Weekly Topics/Archive
June 2011
Today, we are planning to ride from the minsyuku here in Oosu to minsyuku "Minatoso"
in Takachi, where is located on the coast of Sotokaifu along the Sea of
We would cover about 60 kilometers.
The route from minsyuku "Nagahamaso" in Oosu to minsyuku "Minatoso"
in Takachi
(Photo by tamma−san) |
After watching the NHK's morning serial drama "Ohisama", we
started cycling at 8:30 a.m.
The good weather in the morning!
The purposes of today's cycling are a tour of Sado Kinzan Gold Mine and
a sightseeing
in Senkaku Bay by pleasure boat.
So first we headed to Aikawa.
We rode on the Route 350 along the coast of Mano in the morning. |
We stopped at Sado History and Tradition Museum which Jenkins has worked at, but it wasn't open due to outside hours.
Sado History and Tradition Museum |
All of us had the same desire that would like to drink a cup of coffee
after a long interval,
and so we are planning to stop by a coffee shop in the street of mano along
the way.
After riding on the road in the countryside for a while, we went on a farm
road for a shortcut.
It changed to a gravel road along the way.
We rode on the road in the countryside for a while to go to the street
of Mano. |
Suddenly, Hasegawa−san had something wrong with his bike.
When he checked it up, his tire didn't blow out but had a fatal breakdown
in his ride due to
subsidiary fracture of the rear derailleur.
I talked to tamma−san about the incident on the mobile-phone who was riding
to search for a coffee shop.
He immediately searched Internet for information on bike shops in Mano on his favorite ipad
and then I got a phone call saying Kawakami Bike Shop was found on the
He pulled his bike to the shop about one kilometer away from the accident
site with me.
Click the thumbnail-size image below to see the full-size image
The dead rear derailleur
made by SHIMANO |
Kawakami Bike Shop
in Mano |
The 2nd-generatin owner
repairing skillfully |
This was really lucky it wasn't worse.
If I said, "How rural Mano is!", everyone who lives in Mano might
scold me for it.
Luckily, there was a bike shop in such a rural area, wasn't there?
Moreover, not only various model of the bike for sale but also the stocked
parts like
rear derailleur made by SHIMANO were assorted at that shop.
And also the 2nd-generation owner had good technology in regard to the
So, the work on replacement of the part was finished in twenty minutes.
I felt as if he had a narrow escape from death.
I shuddered to think what would have happen if there were not a bike shop
in Mano.
Since we wasted our time at the shop, we called off looking for a coffee
shop near
the city hall.
After riding for a while, Bruce−san found Mister Donut.
We had a short break finally drinking coffee there.
After that, we got on R45 and pedaled along the coast, seeing the Bay of
on my left.
Before noon, we got to Nagate Cape, where is place of scenic
We can see a white lighthouse on the rocks by Nanaura Beach near
the cape.
It was the Nagatemisaki Lighthouse, which is a coastal lighthouse.
The Nagatemisaki Lighthouse on the rocks |
After some recovery time, we finally headed to Sado Kinzan Gold Mine in
As we had expected, there were some steep slope on th way there.
Off course, I gave up riding and went ahead by pushing my bike with hands.
Click the thumbnail-size image below to see the full-size image
One of the steep slopes |
Remains of Sado Bugyosho |
The guide board of
Sado Gold Mine |
We enter a historic site, Sado Kinzan Gold Mine buying an entry pass for
800 Yen.
The entry pass "Tuukoutegata" to enter the Sado Kinzan Gold Mine |
As might be expected, it was very cool with a temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius
in the mine.
The cool atmosphere made me feel good because sweat speedily evaporated
from my sweaty body.
I could easily understand the work in the mine like mining, maintenance
and survey of mine
in those days because they were reproduced by full-scale model.
Click the thumbnail-size image below to see the full-size image
The guide board about
Sodayuu mine |
One of the display at the
tunnel in the mine |
Various kind of gold coins
in Edo period on display |
A gold nugget |
After looking around there, we had a short break with late lunch at the
"Kinzan-chaya" nearby.
Japaese Restaurant "Kinzan-chaya" |
After we wetted my whistle with a glass of beer, we ate zaru-soba.
It was great.
When we rode for about 30 minutes along the coast again after getting down
from Sado
Gold Mine, we got to the Bay of Senkaku.
We decided to take a pleasure boat, but it has just left a port.
However, the boat turned back for us.
Everyone on the boat, thank you very much for your cooperation.
Boarding the pleasure boat "Hamanasu" for sightseeing in the
Bay of Senkaku |
At any rate, Senkakuwan Ageshima-kanko Corp. is rally a business-minded
For about 50 minutes, we enjoyed the beauty of nature in the coast line
about 2 kilometers
long, which consisted from rough cliffs and some rocks washed by heavy
The view of the Senkaku Bay (Osaki Lighthouse and Machiko Bridge) |
Thus today's event came to a close.
We enjoyed riding on the road along the Coast of Sotokaifu facing to the Sea of Japan
to minsyuku "Minatoso", and got there safely at 4:40 p.m.
Minsyuku "Minato Ryokan" in Takachi, Sado City (Photo by tamma−san) |
According to my cycle comuter, today's measurement data are as follows.
・Elapsed Time ; 4 hours 7 minutes 25 seconds
・Trip Distance ; 69.89 Km
・Average Speed ; 16.9 Km |
Wow. There are so much dishes here!
Hey, look!
A boat-shaped plate of sashimi (Other dishes served are a boiled hairy
crab, a grilled topshell,
a grilled sea bream, a noodle-shaped raw squid, a shabushabu of yellow
tail and so on |
Off course, we ate them as much as we could.
But we couln't eat all of them.
TBC Weekly Topics / No.141−Jul05.2011 /
"A cycling tour around Sado Island (4th day−May27−)”
The third day's photos of a cycling tour are also posted on the Web below.
Please click a button B or D and enter the password to look at them.
 Picture / Cycling / 「佐渡島一周サイクリング(第3日目-5月26日-)」
[Note] the coast of Sotokaifu ;外海府海岸、 Sado Kinzan Gold Mine;佐渡金山
NHK's morning serial drama ; NHK朝の連続ドラマ、 Senkaku Bay ; 尖閣湾
Sado History and Tradition Museum ; 佐渡歴史伝説館、 outside hours ; 営業時間外
stop by 〜 ; 〜に立ち寄る、 gravel road ; 砂利道、
check up ; 調べ上げる,詳しく調べる、 blow out ; (タイヤなどが)パンクする
fatal breakdown ; 致命的な故障、 subsidiary fracture ; 破断、 derailleur;(自転車の)変速機
search Internet for information on 〜 ; 〜 に関する情報を求めてインタ−ネットを検索する
2nd-generation ; 二代目の,skillfully;手際良く、 be lucky it wasn't worse ; 不幸中の幸い
be assorted at〜 ; (品物が) 〜[店に]各種取り揃っている
have a narrow escape from death ; 九死に一生を得る、 shudder to think 〜 ; 〜と考えるとゾッとする
call off 〜 ; 〜を取りやめる、 pedal ; 自転車のペダルを踏む, place of scenic beauty ; 名勝,景勝地
Nagate Cape;長手岬、 Nanaura Beach;七浦海岸、 coastal lighthouse;沿岸灯台
entry pass;通行証、 on display;展示中の、 gold nugget ; 金塊
wet one's whistle ; 喉をうるおす,(酒を)一杯やる、 at any rate ; それにしても
business-minded ; 商売気のある、 a boat-shaped plate of sashimi ; 刺身の舟盛り
hairy crab ; 毛蟹、 grilled topshell ;サザエの壺焼、 grilled sea bream;鯛焼き
shabushabu of yellow tail;ブリのしゃぶしゃぶ、 noodle-shaped raw squid ; イカソ−メン
Japanese Diary / No.365−2011.06.11 / 「佐渡一周サイクリング(第3日目-5月26日-)」
The long-waited cycling tour around Sado Island starts in earnest from
The cycling route is from here to minsyuku "Nagahamaso" in Oosu
facing Mano Bay in
a clockwise fashion and it covers about 90 kilometers
The route from Minami Ryokan to minsyuku "Nagahamaso"
(Photo by tamma−san) |
According to the weather forecast, it's bright and clear, a little bit
chilly with a temperature
of 19 degrees Celsius but it rises in the afternoon.
After breakfast, we left Minami Ryokan at 8:30 a.m. and cycled along the
coast with fresh air.
Cycling along the coast in the morning (Photo bu tamma−san) |
I hear that there are 46 lighthouses to ensure the ocean's safety in Sado.
And so today, we're going to cycle while touring some lighthouses.
There stands a small lighthouse at almost every fishing port in Sado.
This one in the below photo is also one of them.
I took a picture of it while riding my bike on the road along the east
coast of Ryotsu Bay.
A small red breaker lighthouse standing at the Shiidomari fishing port
located on the east coast of Ryotsu Bay |
At the tip of the east coast, there was Himesaki lighthouse.
I heard it has been selected to be on the list of the 100 lighthouse that
is most historically-important in each different country around the world.
The Himesaki lighthouse |
We enjoyed cycling on the road along Maehama coast.
Although it had some up-and-down hills, I was easy to ride my bike because
there wasn't
so much of a difference between the highest and lowest point.
On the way, we passed through Zyougahana tunnel.
There were some tunnels like this.
On your right hill is a white Zyougahana lighthouse.
Zyougahana tunnel on Route 45 |
Zyougahana lighthouse on the hill |
When we rode our bike for about 35 minutes from here, we arrived at Matsugasaki
Historical Park with a campsite.
There stands Konosehana lighthouse in this park.
Konosehana lighthouse in the Matsugasaki Histrical Park |
We rode to Ogi Port for 90 minutes without stopping passing through Akadomari and then
had lunch.
We stopped at a gas station in Ogi to ask about where a nice restaurant
around here is.
We entered through the store curtain of the restaurant "Matsuhama"
which a gas station attendant showed us.
It was the restaurant like a sushi restaurant and an izakaya.
Click the thumbnail-size image below to see the full-size image
Lunch at the restaurant
Matsuhama |
Bowl of rice topped
with sashimi |
We ordered a "bowl of kaisendon", that is, a bowl of rice topped
with sashimi, in the Table menu.
Cold beer at lunch time while waiting for foods was great!
As I was very hungry, a big bowl of kaisendon was very good.
We have already rode for two thirds of Today's route.
And so we felt less stressed because there were 30 kilometers remaining
before the goal.
After riding for about 50 minutes, we arrived at a white bridge which we could look at
wonderful scenery from.
It is the Chojagabashi Bridge.
The Cyojagabashi Bridge over the shore in Ogi |
Click the thumbnail-size image below to see the full-size image
The Cyojagabashi Bridge
over the seashore in Ogi |
A sleepy settlement
in Fukaura |
We took a short break on the bridge parking by the side of a road.
This bridge spans a small inlet and we can see a small settlement with
peaceful atomosphere just beyond the inlet.
As the seawater in the let was very clear, we can see the inside of the
sea clearly.
It might have been a fine, clear day.
Anyway, the view from here was fantastic.
When we proceeded from here for about 20 minutes, we arrived in Sawasaki,
where is
the cape located in the westernmost tip of Sado.
There stands the Sawasakihana lighthouse.
The Sawasakihana lighthouse located in the westernmost point of Sado |
The view from here was also great!
There stands many giant rocks and strange ones quietly in the sea and along
It is such scenery that I feel comforted with the peaceful and rustic nature.
The view from the seashore near Sawasakihana lighthouse |
Riding for a while from here, there was a small village of Ogi.
We met an elderly couple who got back from fishing on "taraifune"
at this seashore.
Taraifune was equipped with the outboard engine, but I was very surprised to see that such
a traditional fishing was still done.
Taraifune with outboard engine |
It was 4:20 p.m. when we arrived at minsyuku "Nagahamaso".
Minsyuku "Nagahamaso" |
We were full of sweat and so we felt refreshed after taking a bath.
We had dinner at 6 p.m.
The dishes here were also dynamic making use of seasonal material in sad.
Its reputation was true!!
Click the thumbnail-size image below to see the full-size image
Luxurious dishes of minsyuku "Nagahamaso" |
We had a toast to our cycling life with a glass of beer, but cold sake
was fit for these dishes.
Tonight's local sake was great!!
TBC Weekly Topics / No.140−Jun30.2011 /
"A cycling tour around Sado Island (3rd day−May26−)”
The second day's photos of a cycling tour are also posted on the Web below.
Please click a button B or D and enter the password to look at them.
 Picture / Cycling / 「佐渡島一周サイクリング(第2日目-5月25日-)」
[Note] in earnest ; 本格的に,in a clockwise fashion ; 時計回りに
minsyuku ; 民宿、 ensure the safety : 安全を確保する、 Ryotsu Bay ; 両津湾
breaker lighthouse;防波堤灯台、 at the tip of 〜 ; 〜の突端に
the 100 lighthouses ; 灯台100 選、 pass through a tunnel ; トンネルをくぐる
a difference between the highest and lowest point ; 高低差
Matsugasaki Historical Park ; 松ケ崎ヒストリ−パ−ク、 Store curtain ; 暖簾
a bowl of kaisendon ; 海鮮丼、 bowl of rice topped with sashimi ; 海鮮丼
feel less stressed ; 気が楽だ、 settlement ; 集落、 inlet ; 入江
the westernmost point of 〜 ; 〜の最西端、 outboard engine ; 船外機
feel refreshed after taking a bath;風呂に入ってさっぱりする
its reputation was true!! ;看板に偽り無しでした
Japanese Diary / No.364−2011.06.09 /「佐渡島一周サイクリング(第2日目-5月25日-)」
I got in the taxi at 6:30 a.m. I had booked on the previous day when it
was raining cats
and dogs.
I took a rapid train from JR Kusatsu station to Maibara.
It's been years since I've taken a train during rush hours !
I transferred to the 8:09 limited express "Shirasagi #51" of
Hokuriku Line at Maibara.
Some time after it passed Nagahama station, patches of blue sky came out
the clouds.

The limited express "Shirasagi#51 at JR Maibara station |
Through the left window of the train, passengers could see smooth Lake
Biwa, fields planted orderly with rice and some yellowish wheat fields.
Also through the right one, we could see the top of Mt.Odani, which is
the hometown of Go,
Cyacya and Hatsu in this year's epic drama " Go :Hime-tachi no Sengoku"
on NHK, breaks through the clouds and also clouds are swimming across the
It wass really a peaceful rural landscape.
When the train came to the mountainous area after passing through some
tunnels from
around Yogo, the weather has completely turned very fine.
It was running to Kanazawa on the track of Hokuriku Line with a changing
scenery from the train.
When it passed through Turuga, I was reminded of a bad idea.
Many nuclear power stations notorious for its accident in Fukushima have
been operating around here, as it is called "Nuclear plant's Ginza".
There are more than ten nuclear plants in Turuga, Mihama, Ooi and Takahama
along Wakasa Bay in Fukui Prefecture.
Additionally, nuclear plants in Turuga are just on the active fault called
Urasoko fault.
If a nuclear accident like in Fukushima occured here, air contaminated
by radioactivity might
be carried to my town, Kusatsu or Kyoto by the northwest wind.
I shuddered to think such a situation.
I transferred to the 10:34 limied express "Hokuetsu #3" bound for Niigata at Kanazawa station.
Nonreserved seats were almost vacant.
I sat down on the Sea of Japan side of the seat and enjoyed the scenery
from the train window,
while eating an Ekiben "Oshizushi".
Click the thumbnail-size image below to see the full-size image
The limited express
"Hokuetsu #3" |
Vacant nonreserved
seats |
Ekiben "Oshizushi" |
Through the train window around Toyama and Takaoka, we could see the
Tateyama mountain range clearly which was still partially covered with
The view of Tateyama mountain range covered with snow |
The train ran along the coastline from Uozu to Itoigawa.
The gorgeous blue sea in the Japan Sea stretched to the horizon.
As shown in the picture below, the Earth is surely round.
The Earth is surely round. |
It took 3 hours and 50 minutes even by limited express from JR Kanazawa
station to Niigata.
Well, that's treu.
It's because the train run among three prefectures, from Ishikawa Prefecture
to Niigata
through Toyama.
The train arrived at niigata terminal on time after running in the rural zone on the Niigata
Plain which is known as a production area for bland-name rice, "Koshihikari".
I fonnd myself humming an enka song "Niigata blues".
I joined three yacht's friends at Niigata Grand Hotel who have already
arrived from Atami.
I unpacked my rinko-bag which sent using the home-delivery service of bicycle
"Cycling−Yamato−bin" and then put the bicycle back together.
I could do that easily because I had practiced its packing and unpacking
many times.
After that, I headed for ferry port in Niigata by bicycle with them.
On the way, we had commemorative photos taken by Bandai Bridge over Shinano
We have a commemorative photo taken by Bandai Bridge over Shinano River. |
I'm going to visit Sado Island for the first time in my life.
In addition, I took the 16:00 Osado-maru to cycle around Sado Island.
Click the thumbnail-size image below to see the full-size image
Ferry boat,
the Oosado Maru |
Boarding a ferry,
the Oosado Maru |
A view of Niigata Port
from the Oosado Maru |
The Oosado Maru
leaving Niigata Port |
It got into Ryozu Port in Sado Island taking two and a half hours.
The red Okesa lighthouse greeted us on the right breakwater at the entrance
of the port.
The Okesa lighthouse on the breakwater at Ryozu Port |
After getting off the ferry boat, we cycled for about ten minutes on such
a route as shown in
the LatLongLab below and arrived at Minami Ryokan in Ryozu-Sumiyoshi Onsen,
which is today's accomodation.
The route between Ryozu Port and Minami Ryokan
(Photo by tamma−san) |
Click the thumbnail-size image below to see te full-size imge

From Ryozu Port
to Minami Ryokan |

Minami Ryokan
Photos by tamma−san |
We relieved the weariness of the long trip soaking in the outdoor natural
hot spring bath.
And then we enjoyed a gourmet dinner that lavishly used the abundant seasonal
from the Japan Sea.
A gourmet dinner at Minami Ryokan |
Oh, wow. Sado is great!
Sado is nice place!
TBC Weekly Topics / No.139−JunXX.2011 /
"A cycling tour around Sado Island (2nd day−May25−)”
(Now under construction)
The first day's photos of a cycling tour are also posted on the Web below.
Please click a button B or D and enter the password to look at them.
 Picture / Cycling / 「佐渡島一周サイクリング(第1日目-5月24日-)」
[Note] rain cats and dogs ; 雨が土砂降りに降る、 patches of blue sky ; 晴れ間
orderly ; 整然と、 yellowish ; 黄ばんだ、黄色っぽい、 wheat field ; 麦畑
epic drama;大河ドラマ、 Go : Hime-tachi no Sengoku ; 江、姫たちの戦国
break through ; (雲間などから)現れる、 rural landscape ; 田園風景
Yogo ; 余呉(滋賀県の地名)、 a scenery from the train ; 車窓の景色
be reminded of 〜 ; 〜を思い出す,〜が頭をよぎる、 notorious for 〜 ; 〜で悪名高い
nuclear power station ; 原発、 active fault ; 活断層、 Urasoko fault ; 浦底断層
radioactivity ; 放射能、 shudder to think 〜 ; 〜を考えるとゾットする、 身震いする、 ekiben ; 駅弁
Oshizushi ; 押しずし、 Tateyama mountain range ; 立山連峰、 stretch to 〜 ; 〜まで広がる
Niigata Plain ; 新潟平野、 bland-name rice ; ブランド米、 find oneself 〜ing ; 気が付くと〜している
unpack a rinko−bag ; 輪行袋を荷ほどきする、 commemorative photo ; 記念写真
put 〜 back together ; を元通りに組立てる、 greet ;を出迎える、 Okesa lighthouse ; おけさ灯台
breakwater;防波堤、 accomodation ; 宿泊施設、 LatLongLab ; ル−トラボ、 abundant ; 豊富な
gourmet dinner;グルメディナ−、 seasonal;旬の、 lavishly;ふんだんに
relieve the weariness of the trip ; 旅の疲れを癒す、 soak ; 浸かる,入浴する
Japanese Diary / No.363−2011.06.03 / 「佐渡島一周サイクリング(第1日目-5月24日-)」