Weekly Topics/Archive
January 2016 (3/3)
At 6:30, we got up.
I woke up earlier than usual this morning.
It may be because I went to bed last night, or I felt delightful to return
It's almost 7:30 in the course of watching the TV news.
The news topics are as follows.
・ESPANA ; Catalonia Election
・Volkswagen Scandal
・Refugee Crisis ; EU deal, etc.
They are the news reported every day.
When I open the curtains, I can see the downtown area of Wien under the blue
There are many churches and cathedrals, aren't there?
They are like temples and shrines in Japan.
Wien's city area looks like that of Kyoto
[Note] feel delightful ; 嬉しく思う、in the course of ~ ; ~していると、~の過程で
The view of Wien's city area in the monig (2015.09.28_07:33) |
We go to a hotel restaurant in the first basement.
At any rate, here is Austria.
A variety of hams and cheeses was served on the buffet table.
At 10:00 am, we checked out.
When we took a taxi from Vienna Intl Airport to hotel on September 11, we
booked a taxi for today to the taxi driver.
He didn't forget to come to pick us up at the hotel at 10:20 am.
The taxi fare was €40 including a tip.
City Airport Train (CAT) is operated from Wien Hbf to the airport.
Off course, the train fare is much cheaper than the taxi fare.
But we took a taxi to save our troubles of travel with big suitcases.
At 10:45, we arrived at Wien Intl airport.
It took us only about 25 minutes to get here with use of express way.
[Note] at any rate ; 何はともあれ、とにかく 、save one's troubles of ~; ~の手間を省く
come to pick someone up at ~ ; ~に(人)を迎えに来る
it take someone only _ minutes to ~; ~するのに_分しかかからない
At 11:00, we check in at Austrian Air Line's check-in counter.

↑ Boarding Pass
← Austrian Air Line's check-in counter |
After going through the embarkation procedure, we walk to the boarding
We have to buy souvenirs at the duty-free shop on the way.
If we buy souvenirs which are as light as possible, the special one's are
chocolates, since the number of them is large.
We found the reasonable souvenir that can be immediately recognized as
Austrian one.
Yes, we decided to buy “Mozart Chocolate”.
Since we made a payment with all our Euros in this case, we felt good.
At a duty-free shop (2015.09.28_12:00) |
[Note] Boarding Pass ; 搭乗券、go through the embarkation procedure ; 出国手続きをする
embarkation ; 搭乗、boarding gate ; 搭乗ゲート、duty-free shop ; 免税店
feel good ; (気分が)すっきりする
We took a break at Austrian Airlines's lounge as we still had a lot of
time until
boarding time.
I enjoyed red wine while watching airplanes taking off and landing at the
At Austrian Airlines's lounge (2015.09.28_12:41) |
At 12:45, we get on board the Austrian Airlines Fleight OS51 to leave Austria
at last.
At 13:30, it left the bording gate G01 10 minutes late.
Austrian Airlines Fleight OS51 leaving the boarding gate (2015.09.28_13:30) |
After flying around over Wien, the Austrian Airlines fleight OS51 flew
The following photos are the view of the earth from the plane window.
The blue Danube(An der schönen blauen Donau) |
The country view with the pattern of patchwork |
The view of Austrian earth from Austrian Airlines Fleight OS51 (2015.09.28_13:54) |
Some time after the OS51 reached a cruising speed, we got a service of
I chose wine as a drink.
Though there were five kinds of the brand of red Austrian wine, I chose
one of
them properly because I knew almost nothing about the brand.
I could drink any of them rarely in Japan, if I missed this opportunity.
Needless to say, I had another one.
[Note] fly around over ~ ; ~の上空を旋回する、cruising speed ; 巡航速度
airline meal ; 機内食、know almost nothing about ~ ; ~についてほとんど無知である
needless to say ; 言うまでもありませんが、have another one ; おかわりする
A red wine with an appetizer |
A Japanese set meal with boiled
fish as the main dish |
Desserts (2015.09.28_16:02) |
I chose a Japanese set meal with boiled fish as the main dish.
It's a long time since I ate Japanese food.
Anyway, miso soup was really delicious!
Maybe this is an early dinner.
Some time after I got full, I made a reclining seat flat to lie down.
Tomorrow, we are scheduled to arrive at Narita Airport at 7:30 am on september
Like this, with cooperation of Gerry-san who is my daughter's husband,
carefree travel to Austria, Germany and Czech Republic with a courtesy
visit to
his parents living in Austria is about to go into the homestretch.
We would like to thank his parents most warmly for their very kind hospitality
extended to us during our stay at their place.
[Note] get full ; 満腹になる、lie down ; 横になる、横たわる、courtesy visit ; 表敬訪問
be about to ~ ; まさに~しょうとしている、go into the homestretch ; 終局を迎える
homestretch ; ゴール前の直線コース、最終部分、大詰め、 hospitality ; 歓待、もてなし
thank someone most warmly for ~ ; ~に対して(人)に心から感謝する
Though several happenings like sudden fever of my granddaughter Hannah-chan, an abrupt termination of travel to Munich due to getting involved
in Syrian refugee issue and missing in Prague, etc. occured,we had a most
enjoyable travel.
If consition permits, we would like to visit them again.
This is my travel reports in September last year.
I'm now relieved to have been able to bring it to an end at last
[Note] abrupt termination of ~ ; ~の突然の中止、get involved in ~ ; ~に巻き込まれる
a most enjoyable travel ; とても楽しい旅行、if consition permits ; 条件が合えば
travel report ; 旅行記、be relieved to do ~ ; ~してほっとしている
bring ~ to an end ; ~を完結する
Japanese Diary / No.734-2016.01.26 /
At 7:30, we got up.
At 8:20, we had breakfast.
Though we couldn't see any hotel guests when we entered the hotel restaurant,
it filled after about 30 minutes.
Breakfast at the hotel restaurant (2015.09.27_08:51) |
A Russian waitress struk up a friendly conversation with my wife saying
are you from?”
According to her, she is a student from Russia and works part-time here
to cover
her school fees.
I thought Russian woman really has fair skin.
I ate boiled sardine this morning too.
I was surprised to see that they serve seafoods here even though Czech
surrounded by sea.
I know there was a time when Czech had been occupied by Russia.
Since seafood product was brought from Russia to Czech at that time, it
might be
a remnant of eating habits from the days of the occupation.
[Note] strike up a friendly conversation with ~ ; ~に気さくに話しかける
strike up ~; ~を始める、work part-time ; アルバイトをする、school fee ; 学費、授業料
have fair skin ; 肌の色が白い、boiled sardine ; イワシ煮、occupy ; 占領する
eating habits ; 食習慣、remnant from the days of ~ ; ~の時代の名残
Today we travel from Prague to Vienna in Austria.
After getting back to our room, we packed our belongings into our suitcases.
The hotel's chec-up time is 12:00 noon, so we have enough time to pack
At 10:30, we checked out of the hotel.
A cashier gave me a card.
I heard that we can receive a discount on the room charge if we present
the card
when we will use it again sometime.
As may be expected of a tourist-oriented country, Czech hotel offers good
services for repeaters.
We strolled through the park in front of Praha hlavní nádraží for a while.
It was a place like a hungout for lovers and tourists.
[Note] receive a discount on ~; ~の割引を受ける、present a card ; カードを提示する
as may be expected of ~ ; さすがに~だけあって、tourist-oriented country ; 観光立国
a hungout for ; ; ~の溜まり場
Park in front of Praha hlavní nádraží (2015.09.27_11:06) |
We bought tickets at Praha hlavní nádraží.
The main entrance of Praha hlavní nádraží (2015.09.27_11:06) |
We take a high-speed train called Railjet to Vienna.
The Railjet is the international limited express train which has been operated
by the Austrian Federal Railways(ÖBB) and Czech Railways(ČD).
It's said the operation service began in December of 2008.
This time, we used reserved seats in the second-class car.
Railjet's ticket from Prague to Vienna (2015.09.27) |
The following photos are the station yard of Praha hlavní nádraží.
We have to pay 20 Kc (€1) to use a toilet in the station yard.
In Prague, the usage fee of public facilities and the prices on menue at
are displayed in both Czech Koruna and Euro, so it's really convenient.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Train guide display board (2015.09.27_11:28) |
The station yard of Praha hlavní nádraží (2015.09.27_11:28) |
A pay toilet (2015.09.27_12:10) |
[Note] Austrian Federal Railways(ÖBB) ; オーストリア連邦鉄道
Czech Railways(ČD) ;チェコ鉄道、operation service ; 運行サービス、usage fee ; 利用料金
train guide display board ; 列車案内表示ボード
We had time to wait until departure time of the train, so we had a snack
BURGER KING to kill time.
Time adjustment at BURGER KING in the station yard (2015.09.27_12:21) |
The time has come for us to leave Prague.
Fifteen minutes before departure time of the train, the number of the platform
which the train come in was finally displayed on the train guide display
Platform at Praha hlavní nádraží (2015.09.27_12:33) |
The Railjet was coming in on the platform.
Railjet that came in on the the platform of Praha hlavní nádraž (2015.09.27_12:37) |
[Note] have a snack ; 軽食をとる、kill time ; 時間を潰す、come in on the platform ; 入線する
At just 12:42, the train departed for Vienna, and our 4 hour-20 minute
As to layout of reserved seats in the second-class car, there are two individual
seats abreast on each side of aisle, typically in a 2+2 seating layout.
They are not so spacious as those of the first class car and haven't large
About 30 minutes after, a small but elegant conductress camee to check
Middle eastern passengers except us were asked to show their passport by
She could recognize that we are Japanese.
There is a shadow cast by Syrian refugee issue here.
[Note] 4 hour-20 minute trip ; 4 時間20 分の旅、as to ~; ~に関して、abreast ; 横に並んで
on each side of aisle ; 中央通路の両側に、in a 2+2 seating layout ; 2+2 座席配列で
conductress ; (電車、バスの)女性検札係、shadow cast by ~ ; ~の(が投じた・が落とした)影
The following map is our train route from Prague to Vienna.
Train route between Prague and Vienna Praha hlavní nádraží Wien Hauptbahnhof
Train stops Hotel Motel one Wien-Hauptbahnhof
We enjoy the sceneries from the train window.
When the train runs out of Prague, we can only the forests and wilderness
a small town only around a station.
Sceneries from the train window along a railway line in Czech (2015.09.27_13:55) |
After a while, the sky was starting to clear up.
The following are photos of Brno hlavní nádraží which is the third stop
The platform was deserted, but Brno seems like a relatively big city having
churches and several buildings including a palatial one.
Brno hlavní nádraží (2015.09.27_15:26) |
A part of outlook near Brno hlavní nádraží
from the train window (2015.09.27_15:29) |
[Note] wilderness ; 原野、clear up ; (空が)晴れ上がる、deserted ; 閑散とした
palatial ; (建物が)宮殿のような
The Railjet train has a electronic display board that display not only
location of running train on the map but also the traveling speed and the
estimated arrival time at each stop, so it's very convenient.
A guide screen that displays the arrival time at train stops and actual travel speed.
(2015.09.27_15:52) |
Sometime after leaving Breclav railway station, the train ran in Austria.
I went to a restaurnt car to kill my boredom.
They serve some snacks and drinks there.
I enjoyed the sceneries from the train window over a glass of white wine(0.3l/€3.3).
At the restaurant car |
Sceneries from the train window (2015.09.27_16:29) |
The train arrived 4 minutes late at Wien Hbf at 4:56 p.m.
It's a big clean station.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Platform of Wien Hauptbahnhof (2015.09.27_16:59) |
The station yard (2015.09.27_17:00) |
The hotel, Motel One Wien-Hauptbahnhof that we had reserved was located
about 200 meters away from the station.
We could see it right away because it had the signboard on the top of a
tall building in front of the station.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Hotel Motel one Wien-Hauptbahnhof
The view of Wien Hauptbahnhof (2015.09.27_17:06) |
[Note] traveling (running) speed ; 走行速度、estimated arrival time ; 予定到着時間
sometime after ~ ; ~の後しばらくして、to kill my boredom ; 退屈しのぎに
boredom ; 退屈、right away ; すぐに、strikingly ; 目立って、ひときわ
We submitted the confirmation we received by e-mail after booking a hotel
via the Internet to the front desk to check in.
Checking in at the hotel (2015.09.27_17:09) |
There is our room on the 14th floor of the hotel.
It looks like a commercial hotel, but the room was fresh and comfortable.
The room has a panoramic view of the city center.
It seems like we are looking at the city area on the opposite side of Old
in which we took a stroll two weeks before.
The outlook of downtown Wien from my hotel room
(2015.09.27_17:23) |
The outlook of Wien Hbf from my hotel room
(2015.09.27_17:23) |
We go for a walk around the station while finding a good restaurant for
This area seems to be a business district, so most of the restaurants nearby
closed because today is Sunday.
We found a restaurant on the first floor of a hotel.
We decided to enter there because it looked like a restaurant with a nice
I ordered beefsteak, consomme soup and vegetable salad with beer.
They stimulated my appetite because they were elegantly arranged on dishes.
Menus for today's dinner (2015.09.27_18:50) |
[Note] submit ; 提出する、book ~ via the Internet ; ネットで予約する
commercial hotel ; ビジネスホテル、have a panoramic view of ~; (主語の位置から)~が一望できる
city center / city area ; 市街地、business district ; ビジネス街
~ with a nice atomosphere ; 雰囲気の良い~、stimulate one's appetite ; (人の)食欲をそそる
arrange ~ on dish ; 皿に~を盛り付ける
The following photo is the night view of Wien Hbf from the hotel room.
I feel like setting of the sun has got earlier compared to 2 weeks ago.
The night view of Wien Hbf (2015.09.27_19:52) |
I fell asleep while watching the TV news like Euro, CNN and BBC news on
Tomorrow we are going to leave for home.
[Note] setting of the sun ; 日の入り、fall asleep ; 眠りにつく
Japanese Diary / No.733-2016.01.25 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.258-Jan.26.,2016 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czeh Republic (18th day-Sept28.2015-)”
(To be updated soon)