Weekly Topics/Archive
November 2015 (1/3)
I slept deeply through the night.
I think that I might have been tired because of the strain of meeting strangers.
At 6:30, I got up because we were supposed to have breakfast at 7:30.
I exchanged morning greetings with Opa and Oma saying, “Guten morgen”.
It looks like Oma prepares breakfast in cooperation with Opa in the Wagner
I had great admiration for him.
We have breakfast for the first time at their house.
There are some bread, butter, 3 kinds of jam made from orange or apple
blueberry, slices of ham, hard and soft cheeses, fresh salad, cow and soy
boiled eggs and coffee.
Oma said salad vegetables like tomato are home-grown and jams are homemade
and also bluberries for jam were harvested in her garden.
Breakfast started saying, “Guten Appetit !” and finished saying, “Danke,
hat gut geschmeckt !”
In my pocket I have cheat sheets on which I've transcribed several basic
of daily German conversation.
Off course, if the phrase I want to speak isn't on the paper, I can't help
but give
up conversation in Germany.
It is planned that Wagner family will take us on a day trip to Hallstatt,
has been designated as a World Heritage Site today.
Last night, Opa taught me the location on a map after dinner.
Opa said that we will visit Hallstätter See (Lake Hallstatt) with his car and
a rental car to hike on the lakeside trail.
Since Hannah-chan does that, a baby buggy was put in the car.
To my surprise, his car is a diesel car made by Nissan.
The following is the actual one-day trip's route.
[Note] sleep deeply ; ぐっすり眠る、mee a stranger ; 初対面の人と会う, strain ; 緊張(感), 重圧
be supposed to ~; ~することになっている、have admiration for ~; ~に感心(敬服)する
soy milk ; 豆乳、home-grown / homemade ; 自家製の、cheat sheet ; カンニングペーパー
transcribe ~; ~を書き写す、daily German conversation ; 日常ドイツ語会話
can't help but ~; ~せざるをえない、Hallstatt ; ハルシュタット(オーストリアの)地名
lakeside trail ; 湖畔の遊歩道、baby buggy ; ベビーカー, to one's surprise ; 驚いたことに
At 9:00AM, we leave Wagner's house.
As you can see from the following picture, it's a perfect weather for a
The landscape in front of Wagner's place (2015.09.17_08:47) |
And now, Hallstatt is a village in Gmunden, Oberösterreich (Upper Austria
state), Austria.
It's located near the Lake Hallstatt in the southern part of the Salzkammergut
region at the foot of the Austrian Alps.
The View weaved from the mountains of Dachstein, Lake Hallstatt and row of
houses along the lake are well-known as one of the representative landscape
They are designated a World Heritage site as
“Hallstatt-Dachstein/Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape”.
On the way, we took a short break at the lakeside of Wolhgangsee which is one of the lake in the Salzkammergut region.
The following is a commemorative photo taken by Gerry.
[Note] Gmunden ; オーストリア/オーバーエスターライヒ州の郡
Oberösterreich (Upper Austria); オーストリアの州名、weaved from ~;~から織られる(織りなす)
Dachstein ; ダッハシュタイン山塊、Cultural Landscape ; 文化的景観
Wolhgangsee ; ウォルフガング湖
At the lakeside of Wolhgangsee (2015.09.17_10:30) |
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The view at the lakeside of Wolhgangsee (2015.09.17_10:50) |
Hannah-chan takes a walk, being led by Oma's hand.
She was happy to have her mother ride on a swing in the park.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
It looks like Hannah-chan is interested in a stone anywhere. |
Hannah-chan who is led by Oma's hand |
Hannah-chan is happy to have her mother ride on a swing |
We drove to Hallstatt from here and enjoy hiking after parking in the
parking area neaby.
We walk out to nature trail along the lake.
It seems that it has also been used as the cycle path and so we met many
[Note] be led by the hand ; 手に引かれる、take a walk ; 散歩する
ride on a swing ; ブランコに乗る、have someone do something ; (人に)~をしてもらう
nature trail ; 自然遊歩道
The nature trail near Lake Hallstatt (2015.09.17_11:58) |
There was a hip restaurant “Gasthaus Seeraunzn” at the lakeside.
As it was just lunch time, we dropped in here for lunch
Our lunch break at a hip restaurant “Gasthaus Seeraunzn” (2015.09.17_12:00) |
We first toasted with beer saying “Prosit !”.
I ate a fish dish for the first time in Austria.
It was plain in taste.
I think itisn't a sea fish because Austria isn't surrounded by sea.
Gerrey said it is probably a farmed freshwater fish
My first fish dish in a long time (2015.09.17_12:40) |
We are going to hike to the town of Hallstatt that can be seen hazily in the
Thouh Oma is the same age as my wife, she is energetic.
Anyway, she walks faster than us leading us in our hike.
The town of Hallstatt that can be seen on the opposite shore in the distance
(2015.09.17_13:57) |
There is a railroad along the lake.
The gravelly trail along the railroad is sometimes too narrow to pass through
a baby buggy.
As soon as we crossed a suspension bridge over the lake on the way, we
near Hallstat station.
We checked the return train timetable on the platform at the desolate station.
[Note] hip restaurant ; おしゃれなレストラン、drop in ~; ~に立ち寄る
toast with ~; ~で乾杯する、prosit ; (ドイツ語)健康を祝して乾杯
plain in taste ; 淡白な味の、farmed ; 養殖の、freshwater fish ; 淡水魚、hazily ; かすんで
one's first ~ in a long time ; 久し振りの~、gravelly ; 砂利の、pass through ; 通り抜ける
suspension bridge ; 吊り橋、desolate station ; 無人駅
My wife who crosses a suspension bridge (2015.09.17_14:06) |
Hannah-chan in the buggy
on the trail (2015.09.17_14:13) |
Hallstatt station (2015.09.17_14:18) |
As the town of Hallstatt is located across the lake from the station, we are
supposed to cross by a ferryboat to get there.
When we walked down a hill toward the lake, we got to ATO Hallstatt Bahnhst.
The fare for round trip is €4.4.
At the ferry of the ferryboat (2015.09.17_14:23) |
The ferryboat proceeds slowly toward the opposite shore.
The town of Hallstatt is gradually approaching.
It seems to be hazy today.
The view of the town of Hallstatt from the ferryboat (2015.09.17_14:35) |
I knew that we can see Hallstatt like this by changing an angle for taking
picture on a clear day.
With the approach to the opposite shore, a row of colorful houses along
shoreline of the lake is increasing its beauty bit by bit.
[Note] be across A from B ; Aを挟んで(隔てて)Bの向かい側にある
ferryboat ; 渡し船、ATO Hallstatt Bahnhst ; (ドイツ語)ハルシュタット船着き場
fare for round trip ; 往復運賃、on an clear day ; 晴れた日に、bit by bit ; 次第に
Landscapes of row of houses in Hallstatt from the ferryboat (2015.09.17_14:44) |
I can't take a whole picture of its beautiful view with my digital camera.
So, with the help of the website of Austrian National Tourist Office again,
we can
introduce you it like this.
As was expected, it's natural for Hallstatt to be said as the most beautiful
lakeside town in the world.
The following is a picture of ATO Hallstatt Markt.
We caught sight of several cyclists who was waiting for the ferry to get
here too.
The view of ATO Hallstatt Markt (2015.09.17_14:47) |
We stroll through the streets of Hallstatt.
We walk up a tasteful and narrow slope toward a hill.
The alley to a hill (2015.09.17__) |
The following are the views from the slope on the way.
They are breathtaking landscapes of the lake and the town.
Protestant church (Hallstatt Lutheran Church)
(2015.09.17_15:08) |
An excursion boat on the lake
(2015.09.17_15:08) |
When we climbed stairs leading to the hill, we got to the entrance of
a church.
It's Catholic parish church “Maria am Berg”.
It's said that about 1000 skulls have been put in the charnel house “Bein
attached to the cemetery.
[Note] Austrian National Tourist Office ; オーストリア政府観光局
ATO Hallstatt Markt ; (ドイツ語)ハルシュタット広場船着き場、get aboard ; 乗船する
catch sight of ~; ~を見掛ける、目に留まる、stroll through the streets of ~;~の街を散歩する
tasteful ; 風情のある、上品な、alley ; 小路、breathtaking ; 素晴らしい、息をのむような
excursion boat ; 遊覧船、Catholic parish church ; カトリック教区教会、skull ; 頭蓋骨
charnel house ; 納骨堂、attached to ~; ~に付属している、cemetery ; 墓地
The altar of the church “Maria am Berg” (2015.09.17_15:11) |
We walk the street that is lined with souvenir shops for tourists along
the lake.
We sat down at an outside table together at the lakeside cafe restaurant
Polreich” from which we can see swans and ducks swimming.
I and Opa ordered a small glass of beer , and others orderd a cup of coffee
a slice of cake.
I felt time passes by slowly in an extraordinary space.
Swan lake (2015.09.17_16:45) |
We walked to the ferry in time for the departure time.
It's time for leaving Hallstatt at last.
We leave Hallstatt. (2015.09.17_16:53) |
We get on a train at Hallstatt station after crossing the lake by the
At Hallstatt station (2015.09.17_17:10) |
We started home by cars after taking a train from here to next stop, Obersee
I never dreamed that I hike in such a beautiful World Heritage site in
I was moved by Opa's and Oma's consideration for us and appreciate it.
[Note] be lined with ~; ~が軒を連ねる、outside table ; テラス席、pass by ; (時間が)過ぎ去る
extraordinary space ; 非日常空間、in time for ~; ~に間に合うように、start home ; 家路に就く
be moved by ~; ~に感激する、appreciate someone's consideration for ~; の心遣いに感謝する
Japanese Diary / No.713-2015.11.10 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.24X-Nov.XX.,2015 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czech Republic (8th day-Sept18.2015-)”
(Updating soon)
6:30AM, I got up and then got showered.
Today we are going to meet Gerry's elder brother for breakfast at the hotel
restaurant at 8:30 AM and greet each other.
After that, we will finally make a courtesy visit to the Wagner's Family
that is Gerry's parent's home.
When we had breakfast with Gerry's family, his brother came to visit us.
This is an introductory meeting hosted by him.
After we greeted each other with “Nice to meet you” with a handshake
first, we introduced ourselves.
His elder brother's name is Robert Wagner.
He is taller than me but slender.
He is a psychiatrist who is living in Wien.
Robert and Gerry are blood-related brothers.
They look alike.
Since he said to us that he isn't so good at English but can speak it a
bit, I felt better.
I thought even in Austria young people flock to the big cities in search
work just like in Japan.
These brothers must have met for the first time in a long time.
It looked like they are talking about various topics in German.
[Note] get showered ; シャワーを浴びる
make a courtesy visit to ~;~へ表敬訪問する, an introductory meeting ; 初顔合わせの会
slender ; 細身の, 細長い, psychiatrist ; 精神科医, blood-related ; 血のつながった
look alike ; よく似ている, feel better ; 気が楽になる
flock to ~ in search of work ; 仕事を求めて~に集まる
Wagner's brothers (2015.09.16) |
When we part with Robert, I gave him Japanese souvenirs.
Since we heard he likes alcohol, I presented him Japanese sake “Dassai”
and a ceramic cup for beer.
I advised him that it is best served chilly.
At 11 AM, we leave the hotel for Gerry's hometown, Utzenaich near the
border between Austria and Germany.
We travel by a diesel car made by Ford that Gerry has rented at the airport.
A child seat for Hannah-chan has been set in the car.
We head west on the Autobahn 1 for Minich through downtown Wien.
The route is as follows.
Travel to Utzenaich from Wien by rental car (2016.09.16) |
The following are the sceneries from the car window.
42 minutes after leaving Wien
(2015.09.16_11:43) |
53 minutes after leaving Wien
(2015.09.16_11:53) |
We turned off it on the way to take a short break at a restaurant for about
30 minutes.
About 2 hours and 10 minutes after our leaving Wien, we head northwest
Passau in Germany.
[Note] ceramic ; 陶器製の, Autobahn ; オーストリアの高速道路
be best served chilly ; (飲み物などが)冷やして飲むのが一番おいしい
turn off ~;(~道を)それる,脇道に入る
We turn off the Autobahn A8 onto the local road 143.
We can see the stretch of countryside that is characterized by beautiful
between yellow of the corn fields at harvest time and green of vegetable
A little before 2pm, about 3 hours after leaving Wien, we arrived at Wagner's
place in Utzenaich.
It seems that his parents expected us to arrive at any instant in front
of their
They have been waiting for us outside the house to greet.
[Note] turn off ~onto -- ; 車で~から--の道に入る, stretch of ~;長く伸びた(広がった)~
expect ~ to arrive at any instant ; ~の到着を今か今かと待つ
at any instant ; いかなる時点においても
I wavred between greeting in German I have just learned and greeting in
After all, I greeted his father with “Nice to meet you” with a handshake
then introduced myself.
When I'm greeting his mother, she hugged me.
So I also followed it.
This was the moment that I realized our family established affinal ties
Wagner's Family.
It was impressive for his mother to hold Gerry with tears.
His father's name is Joseph Wagner and his mother's one is Josephina Wagner.
After the ceremony of our first meeting, we got in the house
It seems his mother enjoys gardening as a hobby.
A variety of flowers are blooming colorfully here and there around the
The entryway from the gate te the entrance |
The entrance (2015.09.16) |
We were conducted to a room in which we will stay for several days.
There are four rooms with living room, dining room and kitchen on the first
floor of the house.
Every room is wide and beautiful.
It seems like Hannah-chan is curious about the next-door kitten that came
into the garden.
She is playing with it.
[Note] waver between A and B ; AとBの間で迷う(どちらにするか決めかねる)
establish affinal ties with ~;~と姻戚関係を結ぶ, with tears ; 涙を浮かべて
next-door ; 燐家の, be curious about ~;~に興味がある
Hannah-chan playing with a kitten (2015.09.16_14:10) |
After a while, a barbecue party is held to entertain us.
Joseph is grilling meats out of doors, and Josephina is preparing for bread
cooking vegetable salads.
Josephina cooking side dishes in the kitchen |
Joseph barbecuing some beef
(2015.09.16_14:43) |
We are treated to barbecued beef on the dining terrace.
We tooasted with beer.
I heard “Toast !” in English is pronounced as “Prost !” in German.
It's difficult for me to understand what Joseph is talking about because
speaks in German English.
Josephina can't speak English.
Since I'm also a poor English speaker, they might not be able to understand
what I'm talking about in English.
We enjoyed barbecue while having a conversation with them with the help
Gerry's translation from English to German or from German to English.
[Note] entertain ; もてなす, 歓待する, be treated to ~;~をご馳走になる
toast with ~;~で乾杯する, German English ; ドイツ語訛りの英語
with the help of ~;~の助けを借りて
A commemorative photo with Wagner's family (2015.09.16_15:08) |
By the way, I heard that children call grandpa “Opa” and call grandma “Oma”
in Austria.
I'm apt to forget their name over time, and so decided to call Joseph
Opa and
Josephina Oma.
After barbecue party, Opa and Oma took us to their garden and vegetable
The garden is covered with lawn and is colorful with well-arranged garden
plants and flowers.
[Note] grandpa ; おじいちゃん(=grandfather), Opa ; おじいちゃん, 爺
grandma ; おばあちゃん(=grandmother), Oma ; おばあちゃん, 婆
over time ; 時間がたつと, 時間とともに, be apt to ~;~しがちである,しそうである
vegetable garden ; 家庭菜園
A variety of flowers blooming in the Wagner's place's garden (2015.09.16_16:15) |
A variety of vegetables are planted in the vegetable garden on the premise.
Opa said they are almost self-sufficient in vegetables.
I was very surprised to see that they only use organic fertilizers which
made from domestic food waste over about 3 years.
Wagner Family's vegetable garden (2015.09.16_14:46) |
We have a tea break after Oma cleared a table.
She served an after-meal cocktail and a cup of coffee with some cake.
Opa said this cocktail was homemade from fruits harvested in the vegetable
The scenes of a tea break (2015.09.16_16:56) |
After that, we went to the chicken farm within a three-minute drive to
Hannah-chan is watching them with a delighted smile.
She got close to them and was feeding them with corn flour.
Hannah-chan in the chicken farm (2015.09.16_17:50) |
We also went to an open field.
It looks like Hanna-chan is somehow interested in the grass.
Hannah-chan playing in the open field (2015.09.16_18:36) |
It seemed like Opa is content to hold her.
Opa who is content to hold Hannah-chan (2015.09.16_18:46) |
[Note] premise ; 敷地, be self-sufficient in ~; ~を自給自足できる(状態にある)
domestic food waste ; 家庭の生ごみ, clear a table ; 食事の後片付けをする
after-meal cocktail ; 食後酒, with a delighted smile ; 嬉しそうな笑顔で
get close to ~;~に近づく, のそばに寄る, somehow ; どういうわけか, どうも
feed A with B ; AにBを与える, be content to ~; ~して満足している(する)
Japanese Diary / No.712-2015.11.06 /
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.242-Nov10.,2015 /
“Travel to Austria, Germany and Czeh Republic (7th day-Sept17.2015-)”