写真のタイトルに対して,(A)〜(H) のボタンがあります。
(A) はどなたもボタンをクリックして閲覧できます。
(B)〜(H) は,パスワ−ド付きの設定になっていますので,
以外は閲覧できません。 ご容赦下さい。
There are a button or two on the left side of every titles for the
picture as below.
If you click the button A,you can look at the picture on the page
correspondent to it.
But if you click every button except the button A,a dialogue
box asking for the password appears on the window.
It's because every page from the button B to the button H
includes not only my photos but also her or his photos which
belong to personal informations.
You must know the password in order to look at the picture.
I apologize that only authorized people can look at them from
the standpoint of personal information protection.
Thank you very much.