Weekly Topics/Archive
September 2012
Today, September 17th is Respect for the Aged Day.
My wife told me that today is the day for you, and so I replied, “It's
true of me from next year.”
After that, I returned to Kusatsu for the first time in two weeks.
As previously posted on the Diary of this web site (Diary / No.465−2012.08.02), I received
a letter of invitation to a recreation meeting for the aged, called “keiro-kai”
last month.
She might have remembered it .
Since the invitation didn't quite go down with me, I called a community
case worker to ask
for information about the age of eligibility for keiro-kai in Kusatsu City.
He answered me that it's over 70 years old.
I told him that I don't reach the age of 70 and so decline the invitation
to the meeting.
And the matter was settled.
Since I have stayed away from home for two weeks, the grass grew here and
in the garden before I knew it and they were very prominent.
When I was weeding the grass during the cool parts of the day, I heard
a door phone ringing.
A chairman of the neighborhood association visited me.
I asked him, “What is it with you ?”
He answered, “I brought a commemorative gift from keiro-kai to you.”
After I explained the past background and my birth date, Mar xx, xxxx to him, I found myself
to be a qualified person as a member of keiro-kai.
I satisfied myself to see that the age of eligibility is 70 years old.
Then, I received a box of cake gratefully as a commemorative gift.
The program of the 2012 Keiro-kai which was held this day was included
with it.
The phrase “May you keep in good health ever after” was printed with an
on the back of it.
It's a shame for me to have read it paradoxically.
I may not able to see things straight.
Though the age differs only one year between the traditional system of age reckoning,
or kazoedoshi and the western system as man nenrei, I might have unconsciously
entering keirou-kai.
I must have felt vaguely like steping foot in coffin.
The Respect-for-the-Aged Day is a day for showing respect and affection
for the elderly
who have devoted themselves to the society for so many years, and for celebrating
their long
I feel uncomfortable being done so because I don't have any records corresponding
to the
However, I may still have only sound judgment because I got older and had
various experiences.
So, I reached “koki” or seventy years of age.
I would like to be a centenarian and so koki is just the beginning of the
rest of my life.
Incidentally, the average Japanese life span is 85.9 years for wemen and 79.4 years for men.
(The 2011 Abridge Life Table, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Well, Japan became a country with long living people, didn't it ?
And according to Wikipedia, the world's oldest living person who has been
by Guinness World Records is a French, Jeanne Calment who lived to the
age of 122 years.
It's said that she had ridden a bicycle until 100.
I don't come up to her but have built up my body with cycling to live for
100 years.
I feel very encouraged to see that a way to live long without illness is
to use a bicycle from
her experimental rule.
Everyone who is 70 years old or so, don't you take up cycling for your
health and longevity ?
From now, it is not too late.
[Note] Respect for the Aged Day ;敬老の日, be true of 〜;〜に当てはまる
a letter of invitation;招待状、recreation meeting for the aged; 老人を慰安する催し
keiro-kai ; 敬老会、 not go down with 〜;(事が)〜(人)にとって腑に落ちない
case worker ; 民生委員、 age of eligibility;有資格年齢
decline the invitation to 〜;〜への招待を丁重に辞退する/ 断る
the matter was settled ; 一件落着した ( settle ; 解決する)
stay away from home ; 家を空ける, before I knew it ; 知らぬ間に
prominent ;人目につきやすい, weed the grass ; 草引きをする
during the cool parts of the day ; 一日の涼しい時間帯に
chairman of the neighborhood association ;町内会長
What is it with you ? ; どうしたのか? / どうかしたの?、 commemorative gift ; 記念品
qualified person ; 有資格者、 satisfy oneself; 納得する, a box of cake; 菓子折り
gratefully;ありがたく、 May you keep in good health ever after! ; いつまでもお元気で!
ever after;これからも, it's a shame to 〜;〜は困ったことだ、 paradoxically;逆説的に
can't see things straight ; ひねくれている
the traditional system of age reckoning, or kazoedoshi ;数え年、 reckoning;見積もり, 計算
the western system as man nenrei ; 満年齢、 resist doing 〜;〜することに抵抗する
vaguely ; 何となく, ぼんやりと、 step foot in 〜;〜に足を踏み入れる, coffin ;棺桶
respect and affection ;敬愛, devote oneself to 〜 ; 〜に身をささげる
feel uncomfortable 〜 ing ; 〜することに気が引ける、 koki ( or seventy years of age
) ; 古希
be just the beginning of 〜 ; 〜 の序の口にすぎない、 incidentally ;ちなみに
average life span ; 平均寿命、 Abridge Life Table ;簡易生命表
Jeanne Calment ; ジャンヌ・カルマン、 Guinness World Records ; ギネス・ワ−ルド・レコ−ズ
not come up to 〜 ; 〜に及ばない, build up one's body; 足腰を鍛える
feel very encouraged ; 大いに心強く思う、 take up ; (趣味など) を始める, longevity ; 長寿
From now, it is not too late ; 今からでも遅くはない
Japanese Diary / No.478−2012.09.17 / 「今日は敬老の日」
I have once introduced the subject of the “Yu-yu-kai Society” in the Diary
( No.313−2010.11.15) of this Web site.
As I mentioned in it, some close companions who entered F company at the
same time
in the past formed mahjong club named “Jong-yu-kai Society”.
After our retirement, the club changed its name from “Jong-yu-kai Society”
to “Yu-yu-kai
“Yu-yu-kai Society” now continue to exist as our social gathering.
At the 2nd reunion, we determined the F company's recreation facility,
“Villa Izu” as
the venue for the next event.
The plan had been postponed due to the Tohoku earthquake of March 11, 2010
but was
realized this time.
On the previous day of the reunion, Sept.12, I was invited to one of the
Saito-san's cottage in Atami with Yoshida-san who lives in Numazu.
I had a chat about autumn political situation in Japan with them, a lesson of golf putting
with Yoshida-san and enjoyed a game of go with Saito-san.
On the first day, Sept.13, we headed to the recreation facility in Izukougen
after lunch.
This is the third time for me to use the facility, including during my
Other three members who arrived earlier than us have been sweating from
playing tennis
at the attached tennis court.
It's bloody hot today.
How can they play tennis on a bloody hot day like this ?

F company's recreation facility, “Villa Izu” |
After we washed away sweat in the large spa bath, I enjoyed
“go” with Saito-san in the cool room.
I have hardly played go for 2 years since I moved to Kusatsu.
I placed 5 handicap stones to play against 3rd dan player Saito-san.
Somehow, the game ended in a draw, zigo.
We had the eve of the festival with folks of tennis group
at a dining hall.
After making a toast with a glass of beer, we had an excellent dinner,
while catching up on each other's live.
Since we bring in beer and Japanese sake, it's just easy on the purse.
This facility is conscientious because visitors are allowed to bring in
alcoholic drinks, isn't it ?
Despite a weekday, there are a lot of visitors to this facility, while
many hotels and inns are
Off course, all the visitors seemed to be pensioners who retired from F company and their
We enjoyed a after-party in the karaoke room.
It's been years since I've sung karaoke !
People in my generation could sing enka.
Everyone sang 3 to 4 songs per person.
Though I'm the same age as them, I can see with songs the time when they
have lived.
On the second day, we enjoyed golf in Ito Country Club.
The golf course is located near Mt.Omuro, which can be seen when yachting.
The number of participants is five, and so we played golf, being divided into two groups :
a threesome and a pair.
The golf course is in the hills but in good condition.
We started playing at 9 AM under a clear sky.
What is the altitude of this golf course ?
There is the temperature difference between the course and the earth.
We feel cool when the wind blows.
Please click the picture to see a full-size version
Teshima-san who played with me had resided in India and Thailand for the exchange
business, I heard.
He might have spent all his time in golfing.
I was very surprised at his good skill in golf.
I asked him, “Are there golf courses in India ?”
He answered me that there is the oldest golf course in Calcutta, India
except for England.
When I heard it was build during England colonial period, I understood
He said there is at least a golf course in the suburbs of the largest metropolitan
areas in India.
By the way, my score is just too good for the first-time course.
That is, Out=46, In=47, Gross=93, HDCP=15.6, Net=77.4 (New peria way)
I refrain from mentioning other member's score here from a standpoint of
personal information protection.
Only authorized people can look at them if they click the button D or G.
However, they need to know the password corresponding to their button.
  Picture / Golf / 「第4 回ゆうゆう会例会」
So, I had a pleasant Yu-yu-kai Society Reunion after a long time.
[Note] Yu-yu-kai Society ;ゆうゆう会
introduce the subject of 〜 in −;−で〜の話題を取り上げる
close companion ;親しい仲間, enter the company in the same time ;同期入社
form ; (クラブなど) を結成する, Jong-yu-kai Society ;雀友会、 social gathering;親睦会
the venue for 〜;〜の開催場所、 recreation facility;保養所、 political situation;政局
game of go;囲碁、 sometime after 〜;〜の後しばらくして, during one's career;現役時代
sweat from doing 〜;〜をして汗をかく, on a bloody hot day; くそ暑い日に
How can you 〜 ? ;よくそんなことができますね, large spa bath;温泉大浴場
place 5 handicap stones; 5 子を置く, somehow;どういうわけか、 3rd dan ;3 段
end in a draw; 引分けに終る, zigo ; 持碁, folks ;みなさん
catch up on each other's live;互いに近況報告する
it's just easy on the purse;安上がりで済む, conscientious;良心的な、 despite 〜;〜にもかかわらず
deserted ;閑散とした,さびれた、 after-party;二次会,threesome;三人一組, 三人組、 reside;駐在する
exchange business ;電話交換機ビジネス、 spend all his time in 〜;〜三昧で過ごす
except for 〜;〜を除けば、 suburbs of the largest metropolitan areas; 大都市近郊
from a standpoint of 〜;〜の観点から, authorized people; 関係者
Japanese Diary / No.477−2012.09.16 / 第4 回ゆうゆう会例会(9/13〜9/14)
From Sept.5 to 6, I enjoyed golf trip to Kinugawa-Kogen Country Club in
Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture.
My alumnus arranged it for us, making use of low-priced golf package tour.
It was 18,000 yen per person for an “Enjoyable Cottage Plan” ( including
lodging, three
meals and a round of golf with a self-service gollf cart) with another round of golf (including
a self-service golf cart and a lunch) on the previous day as an optional
On the first day, we played a round of golf from 1 PM after lunch at the
club house.
It is a little bit cool because the golf course is located on the highland
enveloped in nature
with an altitude of 1,200 meters.
It seemed to me that more female players in this golf course than in other
ones play golf.
It might be because it's the golf course with cool summer temperatures
and also there is
Kinugawa Onsen nearby.
After a round of golf, we washed away sweat in the bath and then moved to a smart cottage belonged to the golf club.
We enjoyed sukiyaki there which was prepared for us as dinner.
On the second day, we started playing at 8:30 AM in the out course.
Is it because it was early in the morning?
It was impressive that the golf course was above the level of a sea of
Please click the picture to see a full-size version
After a buffet-style lunch, we started playing in the out course at 12:10
The sky has become threatening.
It began to sprinkle while we were playing golf on the first hole.
As soon as we got to the second hole, it began to rain cats and dogs.
The weather on the mountain is changeable, isn't it?
I can't get motivated to play in this rain.
It's also thundering.
We agreed to stop it and got back to club house with a golf cart.
Other players also get back one after another.
Please click the picture to see a full-size version
We waited and saw how it goes, while drinking a cup of coffee there.
About 30 minutes later, it stopped raining and the sky was starting to
clear up.
We returned to the second hole and resumed playing golf.
Although we had such a happning, we were able to play a round of golf.
I played golf for the second successive day after a long time.
Even though you are about 70 years old, you are fine as usual, aren't you?
It is a testament that you are in good health.
T.Y-san drove again his car on return road and headed to Urawa on the Tohoku
I really enjoyed playing golf on the cool highland even in the heat of
late summer.
Thank you for your cooperation.
For more information, please click the button below, "D" or "E"
You can look at everyone's golf score and more pictures.
 Picture / Golf / 「きぬがわ高原CC へゴルフ旅行」
(Please note that you must know the password in order to look atthe picture.)
[Note] alumnus ; 同窓生, low-priced golf package tour; 格安ゴルフパック
Enjoyable Cottage Plan; 満喫コテ-ジプラン, lodging;宿泊
self-service golf cart;セルフ乗用カ-ト、as an optional extra; オプションとして
enveloped in 〜; 〜に覆われた、 with an altitude of 〜 meters ; 標高 〜メ-トルの
wash away 〜;〜を洗い流す、 belonged with 〜; 〜に付属の、 sea of clouds; 雲海
the sky become threatening; 天候が怪しくなる、it rains cats and dogs; 雨が土砂降りに降る
can't get motivated;やる気がしない, resume doing 〜; 〜を再開する
for the second successive day ; 2 日連続で,testament;証し
Tohoku Expressway ; 東北自動車道
Japanese Diary / No.476−2012.09.09 /