Weekly Topics/Archive
January 2009
This Sunday,I attended the first anniversary of my mother-in-law's death
in Kyoto with my wife.
We stayed at a hotel called " KKR Hotel Biwako " by Lake Biwa
in Otu,Shiga prefecture the day
We could look out the window of the hotel room to see Lake Biwa just like
the beautiful painting.
The following morning,I looked at the rising sun on the lake and took some
photos of it at the hotel's
wood deck by the lake.
It was very fantastic with both silhouette of the sunlight reflected on the surface of the water and yachts
on the lake.
The fantastic view of the sunrise on Lake Biwa |
The anniversary was held at my brother-in-law's place in Kyoto from 10
About 20 relatives attended it.
After reading of the sutras by the monk and offering incenses by everyone who attended,we went to
Japanese-style restaurant called " Zyunsei Restaurant " just
near Nanzenzi temple by taxis to be invited
to dinner.
When we went through the main entrance of it and walked on the stone pavement,
there was
a beautiful Japanese garden with a pond where some carps were swimming
and a Japanese-style
building called " Ryoutei-kaku " having some Japanese-style room.
We enjoyed delicious cuisin there,while recollecting her in life.
It's been a year since she passed away.
I couldn't believe how quickly the time goes !
I also enjoyed the tasteful Japanese garden and took some photos of it
between dinners.
The beautiful Japanese garden at the Zyunsei Restaurant |
According to the leaflet,the building that is now a Japanese restaurant
was originally a medical school
called " Junsei shoin ",established in 1839 by Ryoutei Shinguu.
He was from the Provincea of Tango ( now Miyazu City,Kyoto prefecture ) and a doctor in Edo period
who studied Western Medical Sience under a famous physian, P.F.von Siebold
in Dezima, Nagasaki.
It is said the major architectural features have been retained, including
the garden.
After that, I visited Nanzen-ji with some relatives from Hamamatsu and walked across the temple
The view of the temple grounds through the huge main gate called Sanmon
of Nanzen-ji |
Though I was from Uji,Kyoto prefecture,it was for the first time in my
life for me to visit there.
As might be expected of the headquarters of the Nanzen-ji branch of Rinzai
Zen, it had some Buddhist
buildings and gardens with a long and distinguished history in the wide
Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to look around the temple, and so said to them, " Goodbye, and
good luck " to leave Kyoto for Yokohama after nearly a an-hour walk.
I'd like to visit here again during the cherry blossom or foliage season.
[Note] look out of the window to see 〜 ; 窓越しに〜を見る、 silhouette ; シルエット
reading of the sutras ; 読経、 offer incense ; 焼香する、 stone pavement ; 石畳
recollect ; 思い浮かべる,tasteful ; 風情のある、 leaflet ; しおり,パンフレット
P.F.von Siebold ; シ−ボルト(人名)、 features ; たたずまい、 retain ; 〜を維持する、〜を保持する
temple grounds; 境内,as might be expected of 〜 ; さすがに〜だけあって
headquarters of the Nanzen-ji branch of Rinzai Zen ; 臨済宗南禅寺派の大本山
with a long and distinguished history ; 由緒ある、 the foliage season ; 紅葉の季節
Picture Picture /Others / 「義母の1回忌法要」
Japanese Diary / No.115−2009.01.26 / 「義母の1 周忌法要」
Yesterday was the second Monday of Januaary and so a national holiday
called Coming-of-Age Day.
I enjoyed golf competition on that day for the first time this year.
It was the team competition organized by Kamakura Public Golf Club.
Nine teams were at this competition.
Each team consisted of six to eight players according to the competition
My team consisted of eight players including a lady's one.
Handicap of each player was automatically calculated accrding to "Shin-shin-peria"
Each team's score was the sum of the top six player's net of the team.
Theranking of the competition was determined by each team's score.
It was fine but a little bit cold because it was windy.
All the players of my team finished playing around 3 p.m.
. The brand name printed on the plastic bag of
packed rice awarded as the prize for the golf
competition. |
After we took a bath at the club house to warm our
body, we were at an awarding party at the restaurant
of the club house.
The official score of each team was announced by
a member of the competition committee.
Unfortunately,my team finished fifth.
For your information,my score wasn't so good and
so I finished fifth in my team.
All the players of my team won 10 kilograms of
packed rice having the brand name "Koshihikari"
as the prize.
The participation fee except the green fee was three
thousands yen.
Anyway, I was able to get a return on my investment.
[Note] Coming-of-Age Day ; 成人の日
team competition ; 団体戦、 Shin-shin-peria system ; 新新ペリア方式、 participation
fee ; 参加費
net ; (ゴルフ) ネット、 for your information ; ちなみに、 get a return on one's investment
; 元を取る
Japanese Diary / 110−2009.01.13 / 「初ゴルフ」
Picture Picture /Golf / 「2009・冬季団体対抗戦」
From New Year Day,I went out for two-day trip to Toi-onsen located on the western shore of the Izu
peninsula in Shizuoka prefecture.
I made hotels reservation from home using the internet a week before
the end of last year.
It was lucky for us that two hotels happened to have some vacant rooms.
We arrived at Syuzenji station around 2 p.m. taking JR limited express
train, "Odoriko" from
And then we went to Toi-onsen located in the west coast of Izu from there.
It took about an hour by local bus.
It was very fine and not cold on that day.
We stayed at the serene country inn at some distance from the hot springs
resort area.
To our disappointment, its bathes were not hot spring ones.
But the dinner was much better than we had expected.
We enjoyed assorted sashimi of locally caught fishe and sellfish like alfonsino,
abalone and others.
Second day,we went out to the town to see the sights and walked along the
We visited the gold mine site and its museum in Toi.
The entrance to the tunnel
at Toi gold mine |
A nugget of gold(The weight is 250 Kg) |
We looked around the gold mine and the display in the museum.
The heaviest nugget of gold in the world was displayed there.
The weight was 250 Kg.
We touched and patted it so that the world economy would get out of its
slump and be on a track to
recovery this year.
And then we walked around in the park with pine grove called Matsubara
It had a flower clock which has been registered in the Guinness Book of
Records as the world's largest
flower clock.
We also paid our respects at the local shrine,"Toi shrine".
At the shrine, I made a money offering,praying for my family's health and
economy's quick recovery
for new year.
We checked into a hotel named Toi-Yamatokan on the seaside cliff around
4 p.m.
We relaxed in a hot spring bath and then enjoyed the sunset over Suruga Bay while taking a bath in
an outdoor hot spring.
The view of Sagami Bay after the sunset |
The cloud of steam from outdoor hot
spring bath in the early morning |
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take pictures of the sunset.
It was because the sun went below the horizon while I was just going to
the hotel room for my camera.
The view of Suruga Bay in the morning from Toi |
Anyway,I had nice three New Year's Days.
[Note] serene country inn ; 静かな旅館、 hot spring resort area ; 温泉街
to one's disappointment ; がっかりしたことに,assorted sashimi ; 刺身の盛合せ
alfonsino ; 金目鯛、 abalone ;アワビ、 gold mine site ; 金鉱跡地、 a nugget of gold
; 金塊
pat ; (人が)<物など> を(手のひらで) なでる、 get out of 〜 ; 〜から脱出する、 slump ; 不況
be on a track to recovery ; 回復基調に入る、 pine grove ; 松林
the Guinness Book of Records ;ギネスブック、 pay one's respects at 〜; 〜に参拝する
make a money offering ; さい銭をあげる、 cliff ; 絶壁、 go for 〜 ; 〜を取りに行く
go below the horizon ; (太陽が) 水平線の下に沈む
Japanese Diary / No.109−2009.01.05 / 「正月旅行」
Picture Picture / Trip / 「2009・冬季旅行」
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year at the
dawn of the new year.
Your continuous rslationship and support will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Japanese Diary / No.108−2009.01.01 / 「謹賀新年」