Weekly Topics/Archive
March 2018
It seems that, at last, spring has come to the Omi region.
It’s because it was getting warmer day by day for these few days, though it was
still cold around the beginning of March.
In some vague way,
I feel an urge to go out with warmth of spring.
[Note] in some vague way ; 何となく、
feel(get, have) an urge to 〜 ; 〜したい気持ち(衝動)に駆られる
According to the weather forecast section in today's paper, it shows the
of fine weather all day long and the daytime temperature goes up to 22
And so, I decided to go cycling to the lakeside of Lake Biwa as I thought
[Note] weather forecast section ; 天気予報欄
This is my first cycling in this season.
When I checked the date of my last year's first cycling on my Home Page
for my information, I found that the scene was uploaded on Diary.792 on
I can see how cold it was this year because it was done 3 weeks later than
[Note] for one's information ; 参考として
Today I decided to take a bike ride on the usual course which I start
my home and turn back at Karasuma peninsula of Lake Biwa.
I left home at 10:40 carrying a backpack with equipment for cycling.
I ride not a road bike but a folding one because I intend to warm up anyway.
[Note] take a bike ride ; 自転車に乗る、サイクリングをする
carry a backpack ; バックパックを背負う、equipment for cycling ; サイクリング用品
I pedal on the cycle road through the countryside toward Sazanami Kaido
road along the lakeside of Lake Biwa.
As you can see in the picture below, the weather is very clear.
But though I don't know whether it's due to spring haze or dispersal of
pollen, Mt. Hiei in front looks blurred.
[Note] Sazanami Kaido road ; さざなみ街道、spring haze ; 春霞
dispersal of cedar pollen ; シダ花粉の飛散 (dispersal ; 飛散、散布、pollen ; 花粉)
look burred ; 霞んで(ぼやけて)見える、はっきりしない
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The view of Mt. Hiei from the cycle road in the countryside (2018.03.15_10:50) |
Near Hayamagawa River, water birds are swiming slowly in groups.
What an idyllic scene this is!
[Note] in groups ; 群れを成して、an idyllic scene ; のどかな光景
A flock of water birds swimming in Hayama-gawa River (2018.03.15_10:53) |
I pedaled at a leisurely pace on the cycle road along Sazanami Kaido Road
toward Karasuma peninsula.
Since I was getting a little sweaty with the warmth of spring, I took off
Occasionally, I encountered a few joggers and cyclists on the cycle road.
So I got the road all to myself.
[Note] at a leisurely pace ; ゆったりした速度で、gete a little sweaty ; ちょつと汗ばむ
Occasionally ; 時折、encounter ; [偶然・思いがけなく]出会う、出くわす
get (have) 〜 all to oneself ; 〜を貸し切り状態で使う、〜を独り占めする
I got to Karasuma peninsula after pedaling for only 30 minutes or so.
I feel like recieving a welcome from a monument in the park, Kusatsu Yume
Fusya (windmill) and colorful flowers in the flowerbed.
[Note] recieve a welcome from 〜 ; 〜から歓迎を受ける、 flowerbed ; 花壇
The view of the direction of Karasuma peninsula from Sazanami Kaido Road
(2018.03.15_11:13) |
In front of the monument (2018.03.15_11:18) |
Flower promenade and Kusatsu Yume Fusya
(2018.03.15_11:21) |
Since the windmill, a symbol in Karasuma peninsula, has remained broken
due to the deterioration and its wind power operation had been in the red,
Kusatsu City plans to abolish the use of it and leave only the memento.
[Note] remain broken ; 故障したままである、deterioration ; 劣化、老朽化
abolish the use of 〜 ; 〜の使用を廃止する、memento ; 記念となるもの、思い出の品
Though I thought I would take a break at a cafe in the park, it's almost
I intended to have a lunch at a restaurant inside Michino-eki Kusatsu.
So I took a short break at the bench in front of the cafe.
I cycled all the way around Karasuma peninsula.
The following are photos taken in the peninsula.
Mt. Hiei toward Lake Biwa (2018.03.15_11:35) |
Kusatsu Yume Fusya (2018.03.15_11:50) |
The photos below are the scenery of Omi-Fuji (Mt. Mikami) from the lakeside
at which there had ever been reed and lotus communities.
I like the landscape that can be seen from here.
So whenever I visit here, I press the shutter button..
This had ever been one of the biggest lotus communities in the country,
the lotus community disapeared a few years ago.
I hear that efforts to restore it has been made since last year.
I want to see again such fantastic scenery that the lake surface was filled
pink lotus flowes.
[Note] reed community; ヨシ(葦、植物)の群落、restore ; 復活させる、元の状態に戻す
make efforts to do 〜; 〜の取り組みを行う
The view of Omi-Fuji from the lakeside at which there had ever been reed
and lotus community
(2018.03.15_11:43〜11:50) |
Dandelion in the weeds
(2018.03.15_11:55) |
On the bank at the lakeside, dandelions mixed with weeds had yellow blossoms.
I went to nearby Michi no Eki (roadside station)
Kusatsu to have a lunch at the restaurant “Rock
Bay Garden”.
This is my favorite restaurant.
After quenching thirst with a glass of beer, I had
a set meal with pork steak which is a recommendable menu that is provided
only on weekdays.
[Note] dandelion; タンポポ、have (bear,produce) blossoms ; 花を咲かせる
Michi no Eki (roadside station) ; 道の駅、quench thirst ; (喉の)渇きを潤す
quench ; (渇きなど)をうるおす、和らげる、thirst ; (喉の)渇き
recommendable menu ; オススメメニュー
The set meal I ordered (2018.03.15_12:30) |
After finishing my coffee after lunch, I start homeward on Sazanami Kaido
There are those who perform bait-cast fishing and lure fishing here and
on the lakeside.
[Note] start homeward (home) ; 帰路に就く、bait-cast fishing ; 投げ釣り
lure fishing ; ルアー釣り、placed rod ; 置き竿 (rod ;釣り竿)
A line of the placed rods of bait-cast fishing
(2018.03.15_13:10) |
A man performing lure fishing
(2018.03.15_13:23) |
I leave Sazanami Kaido Road and enter the cycle road through the countryside.
The cycle road through the countryside (2018.03.15_13:31) |
It was 13:50 when I returned home after pedaling along the Hayama-gawa
It was this year's first cycling of about 3 hours, whose round-trip distance
was 17 Kilometers, for leisurely warming-up.
Best season for cycling has come with spring.
I hope to enjoy cycling with you including overseas cycling tour again
this year.
[Note] round-trip ; 往復の、 best season for 〜 ; 〜 の季節
Japanese Diary / No.848―2018.03.15 / 「2018・初サイクリング」