Weekly Topics/Archive
September 2008
Yesterday,I enjoyed golf a little bit with my friend on the Wakasu Golf
Links in Tokyo.
According to the weather forecast the day before,it would be cloudy after
Though it was raining from the morning when we arrived at the golf club, we decided to play
The club house looking at
from the green |
#10 hole of In-course. |
This golf course was one of the public institutions run by the Tokyo Metropolitan
It was famous for the golf course built on the landfill which was reclaimed with garbage
and rubbish dumped from home during 10 years since 1965.
It was also designed under the supervision of a past leading Japanese pro
Ms. Ayako Okamoto, I heard.
I played golf holding an umbrella and wearing a corset around my waist
as well as
a rainwear.
Unlike the weather forecast,it was rainning all day long.
After the golf,we stopped for drink at an izakaya in front of Shin-Kiba
station on our way
home from the golf in the name of evaluation meeting for golf.
Anyway,I'm really tired of the golf in the rain.
[Note] public institution : 公共施設、 landfill : 埋立地,reclaim : 埋め立てる
dump : (ごみなど)を捨てる、 under the supervision of 〜 : 〜の監修の下で
unlike 〜 : 〜と違って、 stop for drink : 飲みに立ち寄る、 in the name of 〜 : 〜と称して
evaluation meeting : 反省会、 be tired of 〜:〜にうんざりする
Japanese Diary / No.87−2008.10.01 / 「親睦ゴルフ(若洲ゴルフリンクス)」
September 15th was the anniversary of my elder brother's death.
On that day this year,the 2nd anniversary of his death was held at his
place in Minoo,
On the day before I attended it,I stayed overnight at a hotel in Shin-Osaka
with my wife.
The hotel was near the office I was working at till about 13 years ago,
and so the town
and the streets made me remember the good old days.
But I felt like the streets have changed so much though I didn't know
whether the town
was redeveloped or not.
Since it happened to be the final day of a three-day holiday, the downtown
was deserted.
I used to go to the nightlife district for a drink with my coworkers after
work in those days.
I went to a Japanese style pub in Osaka with my wife for the first time
in a long time.
As there were a few customers in the pub,we were able to drink and eat
leisurely in a
relaxed atmosphere.
But then,I felt I preferred such place as the pub cheerful in atmosphere.
On the following morning,we took the subway,Mizosuji line from the nearest
station and
got off at Senri-Chuo station.
We joined my younger brother's family in front of the station,had my nephew
pick us up
there after a little while and got to his place.
There were very crowded with many relatives within who attended the anniversary.
It was very noisy when a new baby born to my nephew's parents last November
was there.
The Buddhist memorial service started with reading of the sutras by a monk at the home
altar from just 11:00.a.m. and finished in about an hour.
And then everyone visited his new grave to pray.
My late elder brother might enjoy his life here in the world after the
death, I thought.
How happy he is with a new grave set up by his son!
I wonder if I had someone set me up my grave.
I feel horrible I'll prepare the grave for me during my life.
I thought I would have no choice but to leave it to my wife or daughter.
The view of downtown Osaka from the restaurant |
After that,we were invited to Japanese-style restaurant located on the
mountainside of
It was the quiet restaurant which we were able to overlook Osaka city from.
We commemorated the late elder brother while smacking our lips over Japanese
My youngest brother's son also came to pray with his wife from Okayama.
She was just in pregnancy.
I heard she would bear a new baby around coming Christmas.
I'm looking forward to having the family reunion next year because another
newcomer will
join us.
[Note] the anniversary of someone's death : 〜の命日
remember the good old days : 懐かしい、 deserted : 閑散とした
the nightlife district : 歓楽街、 Japanese style pub : 居酒屋、 leisurely : ゆったりと
reading of the sutras : 読経、 horrible : 嫌な
have no choice but to do something : 〜するより仕方がない
leave something (A) to someone (B) ; 何か(A) を誰か(B) に任せる
smack one's lips over 〜:〜に舌鼓を打つ、 in pregnancy : 妊娠中
Japanese Diary / No.84−2008.09.19 / 「兄の三回忌法要」
I took an overnight trip to Iwaki in Fukushima Prefecture to enjoy hot
spring and the golf
competition with eight members of the Ikoikai reunion society.
It was a bus tour from Yaesu near Tokyo station to the resort called Spa
Resort Hawaiians
by the courtesy bus.
There was one of the greatest resorts and theme parks in Japan.
I've been to there only once in the past.
It was originally the biggest coal company in the mainland till 1950's.
But due to the decay of the coal industry and then the mine closure, the
company switched
to the tourism industry to keep its workers on the job, making use of great abundance of hot
spring water arising from the mine.
And now it's doing so well as one of the biggest resort in Japan,I heard.
We arrived there taking about a two-and-half hour.
There were very crowded with many visitors in the resort because of the
day before the
three-day holiday.
After lunch,we enjoyed hot spring bath,where was the biggest outdoor hot spring in the
Some of us also relaxed by having finger-pressure therapy and others were enjoying
swimming at the indoor warm swimming pool.
Grand Polynesian Show |
After Japanese-style dinner,we watched Grand Polynesian Show on stage.
It consisted of Hula dance,Tahitian dance and Samoan fire dance.
We really enjoyed such glamourous and exciting dances in a toropical mood within the
On the following day,we enjoyed the golf competition on the golf course
of Crest
Hills Golf Club where was Spa Resort Hawaiians Official Course.
It was very fine but a little bit hot.
I played golf wearing a corset around my waist.
Because I got very sensitive about my waist,I wasn't able to play as usual.
Off course,My score wasn't so good and so I ended the competition in sixth place out of
nine players.
Anyway,Kunisawa-san and Yamato-san,thank you very much for nice trip.
[Note] courtesy bus : (ホテルなどの)送迎バス、 the mainland : 本州、 decay : 衰退
mine closure : 鉱山の閉山、 keep one's workers on the job : 雇用を確保する
tourism industry:観光産業、 an abundance of 〜 : 〜の豊富な
three-day holiday : 三連休、 finger-pressure therapy : 指圧(療法)、 Samoan : サモアの
Japanese Diary / No.83−2008.09.14 / 「いこい会ゴルフ旅行」
It's been two weeks since I got a strained back.
The pain was quite relieved because I wore a corset around my waist used
pain-relieveing ointment topically and warmed around it with some disposable
warmers, but it still hurts dully.
The golf competition is approaching soon.
I feel very anxious about whether to be able to play golf or not.
At my friend's recommendation,I have a massage at the massage parlor every day in
order to undergo rehabilitation from a straind back.
I'm happy about cheap therapy cost because I can use my health insurance
at this parlor.
I'm getting well day by day through the rehabilitation.
I feel I will be able to play golf this Friday.
[Note] corset : コルセット、 pain-relieving ointment : 痛み止めの軟膏
hurt dully : 鈍痛がする、 topically : 局部に、 disposable : 使い捨ての
feel anxious about 〜 :〜のことで心配(不安)である、 health insurance : 健康保険
have a massage : マッサ−ジをしてもらう, therapy cost : 治療費
at someone's recommendation : 〜の勧めで、 day by day : 日毎に
Japanese Diary / No.82−2008.09.04 / 「変形性腰椎症」
I was very busy last weekend.
I've posted some diaries and weekly topics entries on the Home Page of
my website since
I launched it on the internet in the end of last year.
Each of them got too long in series before I knew it.
When everybody try to take a look at the old certain article on such subject,
it is very
inconvenient because they have to scroll down the viewing area of the window.
I've thought I needed to make an archive icon on the area someday in order for everyone
to take a look at the old article easier.
I was archiving my old diary and weekly topics entries on my web site
all day long without
going out anywhere because I still had a bit of lower-back pain.
At first,I felt a bit of confusion about how to archive.
But I knew I had only to make a new page,make a copy of its page as many
as needed,
and provide some links.
I made it easier for everybody to find the old article about Diary or Weekly
Topics after
finishing them.
I felt my Home Page evolved a little bit more than it had been before.
Please take a look at my web site.
[Note] before I knew it : 知らぬ間に、 post : 投稿する、 certain article : 特定の記事
take a look a t〜 : 〜をちょつと見る、 the viewing area : 表示画面
archive 〜 : 〜をArchivesに保管する、feel a bit of confusion about 〜 : 〜のことで少し戸惑う
have only to 〜: ただ〜しさえすればよい,as many as needed :必要なだけ
provide a link: リンクを張る、 make it easier for 〜 to do 〜: 〜が〜しやすくなる
evolve: 進化する, more than it had been before : 以前に比べ
Japanese Diary / No.81−2008.09.01 / 「Home Page へのア−カイブ設定」