensalzburg from a bridge over
the river.
Until about 19th century, it had been used to ship the rock salt which was an
indigenous product of Salzburg, I heard.
Let me introduce several of beautiful views to you.
[Note] for the first time in years ; 久しぶりに、child-raising ; 子育て、baby buggy ; ベビーカー
join the Donube ; ドナウ川に合流する、indigenous product / specialty ; 特産品
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The view of Festung Hohensalzburg from the river bank of Salzach (2015.09.19_11:51~11:53) |
We said good-bye to Collina near the entrance to the Old Town at the foot
of the
We take a stroll down the path.
Our walking pace is slow because we are strolling around the town with
Hannah-chan on the baby buggy.
On the way, we stopped at a Sushi Bar at Alter Markt to buy hand-rolled
for her lunch.
The view of Alter Markt (2015.09.19_12:15) |
We got to Residenzplatz.
It's located in the center of the Old Town called “Zentrum” and has Atlas
Fountain in the center of the plaza.
It's surrounded by Salzburg Cathedral in thesouth, Salzburg Residenz in
west and Glockenspiel in the east.
Here is the Glockenspiel.
It's a keyboard-type percussion instument having metallic sounding plates, which
is a kind of metallophone.
There is a carillon called a “Glockenspiel” at the bell tower of the new
(now, the state government office) which has 35 bells.
I heard it plays Mozart's music three times a day (At 7,11 and 18 o'clock).
Atlas Fountain (the front side) and Glockenspiel (the rear side) (2015.09.19_12:39) |
The view of Salzburge Cathedral
from Residenzplatz |
Salzburg Residenz ( the right side)
(2015.09.19_12:36) |
[Note] at the foot of ~; ~のたもとの、Staatsbrucke ; シュターツ橋
take a stroll down a path ; 小道を散策する、hand-rolled sushi ; 手巻き寿司
Zentrum ; ツエントルム、Salzburg Cathedral (Salzburger Dom) ; ザルツブルク大聖堂
Salzburg Residenz ; ザルツブルク・レジデンツ、Atlas Fountain ; アトラス神の噴水
Glockenspiel ; グロッケンシュピール、keyboard-type percussion instument ; 鍵盤式打楽器
percussion (instument) ; 打楽器、metallophone ; 鉄琴
carillon ; カリヨン、組み鐘 (教会の塔などに設置された演奏可能なベルの組み合わせ)
We got to Domplatz in front of Salzburger Dom.
The front of Salzburg Cathedral (Saltzburger Dom) (2015.09.19_12:44) |
We decided to tour Festung Hohensalzburg first and then visit the cathedral
We walk up a stone-paved slope to go to FestungBahn boarding point.
The following is a view of the Festung Hohensalzburg from the slope.
The view of Festung Hohensalzburg (FestungBahn at the right side from the
(2015.09.19_12:46) |
The admission fee to the Festung Hohensalzburg is €11.3 including a round-trip
fare for the FestungBahn.
Festung means “fortress” or “redoubt” in German.
The admission ticket to Festung Hohensalzburg (2015.09.19_12:53) |
[Note] afterward ; 後で、後から、boarding point ; 乗り場, stone-paved ; 石畳の
FestungBahn ; フェストゥングスバーン(Festung Hohensalzburgへのアクセスを提供するケーブ
ルカー=Salzburg Fortress Funicular)
round-trip fare ; 往復乗車料金、fortress ; 城塞、redoubt ; 要塞
Festung Hohensalzburg ; (独)ホーエンザルツブルク城、(英)Hohensalzburg Castle
Construction of Festung Hohensalzburg began in 1077 under Archbishop Gebhard
von Helfenstein.
Since then, it had been used as a fortress, a residence castle, a prison
military barracks.
It's one of the largest medieval castles in Europe that stands at the west
end of
We get off the cable cars and enter the castle.
The castle comand a glorious view of the streetscape of Salzburg.
We can see the new town across the river.
[Note] archbishop ; 大司教
Gebhard von Helfenstein ; ゲプハルト・フォン・ヘルフェンシュタイン
residence castle ; 居城、military barrack ; 軍の兵舎、medieval fortress ; 中世の城塞
Monchsberg ; メンヒスベルクの丘
comand a view of ~; 〔主語の場所から〕~の景色を見ることができる、glorious view ; 絶景
streetscape ; 街並み、街路の風景、across the river ; 川の向こう側に
The view of Old and New Towns of Salzburg from Fustung Hohensalzburg (2015.09.19) |
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Monchsberg with a plentiful of
greenery (2015.09.19_13:05) |
Salzburg Cathedral
(2015.09.19_13:06) |
Franziskanerkirche (the front side)
Kollegienkirche (the left side center) |
We walk up stairs to the fortress to enter there.
The entrance of the fortress (2015.09.19_13:11) |
There are a well and a cannon like this inside the fortress.
An interior scene of the fortress
(2015.09.19_13:14) |
A well
(2015.09.19_13:02) |
A cannon
(2015.09.19_13:12) |
There was also Marionette Museum inside.
It exhibits the marionettes that were used at the Marionette Theater in
representing the world.
Marionette means puppet and also puppet play.
[Note]Franziskanerkirche; (独)フランチェスカーナ教会、Kollegienkirche ;(独)コレーギエン教会
walk up stairs ; 階段を上る、well ; 井戸、cannon ; 大砲、marionette ; マリオネット、操り人形
puppet ; 操り人形、puppet play ; 操り人形劇
Marionette Museum
(2015.09.19_13:14) |
Marionettes on display at the museum
(2015.09.19_13:17) |
We get out of here to walk around the courtyard.
Stroll along the path in the yard inside the fortress (2015.09.19_13:25~14:15) |
The following are the views from the inside and of the fortress.
There is an underground water strage tank (center in the below photos)
called “lange cisterne” in the center of the courtyard.
There is a warehouse across the tank.
There is also the latter Gothic St. Georgs Kirche constructed in 1500 by
Archbishop Leonhard von Keutschach in this courtyard.
There is a relief image of Keutschach (right side in the below photos)
on the
external wall.
The view from inside tfe fortress
(2015.09.19_13:55) |
The courtyard and underground
water storage tank (2015.09.19_14:06) |
The relief on the external wall of
the kirche |
The residential castle of the archbishop |
[Note] courtyard ; 中庭、underground water strage tank ; 地下貯水槽、warehouse ; 倉庫
St. Georgs Kirche ; 聖ゲオルグ教会、Gothic ; ゴシック様式の
Leonhard von Keutschach ; レオンハルト・フォン・コイチャッハ(ザルツブルク大司教)
external wall ; 外壁
We participate in a observation tour of the fortress.
It is very convenient because we can tour while listening to the audio
guidance in
We can see exhibition panels explaining the histrical process in which
fortress had been constructed and such exhibits as archbishop's living
room, a
great hall for festivity, a torture chamber and weapons,etc.
There is the “Golden Chamber” built as Archbishop Keutschachthe's living
room when he extended the fortress.
There is a Gothic tiled (majolica) fireplace in the corner of the room
with a
ceiling, walls and doors which used to be covered in goal-embossed leather.
They clearly showed me that archbishop of Salzburg was not only Catholic prelate but also had absolute power.
[Note] observation tour of ~; ~の見学ツアー、exhibit ; 展示品、festivity ; 祝祭
torture chamber ; 拷問部屋、tiled ; タイル張りの、majolica ; マジョリカ焼きの
fireplace ; 暖炉、goal-embossed leather ; 金箔を張って型押しした皮、used to ~; 昔は~していた
prelate ; 高位聖職者

The majolica fireplace and its guide plate(↑)
The whole picture of the majolica fireplace(→) |
After touring the fortress, we go down to the Old Town by funicular.
As we got hungry, we strolled around the town while looking for a suitable
Various shapes of decorative signboards crafted with iron hang from the
wall of the stores in the shopping district.
The old streetscape and these signboards have an atmosphere vaguely harmonized
with each other.
I have fun with just looking around them.
It's said the signboards were supposed to be represented by illustration
many people still couldn't read and write in the Middle Ages.
When we were strolling the path called “Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse ”, we found
a strange signboard.
The signboard crafted an elefant
with iron
Hotel Elefant (2015.09.19_15:26 |

Rathaus (City government office)
(front side) (2015.09.19_16:50) |
Why are there a signboard crafted an elefant in Salzburg?
There are the alphabets of “Restaurant” and “Hotel”under the elefant.
The first floor of the Hotel Elefant is the Restaurant Elefant.
Since there were available seats, we had a late lunch there.
[Note] funicular ; ケーブルカー、look for ~ ; ~を探す、hang from the wall ; 壁に掛かっている
shopping district ; 商店街、vaguely ; 何となく、漠然と、have fun ; 楽しい
harmonized with each other ; お互いに調和した、look around ~ ; ~を見て回る(歩く)
be supposed to ~; (義務、取り決めなどにより)~することになっている
in the Middle Ages ; 中世に
Late lunch at the dinner bar Elefant (2015.09.19_15:37) |
After we got full, we began to stroll around Historic Center of the City
Salzburg again.
First, we visited Salzburg Residenz where is located at the west side of
The existing residentz was complated in 1619
It is the place where the successive archbishop lived to conduct the affairs
Salzburg Residentz (2015.09.19_16:27) |
There is a courtyard within the residenz and the Heraculean Fountain within
the front arcade.
The statue of Heracles wiping out a dragon is installed there.
We looked around the residentz from the outside without entering it.
The Heraculean Fountain at the front of the residentz's entance (2015.09.19_16:28) |
After that, we got to DomQuartier Salzburg.
The follwing is the front of Salzburg Cathedral.
[Note] get full ; 満腹になる、Historic Center of the City of Salzburg ; ザルツブルクの歴史地区
existing ; 現存する、現在の、successive ; 歴代の、conduct the affairs of state ; 政治を行う
Heraculean Fountain ; ヘラクレスの泉 [Heraculean ; (ギリシャ・ローマ神話の)ヘラクレスの]
arcade ; (建築)アーケード型建築物、wipe out ~; ~を絶滅させる、退治する
DomQuartier Salzburg ; 大聖堂広場
The front of Salzburg Cathedral (2015.09.19_16:30) |
Salzburg Cathedral was founded in the 8th century and rebuilt in the late
Romanesque style in 12th century,
It was designed by Italian architect Santino Solari and rebuilt in the Baloque style in 1628 to its present appearance.
The following is the interior of the cathedral.
The interior of the cathedral (2015.09.19_16:41) |
The following is the dome with 71 meters in hight in the center of the
The dome in the center of the cathedral and the fresco drawn on the wall
surface(2015.09.19_16:37) |
The cathedral owns the largest pipe organ in Europe.
It's said the organ consists of 6000 pipes.
The pipe organ of the cathedral (2015.09.19_16:38) |
Well, we really get tired from walking!
Today we will finish strolling around the Old Town of Salzburg with this.
It started drizzling.
We took a bus from Rathous bus stop in front of the entrance to the Old
Town to
Salzburg Hbf to go back to the hotel.
I have regrets about being many spots in Salzburg that I still want to
Salzburg that has its own history and a deep taste was a wonderful place.
We are going to take a trip to Innsbruck tomorrow.
[Note] Romanesque / Baloque style ; ロマネスク/バロック様式
to the present appearance ; 現在の外観に、get tired from walking ; 歩き疲れる
drizzle ; 小雨が降る、Salzburg Hbf ; ザルツブルク中央駅
have regrets about ~; ~に心残りがある、~に未練がある
Japanese Diary / No.717-2015.11.18 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.24X-Nov.20.,2015 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czech Republic (10th day-Sept20.2015-)”
(Updating soon)
At around 7:00, I got up.
From 7:30 to 9:00, I had breakfast with everyone.
When I go into the garden, it's cloudy today as you can see.
There are colorful flowers blooming there.
When I look carefully, I can find that a fence at the roadway side has
a unique
The fence is steel-framed and small stones having a suitable size is only
filled up
in the frame.
It's fancy that rectangular planters with colorful flowers are hanging
on the
I'm sure it was produced by Oma whose hobby is gardening.
[Note] steel-framed ; 鉄骨の、fancy ; おしゃれな、rectangular planter ; 横長のプランター
be produced by someone; (~人)の演出である
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Flowers and trees in the garden (2015.09.18_10:35) |
And now, the news about refugees from Syria have been frequently broadcast
on TV since we visited Austria.
According to yesterday's information from Austrian Federal Railways (BBÖ),
they intend to suspend train services to Munich in Germany all day long.
It's said that about twenty thousand refugees a day flow into Austria,
of which
tweleve thousand go to Germany and eight thousand are protected by the
Austrian Federal Government.
Gerry said 50 refugees out of them were also sent here to the small town
Utzenaich and were protected inside an old castle.
It's because it's now impossible for only Germany to take in many more
than expected.
It's said Austria and Hungary started building a fence partly along the
So we are forced to give up our trip to Munich.
In addition, we have to give up the refund of the hotel charge which has already
paid when we made a hotel reservation.
This is adding insult to injury.
Today we left Wagner Family's house with Gerry's family to go on a sightseeing
trip to Salzburg in Austria which is a city along the German border, Innsbruck
which is famous for natural landscape in Tirol and Neuschwanstein Castle
is located at the end of Romantic Road in Germany.
We decide to travel not by train but by rental car.
We feel sorry to rely on Gerry for driving a car.
At 11:50, we left Wagner's house.
He said to us that we could get to Salzburg after about an hour and a half.
Travel from Utzenaich to Salzburg by rental car (2015.09.18) |
[Note] and now ; さて(話は変わるが)、Austrian Federal Railways (BBÖ) ; オーストリア国鉄
refugee ; 難民、suspend train services to ~; ~への列車を運休する、of which ; その内
Austrian Federal Government ; オーストリア連邦政府、take in ~; ~を受け入れる
many more ; さらに(はるかに)多くの、refund of ~; ~の返金
This is adding insult to injury. ; これじゃ踏んだり蹴ったりだ
go on a sightseeing trip to ~; ~へ観光旅行に行く、Tirol ; チロル州(オーストリア)
Neuschwanstein Castle ; (ドイツのロマンチック街道終端にある)ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城
not by A but by B ; AではなくてBで、feel sorry to ~; ~を気の毒に思う、~を申訳なく思う
rely on someone for ~; ~のことで(人の)お世話になる、~について(人に)頼る
The following are the sceneries from the car window.
We can see dark green countryside spreading out before.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The sceneries from the car window (2015.09.18:12:15~12:49) |
At 13:15, we got to Austial Trend Hotel Europa Salzburg.
Once we parted from Gerry here.
Since it's been a long time since he returned to his country, it looks like he is
busy meeting his friends.
Austial Trend Hotel Europa Salzburg (2015.09.18_13:15) |
The following are the sceneries from the hotel room on the 3rd floor.
We can see Festung Hoensalzburg, which is registered a World Heritage site,
the hill.
It's very convenient that Salzburg Hbf is close to the hotel.
The view of Festung Hoensalzburg
(2015.09.18_13:28) |
The view of Salzburg Hbf
(2015.09.18_14:37) |
[Note] spread out before ; 目前に広がる
part from someone (leave someone / say good-by to someone) ; (遊んだ後などに)(人と)別れる
be busy doing ~; ~するのに忙しい、 Festung Hoensalzburg ; =Hoensalzburg Castle
Salzburg Hbf ; ザルツブルク中央駅
And now, I'd like to introduce Salzburg to you.

Salzburg is the city in Austria. The population is about
Its altitude is 424 m.
Every year, it has a music festival named after a musical
prodigy Mozart that it produced and so gets a large number of
music fans from all over the world.
It has fantastic streetscapes and its old town lined with baroque buildings
especially registerd as a World Heritage site.
Its suburbs formed the setting of the musical film “The Sound of Music”.
Salzburg was a kind of state that archbishop who is a Catholic clergy
as liege lord for about a millennium from the 8th century.
The arcbishop is the tremendous person in autority who rules both religion
politics and they had built Festung Hoensalzburg and man palaces.
It was salt that became their wealth and power.
Salzburg is a production area of rock salt having high purity.
The salt was so valuable that it was called as “white gold”.
It is called “Salz”in German.
That's how the name's origine was derived.
(Salzburg means “Castle made from salt”.)
In the middle of the 18th century, the archbishop of the day, Schrattenbach,
appointed Mozart aged 13 to concertmaster of a court orchestra.
Mozart who was given his place to exhibit his skill created one masterpiece
[Note] altitude ; 標高、name after ~; ~にちなんで名付ける、musical prodigy ; 天才音楽家
streetscape ; 街並み、form the setting of ~; ~の舞台になる、archbishop ; 大司教
clergyperson ; 聖職者、reign as ~; ~として君臨する、liege lord ; (中世の封建)領主
millennium ; 千年、tremendous ; 絶大な、person in autority ; 権力者、derive ; (から)由来する
Schrattenbach ; シュラッテンバッハ(1753-1771, ザルツブルク大司教)
concertmaster ;コンサートマスター、court orchestra ; 宮廷楽団、
one's place to exhibit one's skill ; 活躍の場、masterpiece ; 名作、傑作
one after another ; 次々と

I stroll through the new town after light lunch at the restaurant on the
floor of the hotel.
Hannah-chan has a nap with her mother in the hotel room.
I went out with my wife.
The actual route is as follows.
Strolling through the new town in Salzburg (2015.09.18) |
Since we ran low on money during our trip, we first stopped by an ATM
in Salzburg Hbf to withdraw cash.
A withdrawal limit at the ATM was €400.
So, we tried to withdraw €800 in twice but could never make a second withdrawal.
We asked a waiting person how to do that.
She taught us that a daily withdrawal limit is €400.
It looks like it has been set much lower in Austria than in Japan.
Then we got to the tourist information to get a guide map of Salzburg.
When we asked for the Japanese version of it, we were recommended to buy
Japanese booklet“Salzburg”from the staff.
[Note] have a nap ; 昼寝する、ran low on ~; ~が乏しくなる、~が残り少なくなる
stop by ~; ~に立ち寄る、withdraw cash / make a withdrawal ; 現金(預金)を引き出す
a daily withdrawal limit ; (預金口座からの)1日当たりの出金限度額、in twice ; 2回に分けて
ask for ~; ~を依頼する、~を求める
Again, I get back to the topics of refugee issue.
Austrian police squad is on guard with a flourish at the station.
The camp from the Austrian Red Cross is set up on the plaza in front of
The camp is lined with a lot of temporary white beds.
And an intensely green military truck stands by near the station.
Some refugees that flowed in Austria are probably housed here temporarily.
I felt abnormality due to the influx of refugees.
[Note] get back to the topics of ~; ~の話題に戻る、 refugee issue ; 難民問題
police squad ; 警官隊、on guard ; 警戒して、見張って、with a flourish ; 仰々しく、大げさに
the Austrian Red Cross ; オーストリア赤十字、set up ; (テント、ネットなどを)張る
be lined with ~; (主語には)~が並んでいる、abnormality ; 異常な状態、異常さ
the influx of refugees ; 難民の流入
At Salzburg Hbf
(2015.09.18_16:05) |
Tents for refugees prepared
in front of Salzburg Hbf
(2015.09.18_15:43) |
A military truck waiting
(2015.09.18_15:46) |
With the guide map in hand, we walk to Mirabell Palace and Gardens on
right bank of the Salzach River.
This area is designated a World Heritage Site as one of the “Historic Centre
the City of Salzburg”.
There is an all-too-common streetscape in new town.
[Note] with the guide map in hand ; 地図を片手に、Mirabell Palace ; ミラベル宮殿
Salzach River ; ザルツアッハ川(ザルツブルク市内を流れる川)、streetscape ; 街路の風景、街並み
all-too-common ; ありふれた
Townscape of Wolf-Dietrich Street (2015.09.18_16:50) |
We got to Mirabell Plaza.
There is a church named “St. Andräkirche”blended with the townscape near
St. Andräkirche (2015.09.18_16:54) |
There are Mirabell Palace and Gardens across the wide street “Rainer Street”
from the platz.
The flowerbed and fountain in Mirabell Park (2015.09.18_17:00) |
It's the park that is well trimmed like a flower garden.
A lot of red, yellow and purple flowers were in full bloom.
We can see Mirabell Palace at the front.
The palace was built at the behest of Archbishop of Salzburg“Wolf Dietrich
Raitenau”as a pleasure palace for him and his mistress Salome Alt.
It was rebuilt in a Baroque style from 1721 to 1727.
The hall is now used as the concert hall ant event site.
Mirabell Palace and Garden (2015.09.18_17:17) |
Pls click the picture to see a large -size version
Mirabell Garden (2015.09.18_17:11) |
We can see Hohensalzburg Castle across from the palace.
It makes a nice contrast with the magnificent Baroque garden
[Note] blend with ~; ~と調和する、 across A from B ; Aを挟んでBの向かい側に
at the behest of ~; ~の命を受けて、Archbishop ; 大司教、mistress ; 愛人
magnificent ; 華麗な、見事な、Hohensalzburg Castle ; ホーエンザルツブルク城
The view of Hohensalzburg Castle from Mirabell Garden (2015.09.18_17:04) |
Tomorrow we intend to visit the old town in the historic centre on the
left bank
of the Salzach River, which is registered as a World Heritage Site.
Japanese Diary / No.715-2015.11.14 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.247-Nov.18.,2015 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czech Republic (9th day-Sept19.2015-)”