Weekly Topics/Archive
October 2014
Around 7:30AM, I woke up with voices coming from.
I said good morning to Mr. and Mrs.Aoki who got here from Urawa by car
last night.
I heard they will enjoy sightseeing around Karuizawa rather than cycling.
I set the table on the terrace and in the dinning room for breakfast while
was going out to buy the ingredients for breakfast enjoying a walk.
In the meantime, Katayama-san, nicknamed a chef in Yacht Aioi by its clew
members, got here.
He left Tokyo by car late last night and got here while taking a nap on
the way, I heard.
We had a breakfast,dividing into a table on the terrace and a dinning
I got a charge of enough energy breathing the fresh air in Karuizawa.
[Note] ingredient ; 食材,take a nap ; 仮眠を取る
in the meantime ; そうこうしているうちに, divide into A and B ; AとBに分かれる
breathe the fresh air ; すがすがしい空気を吸う
got a charge of enough energy ;エネルギ−を充電する
Today, except Mr. and Mrs.Aoki, we enjoy a day out dividing into two groups.
Four of us enjoy cycling leisurely along the Chikuma-gawa River.
And three others inclusing K.T-san enjoy adventurous cycling along the
old Nakasen-do Road.
[Note] day out ; 日帰りの小旅行,戸外で過ごす楽しい一日,leisurely ; のんびりと
adventurous ; 冒険的な, old Nakasen-do Road ; 旧中仙道
I had already had an expereience of a hiking trip along the old Nakasen-do
Road with some other
yacht mates from Miharasidai to Kiridumi hotspring in Octover 2009.
And so I decided to enjoy cycling along the Chikumagawa River as originally
We left the villa first around 10AM and pedaled along the Nakasen-do Road
to Shinano Railway
Miyota station.
The following is the route map.

Our members who are pedaling along the Nakasen-do Road from Karuizawa |
According to the road map, the name of the Nakasen-do Road changes to the Japanese
Romantic-kaido Road around Naka Karuizawa.

We are pedaling along the Japanese Romantic Kaido Road. |
The Romantic Road is a smooth ordinary road.
We turned left around Shinano-oiwake to take the old Nakasen-do Road.
I'm sure the members of other crew are cycling along the upper part of
this old Nakasen-do Road now.
We felt comfortable because the road was a downslope with less trafic to Miyota station.
We got to Miyota station before 11AM.
[Note] ordinary road ; 一般道, take 〜road ; 〜の道を取る(選ぶ)
with less traific ; 交通量の少ない
We go to Ueda station by the 11:17 one-man-operated train after packing
our bike into the bike
bag at once.
There were cosmoses blooming on the platform.
Autumn is really here!
[Note] one-man-operated train ; ワンマンカ−, cosmos ; コスモス(花)
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version.
We arrived at Ueda station at 11:51AM.
We left here soon after setting up the bike in front of the station.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version.
But it's already noon.
So we entered the Italian restaurant“nonno”which a caffe staff in passing
told us about.
[Note] in passing ; 通りがかりに
I had a set meal consisting of vegetagle salad, pasta, dessert and a cup
of coffee for lunch.
The pasta was very delicious.
It seems the restauran's owner has visited Italy every year to know more
about native Italian food.
There were a lot of pictures from that time in his photo album on the side
He saw us to the door when we left.
When I had a conversation with him, he told me he's from Uji City, Kyoto prefecture.
As I told him I'm also from Uji and graduated from Zyonan High School,
he said his brother graduated
from the same school too.
In addition, I was very surprised to hear that he was from the Kanbayashi
family which run
a long-established wholesale store of Uji green tea.
We looked at each other, saying “It's a small world!”
We left the restaurant at fifteen minutes past one to enjoy cycling along
the Chikuma-gawa River.
Seeing Ueda-joshi Park (Ueda-jo castle ruins park) on our right, we cycled
along the ordinary road
for a little while to get to the river bank.
[Note] see someone to the door ; 〜を玄関まで見送りに出る,long-established ; 老舗の
wholesale store; 卸問屋,look at each other ; 顔を見合す
It's a small world! ; 世間は狭いですね!
Ueda-joshi Park (Ueda-jo castle ruins park) ; 上田城址公園
I painted our cycling route from Shinano Railway Ueda station on the LatLongLab's
map on the base
of my clear memory and the informations from the pictures taken by my digital
It's as follows.
[Note] LatLongLab ; ル−トラボ
We enjoy cycling toward the lower reaches of the Chikuma-gawa River to
Speaking of the Chikuma-gawa River, I'm reminded of Kawanakajima which
is the site of the fierce
battle between Shingen Takeda's army and Kenshin Uesugi's army.
It's located in the lower reachs of the river than Yashiro.
I didn't know that the river is called Shinanogawa River when it flows through Nagano prefecture
to Niigata Prefecture.
For a while, we cycled along the road on the right bank toward the lower
reaches of the river.
[Note] the lower reaches of the river ; 川の下流,Yashiro ; 屋代(地名)
Speaking of 〜 ; 〜と言えば,be reminded of 〜 ; 〜を思い浮かべる,Kawanakajima ; 川中島
the site of fierce battle ; 激戦地, flow through 〜 to − ; 〜を通って−に流れる
As we run into a dead end ahead of Ueda Nishi High School, we go out into
the ordinary road.
When we turned to the left at the Tamachi intersection after a little while, we got to Sakaki Ohashi
Bridge over the Chikumagawa River.
There stretches out fields and mountains on both sides of the bank of the
river which meanders
It was really an idyllic midafternoon as if the time was stopped.
[Note] run into a dead end ; 行止まりにぶつかる,ahead of 〜 ; 〜の前方に,〜の先に
Sakaki Ohashi Bridge ; 坂城大橋,stretch out ; 広がる/広がっている
on both sides of 〜 ; 〜 の両側に,meander ; 蛇行して(曲がりくねって)流れる
midafternoon ; 昼下がり
When we cross the bridge, we get to the Chikumagawa River Cycling Road
on the left bank.
Around 2PM, we began to cycle along the Chikumagawa Cycling Road.
Here are a few landscapes of when we were cycling.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
You can see a yellow iron bridge having truss structure.
As it turned out afterwards, it's called Taiboubashi Bridge.
When I Looked at this trussed bridge, I remembered the viaducts that can
be often seen on the Olive
Oil greenway on a cycling trip to Spain in May.
[Note] truss structure ; トラス構造
as it turned out afterwards ; 後で分かった(判明した)ことだが
trussed bridge ; トラス構造の橋,viaduct ; 高架橋
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Yellow Taiboubashi Bridge having truss structure over Chikumagawa River |
When we cycled for about 10 minutes from here, we entered Chikuma City
from Ueda City.
We took a short break in Mezawa Park which is a rest station of Chikumagawa
River Cycling Road.
Tamma-san told us that we'll take the 15:30 Shinano Railway train and had
better hurry up.
It's because we have to go back to Karuizawa by 5PM to join other group members for dinner after
bathing in a hot spring.
And so we pedaled with increasd speed.
It was 3:17PM when we got to Yashiro station crossing Heiwabashi Bridge.
We were in time for the train because we hurried to pack a bike into our bike bag.
It took about 1 hour and 10 minutes from Yashiro to Kariizawa.
The following is the route map.
Here are two pictures of the scenery viewed from the train window.
The farmers were harvesting in many golden rice paddy.
This region is located on the higher latitudes than the Kansai region I
live in.
And so both of rice planting and rice-harvest may have been done later
in this region than in the
Kansai region.
[Note] rice paddy ; 稲田,水田,high latitude ; 高緯度,rice planting ;; 田植え
rice-farvest ; 米の取り入れ(収穫)
We arrived at Karuizawa station at 4:41PM.
We went back to the villa with our four bike by station wagon which K.T-san
came and picked us up.
Making arrangements for a bath, we went to a hot spring facilities in Sengataki by car tonight.
We can see Mt.Asama clearly in the sunset.
[Note] station wagon ;; ワンボックスカ−
We went to Spanish restaurant “Granada” after bathing.
It was the first time for me to visit here.
I imagined that our travel plan to Spain in May may have been laid out
When we entered the restaurant, we could see Jamon Iberico, raw ham made
from Iberian pigs,
hanging down from the ceiling.
I saw many scenes of it at the bal and the restaurant in Spain.
[Note] lay out a plan : 計画を練る, Jamon Iberico ; ハモン・イベリコ
Iberian pig ; イベリコ豚, hang down ; ぶらさがる, ceiling ; 天井
see many scenes of 〜 ; 〜 の光景をよく見かける, bal ; スペインの居酒屋
First, we made a toast with a glass of white wine.
We keep on drinking only wine until the dishes we ordered are served.
[Note] keep on doing 〜;; 〜し続ける
Everybody greatly became lively while listening to the report about what
happened to each group
[Note] become lively ; 盛り上がる
We finished with paella seasoned with a squid ink.
Look at this.
This looks delicious, doesn't this?
[Note] paella ; バエリア、 seasoned with 〜 ; 〜 で味付けした(風味を加えた)
squid ink ; イカスミ
Like this, tht night advanced with the party again tonight.
[Note] the night advances ; 夜が更けて行く
[Today's cycling data]
Trip Distance ; 46Km Elapsed Time ; 2hours 39minutes
Average Speed ; 17.3Km/h Maximum Speed ; 44.5Km/h
And now I'd like to show you a picture of members of adventure groupe that
struggled to cycle
along the old Nakasen-do Road.
It was a trackless mountain path or animal trail, I heard.
[Note] struggle ; 悪戦苦闘する,奮闘する,animal trail ; けもの道
trackless mountain path ; 山中の道なき道 (trackless ; 人跡未踏の,道のない)
The following day, October 5.
It's been raining since morning in Karuizawa.
The weather forecast on TV says the big typhoon No.18 will hit Honshu and
it's likely that we will have
stormy weather from this midnight.
Off course, we decided to hastily cancel our planned cycling trip to Matsumoto
and cut short.
Surprisingly, the Nagano Shinkansen train is very crowded and so I could
manage to secure my seat
with difficulty.
[Note] it's likely that 〜 ; 〜の可能性がある,〜の恐れがある, Honshu ; 本州
stormy weather ; 暴風雨,hastily ; 急きょ,急いで,surprisingly ; 意外にも
cut short ; (旅程を変更して)早めに帰途に就く,(予定などを)切り上げる
manage to 〜; 何とか 〜 する, secure ; 〜を確保する, with difficulty ; やっとのことで

Nagano Shinkansen train Asama that is entering the platform (At Karuizawa
station) |
The typhoon and Sunday may have influenced it.
JR Tokaido Line train from Tokyo station and Keikyu Line train from Yokohama
were empty
and so I could get on the train with my bike without feeling a delicacy
about other passengers.
[Note] empty ; 空いている,ガラガラの, feel a delicacy about 〜 ; 〜に気兼ねする
delicacy ; 思いやり,繊細さ
Japanese Diary / No.645−2014.10.04 / 「軽井沢方面へ輪行(2/2)」
I went on a trip by train & bicycle to Karuizawa area for 3 days and
2 nights on Semptember 3.
I am worried about the weather from the effects of Tyhoon No.18.
According to the weather forecast, it is in the Pacific Ocean to the southeast
of Okinawa and it would
approach Kanto area on or after Semptember 6 if at all.
And so we carried out the bicycle trip to Karuizawa area.
[Note] trip by train & bicycle ; 輪行,be worried about 〜; 〜が気がかりだ
if at all ; 仮にあった(そうなった・そうである)としても
On the first day, the schedule is as follows.
We will go on a trip with bike to Nobeyama Station on the JR Koumi Line
and then enjoy cycling along
Saku-Kosyu-Kaido Road to Hirahara Station on the Shinano Railway Line.
On the way, we will visit the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
in Nobeyama.
After that, we will go on a trip with bike to Karuizawa Station to stay
K.Tadasan's villa in Karuizawa.
[Note] Saku-Kosyu-Kaido Road ; 佐久甲州街道
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan(NAOJ) ; 国立天文台
On the first day, the number of participants is five including four members
of cycling trip to Spain
in May.
Four people from Izu-kogen, Kannami and Gotenba will travel to Kobuchizawa Station via the Minobu
Line from JR Fuji Station and then transfer there to the Koumi Line to
get to Nobeyama Station.
I travelled to Obuchizawa Station via the Yokohama and Chuo Line from
Yokohama Station and
then transferred there to the Koumi Line to get to Nobeyama Station.
The train route is as follows.
[Note] transfer to the 〜 Line ;〜線に乗り換える
I wear a backpack with a bike bag on my shoulder.
I just got caught in the morning rush-hour congestion and really felt small
for commuters until I got to
JR Hachioji Station.
I joined other members at Obuchizawa Station and transferred to the Koumi
It's already before noon.
We bought a seasonal box-lunch, “Rice covered with boiled Shinshu beef and matsutake mushroom”
at the station and ate it in the train in order to save time.
The box lunch with a mild sweet and flavor and meltingly juicy beef was
[Note] wear a backpack ; バックパック姿です
get caught in 〜 ; 〜に巻き込まれる,rush-hour congestion ; ラッシュアワ−の混雑
feel small ; 気が引ける,肩身が狭くなる,seasonal box-lunch ; 季節限定駅弁
Shinshu beef ; 信州牛,mutsutake mushroom ; 松茸,meltingly ; とろけるように
At 11:52AM,we arrived at Nobeyama Station.
Pls click the picture to see a full-sizee version.
In front of JR Nobeyama Station |
We changed into cycling wear at the space in front of the station and
then took our bike out of
our bike bag.
I make my debut today at cycling trip with a newly purchased folding bike.
I finished an unpacking operation smoothly by learning effect.
[Note] change into 〜; 〜に着替える,make one's debut at 〜 ; 〜に初出場(登場)する
newly purchased 〜 ; 新規購入の〜, unpacking operation ; 開梱作業
Today it's a fine autumn day as you can see, but a little bit hot.
I imagined that it would be cool in Karuizawa area because it's located
on the highland.
So I've brought a long-sleeved shirt as my cycling wear.
Even a short-sleeved shirt was OK!
Let's start!
We head to National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Nogeyama near
There are Nobeyama Radi Observatory and Nobeyama Solar Radio Observatory
[Note] Nobeyama Radi Observatory ; 野辺山宇宙電波観測所
Nobeyama Solar Radio Observatory ; 野辺山太陽電波観測所
Members who head to National Astronomical Observatory of Japan(NAOJ) in
Nobeyama |
The following are parabola antennas at the NAOJ Nobeyama.
Nobeyama millimeter array |
Nobeyama radiooheliograph
NAOJ has created observational results of finding several interstellar
molecules, gas disk around
protostar and a black hole using 45-meter radiotelescope.
[Note] create result ; 成果を出す,interstellar molecule ; 星間分子
protostar ; 原子星,45-meter radiotelescope ; 45m電波望遠鏡
45-meter radiotelescope |
After leaving NAOJ Nogeyama, we headed down Saku-Koshu-Kaido Road towards
[Note] head down road ; 道路を進む,Saku-Koshu-Kaido Road ; 佐久甲州街道
I feel less stressed as the road slopes down from an altitude of 1352
to 707 meters.
So my new bike tern P20 is travelling along the road in high gear.
I feel really fine before autumn breeze!
[Note] feel less stressed ; 気が楽だ,an altitude of 1352 ; 標高1352 m
slopes down ; 下り坂になる, in high gear ; 快調に進んで, autumn breeze ; 秋風
We have a gentle slope after going down a winding steep slope.
However, I feel scared because large trucks, buses and cars pass by.
I pedaled carefully not to cause an accident.
[Note] gentle ; なだらかな,winding steep slope ; 曲がりくねった急勾配の坂
feel scared ; 怖いです, pass by ; 通り過ぎて行く,cause an accident ; 事故を起こす
The following are two landscapes of when we are cycling.
We took a coffee break at the smart cafe “Kern” on the street in Saku City.
We got to Hirahara Station on the Shinano Railway Line when we rode about
4 Kilometer from here.
We take the train with our bike from here to Karuizawa Statio.
It was an unmanned station which has a station building like a small hut.
It seems a renovated railroad car is reused as the building.
Everyone packed their bike into the bag at once so as to be in time for
the next train.
I was also able to do that well just as I've done in practice.
[Note] ummanned station ;無人駅, station building ; 駅舎,renovated ; 改装された
railroad car ; 貨車,so as to 〜; 〜するように,just as I've done in practice ; 練習通りに
It's the first time for me to take the Shinano Railway train.
Accordin to the railroad map at the station, the railway is the local line
connecting Karuizawa
with Nagano.
Pls click the picture to see a full-sizee version.
Railroad map on the wall
at the station |
Shinano Railway's train |
one scene in the train |
The idyllic rural landscapes go by from the train window.
We arrived at Karuizawa Station in around 20 minutes.
It was already twilight after sunset.
[Note] idyllic ; のどかな,牧歌的な
Turnning on the headlump, we cycled to the villa whose owner is K.T-san,
the cptain of our yacht
We are scheduled to stay here for two days depending on his kindness.
[Note] depend on one's kindness ; (人) の厚意に甘えて
He's on his way to Karuizawa after work.
So one of us asked him by mobile phone to have the villa's front door unlocked
by remote control.
We are familiar with his villa.
We made arrangements for a bath to go to Hoshino Resort Tombo-no-yu by
[Note] unlock a door ; ドアの鍵を開ける,remote control ; 遠隔操作
become familiar with 〜;〜に慣れ親しんでいる,〜の勝手を知っている
make arrangements for 〜; 〜の支度をする,Tombo-no-yu ; トンボの湯
K.T-san joined us just when we had a glass of cold beer at a restaurant
next to hot-spring facilities
after a bath.
He went to take a bath in a hot spring.
We got to a chinese restaurant near the villa first.
[Note] hot-spring facilities ; 温泉施設
We came back to the villa after feeling mellow with Shaoxing rice wine.
I heard after-party would be held after this, but I got into bed comfortably.
[Note] feel mellow ; ほろ酔い加減になる,Shaoxing rice wine ; 紹興酒
after-party ; 二次会、get into bed ;寝床にもぐる
[Today's cycling data]
Trip Distance ; 57Km Elapsed Time ; 2hours 40minutes
Average Speed ; 21.3Km/h Maximum Speed ; 45.2Km/h
To be continued Weekly Topics / No.221−Oct4.,2014 /
“Cycling trip to Karuizawa area (Part2)”
Japanese Diary /No.644−2014.10.03 / 「軽井沢方面へ輪行(1/2)」