Weekly Topics/Archive
January 2016 (2/3)
At 7:30, we got up.
At 8:30, we had breakfast.
There was a pretty restaurant in the basement of the hotel.
There are many dishes on a buffet.
The characteristics of the buffet breakfast in Prague (Maybe it's just
limited to this hotel.) are
as follows.
①There are cheese but no sausage as a buffet.
②Simple fish dishes like boiled sardine and smoked salmon are served.
③It has many kinds of fruits like watermelon, melon, grape, orange and
I chose a piece of bread, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, two kinds of fishes and
some vegetables like tomato and cucumber.
The boiled sardine was so delicious because it's been a long time since
I had fish.
[Note] Hisoric Center of Prague ; プラハ歴史地区、 sardine ; イワシ
Breakfast at Hotel King David (2015.09.26_08:45) |
At 10:00, we go out to take a stroll.
I got the location of the hotel from the hotel reception stuff and put
a checkmark on the map
in the Travel guide I baught yesterday.
Trvel guide -Prague- (2015.09.26) |
My wife exchanged €50 to the local currency (Kc) as the money that are
necessary for immediately. (Exchange rate was 24.8 Kc per euro.)
Furthermore, we got how to get to Prague Castle by tram.
We buy tickets from the ticket-vending machine in front of a tram station
near the hotel.
In downtown Prague, public transportation fare (tram, train, bus, subway) is not distance-based
but time-based.
After passengers stamp the time-recorded time on their tickets through
the time recorder
just before geting on, they can take a tram within the time limit as many
times as they would like.
A 90-minute ticket for 32 Kc |
We bought a 90-minute ticket for 32 Kc as per the hotel
receptionist's advice.
We took the No.9 tram from Bolzanova station and then got off
to change to the No.22 tram at Serikova station, which is the
first station just afte crossing Vltava River.
We walks from Serikova station to Ujezd station to take
the No.22 tram.
The following are the street landscapes that can be seen.
We met a group of the young riding a standing ride type two-wheeled electric
vehicle “Segway”.
It's surprising that you can keep a good balance on it.
Young people riding a Segway (2015.09.26_10:41) |
A landscape around Serikova station
(2015.09.26_10:41) |
[Note] ticket-vending machine ; 券売機、public transportation fare ; 公共交通機関の運賃
distance-based / time-based ; 距離ペースの / 時間ベースの、time-recorded time ; 打刻時間
as many times as one would like ; 好きなだけ何回でも
buy ~ for -; ~を-で買う、 as per someone's advice ; (人の)アドバイスの通り
standing ride type ; 立ち乗り式、 two-wheeled electric vehicle ; 電動二輪車
We were going to get off at Prazshy hrad station near the postern gate
of Prague Castle,
but inadvertently went one stop beyond it to Brusnice station.
We wasted about 30 minutes because of going back to Prazsy station.
The following Google Map is our today's walking route for sightseeing.
Tram Walking Hotel King David (Start / Finish)
Tram's station at which we got on and off The sightseeing spots we visited |
[Note] postern gate; (城などの)裏門、 inadvertently ; うっかりして、気が付かずに
go one stop beyond one's destination ; 一駅乗り越す
When we get off at Prazshy hrad station, we can see Prague Castle with
The view of Prague Castle from Prazshy hrad station (2015.09.26_11:06) |
Walking a little bit toward it, we found the postern gate.
We entered the second yard of the castle through the gate.
As you can see, it was very crowded with tourists.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The second yard of the Prague Castle that is crowded with tourists (2015.09.26_11:15) |
You can enter the castle yards freely but have to pay admission fee to
enter the histrical
We stood in long line for about 30 minutes to get two short-tour tickets at the information
in the yard.
A short-tour ticket of Prague Castle (2015.09.26) |
Pražský hrad / Prague Castle (World heritage) |
According to the ,Guinness Book of Records, Prague Castle is the largest
ancient castle
( with about 580 m in length) in the world.
It was built in the 9th centuries (around in 870).
After it was often renovated and rebuilt, it was finally rebuilt by Empress
Maria Theresa
in the second half of the 18th century.
The castle was a seat of power for kings of Bohemia, Holy Roman emperors, and
presidents of Czechoslovakia.
It is the official residence of the President of Czech Republic.
Prague Castle is not a single castle but a castle complex including Gothic
St Vitus
Cathedral, Romanesque Basilica of St.George, a monastery and several palaces,
gardens and defense towers.
The castle buildings represent virtually every architectural style of
the last millennium.
For details, pls visit the following website.
・Official website ; Prague Castle for visitors
・Wikipedia ; Prague Castle
[Note] soaring steeple ; 空にそびえる尖塔、stand in line ; 列に並ぶ
Guinness Book of Records ; ギネスブック、seat of power ; 権力の座
king of Bohemia ; ボヘミア国王
Holy Roman emperor ; 神聖ローマ帝国皇帝、monastery ; 修道院、 virtually ; 実質的に
the last millennium ; 先の千年
We take a tour of the castle according to the map on the ticket.
As soon as we enter a spacious third yard from the second one, we can see
gothic St.Vitus Cathedral towering right in front of us.
First, we tour St.Vitus Cathedral (World Heritage).
We also had to wait in line to enter it.
I can't take a overview picture of the cathedral at the yard because it's
too big.
A partial photo of St.Vitus Cathedral's facade (2015.09.26_11:43) |
The interior of the cathedral is crowded with tourists.
The chancel has simple structure and a lofty ceiling.
The chancel of St.Vitus Cathedral (2015.09.26_11:50) |
The following are the stained glass windows of St.Vitus Cathedral.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The stained glass windows of St.Vitus Cathedral (2015.09.26_12:03) |
[Note] spacious ; 広々とした、St.Vitus Cathedral ; 聖ヴィート大聖堂、tower ; そびえ立つ
wait in line ; 行列待ちする、take a overview picture ; 全体像を撮る、facade ; (建物の)正面
chancel ; (教会の)内陣、a lofty ceiling ; 非常に高い天井、the interior of ~ ; ~の内部
stained glass window ; ステンドグラスの窓
The following is the Tomb of Yan Nepomucky (the bishop of Bohemia in the
It'said it's made from silver.
The Tomb of Yan Nepomucky (2015.09.26_12:08) |
A happening occurs when I'm touring the cathedral while taking photos.
I find that my wife has disappeared.
After getting out from the cathedral, I was waiting for her to appear at
the exit for about
5 minutes, but wasn't able to meet her.
Though I scouted around the neighborhood, I couldn't find her in this crowd.
She completely went missing.
Though I have euros in my wallet, I troublingly don't have any Czech koruna.
Regarding method for going back to the hotel, it takes a long time but
I can do that by foot
at the worst.
However, I can't have lunch.
I was in trouble!
I hope I can find an exchange counter somewhere on the way.
I'm worried about whether it is open or not because today ia Saturday.
[Note] the Tomb of Yan Nepomucky ; 聖ヤン・ネポムッキーの霊廟、bishop ; 司祭
find that someone has disappeared ; (人)の姿が見えないのに気付く
scout around ~; ~を探し回る、go missing ; 行方不明になる、at the worst ; 最悪の場合(でも)
troublingly ; 困ったことに、厄介なことに、regarding ~; ~に関して
I was in trouble! ; 困ったことになりました、 exchange counter ; 両替所
be worried about ~; ~が心配だ、が気になる
From now, I have to travel by myself.
I made my way through the yard.
The follwing pictures are a tower with a clock and a gate so called “Golden Gate”
on the south side of the Cathedral.
A tower with a clock on the south side of St.Vitus Cathedral (2015.09.26_12:18) |
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
A partial photo of a tower with a clock on the south of St.Vitus Cathedral (2015.09.26_12:19) |
[Note] travel by myself ; 一人旅をする、make one's way through ~; ~の間を前進する
Next, I tour the old royal palace of Prague Castle complex.
The following picture is the Vladislav Hall.
It's a spacious and large room.
The ceiling looks like flower petals and has rib structure supporting vaults
as if
they are ribs.
There are grapelike chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling.
According to the Travel Guide, many events such as spectacular colonations,
balls and tournaments were held here.
The Vladislav Hall in the old royal palace of Prague Castle complex (2015.09.26_12:24) |
[Note] the Vladislav Hall ; ヴラジスラフ・ホール、flower petal ; 花びら、rib ; 肋骨、リブ
vault ; アーチ形の天井、丸天井、grapelike ; ブドウのような、 colonation ; 戴冠式
ball ; (正式の)(大)舞踏会、tournament ; (中世の騎士の)室内騎馬競技
The valcony is very crowded with tourists.
I get it now. I can get a fine view.
You can see the townscape following red roofs, Vltava and steeples of Church
Our Lady before Tyn beyond the river.
A bird's-eye view of St.Nicholas Cathedral (2015.09.26_12:29) |
[Note] a bird's-eye view of ~; 眼下に広がる、一望できる~
I get it now. ; (疑問が氷解して) なるほど
I can get a fine view ; 素晴らしい眺めです、Vltava ; ヴルタヴァ川
Church of Our Lady before Tyn ; ティーン教会(ティーンの前の聖母マリア教会)
Townscape of downtown Prague
(Steeples of Church of Our Lady before Tyn on the left-rear side) (2015.09.26_12:29) |
A zoomed-in picture of Vltava (2015.09.26_12:30) |
Subsequently, I followed arrows to observe the inside of the royal palace.
Audience room (2015.09.26_12:33) |
The flag with coat of arms of the Kingdom of Bohemia (2015.09.26_12:36) |
The genealogy of the royal family (2015.09.26_12:40) |
I have the impression that the inside of the old royal palace of Prague
isn't as gogeous as that of the Hapsburg's palace, and is rather empty and
really modest.
[Note] left-rear ; 左後方の、zoomed-in picture ; ズームイン(拡大)写真、subsequently ; 続いて
follow arrows to ~; 順路に従って~する、Audience room ; 謁見室
coat of arms ; 紋章、Kingdom of Bohemia ; ボヘミア王国、 genealogy ; 系図
I have the impression that ~; ~(that以下)の印象です、not as A as B ; BほどAではない
the Hapsburg ; ハプスブルク家、 empty ; がらんとした、modest ; 質素な
I can see the east side of St.Vitus Cathedral when I go ahead after getting
of it.
The view of the east side of St.Vitus Cathedral (2015.09.26_12:42) |
You can see Romanesque St.George's Basilica (Word Heritage) standing in front
of it, which is characterized by impressive red bricks.
It's the oldest surviving church within Prague Castle.
The basilica was founded in 920 and rebuilt in 1142.
The facade dates from the 17th century.
The view of St.George's Basilica (2015.09.26_12:41) |
The interior of St.George's Basilica is basilican.
The interior of St.George's Basilica (2015.09.26_12:55) |
[Note]Romanesque ; ロマネスク様式の、facade ; フアーサード、date from ~; ~に遡る、に始まる
Basilic ; バシリカ聖堂(ローマ法王により特権が与えられたローマの教会及び他の主要な教会)
basilican ; バシリカ様式の
After I have toured the Castle from west to east, I tour the Golden Lane
It's generally believed that its name derives from the fact that alchemists
lived there.
As you can see, it's the stone-paved alley and lined with small houses.
Every house is painted in colors on the wall.
The aqua-colored house is a house that Flanz Kafka, Czech novelist had borrowed for about
half a year to write a novel.
I heard the name of Flanz Kafka for the first time but I'm sure he is one
of famous novelists.
Golden Lane (2015.09.26_13:00) |
Most of small houses are suvenior stores, but in the display space on
the second floor of
the row house are displayed medieval armories like armor and ecu, and weapons
like pikes.
And also I was able to see a room in which the past torture devices were
Displays like armor and ecu |
A room in which torture devices
were placed |
Cannons displayed at the entrance |
[Note] It's generally believed that ; (that以下)が通説となっている
be lined with ~ ; (主語の道や通りなどに)が~並んでいる、row house ; 長屋, armory ; 武具
armor ; (中世の)甲冑、 ecu ;(中世の騎馬兵が用いた)盾、pike ; (昔の歩兵が使った)槍
torture device ; 拷問器具、cannon ; (16~17世紀の)大砲
I got to the east gate after taking a grand tour.
The gate of Prague Castle complex (2015.09.26_13:18) |
David of Prague Castle complex?
(2015.09.26_13:20) |
There was a nude statue of good-looking guy neare here.
It's not Michelangelo's David.
Girls and ladies had their commemorative photos with him
while touching him with a smile.
I imagine that you touch too many times his chingus became
so brilliant like this.
I looked for my wife as I thought she might be somewhere
around here for a while but couldn't find her.
So, I continue to take a stroll.
Since I wanted to see St.Nicholas Church Lesser Side that
could be seen at the old royal palace, I followed a map to get
When I walked west along the castle wall, I got to the main gate of Prague
Castle complex, Maytasova brana.
Aha, this is the main gate?
Come to think of it, I entered the castle from the postern.
Main gate of Prague Castle complex, Maytasova brana (2015.09.26_13:42) |
[Note] take a grand tour ; 一通り見学する、nude statue ; 裸像
Michelangelo's David ; ミケランジェロのダビデ像、chingus ; ちんちん(penis)
become brilliant ; ぴかぴかになる、follow a map ; 地図に従って進む
Maytasova brana ; マチアス門(プラハ城の正門)、Aha ; へえ(驚き・喜び・発見の気持を表して)
come to think of it ; そういえば、postern ; (城や砦の)裏門
Guards stand in front of the gate right and left, and there are Grecian
statues on the top of
the both sides of the gate.
Two warriors give a intimidating feeling like that they are ready to attack
those who are
about to invade the castle, don't they?
I walk winding downhills from here.
A downhill on Nerudova Street (2015.09.26_13:46) |
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
St.Nicholas church Lesser Side (2015.09.26_13:55) |
[Note] guard ;衛兵、Grecian ; ギリシャ風の、warrior ; (古代や中世の)戦士
give a intimidating feeling ; 威圧感を与える、 intimidating ; 威嚇(圧)するような
winding downhill ; 曲がりくねった下り坂
After a while, I got to St.Nicholas Church Lesser Side.
It's one of the most beautiful baroque church in Prague.
I didn't enter it for time.
I head off for Charles Bridge from here.
On the way, I found to see a “CHANGE” sign!
The finding of a “CHANGE” sign (2015.09.26_14:01) |
It might be closed for Saturday.
When I approach a teller window tentatively, I 'm surprised that it was
Tentavely, I changed €30 into Czech Koruna.
Well, now I'm all right for the time being.
When I go ahead on Mostecka Street, the tower and gate of Charles Bridge
came into sight.
Mostecka Street (2015.09.26_14:01) |
[Note] teller window ; (銀行などの)窓口、 tentatively ; とりあえず、恐る恐る
change A into B ; AをBに両替する、for the time being ; 当分の間、差し当たりは
Well, now I'm all right for the time being. ; これでやっと一安心
come into sight ; 見えてくる
I saw street performance like this on the road.
It's performed in pairs.
What the hell is going on?
Do you understand it? ( )
Strange performance (2015.09.26_14:05) |
I got to Charles Bridge.
Since it's very crowded with tourists, I walk so slowly.
The crowd on Charles Bridge (2015.09.26_14:07) |
The crowd on Charles Bridge (2015.09.26_14:09) |
[Note] What the hell is going on? ; 一体、どうなっているの? (状況の把握ができない時などに)
the hell ; 一体(全体)[驚き、怒り、困惑の強調]
The Charles Bridge is the oldest stone bridge that crosses the Vltava
river in Prague.
It's Gothic arch-type bridge that was constructed under the reign of King
Charles Ⅳ from
the 14th century to the 15th century.
The bridge is 516 metres long and 9.5 metres wide.
There are 30 attractive saint's statues mounted to the balustrade of the
both side of the bridge.
Statue of St.John of Nepomuk is the 8th statue mounted to the balustrade
of the left side of
bridge from the west bank.
Touching the relief on the plinth of the statue is supposed to bring good
So it is attracting many visitors.
Since no one is allowed to drive one's car onto the bridge, it's a bustling
spot with strret
performers, souvenior vendors and others whose stand in line on the both
side of it.
I have got a wonderful view from Chales Bridge.
I can see several sightseeing boats cruising slowly.
The view of the upper stream of the Vltava river from Charles Bridge (2015.09.26_14:10) |
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The view toward the west bank of the Vltava
river (2015.09.26_14:12) |
The view toward the downstream of the Vltava
river (2015.09.26_14:13) |
The following are the statue of St. John of Nepomuk and the holy cross.
The statue of St.John of Nepomuk
(2015.09.26_14:11) |
The holy Cross (2015.09.26_14:15) |
[Note] arch-type ; アーチ形の、under the reign of ~ ; ~の統治下に
King Charles Ⅳ ; カール4世(ボヘミア国王、神聖ローマ皇帝)、saint's statu ; 聖人像
mounted to ~ ; ~に取り付けられた、balustrade ; 欄干、手すり
statue of St.John of Nepomuk ; 聖ヤン・ネポムッキー像、plinth ; (彫刻などの)台座
be supposed to do ~ ; ~すると(予想)されている、stand in line ; 列をつくる、に並ぶ
I walk toward the Old town after crossing Charles Bridge.
I could see a beautiful baroque church just when I crossed the bridge.
According to Google Map, it was a church called Kostel Nejsvetejsiho Salvatora.
Kostel Nejsvetejsiho Salvatora (2015.09.26_14:19) |
When I walked down Charles Street, I got to the Old Town Square (World
It's said this place is the heart of Prague.
The square lines cafes, suvenior shops, cariages for tourists and others
,and are crowded
with many visitors, street performer, bands and others.
The Old Town Square in Prague (2015.09.26_14:32) |
There is a bronz statue of Jan Hus who is a church reformer, in the center of the square.Jan Hus
is the first church reformer in Bohemia.
He who was a devout Christian severely criticized the Catholic depravation at that time and then
was burned at the stake for being considerd heresy.
He has been revered as a great hero in Czech and the statue become a symbol
of the Old Town
The bronze statue of Jan Hus (2015.09.26_14:34) |
[Note] church reformer ; 宗教改革者、devout ; 敬虔な
Catholic depravation ; カトリック教会の堕落
be burned at the stake ; 火あぶりの刑に処せられる、[stake ; (刑罰の)火あぶり]、heresy ; 異端
revere ; 崇拝する
The Old Town Hall
(2015.09.26_14:36) |
The right picture is the Old Town Hall.
It stands across the square from Church of Our Lady before Tyn.
The current building was rebuilt after being destroyed in World
War Ⅱ.
It was completed by repeating extension and alteration to the
original Town Hall and buying the adjoining houses over centuries.
It's said the Town Hall has a small chapel and is now popular as
a wedding hall.
[Note] Church of Our Lady before Tyn ; ティーン教会
extension and alteration to (of) a house ; 家の増築および改築
adjoining ; 隣接している
An Astronomical Clock (World Herritage) is the most famous in
the Old Town Hall.
The dial plates are aligned in the longitudinal direction of the tower.
They display the motion of heavenly bodies and time based on cosmic view
(geocentrism) of
the time in which each plate was produced.
The upper horologe is a planetarium that makes a circuit in a year while
displaying date and time.
The lower one is called calendarium that go ticktock by one scale a day.
The clock tower of the Town Hall (2015.09.26_14:45) |
[Note] Astronomical Clock ; 天文時計、 dial plate ; (時計の)文字盤、 align ; を一直線に並べる
in the longitudinal direction of ~ ; ~の縦方向に、motion of heavenly bodies ; 天体の動き
cosmic view ; 宇宙観、 geocentrism ; 天動説、 horologe ; 時計、makes a circuit ; 一周する
go ticktock ; 時計の針が動く
The puppets on the both sides of the planetarium show the four fear of
vanity, greed, Death and
invasion by heathens.
And the puppets on the both sides of the calendarium show a person who
recrds history, angel,
astronomer and philosopher.
Pls click the picture to see a ful-size version
Planetarium of the Astronomical Clock
(2015.09.26_14:47) |
Calendarium of the Astronomical Clock
(2015.09.26_14:46) |
As you can see, there was a huge crowd of tourists in front of the Astonomical
Clock that is one
of their sightseeing spots.
In front of the Astronomical Clock (2015.09.26_14:49) |
You can see a church with two towers that particularly attract the eye
of tourists at the Square.
It's Church of Our Lady before Tyn (World Herritage) standing on the east
of the Square.
In front of the Astronomical Clock (2015.09.26_14:49) |
[Note] vanity ; 虚栄心、 greed ; 貪欲、Death ; 死神、heathen ; 異教徒、astronomer ; 天文学者
attract the eye of someone ; 人の目を引く
It's said that Church of Our Lady before Tyn was a church attached to accommodation built in
1135 for foreign merchants coming to the nearby Tyn Courtyard.
As you can see, this church which belongs to the Roman Catholic Church
has Gothic spires and
Runessans decoration.
And it's said that the interior decorating is Baroque.
The official name is Church of Virgin Mary before Tyn.
The church's two towers are 80 m high and topped by four small spires.

Church of Our Lady before Tyn and the portion
of the spires (2015.09.26_14:53) |
[Note] accommodation ; 宿泊施設、courtyard ; 中庭、spire ; 尖塔、interior decorating ; 内装
Tyn ; 壁で囲まれた場所の意。壁で囲まれたウンゲルト(Ungelt)と呼ばれる外国商人の居住地があった。
I can see street performers at the quare too.
A street performer who could be seen at the Old Town Square (2015.09.26_14:55) |
It's just 3 p.m.
After leaving the Square, I walk toward a black gate prominent particularly
according to my map.
I've really walked this far.
I got thirsty and also wanted to go to a restroom.
I don't have to worry because I've Czech Koruna exchanged.
I took a short break with a glass of beer at a table on the terrace of
a restaurant.
A short break with a glass of beer (2015.09.26_15:18) |
I started walking again when I just felt good.
When I was taking a stroll while enjoying street scene, I got to the black
gate, so called Powder
Gate or Powder Tower.
Powder Gate (2015.09.26_15:30) |
It's said the Powder Tower was originally constructed Gothic
in 1475 and one of the gates of a castle wall for the defense of
the Old Town.
It used to store gunpowder in the 17th century, hence the name
Powder Tower.
It's 65 meters high.
I felt the smoky black very impressive.
[Note] Powder Gate ; 火薬門、 gunpowder ; 火薬
hence the name ~; よって~の名がある
A partial image of the Powder Gate (2015.09.26_15:32) |
I decided to enter the Powder Tower when I saw the name plate“Entrance”on
the wall.
There was a box office when I walked up narrow stone spiral stairs.
When I walked up it again after paying the entrance fee, I got to an observation
Here was a gallery too.
Steep spiral stairs
(2015.09.26_15:52) |
The exhibits at the gallery (2015.09.26_15:43) |
There is a square gallery around the tower.
You can see a panoramic view of downtown Prague at the north, south, east
and west gallery.
The view including the street I have walked along was wonderful.
The view of downtown Prague from the Powder Tower (2015.09.26_15:46) |
[Note] box office ; (映画館、劇場などの)チケット売り場、spiral stairs ; 螺旋階段
observation deck ; 展望台、 gallery ; (建物の外の)バルコニー/屋根付き通路
There is a Municipal House Hall next to the Powder Gate just when I pass through it.
It's a splendid building for the Munincipal House Hall.
The exterior decoration like this is called art nouveau.
Historically, in 1918, the independence declaration of the Czechoslovakia
Republic took place
here when it gained independence from Austria-Hungary.
[Note] Municipal House Hall ; 市民会館、splendid ; 華麗な, art nouveau ; アールヌーボー
exterior decoration ; 屋外の(外観の)装飾、independence declaration ; 独立宣言
gain independence from ~ ; ~から独立する
Austria-Hungary ; オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国(1867~1918年に存在したハプスブルク家の君主が統治した国家)
Municipal House Hall (2015.09.26_16:12) |
This is the end of today's stroll in the Historic Center of Prague.
I think Prague has a deep history which can't be easily reached.
Today I see only the appearance of histrical legacy except for the Prague
It seems to me that it takes a week at least to get over looking around
I walk toward Praha hlavní nádraží with the help of a map.
I got to a railway station after a while.
It's Praha Masarykovo nádraží (Prague Masaryk railway station).
When I saw the map again to check, I found there is another station near
Praha hlavní nádraží.
And also I found unexpectedly that there is my hotel near Prague Masaryk railway station.
So, my hotel isn't so far away from the Old Town.
Since I made sure my hotel is a short walk from here, I decided to stop
at Prague Masaryk railway station.
As it turned out afterward, it is the starting station of domestic local
Off course, it is smaller than Praha hlavní nádraží.
In addition to that, there is still another station, Praha-Holešovice railway
station at the edge of Prague.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The station yard and platform of Prague Masaryk railway station (2015.09.26_16:27) |
[Note] histrical legacy ; 歴史的遺産、except for ~ ; ~を除けば、~を別にすれば、get over ~; ~し終える
Praha hlavní nádraží ; プラハ中央駅、Praha Masarykovo nádraží ; プラハ・マサリク駅
not so far away from ~ ; ~からそれほど離れていない、be a short walk from ~; ~から歩いて
すぐの所にる、as it turned out afterwards ; 後から分かったことですが、starting station ; 始発駅
Praha-Holešovice railway station ; プラハ・ホレショヴィツェ駅、at the edge of ~; ~の外れに
When I return to the hotel, my room door was ajar.
In short, my wife has already returned.
Accrding to her, she returned about 5 minutes ago after walking the same
route as me to do
We laughed a lot each other to see that.
She was crying over spending a lot of time finding me.
At any rate, we were so hungry we got out to a restaurant next to the Municipal House Hall to
have dinner.
I was surprised to see Japanese tourists and a Japanese tourist group there.
At the restaurant Kavarna Obecni dum (2015.09.26_18:13) |
[Note] ajar ; (戸が)少し開いて、in short ; つまり、要するに、cry over ~ ; ~を嘆く
spending a lot of time finding ~ ; ~を見つける(探し出す)のに多くの時間を費やす
Japanese tourist group ; 日本の観光団
I ordered a big glass of beer and a special dish resonable for tourists.
We licked our lips over a traditional Czech dish, roast beef while listening
to live piano playing.
Touristicke menu (290Kc_) |
A big glass of beer (2015.09.26_18:48) |
Though we happened to lose each other, we could enjoy a leisurely stroll
freely in Historic Center
of Prague.
Tomorrow we are going to leave Prague for Wien by rail.
[Note] live piano playing ; ピアノの生演奏、by rail ; 鉄道で
Japanese Diary / No.732-2016.01.22 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.257-Jan.25.,2016 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czeh Republic (17th day-Sept27.2015-)”