Weekly Topics/Archive
November 2008
Since it was very fine and warm last weekend,I felt like going out.
So I decided to visit Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa Bunko Museum and Syoumyouji
temple adjacent
to it.
It was because I've learned about them in the history when I was in high
school, and also I've always
intended to visit once there,but I havn't been there although I've lived
in a town not so far from there.
Around 9 a.m., I got off at Kanazawa Bunko station of Keihin Kyuko Line.
When I asked a clerk at the station kiosk how to get to the museum,I was told that it was a fifteen-minute
walk from here.
I felt it was within right distance for my walking.
Kanagawa Prefectual Kanazawa Bunko Museum. |
I arrived at Kanazawa Bunko in Museum style after walking according to
the handpost.
It happened that a special exhibition entitled "The revering the memory
of Budda." was being held there
in commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the creation of the Budda
statue,"Statu of Syaka Nyorai",
as Syoumyouji temple's asset.
The Budda statue called "Statue of Daii Tokumyouou" carved by
Unkei, one of the old famous sculptors
of Budda statue,was also being opened specially to the public.
According to a brochure for the museum,it was because this statue was appraised as real work by Unkei
last February,and was designated as national important cultural property
in this July.
For your information,the admission fees was 500 yen but free for visitors
over the age of 65.
The Kanazawa Bunko was originally founded by Hojo Sanetoki who favored
learning more than anything
else in the Kamakura period about 700 years ago.
It was a library for samurai warriors at that time.
It was rebuit as a Kanagawa prefectural library in 1930,and is now known
as a historical museum for the
medieval age.
I looked around the exhibits for about an hour.
The Budda statu was exhibited systematically with other Budda status associated
with it, many old
documents and goods that showed its historical background.
Most of all,the main exhibits were the Statue of Daii Tokumyouou by Unkei
and the Statue of Syaka
Nyorai that belong in Syoumyouji temple.
Statue of Syaka Nyorai.(partial) |
Statue of Daii Tokumyouou.(partial) |
These Budda statues are the national important cultural properties. |
They were the Budda statues made about seven hundreds years ago and important cultural properties
we could rarely see.
But I can never understand the value of their properties.
Might the statue of Daii Tokumyouou have been desinated as a important cultural property because it was
the brand art of Unkei ?
I went into Syoumyouji temple through the pathway leading to its ground.
The "Ukiyoe" woodblock prints "Kanazawa Hakkei" by
a famous painter, Hiroshige Utagawa, in the Edo
period ( about 200 years ago ) was being hung on the both side of wall
in the tunnel on the way.
"Kanazawa Hakkei" was the most beautiful eight spots in Kanazawa
district selected and named by
Shin-etsu,Chinese priest at that time.
One of the Ukiyoe woodblock prints "Kanazawa Hakkei" titled "Syoumyo-no-Bansyo"
Hiroshige Utagawa,a famous Ukiyoe painter in the Edo period about 200 years
This was the scenery seen within the sound of Syomyouji temple's bell at
twilight. |
It must have had such pieces of scenery as above about 200 years ago.
Admission fees to the temple was free unlike shrines and temples in Kyoto.
Syoumyouji temple had a wide ground and a big pond in front of the main
Somehow I had a scenery of Byoudouin temple in Uji,Kyoto in my eye.
Many ducks was swimming very slowly and comfortably in the pond.
It was really a peaceful scene.
A peaceful scene that many ducks were swimming slowly and comfortably in
the pond.
We can see a main temple beyond the pond. |
There was a red wooden beam bridge in series with an arched one across
the pond.
An arched bridge was undergoing restoration.
Syoumyouji temple was built by Sanetoki Hojo to repose the soul of his
late mother about 750 years ago.
The outline of this temple is as below.
The outline of the Syoumyouji temple. |
Official Name |
Kintakusan Miroku-in Syomyouji |
Area size |
75,300 square meters |
Religious sect |
Singon-Rissu Sect, Buddhism |
Address |
212 Kanazawa, Kanazawa-ku, YokohamaKanagawa 236-0015 |
Founded |
in 1267 by Sanetoki Kanesawa |
Founding Priest |
Shinkai |
Access |
15-minute walk from the Kanazawa Bunko station of Keihin Kyuko Line. |
Main object of worship |
Statue of Miroku Bosatsu |
Admission Fees |
Free |
I looked around the main hall,shakado hall,belfry,walking along the pond
and then came to the inner
gate, Nio-mon.
At this gate,a pair of statues called "Kongo-Rikishi" was glareing
at me with frightening face.
The inner gate,Niou-mon |
A pair of statues called "Kongo-rikishi" |
I came to a red gate when I went straight on the stone-paved approach from
the Nio-mon.
It was a main gate of this temple called "Aka-mon".
The main gate of Syoumyoji temple called "Aka-mon" |
Here,I finished an hour-long stroll in the Syoumyouji temple's ground.
Although it was located in the residential district,it had a beautiful
landscape which was surrounded on
three sides by mountains.
I felt it would show us different types of tasteful scenery if I visited
here in other season, I would like to visit
here once again during the cherry-blosoom season or the snow season.
[Note] feel like doing 〜 ; 〜したくなる、 adjacent to 〜 ; 〜に隣接した
Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa Bunko Museum ; 神奈川県立金沢文庫
have always intended to do 〜;かねてから〜しょうと思っていた、 station kiosk ; 駅の売店
handpost ; 道案内板、 it happened that 〜 ; 偶然にも〜であった、 Budda statue ; 仏像
statue of Syaka Nyorai ; 釈迦如来像、 asset ; 遺産、 revere the memory of 〜 ;
statue of Daii Tokumyouou ; 大威徳明王像、 Daii-tokumyouou-zou ; 大威徳明王像
sculptor of Budda statue ; 仏師、 brochure ; パンフレット、 appraise as 〜 ; 〜と鑑定する
favor ; を好む、 samurai warrior ; 武士、 the medieval age ; 中世
associated with 〜 ; 〜と関連する、 most of all ; とりわけ、 pathway ; 通路、 ground;
woodblock print ; 木版画、 be hung ; (絵などが)展示される、 must have done ;〜したにちがいない
scenery ; 景色、 somehow ; なんとなく、 in series with 〜;〜と直列に、 undergo restoration;
beam bridge ; 桁橋, belfry ; 鐘楼, glare at 〜 ; 〜を睨みつける
with frightening face; 恐ろしい顔をして,stone-paved; 石畳の, approach; 参道
on three sides ; 三方を, landscape ; 景観, tasteful; 趣のある
Picture Picture / Pilgrimage to old temples / 「金沢山称明寺」
Japanese Diary / No.99−2008.11.23 / 「金沢山称明寺・散策」
Last weekdays,from Tuesday to Thursday,I took two night trip to Numazu region in Shizuoka prefecture
with six old classmates living in Kanto area.
First day, we met at JR Mishima station and then came to the cottage in
two separate cars of our mates
where we would stayed overnight at.
We enjoyed Japanese-style dinner after relaxing in a hot spring bath at
the Japanese-style hotel which
was a sister one of the cottage.
Second day,we enjoyed golf competition on the golf course near the cottage.
It was cloudy,sprinkling,very windy and cold at temperatures of 10 degrees
Celsius or less.
So, everyone's score wasn't so good.
One of the golf course of Fuji Ace Golf Club in Numazu |
After that,we came to a resort hotel called Awashima hotel in Awashima
island in Numazu where we
stayed overnight on that day.
This was the second time for me to stay there.
It was really the gorgeous hotel where French president, Shiraku had stayed
when he was at the summit
in Tokyo several years ago.
Whenever I visit here, I feel good.
We enjoyed Western-style dinner after relaxing in a outdoor hot spring
bath here at the hotel.
Last day,we got up at 5 a.m. and then got on a chartered fishing boat
around 6 a.m. dressing in very
fisherman costume.
We enjoyed fishing in the Suruga Bay in the morning.
It was very fine and warm,and the sea was calm.
We could also see the fantastic Mt Fuji with snow-covered summit.
The view of fantastic Mt fuji |
The red sea-bream landed in
the Suruga Bay |
I caught only a big yellowtail called Inada in Japanese more than 30 centimeters.
Some caught fishes like a red sea-bream, two bonitos and a filefish,others
caught nothing.
People who caught fishes took them home,putting in their boxes with ices.
I gave the fish to one of my mates who could catch nothing.
Their fishes might have been on the dinner table on that day as sashimi
and boiled fishes.
Anyway, we had a nice trip for three days.
Kunisawa-san, thank you very much for your nice design of this trip as
the organizer.
[Note] in two separate cars ; 2 台の車に分乗して、 sprinkling ; 小雨のぱらつく
dress in 〜 costume ;〜の恰好(身なり)をして、 yellowtail ;イナダ(魚)
Some do 〜, others do --- ; 〜する人(物)もあれば---する人(物)もある
red sea-bream ; 鯛(タイ)、 bonito ; 鰹(カツオ)、 filefish ; カワハギ(魚)
land ; (魚)を釣り上げる
Picture Picture / Trip / (A) 「いこい会・2008 ゴルフ・釣り旅行」
Japanese Diary / No.97−2008.11.15 / 「いこい会・2008 ゴルフ・釣り旅行」
We're on November,starting from today.
It's just now in the full of autumn.
It's in the tourist season,the season for red leaves and of the palate.
We're also on a three-day weekend from today.
My wife suddenly asked me during breakfast,"Listen,we'd like to go
a nice spa or resort today and relax
in comfort.
How does that sound? "
I answered her,"It sounds great.
If we do that, there is a spa around either Izu or Yugawara not so far
from Yokohama.
You just have to make a hotel reservation at once."
She came up with an idea that we would use "LAFORET Syuzenji" in Syuzenji, central Izu as one of her
company's resort facilities.
She called the reservation center at just 9.a.m. which started to accept
a reservation.
Luckily, she could reserve a room because there just happened to be some
rooms available at the guest
Anyway, it was because we could do that on the very day that we stayed
We got to Syuzenji terminal by JR's Odoriko limited express train from
We arrived at the resort shortly after 4 p.m. by a free shuttle bus.
LAFORET Syuzenji is the resort facility which has a hotel,a guest house,hot spring facilities, athletic
facilities like jim and tennis court, nature trails and golf course on
the wide premise.
I've visited here for golf competition only once when I was working for
my company.
This resort overlook glorious Mt.Fuji toward north and Amagi mountain range toward south, and we could
also take just a forest bath because it was surrounded with forests.
The fantastic view of Mt.Fuji from the resort |
After we enjoyed a leisurely outdoor bath for about an hour,we had dinner
at the Japanese-style
restaurant, ”Amagi”.
It was a blissful moment when we enjoyed some seasonal dishes with locally-brewed
On the following day,we came to Syuzenji hot spring resort area from bus
stop in front of Syuzenji station
by bus.
The bus was a retro styled one having a bonnet.
The old-fashioned bus called "Izu-no-odoriko" |
According to the notice board in this bus,it had run on the routes in the
mountain area of Izu till 1969
from 1964 and then has been restarted under the name of "Izu-no-odoriko"
only on Sunday and national
holiday since 1999.
It really brought back memories.
We visited Suzenji temple first.
The main building of Syuzenzi temple |
When I visited here three years ago,I couldn't see a main building of the
temple becuse it was under
It was very crowded with more tourists rather than worshippers.
The main temple was dedicated to Dainichi-Nyorai-Zazou that was the principal
Buddhist image in this
temple and has been designated as a national important cultural property.
Dainichi-Nyorai-Zazou that is the principal Buddhist image in the temple |
It's not been usually shown to the public.
Since the day was particular one when it was shown to the public in the
treasure house,we luckily got
the chance to see it.
This Buddhist image had soft features and looked to have attained enlightenment.
A notice that we would prefer you not to take pictures in here was put
on a wall inside the house.
But I didn't hesitate to secretly take phptos of the principal image because
it wasn't the notice, ."PICTURE
After that,we took a stroll along the walking trail by Katsuragawa river running along the hot springs resort
area till around noon.
Here were some red bridges over the river.
We could enjoy beautiful yellow,white and purple chrysanthemums in flower
pots set on the parapets.
The view of the hot springs resort area from the bridge |
Unluckily, we couldn't enjoy the changing colors of autumn leaves.
Leaf colors were likely to change two or three weeks later than usual this
Izu region has relatively a mild climate all the year round.
It's because it wasn't yet such days that big temperature difference between
cold and heat in a day has
often appeared in this region this year.
Anyway,we quite enjoyed hot spring,walkingl and autumn flavors in this
[Note] season of the palate; 味覚の季節, Listen,;ネェ,聞いて
just have to 〜 ; とにかく〜しなければならない、 come up with ; (アイデアなど)を思い付く,考え付く
room available; 空き室、 shortly after 4 p.m. ; 午後4 時過ぎに、 a free shuttle
bus ; 無料の送迎バス
nature trail ; 自然遊歩道、 premise ; 敷地、 overlook ; (場所が)(景色など)を見渡せる(ところにある)
mountain range ; 連山、 leisurely ; ゆっくりと,ゆったりと、 a blissful moment ; 至極の一時
seasonal; 季節の、 It bring back old memories ; 昔懐かしい、 worshipper ; 参拝客
main building of a temple/main temple ; 本堂、 be dedicated to 〜 ; 〜を祀る(祭る)
Dainichi-Nyorai-Zazou ; 大日如来座像、 principal Buddhist image ; 本尊
important cultural property ; 重要文化財、 treasure house; 宝物殿、 feature; 顔立ち,容貌
attain enlightenment ; 悟りを開く(に達する)、 we would prefer you not to do 〜 ;
PICTURE PROHIBITED ; 写真撮影禁止、 don't hesitate to do 〜 ; 遠慮なしに〜する
chrysanthemum ; 菊、 flower pot ; 植木鉢、 parapet ; (橋の) 欄干
the changing colors of autumn leaves ; 紅葉、 be likely to do 〜 ; 〜しそうである
autumn flavors ; 秋の味覚
Picture Picture / Trip / (A) / 「修善寺の旅」
Japanese Diary / No.96−2008.11.05 / 「修善寺の旅」