Weekly Topics/Archive
October 2015 (3/3)
Today we will join Wagner's Family.
They are scheduled to arrive at Wien International Airport at 5:35AM with
Austrian Airlines from Bangkok.
So we got up at 6:00 to have them.
Since the sunrise is later in Wien, it's still dark.
Off course, it's chilly in the morning.
I felt refreshed when I washed my sweat off because I didn't have a shower
Though we thought it's about time for them to arrive at the hotel and
for them at the hotel lobby from around 7:40, we have a hard time meeting
So we decided to wait for them at our room.
We waited for a call from my daughter, but never got any calls.
At around 7:40, the phone in the room rang.
My daughter said we already arrived at the hotel and are now having a breakfast
at the restaurant.
She also said she didn't call us till now not to disturb our sleeping.
We went to the restaurant to meet Hannah-chan.
She smiled as soon as she looked at us.
Though we heard she ran a high fever 3 days before, she is very fine without
the slightest hint of it.
She has already begun to toddl.
Wagner's family is going to take a rest at the hotel all day long.
After breakfast, they take a rest at our room till their check-in.
My daughter was preparing for getting Hannah-chan to bed.
During their rest, we enjoy the last stroll in Wien.
Today's route map is as follows.
[Note] exploration ; 探訪, ring boulevard ; リング通り(boulevard ; 広い並木道,通り)
Schloss Belvedere ; ベルヴェデーレ宮殿, chilly ; 肌寒い
have a hard time ~ing ; なかなか~できない,never heard of her
run a high fever ; 高熱を出す, without the slightest hint of ~;~の(気配の)かけらもなく
toddl ; よちよち歩く, get someone to bed ; (人)を寝かせる
Today's actual route map
Walking Vienna U-Bahn Vienna Ring Tram |
First, we explore Vienna's wonderful Ringstrasse around the Old City on
Vienna Ring Tram.
According to the City Map & Museums, the station for boarding and getting
the tram is Schwedenplatz.
We get on a Vienna U-Bahn U1 at Taubstummengasse, which is the nearest
station from the hotel.
Our 72H Vienna Cards with which we can travel free for 72 hours on Vienna's
public transportation like the U-Bahn, trams and buses have already expired.
So we tried to buy train ticket at the automatic ticket-vending machine
couldn't understand how to buy one.
It's because how to operate it was displayed in German.
So we boarded the subway without a ticket.
We deeply apologize to Wiener Linien for doing that.
Since the Vienna subway don't have any ticket gate, anyone can do that.
But although I learned later, it's said the ticket inspector sometimes
a surprise inspection and passengers without a ticket have to pay €70 as
The following is Schedenplatz Station.
Schedenplatz Station of Viennna Ring tram (2015.09.15_10:17) |
There is a groupe of Chinese tourists at the station.
We are weary of their twittering with a high-pitched voice.
Isn't there anything you can do about it?
By the way, Vienna Ring tram is a municipal electric car exclusively for
sightseeing in Wien.
The tram with 31 seats runs around the Ringstrasse with a length of 5.3
around the Old Town in about 25 minutes every 30 minutes.
The Old Town of Vienna had once been surrouded by castle walls.
In the reign of Franz JosephⅠ, large-scale reconstruction was done.
the castle walls were demolished, and a ring road called Ringstrasse boulevard
was built in their place.
Many major buildings like the house of parliament, university and etc.
built alongside it.
The Ring Tram is the little and yellow one.
[Note] Ringstrasse ; リング通り, expire ; 有効期限が切れる, ticket gate ; 改札口
ticket inspector ; 検札官, a surprise inspection ; 抜き打ち検査
be weary of ~; ~に辟易する,うんざりする, twittering ; ぺちゃくちゃしゃべること
with a high-pitched voice ; 甲高い声で, municipal electric car ; 市電
Isn't there anything you can do about it? ; 何とかなりませんか?
exclusively for ~;~だけの,専用の,reconstruction ; 改造
demolish ; 撤去する, 取り崩す, Ringstrasse boulevard ; リング通り
the house of parliament ; 国会議事堂, tram ; 路面(市街)電車
Vienna Ring Tram (2015.09.15_10:23) |
We can buy the ticket in the tram.
A ticket of the Vienna Ring Tram (2015.09.15) |
We can do sightseeing from the tram window while enjoying the audio guidance
in Japanese over the headphones.
Here are two landscape pictures from the window.
Osterreichisches Parliament
The parliament was completed in 1883 in the reign of Franz JosephⅠ.
It's a magnificent architecture that suggests the ancient Greek temple.
Osterreichisches Parliament (2015.09.15_10:40) |
This is a relatively new church built in 1879 by Mexican emperor Maximilian
who is a yonger brother of the Austrian emperor Franz JosephⅠ.
It's a beautiful Gothic architecture.
I remembered Cathedrale St. Michel in Brussels that we had once visited
our trip to Belgium.
The two towers are impressive on me.
Votivkirche (2015.09.15_10:42) |
[Note] Osterreichisches Parlament ; オーストリア国会議事堂, magnificent ; 荘厳な
ancient Greek temple ; 古代ギリシャ神殿, relatively ; 比較的に
Cathedrale St. Michel ; サンミッシェル大聖堂, go up to the ground level ; 地上に出る
Next, we tour the Schloss Belvedere.
We went from Schwedenplatz to Karlsplatz by U-Bahn U1 and then transferred
to the tram D to get to Schloss Belvedere Station after going up to the
The Belvedere was built as a summer residence for Prince Eugene.
He was a reputable military commander and politician who served three
Emperor LeopoldⅠ, JosephⅠ, and CharlesⅥ of the Hapsburg Dynasty.
He saved Wien on the verge of a crisis in the Great Turkish War against the
Ottoman Empire that started with the Battle of Vienna in 1683.
In addition, he liberated Budapest and Belgrade that had been dominated
Ottoman Empire for about 150 years.
He had a successful career in their exploit and achieved status and fame.
And he built the Belvedere from 1714 to 1723.
It consists of two Baroque palaces, or the Oberes(Upper) and Unteres (Lower)
Now, the Oberes Belvedere serves as the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere
that houses a collection of many Gustav Klimt's paitings , and the Unteres
Belvedere as the Austrian Baroque Museum.
There is the entrance of Oberes Belvedere in front of Schloss Belvedere
[Note] Prince Eugene ; オイゲン公 (Prince Eugene of Savoy), reputable ; 名高い
military commander ; 武将,軍司令官, on the verge of a crisis ; 危機にひんして
(on the verge of ~;今にも~しょうとして), Great Turkish War ; 大トルコ戦争
start with ~;~に端を発する,で始まる, Battle of Vienna ; 第二次ウィーン包囲
Budapest ; ブダペスト, Belgrade ; ベオグラード, Ottoman Empire ; オスマン帝国
liberate ; (国,人,女性など)を開放する, have a successful career in ~; ~で出世する
exploit ; 功績, status and fame ;地位と名声,Oberes(Upper) Belvedere ; ベルヴェデーレ上宮
Unteres(Lower) Belvedere ; 下宮, house a collection of ~;~のコレクションを所蔵する
serve as ~;~として機能する
Österreichische Galerie Belvedere ; オーストリアギャラリー・ヴェルベデーレ
Main gate of Upper Belvedere |
Inner gate of Upper Belvedere
(2015.09.15_11:46) |
We bought an admission ticket at the entrance.
The admission fee is €20 including fees to enter the Upper Belvedere, its
and Lower Belvedere.
An admission ticket for Schloss Belvedere (2015.09.15) |
Here is the Upper Belvedere.
Upper Belvedere (2015.09.15_11:46) |
It's very convenient because we can look around the gallery while enjoying
audio guidance in Japanese here too.
For example, the history of the palace in the light of the construction,
Eugene's life history and etc.
In the gallery, we can observe a lot of Gustav Klimt's works.
Here is his representative work “The kiss_1907-1908” on exhibition.
Gustav Klimt's representative work “The kiss_1907-1908” (2015.09.15_11:50) |
The following are his major works that are housed by the Österreichische Galerie Belvedere.
[Note] in the light of ~; ~の観点から, の視点から見た
The Kiss_1907-1908 |
JudithⅠ_1901 |
The sunflower_1907 |
Cottage Garten with Sunflowers_1906 |
[Reference] ① Wikipedia; “Gustav Klimt”
② Gustav Klimt [Belvedere- Highlights of the Collection ;
Österreichische Galerie Belvedere]
We head from the Upper to Lower Belvedere while walking in the garden
gentle slope.
The vast garden arranged with large fountains, shrubberies and ponds.
It's said that Belvedere means “beautiful view”.
From the garden, we can see the magnificent prospect of Baroque Lower
Belvedere and the St. Stephen's Cathedral in the distance.
It's really a glorious prospect.
The view of the Lower Belvedere from the Upper one (2015.09.15_13:28) |
The following are several view from the park.
The view of the Lower Belvedere
(2015.09.15_13:30) |
The view of the Lower Belvedere
(2015.09.15_13:31) |
The view of the Upper Belvedere
(2015.09.15_13:36) |
We observed the baroque museum at the Lower Belvedere.
Lower Belvedere (2015.09.15_13:41) |
After that, we take a short break at a cafe in front of Schloss Belvedere
I had a glass of an Austrian beer and my wife had a cup of coffee with
a cake.
A delicious-looking cake (2015.09.15_14:49) |
We went to Karsplatz by tram and then transferred to the U-Bahn U1 to
get to
In the tram, my wife got advice from a passenger about how to buy a ticket
was buying them (€2.3/ride/person).
We are sorry we took a subway without a ticket todat too.
When we walked to the hotel after going up to the ground level, we happened
meet Wagner's family who are taking a walk while pushing a baby buggy.
Hannah-chan was getting a deep sleep in it.
We've come to the end of our sightseeing in Wien today.
We will make a courtesy visit to the Wagner family that is Gerry's parents'
[Note] fountain ; 噴水, shrubbery ; 植え込み, prospect ; (高い場所などからの)眺望
delicious-looking ; 美味しそうな, baby buggy ; 乳母車, come to the end of ~;~が終了する
make a courtesy visit to ~; ~へ表敬訪問する
Japanese Diary / No.710-2015.10.31 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.240-Nov.XX.,2015 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czeh Republic (6th day-Sept16.2015-)”
At 7:00, we got up and washed my underwear in the bathroom.
At 9:30, we have breakfast at the hotel restaurant.
This restaurant is also attractive and has a relaxed ambience.
I had two piece of bread, four slice of ham, a sausage, a vegetable salad,
a cup of coffee and a raspberry yogurt.
I'm so full.
The ham was really delicious.
Breakfast (2015.09.14_08:16) |
At 10:00, we go out to stroll along the street.
The following is today's actual route map.
Today's actual route map
Walking Vienna U-Bahn
According to the City Map, there is the Donaube flowing outside Old Town
in Wien.
The Austrian composer Johann StraussⅡcomposed a walz “The Blue Danube
(An der schonen blauen Donau)” to comfort the citizenz of Wien that
sank to the bottom of despair due to a big defeat of Austro-Prussian War
in 1866.
I wanted to see such Donau.
[Note] have a relaxed ambience ; (施設・場所などが)落ち着いた(くつろげる)雰囲気だ
raspberry yogurt ; ラズベリーヨーグルト,the Donaube ; ドナウ川, composer ; 作曲家
Johann StraussⅡ; ヨハンシュトラウスⅡ, compose ; 作曲する
The Blue Danube (An der schonen blauen Donau) ; 美しく青きドナウ
comfort ; (人を)慰める, despair ; 失望,絶望
Austro-Prussian War ; 普墺戦争(オーストリア帝国とプロイセン王国との戦争)
So, we decided to visit Donau Park first.
My wife asked me, “Why do you ever want to see the river?”
When I explained about “The blue Danube”, she may have been satisfied
with it.
She followed me reluctantly.
We took a Vienna U-Bahn U1 at Taubstummeng near the hotel, got off at
Alte Donau Station and walked to the park in Donaustad.
Donaustad is a long and large island which is located in the middle of
Donaube's mainstream and now natural park.
It turned out to be cloudy today, completely different from the fine weather
of yesterday.
As was expected, the park is almost deserted on Monday.
There were only a few children and their parents in the park.
Donau Park (2015.09.14_10:31) |
Donau Tower ahead (2015.09.14_10:31) |
The sky is threatening and it began to sprinkle.
We tried to walk to the riverside, but gave up doing that because of
We can see modern towering buildings at a short distance.
We headed there strolling in the park.
They say this area was developed as UNO City.
[Note] reluctantly ; しぶしぶ, Vienna U-Bahn ; ウィーン地下鉄
Taubstummeng / Alte Donau ; ウィーン地下鉄U1の駅名, Donaustad ; ドナウ島
completely different from ~ ;~と打って変わって, deserted ; 人けがない
the sky is threatening ; 雲行きが怪しくなる, it sprinkles ; 小雨がぱらつく
towering building ; 超高層ビル, UNO ; United Nations Office の略
UNO City in Vienna (2015.09.14_10:45) |
The view of UNO City in front of Kaisermuhlen
Station near UNO City (2015.09.14_10:56) |
The UNO City is a nickname by Viennese for the VIC (Vienna International
Centre) centered around the United Nations Office at Vienna.
(The VIC is the campus and building complex hosting the United Nations
Office at Vienna.)
There are U.N. agencies like the headquarters of IAEA (the International
Atomic Energy Agency), UNHCR (the office of the Uited Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees) and etc. in the UNO City.
We get a Vienna U-Bahn U1 from Kaisermuhlen Station to Stephanspl. Station.
It's been sprinkling off and on.
We visit Stephansdom registered as a Word Heritage Site that we couldn't
enter yesterday because of being close on Sunday.
[Note] VIC ; Vienna International Centre の略,ウィーン国際センター
Viennese ; (オーストリアの)ウィーン市民, centered around ~;~を中心とした
United Nations Office at Vienna ; 国際連合ウィーン事務局, U.N. agency ; 国連機関
IAEA (the International Atomic Energy Agency) ; 国際原子力機関
UNHCR (the Office of the Uited Nations High Commissioner for Refugee ) ; 国連難民
off and on ; (雨, 雪などが)降ったりやんだり

Stephansdom (2015.09.14_11:17) |
Since Stephansdom is a massive architecture,
it's difficult for me to take a picture of the whole
So I reprint the whole picture taken on a clear
day from wikipedia.(⇒)

The whole picture of Stephansdom |
St. Stephen's Cathedral (Stephansdom) is the symbol of Vienna.
It is the biggest Gothic structure in Austria.
Construction commenced in the 12th century.
It was completed over a long period of about 300 years.
It is said that the steeple with a height of 137 meters called as “steffl”
is the
third tallest among the temple's tower in the world.
The view of the high altar of Stephansdom (2015.09.14_11:22) |
The square in front of the cathedral was crowded with many tourists again
[Note] commence ; 始まる, 開始する, over a period of ~ years ; ~年という歳月をかけて
with a height of ~ meters ; 高さ~メートルの, steffle ; シュテッフル
the _th tallest ; _番目に高い, the high altar ; 中央祭壇, 主祭壇
The square in front of Stephansdom (2015.09.14_11:34) |
We walk the same route as yesterday.
We found a crowd of people when we passed through the Michael's Gate of
the old Hofburg.
Royal Guards lined up at the courtyard.
A distinguished foreign guest was reviewing them.
The review of royal guards in the courtyard (2015.09.14_12:05) |
After walking straight, we got to Neue Burg.
The view of the front of Neue Burg (2015.09.14_12:10) |
The expansion of Hofburg began in the reign of Franz YosephⅠ(1830-1916)
to build Neue Burg.
However, the initial plan couldn't been realized due to the end of the
Hapsburg Dynasty and the project was never finished.
As you may know, it's famous that in March 1938, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
stood on the balcony of the palace and gave a speech about “Annexation
Austria by Germany (Der Anschlus)” to a large number of citizens who filled
[Note] a crowd of people ; 人だかり, Royal Guard ; 近衛兵, line up ; 整列する
review troops ; 閲兵する, distinguished guest ; 貴賓, a review of troops ; 閲兵式
annexation of Austria by Germany (Der Anschlus) ; ドイツによるオーストリア併合
annexation ;(領土,国の)併合, Heldenplatz ; 英雄広場
The front entrance of Neue Burg
(2015.09.14_12:20) |
The sculptures on the front wall of Neue Burg
(2015.09.14_12:23) |
We entered the Neue Burg through the main entrance and went to the front
desk to look around the inside of it.
A front desk staff said to us, “You, tourists can't enter here. Please go to the
We already looked around the Museum yesterday.
After that, we go to Maria-Theresien-platz through the Burg Gate.
This gate was built in commemoration of the victory against the French
in the Battle of Leipzig in 1824.
The Burg Gate (2015.09.14_12:25) |
At the Maria-Theresien-platz, there are schrubbery with lawn,
Kunsthistorisches Museum and Naturhistorischens Museum standing left and
light centering around Maria Therasa's statue.
Maria Theresa is the Empress called “Country Mom” who became a family
head of the Habsburg at only 23 years old and greatly contributed to the
modernization of Austria after the War of the Austrian Succession and the
Seven Years' War thereafter.
Maria Theresa's statue at the Maria-Theresien-platz (2015.09.14_12:26) |
Actually, we came here to tour the Kunsthistorisches Museum, but
unfortunately didn't do that because it's closed until the end of September.
So we reluctantly decided to look around the Naturhistorischens Museum.
[Note] look around ; 見学して回る, in commemoration of ~; ~を記念して
the Battle of Leipzig ; ライプツィヒの戦い, schrubbery ; 植え込み
Kunsthistorisches Museum ; 美術史美術館,Naturhistorischens Museum ; 自然史博物館
centering around ~;~を中心にして,at only _ years old ; _歳の若さで
War of the Austrian Succession ; オーストリア継承戦争,Seven Years' War ; 七年戦争
reluctantly ; 仕方なく,已む無く
Naturhistorischens Museum (2015.09.14_12:31) |
The entrance ticket of Naturhistorischens Museum (2015.09.14:) |
We observed a huge number of wonderful specimens like not only minerals,
paleozoic fossils and stuffed animals collected from all over the world
but also
stons collected on the moon.
The highlight of them was a giant skeletal preparations of dinosaur.
Skeletal preparations of a dinosaur (2015.09.14_13:15) |
We got on a tram at Burgring Station in front of the museum and got off
Oper Station.
And then we stopped at Xcelsior Cafe Bar in front of Vienna State Opera
take a break.
We were really tired bcause of keeping on walking.
I drank a glass of Ausria-brand beer, “Stiegel” and my wife drank a cup of
Wiener Kaffee while sharing spaghetti.
Stiegel is one of the brand names of beer made in Salzburg where is the
of beers in Austria.
It was a light and sweet beer for me.
[Note] mineral ; 鉱物, fossil ; 化石, paleozoic ; 古生代の, specimen ; 標本
stuffed animal ; 動物の剥製(stuffed ;剥製の), a huge number of ~;膨大な数の~
dinosaur ; 恐竜, skeletal preparations ; 骨格標本,Vienna State Opera ; 国立オペラ座
keep on walking ; 歩き続ける, Wiener Kaffee ; ウィンナーコーヒー
the home of beers ; ビールの本場
A short break with beer and coffee at a cafe bar (2015.09.14_14:01) |
We stroll along the street again.
There is the church I have had an interest in since yesterday.
We cut through Karlsplatz to head to Karlskirche under partial repair.
Karlskirche (2015.09.14_14:49) |
In commemoration of calming down of the plague that atacked Wien in 1713,
it was built by Holy Roman Emperor KarlⅥ and completed in 1737.
[Reference] KARLS KIRCHE WIEN published by Association of the Friends and St
Charls Church, Vienna.
The dome and tower is baroque, the anteportico is classical and the column
is Romanesque.
I guess the copper dom with a height of 72 meters is attractive in the
streetscape in Wien.
In the church, there are a gorgeous high altar and some saint altarpieces
placed on the right and left transepts.
The high altar of Karlskirche (2015.09.14_14:56) |
There is a lift for visitors in the church.
We can see the famous fresco paintings of the dome up close when going
in it.
A lift set up toward the ceiling of the dome for enjoying the panoramic
views of the Fresco paintings |
When we look up the ceiling of the dome, we can see a sprite surrounded by
angels, in the shape of a pigeon.
[Note] have an interest in ~; ~に関心を持つ, ~を気にかける, under repair ; 修理中
Karlskirche ; 聖カール教会, cut through ~ ; ~を通り抜ける, 横断する
calming down ; 沈静化, Holy Roman Emperor ; 神聖ローマ帝国皇帝
baroque ; バロック様式の, classical ; ギリシャ様式の, Romanesque ; ロマネスク様式の
streetscape ; 街並みの景色, saint ; 聖人(の), altarpiece ; 祭壇画, transept ; 翼廊下
fresco painting ; フレスコ画, up close ; 間近で, sprite ; 精霊, pigeon ; 鳩
in the shape of ~;~の形をした
A fresco painting on the wall of the dome
(2015.09.14_15:11) |
The sprite painted on the ceiling of the dome
(2015.09.14_15:05) |
We walk along Karlsplatz Street after getting out of the church.
There was Wiener Musikverein (Vienna Music Association) at which we enjoyed Mozart concert night before last.
Wiener Musikverein (2015.09.14_15:47) |
The existing building was completed in 1870.
The “Great Hall” is commonly called the “Golden Hall” and a concert hall
known as the home to the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra.
After walking further, we can see Otto Wagner Pavilion Karlsplatz.
I expected something regarding a Musician, Wagner, but it was wrong.
It is said that the pavilion had been used as the station building of Karlsplatz
Now it's used as the museum of Otto Wagner who desigened it and also a
Otto Wagner Pavilion Karlsplatz (2015.09.14_15:55) |
It was around 16:30 when we got back to the hotel after walking along Wiedner
Hauptstraße from here.
My wife's pedometer indicates about 15,000 steps.
We really walked a lot.
Since we got tired from walking, we decided to take a siesta.
[Note] Wiener Musikverein (Vienna Music Association) ; ウィーン楽友協会
Vienna Philharmonic orchestra ; ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団
Otto Wagner Pavilion ; オットー・ワーグナー・パビリオン, pedometer ; 歩数計,万歩計
take a siesta ; シエスタをとる,昼寝をする
Japanese Diary / No.709-2015.10.27 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.239-Oct.31.,2015 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czeh Republic (5th day-Sept15.2015-)”