Weekly Topics/Archive
May 2016
At 6:45 a.m, I got up.
According to the weather forecast, it will blow so hard that the sea will
So our captain said we will sail out earlier than scheduled.
At 7:00, we have breakfast.
I had two bowls of rice, a grilled cut-open and dried horse mackerel, natto
fermented soybeans), cooked hijiki with soybeans, miso soup and oshinko.
[Note] the sea rages ; 海が荒れる、sail out ; 出港する、horse mackerel ; 鯵(アジ)
a cut-open and dried horse mackerel ; 鯵(アジ)の開き、natto ; 納豆、
fermented soybeans ; 発酵大豆、hijiki ; ひじき(edible blown algae=茶色の食用藻)
Today's breakfast menu of minsyuku Yaekawa (2016.05.01_07:03) |
After loading our luggage into the courtesy car, we moved to Nomase Port
by our
It's good weather today, but the wind is strong.
We packed our own bike in a bike bag to load them into the yacht “Aioi” with all
the luggage.
At 8:40 a.m., everyone sailed out from Nomase port with being completely
clad in a
waterproof garment.
When we get out of the port, it's windier than expected and the sea is
very rough.
So, we set the main-sail to one point reef and then the captain steers
the Aioi toward
Mt.Omuro of the Izu highland .
[Note] load ~ into a car ; ~を車に積み込む、courtesy car ; 送迎車、bike bag ; 輪行バッグ
sail out from ~ ; ~から出港する、be clad in ~; ~を身に着けて、装備して
waterproof garment ; 防水服、windy ( windier / windiest ) ; 風が強い
one point reef ; 1ポイントリーフ、steer a boat toward ~ ; 船を~に向ける(進める)
On the rough sea off the coast of Izu-oshima island (2016.05.01_10:XX) (Photo
by T.K-san) |
Aioi sailing with one point reef of main-sail (2016.05.01_10:XX) (Photos
by T.K-san) |
The Aioi's average speed is 8 to 8.5 knots because of strong wind.
The speed meter shows 8.22 knots (2016.05.01_08:55) (Photo by tamma-san)
On the way, we hoist a jib sail too.
The Aioi is sailing fast while heeling greatly.
Let's show several shipboard scenes.
Pls click the picture to a large-size version
The shipboard scenes (2016.05.01_10:36) (Photos by tamma-san) |
(2016.05.01_11:28) |
The shipboard scenes (2016.05.01_11:32) |
The Aioi got in the offing of Kawana in two and a half hours.
We aim to reach Hatsushima island for lunch from here.
After that, we got information that it would blow hard in this area in
the afternoon.
We give up landing on the island and change the destination to Sunrise
Marina in
Ito just before Teshima island.
At 13:08, we enter the marina .
The Aioi entering Sunrise Marina in Ito (2016.05.01_13:08) |
At 13:10, we returned safely to the marina.
Having finished the operation like unloading our luggage, cleaning our
with water to remove salt and so on, we toasted with wine.
We opend our box lunches that were prepared by minsyuku.
[Note] hoist (lift) a sail ; 帆を揚げる、heel ; [風下側にヨットなどの船が〕傾く
in the offing of ~; ~の沖合に、subsequent ; その後の、後続の、box lunch ; 弁当
Lunch on the yacht after returning to the marina (2016.05.01_13:42) |
The following are two commemorative group photos.
Our group photos (2016.05.01_14:14) (Photos by tamma-san) |
The actual homeward sailing route is shown schematically on the google
Outward sailing route (Ito Sunrise Marina→Nomashi Port in Izu-oshima island)
Homeward sailing route (Nomashi Port in Izu-oshima island→Ito Sunrise Marina) |
We enjoyed the exciting cruising and cycling with many crew members for
3 days
this time too.
By the way, the travel distance of my cycling around Izu-oshima island
is 43.5 Km
according to LatLongLab's data.
[Note] group photo ; 集合写真、homeward ; 帰途(帰航)の、復路の、schematically ; 概略(図式)的に
Japanese Diary / No.746-2016.05.01 /
At 7:00 a.m., I got up.
Other members in the same room are early risers, aren't they?
I wonder why you can get up early in the morning after you went to bed
last night.
I have breakfast after washing up hastily.
Since I will go cycling all the way around the island after this, I got
a charge of
energy with two bowls of rice.
Breakfast at the guest house “Yaekawa” (2016.04.30_07:23) |
After breakfast, we change into our own cycling wear and then check up
our bike before we leave.
T.A-san's wife, Keiko-san, also decided to challenge cycling all the way
the island.
Both T.A-san and K.O-san who enjoy diving will act separetely to us.
[Note] wonder why ~; どうして~なのか不思議だ
get a charge of energy ; エネルギーを充電する、change into ~; ~に着替える
check up on ~; ~を点検する、act separately to ~; ~と別行動を取る

Preparation before departure
Photo by tamma-san |
Photo by T.A-san
(From his Face Book) |
Photo by tamma-san |
On our cycling, we intend to take a short break at the geological section
(commonly called “Baumkuchen” ), lookout platform at Habuminato, Fudeshima
observatory and then have a lunch break at Okata Port.
The route map of our cycling course is shown on the Google map below.
We take the guest house “Yaekawa” as a starting /finishing point and cycle
the way around the island in a counterclockwise direction along Oshima
road .
The route map of our cycling all the way around izu-oshima island |
We took a commemorative picture of us in front of the house before starting.
Commemorative picture in front of the house (2016.04.30_09:00)
(Photo by T.K-san) |
Soon after that, S.S-san found she has a flat tire.
We realized it’s just because of reduction of air in the tube and so blew
the tire hurriedly.
[Note] geological section; 地層断面、lookout platform; 見晴台、observatory; 展望台
take ~ as a starting point; ~を出発点とする、blow up a tire ; タイヤに空気を入れる
in a counterclockwise direction; 反時計回りに
The discovery of flat tire (2016.04.30_09:01) |
Injection of air into a tire (2016.04.30_09:02) |
At 9:05 a.m., we left the guest house.
I rode a bike made by DAHON borrowed from Terraki-san.
Inachan who starts cycling by bike made by DAHON (2016.04.30_09:06)
(Photo by T.K-san) |
Pls click the picture to see a large-size version
Our members cycling smoothly (2016.04.30_09:10) (Photos by tamma-san.) |
We sometimes run uphill but typically gentle one.
At 09:40, we got to a seeing spot of the island, geological section (commonly
Baumkuchen) 6 Km away from starting point and took the first short break
Geological section (commonly called Baumkuchen) (2016.04.30_09:38) |
According to information from the Net, the striped pattern of the Baumkuchen
was formed by the accumulation of layers composed of volcanic ash from
eruption of Mt. Mihara that occurred about once every 500 years.
And also the number of exposed layers out of them is about 100 layers.
[Note] run uphill ; 上り坂を走る、striped pattern ; 縞模様、layer ; 地層
composed of ~; ~から成る、でできている、once every _ years ; _年に一度の
volcanic ash from eruption of ~; ~の噴火による火山灰、exposed ; 露出した、野ざらしの
Pls click the picture to see a large-size version
Our members on a break
(2016.04.30_09:40) |
The bike made by DAHON that I ride (2016.04.30_09:43) |
The view of Toshima and Niijima island (2016.04.30_09:39) |
As it was a beautiful sunny day, we could view Toshima and Niijima island
on the distant sea.
We restarted here after about 10 minutes break.
Inachan cycling in front of the Baumkuchen (2016.04.30_09:47) (Photo by
tamma-san) |
At 10:15 a.m., we got to the lookout platform 13.5 Km far away from starting
from which we can look down Habuminato.
As you know well, Habuminate has been known as the place in a novel “Izu
Odoriko” by Yasunari Kawabata.
As you'd expect of scenic spot, we can get a nice view of Habuminato from
Pls click the picture to see a large-size version
The view of Habuminato from the lookout platform
(2016.04.30_10:18) |
A monument inscribed with
a poem of the popular song
“Anko tubaki wa koi no haa” |
There was a monument inscribed with a poem of the good old popular song
tubaki wa koi no hana” which had been sung by Miyako Harumi.
It's said this song took not only Izu-oshima but also Habuminato to fame
[Note] lookout platform ; 見晴らし台、as you'd expect of ~; さすがに~だけあって
get a nice view of ~ ; ~の眺めが良い、Habuminato ; 波浮港
a monument inscribed with a poem of ~ ; ~の歌碑、inscribed with ~; ~が刻み込まれた
take someone to fame ; (人)の名を世に知らしめる
Our members getting to the lookout platform
(2016.04.30_10:18) |
Inachan at the lookout platform
(2016.04.30_10:19) |
We head to Fudeshima as the next resting place from here.
When we are going downhill for a while, we can see the fresh green of the
range lying ahead of our route.
The road toward Fudeshima beach (2016.04.30_10:43) |
At 10:45, we got to Fudeshima beach at the foot of the mountain.
Fudeshima is the name of a rock 38 meters high rising out of the sea near
the shore
having a steep cliff.
Fudeshima near the shore (2016.04.30_10:49) |
The guide plate about Fudeshima |
A commemorative picture with Fudeshima in the background (2016.04.30_10:47) |
We have the steep slope from here for a while.
The following is our cycling route map with an altitude information.
You can see at a glance how steep the gradient of the uphill is.
[Note] fresh green of the mountain range ; 新緑の山なみ、Fudeshima beach ; 筆島海岸
rise out of ~; ~から突き出る、steep cliff ; 絶壁、see at a glance ; 一目見ただけでわかる
Our cycling route map with an altitude information |
When I went up the hill for a little while, members starting earlier than
were taking a break on the way.
Two female members said they intend to get a diving group's member take
to the pass by car without any strain.
They were in the middle of folding their folding bike.
The following is a picture taken by one of a party of two cyclist taking
a break at the
same place.
A commemorative picture that was taken on our break (2016.04.30_11:04) |
We continue to go up the steep hill.
I was convinced that there is the pass at the top of the hill.
However, there is the further following hill as soon as we get to the pass.
We experienced it repeatedly.
Anyway, we continuously went up the many hills like the following pictures.
The road gradient of the uphill is 5.3 percent but the slope distance is
5 kilometers
at least.
Every time I got to a pass and took a short break, I took a picture of
the slope.
The following are just a little bit of them.
Please see the pictures below.
Pls click the picture to see a large-size version
2016.04.30_11:25 |
2016.04.30_11:39 |
2016.04.30_11:56 |
2016.04.30_12:08 |
We have a little bit of ups and downs from the pass but basically a long
Everyone was waiting for me to get just before a downhill.
[Note] pass ; 峠、without any strain ; 無理をせずに、be in the middle of ~; ~の最中である
a party of two ; 二人連れ、be convinced that ~; てっきり(that以下だ)と思い込む
road gradient ; 道路勾配(斜度)、slope distance ; 斜距離
be just a little bit of ~; ~のほんの一部にすぎない
have ups and downs ; アップダウンがある、山あり谷あり
Our members on a break at the pass between Fudeshima beach and Oshima park |
Someone said we have a downhill from here to Tokyo Metropolitan Oshima Park
Well, the downhill is really a paradise for the elderly.
We went downhill without stopping with attention to excessive speed.
At 12:48, we got to Oshima Park Zoo 29.6 Km away from the starting point.
We parked in the bicycle parking area to observe the zoo.
Bicycle parking area (2016.04.30_12:48) |
The entrance of the zoo (2016.04.30_12:48) |
To my surprise, this zoo is free to enter.
Since it was a rare opportunity, I took a tour of it following a series
of arrows.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Free-range peacock
(2016.04.30_12:54) |
Giant tortoises (2016.04.30_13:10) |
Ammotragus lervia
(2016.04.30_13:20) |
We could observe birds like flamingos and peacocks in the cage we are
permitted to
enter, giant tortoises which are designated as rare species of animal and
ammotragus lervia living with lemurs in the hill using lava fields.
After that, we enjoy cycling up to Okada Port which is the designated
meeting place
to have lunch at a restraunt.
[Note] Tokyo Metropolitan ; 東京都立、the elderly ;高齢者
go downhill ; 坂を下る、without stopping ; 一気に、with attention to ~; ~に注意しながら
excessive speed ; スピードの出し過ぎ、since it is a rare opportunity ; せっかくですので
follow a series of arrows ; 順路に従う、take a tour of ~; ~を見学する、free-range ; 放飼いの
peacock ; クジャク、rare species of animal ; 希少動物、giant tortoise ; ゾウガメ
ammotragus lervia ; バーバリーシップ、 lava field ; 溶岩原、lemur ; キツネザル
A landing bridge at Okada Port (2016.04.30) (Photo by tamma-san) |
Every restaurant is jam packed with tourists.
This might be because of a consecutive holiday.
We waited for about 10 minutes to enter the direct managed restaurant by
Izu-oshima Fishermen's Cooperative, “Hama no kaachan meshi”.
The direct managed restaurant by Izu-oshima
Fishermen's Cooperative, “Hama no kaachan meshi”
A sabakatsu lunch set
(A set meal with mackerel cutlets)
(2016.04.30_14:31) |
I had a local Sabakatsu lunch set (a set meal with mackerel cutlets) with
a can
A bowl of ashitaba (Angelica keiskei) with good aroma was tasty.
After we run uphill from here for a while, we had the moderate slope up to
Motomachi town.
It was about 15:30 when we finished the goal at Minsyuky Yaekawa.
Though we had the steep slope, we were happy that we managed to complete
the full distance around the island covered vividly fresh green leaves
with good
Now I only get comfortably tired.
As was expected, I got heavily sunburned.
[Note] be jam-packed with ~; ~でぎっしり満席(満杯)だ、Sabakatsu lunch set ; サバかつ定食
mackerel ; サバ、cutlets ; カツレツ、ashitaba (Angelica keiskei) ; アシタバ(明日葉)
aroma ; 香り、run uphill ; 上り坂を走る、complete the full distance ; 完走する
manage to ~; 何とか~する、get heavily sunburned ; けっこう日焼けする
When I visited Izu-oshima on board a yacht “Aioi” on June 2, 2007 before about
9 years, I landed on Habuminato Port.
It looks like visitors to the island are increasing compared with that
I was very surprised to see that the number of those who visit to enjoy
cycling is
especially increasing.
As was expected, it might be due to the effect of reconstruction support
currently implemented for Izu-oshima.
Yes, Tokyo Metropolitan Government will provide a¥3,000 subsidy per person per
night to visitors to the Izu-oshima island.
We are also blessed with it.
After taking a bath in a hot spring to wash away the sweat, we have a
kusaya party
with wine before dinner.
As soon as dried fishes “kusaya” that we asked the landlady to prepare
were served, a bad smell peculiar to kusaya filled through the house.
Do you know kusaya?
Kusaya is a Japanese-style dried fish and fermented fish.
Markerel scad which is local specialty of the Izu Island chain and other
species are used to produce kusaya.
Kusaya is produced by drying in the sun after being soaked in fermentation
called “Kusaya liquid” with a characteristic smell and flavor like fish
[Note] reconstruction support program ; 復興支援事業
currently implemented ; 現在実施されている、Tokyo Metropolitan Government ; 東京都
¥3,000 subsidy ; 3,000円の補助金、be blessed with ~; ~の恩恵に浴している
wash away the sweat ; 汗を流す、kusaya party ; くさやパーティー、beforehand ; あらかじめ
landlady ; 女将、ask someone to ~; ~するように(人)に依頼する
something peculiar to ~; ~に特有の、fermented ; 発酵した、markerel scad ; ムロアジ
local specialty ; 特産品、fish sauce ; 魚醤、Izu Island chain ; 伊豆諸島
soak in fermentation liquor ; 発酵液に浸す
This is Kusaya (2016.04.30_17:42) |
We ate it as a snack of the wine.
It looks like everyone gave up just by having a bite of it.
A strong bad smell might make them do that.
We got the landlady to dispose of these leftover kusaya .
After that, we enjoy dinner.
We had seafood dishes provided by the guest house while chatting about our
memories of cycling and diving we enjoyed.
Toasting with red wine (2016.04.30_18:15) |
Tonight's dinner and a dinner scene (2016.04.30) (Photos by T.K-san) |
We had an enjoyable time like this again tonight.
Tomorrow morning we'll make a voyage homeward for Ito.
[Note] have a bite of ~; ~を一口食べる、leftover ; (食べ物などが)残った、余った
disposed of ~; ~(不要物)を捨てる、make a voyage homeward ; 復路の航海につく
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.246-May.01.,2016 /
“Cruising to Izu-oshima island & Cycling around its island (3/3-3rd
Japanese Diary / No.745-2016.04.30 /
I'm going on a yacht cruise to Izu-oshima island with some crew members
of Aioi
Yacht club for 3 days and 2 nights.
We are scheduled to enjoy cycling around the island for one day out of
3 days.
With consideration for active people, it will be carried out in the first
half of
golden week from April 29 to May 1.
According to the weather forecast, it will be fine for 3 consecutive days.
It looks like we will be able to enjoy comfortable cruising and cycling.
Today is the first day of this cruising.
Contrary to the weather forecast, it looks rain from the morning.
In addition, it's chilly.
So, I left home wearing a thin jacket over my shirt.
I took the JR Tokaido Line train to Atami at Yokohama station as usual.
At 8:45 AM, I had one of our crew members, H.S-san pick me up in front
of Atami
station to go to Sun Rise Marina in Ito.
The number of the crew members is 12 including 2 female ones this time.
S.M-san from Numazu and K.O-san from Nose in Osaka joined in it.
The former is one of our cycling friends and the latter is a friend of
10 folding bikes for cycling were loaded into the yacht.
I intended to rent a bike locally but borrowed it from Teraki-san with
a kind help
of him.
[Note] go on a yacht cruise ; ヨットの船旅に出る、for~days and -nights ; 一泊~日で
active people ; 現役の人達、with consideration for ~; ~に配慮して
for 3 consecutive days ; 3日間連続で、contrary to ~; ~に反して
load~into -; ~を-に積み込む、locally ; 現地で、地元で、with a kind help of ~; ~の厚意で
The cabin filled with folding bikes and foods, etc. (Photo by tamma-san) |
The following is the view of Sun Rise Marina in Ito in the morning.
Sun Rise Marina in the morning
(The photo on the right shows Ito Michi no Eki, “Ito Marin Town”) (2016.04.29_10:22) |
About 17 liters of light oil was supplied into the yacht at the berth
for refueling
within the marina.
The fuel supply at the berth for refueling in the marina (2016.04.29_10:22) |
At 10:35 am, AIOI left the marina after everything was ready.
AIOI heads out on the engine off the coast of Izu-kogen after passing
by Teishijima island within Ito Bay.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Off the coast of Izu-kogen (2016.04.29/photos by T.K-san) |
We hoisted a main sail and a jib sail here to sail.
The temperature on the sea may be 16 to 18 ℃.
I feel cold because the wind is also blowing.
So, I wore a raincoat over my jacket.
After sailing for a while, we toasted with beer or juice in prayer for
our safety
of sailing.
I don't feel like drinking beer because it was too cold to do so.
I would be OK if it were hot wine or hot sake.
⇑ Photo by T.K-san
⇐ Photo by tamma-san |
We made a toast on the deck. (2016.04.29_11:21) |
In the meantime, it cleared up.
It looks like the weather is getting better.
AIOI keeps sailing fast with the wind at the speed of about 7 knots while
★1 knot =1.852 Km/hour
[Note] berth for refueling ; 給油バース、fuel supply ; 燃料補給、on the engine ; エンジンで
pass by ~; ~のそばを通る、~を通り過ぎる、hoist a sail ; セールを揚げる
in prayer for ~; ~を祈願して、not feel like doing ; ~する気になれない、気が進まない
made a toast ; 乾杯する、in the meantime ;そうこうしている内に、clear up ; 晴れ上がる
get better ; (物事が)快方に向かう、sail fast ; (帆船が)快走する
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Sunny spells in the sky
Photo by tamma-san ⇑ ⇒ |
The navigation speed indicated on the speedmeter (2016.09.29_13:01) |
AIOI sailiing fast toward Izu-oshima island (2016.09.29_13:03) |
Around 14:30, Motomachi, which is main town in Izu-oshima island, became
clearly visible.
We can also see the traces of damage from a landslide , which was caused
by record rainfall due to the typhoon No.26 in Octber 2013, on the mountainside.
The view of Motomachi in Izu-oshima island from AIOI (2016.04.29_14:35)
Photo by T.K-san |
The captain steerd AIOI toward Nomashi fishing port to sail southward
the south coast of Izu-oshima island.
Around 14:55, the entrance to the port became visible.
AIOI gets into the port carefully on the engine after we fold the sails.
[Note] sunny spells ; 晴れ間、navigation speed ; 航行速度、become visible ; 見えてくる
on the mountainside ; 山腹(山の斜面)に、damages from a landslide ; 土砂災害
be caused by ~;~に起因する、record rainfall ; 記録的な降雨(大雨)、steer a ship ; 舵をとる
AIOI getting into Nomashi fishing port (2016.04.29_14:55) |
At 15:15, we moored AIOI at the pier and then unloaded bikes, foods and
The unloading after mooring AIOI at the pier (2016.04.29_15:15) (Photo
by T.K-san) |
We unpack our bike-specific bags to assemble the folding bikes.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The work for assembling the bikes at the pier (2016.04.29_15:31) |
We loaded other baggage into a courtesy car from the guest house “Yaeykawa”.
[Note] unloading ; 荷降ろし、mooring a ship at the pier ; 船を岸壁(桟橋)に係留する
unpack one's bag ; 荷物をバッグから取り出す、bike-specific bag ; 自転車専用バッグ
load ~into a car ; ~を車に積む、courtesy car ; (ホテルなどの)送迎車、guest house ;民宿
The loading our baggage into the courtesy car (2016.04.29_15:39) |
We received a claim on AIOI's berth from a guy like the local fisherman.
He advised us that this place is the unloading bearth of Fisheries Cooperative
And so we were forced to change AIOI's mooring berth to other one.
(2016.04.29) (⇑ Photo by tamma-san) |
Everyone headed to the guest house “Yaeykawa” by bikes or the courtesy
After a short break at the house, we enjoyed bathing at Gozinka Onsen Hot
Spring near Motomachi port.
It's natural sodium and calsium chloride hot spring.
A strange flower was blooming under the eaves of the hot spring facilities.
It was the flower like “Gozinka”
[Note] receive a claim on ~; ~についてのクレームを受ける、berth ; 停泊位置、係留場所
unloading bearth ; 荷揚げ場所、Fisheries Cooperative Association ; 漁協
be forced to ~; ~を余儀なくされる、mooring berth ; 係留バース
sodium and calsium chloride ; Na-Ca塩化物、under the eaves ; 軒下で
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Gozinka Hot Spring (2016.04.29_16:55) |
A flower like “Gozinka”? (2016.04.29_17:37) |
We took a walk on a beach nearby after a bath.
Since it happened to be cloudy, we were not able to see the sunset.
However we could see the indescribable mysterious sight spreading off the
of Izu peninzula.
The view in the twilight off the coast of Izu peninsula from Izu-oshima
(2016.04.29_17:44) |
At 18:00, we get started on our drinking party at the guest house.
We first had a toast with beer after everyone gathered around tables at
The beginning of our drinking party by the toast with a glass of beer (2016.04.29_18:07) |
Our dishes are a little bit luxurious tonight.
They are fishermen's dishes including three large Sashimi Funamori.
It is a dish that placed a lot of sliced raw fish on a boat for sashimi.
The luxurious Sashimi Funamori as the main dish (2016.04.29_18:09) (Photo
by tamma-san) |
There is a variety of drinks on the table which we took in the house with
They are beer, plum wine, shochu, wine, junmai ginjoshu that was put in by
K.O-san, and etc.
[Note] indescribable ; (光景などが)何とも言えない、get started on ~; ~を始める
luxurious ; 贅沢な、Sashimi Funamori ; (刺身)舟盛り、plum wine ; 梅酒
A variety of alcohol (2016.04.29_19:34) |
I have a florid complexion!
Sunburn or flushing caused by drinking?
Ahortly after 8 o'clock in the afternoon, we broke up the party.
Now, I have no memory of what conversations we had for about 2 hours.
And I remember only that it was a delightful party.
After getting back to our room, we had a after-party.
Everyone looked tired.
They got back to their room by twos and threes to go to bed.
We intend to go cycling around the island tomorrow.
By the way, the course of round voyage and others are shown as Google map
Outward voyage (Sunrise Marina in Ito→Nomase Fishing Port in Izu-Oshima island)
Homeward voyage (Nomase Fishing Port in Izu-Oshima island→Sunrise Marina in Ito) |
[Note] have a florid complexion ; 血色の良い顔色をしている、florid ; 血色の良い、赤みがかった
complexion ; 顔色、round voyage ; 往復航海、outward voyage (trip) ; 往路
homeward voyage(trip) ; 復路、flushing ; 顔面紅潮、caused by~ ; ~が原因の
break up ~; ~をお開きにする、have no memory of ~;~の記憶がない、after-party ; 二次会
by twos and threes ; 三々五々に
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.245-Apr.30.,2016 /
“Cruising to Izu-oshima island & Cycling around its island (2/3-2nd
Japanese Diary / No.744-2016.04.29 /