Weekly Topics/Archive
January 2018
As I and my wife had an errand to do at my sister-in-law's place where
is located
near Ishiyama-dere Temple , we payed the second New Year's visit to a shrine
the way.
That's not Hatsumode but a ususl shrine visit because of the second one,
Of course, even though we do that twice, our prayers don't necessarily
get more
[Note] have an errand to do ; 用事がある、pay (make) a visit to 〜 ; 〜を訪問する
someone's prayers get answered ; 願いが叶う、ご利益がある、(prayer ; 祈願、願いごと)
It's Omi-zingu Shrine which is one of the local representative spots for
Hatsumode in the southern part of Lake Biwa that we visit today.
It's about 40 minutes by car from my home.
It was located at the end of the street when we turned left at Yanagasaki
intersection after driving on the lakeside road via Ohmi-ohashi Bridge.
Our line route map by car from home to Omi-zingu Shrine (2018.01.04) |
This is the first time that I'll visit a local shrine for Hatsumode since
I lived in
Since it was the first working day of the new year, we could find an empty
easily in the parking lot of the shrine and also the precincts were not
so busy.
So, we could visit it smoothly.
As you can see from the picture below, open-air food stalls are open, but doing
[Note] the first working day of the new year ; 仕事始めの日、empty space ; 空きスペース
open-air / food stall ; 屋台、be open, but doing business ; 開店休業状態である
Open-air stalls in the precicts of Omi-zingu Shrine (2018.01.04_14:22) |
There was a trii gate.
As Ichi no trii (the first trii gate) was standing in front of an entrance
Omote-sando (front approach), I think this is Ni no trii (the second trii
[Note] trii gate ; 鳥居、Ichi no trii (the first trii gate) ; 一の鳥居
Omote-sando (front approach) ; 表参道
Ni no trii (the second trii gate) of Omi-zingu Shrine (2018.01.04_14:22) |
When we walk to the approach, we can see a bright vermilion Romon (two-storied
gate or
tower gate).
[Note] vermilion ; 朱色の、Romon (two-storied gate or tower gate) ; 楼門
Romon of Omi-zingu Shrine (2018.01.04_14:25) |
By the way, according to wikipedia, Omi-zingu Shrine is a relatively new
which was constructed in 1940 in commemoration of 2600 years of the imperial
Judging from the construction motive and year of “2600 years of the imperial
reign”, it seems to be the shrine constructed as a national policy under
militaristic political system of the time.
The enshrined deity is Emperor Tenji who moved the Jaanese capital from
to Otsu in 667.
We go up the long stone steps to entere the precincts.
There is a magnificent Ge-haiden (outer haiden) at the front.
And there are trees which lots of Omikuji (paper fortune) are hanging from
an office for the dedication of Ema (votive horse tablets) in the precincts.
[Note] 2600 years of the imperial reign ; 皇紀2600年、reign ; 治世、在位期間、統治
national policy ; 国策、militaristic political system ; 軍国主義的政治体制
motive ; 動機、enshrined deity ; 祭神、office for the dedication ; 奉納所
Omikuji (paper fortune) ; おみくじ、Ema (votive horse tablets) ; 絵馬、votive ; 願かけの
The view of Ge-haiden (outer haiden) from the recincts (2018.01.04_14:27) |
We offered prayers towards Nai-haiden (Inner Haiden) at Ge-haiden (Outer
I guess there is Honden (Main hall) behind Nai-haiden.
[Note] offer prayers / worship ; 参拝する (prayer ; 祈り、祈願)
Nai-haiden (Inner Haiden) ; 内拝殿、Ge-haiden (Outer Haiden) ; 外拝殿
The view of Nai-haiden from Ge-haiden (2018.01.04_14:29) |
Worship at Ge-haiden (2018.01.04_14:31) |
The booth for the sale of shinpu is crowded with worshippers who buy Ofuda
Omamori (amulet).
This shrine is selling a variety of amulets.
The blessing of each amulet are as follows.
state of perfect health
accomplishment of school work
protection from evil
safe delivery of a baby and child rearing
traffic safety
prosperity in business
[Note] shinpu ; 神符、Ofuda ; お札、Omamori (amulet) ; お守り、blessing ; ご利益、神の恵み
child rearing ; 育児
The booth crowded for the sale of shinpu (2018.01.04_14:34) |
Whenever I visit a shrine, I suspect these blessings of amulet to be false
exaggerated representation.
And so I guess Consumer Affairs Agency may issue an order to improve their
misleading reresentation to it.
Since there are many kinds of efficacy, the blessing of each amulet may
be less
The “selection and concentration” will become essential in this shrine.
Without any resect to things like that, my wife bought two amulets for
grandchild Hannah-chan.
It's a good thing that consumption tax is not included in the price of these
Anyway, even if her prayers didn't get answered, she has to take her own
responsibility for it, right?
[Note] suspect ; ではないかと疑う、exaggerated representation; 誇大表示
Consumer Affairs Agency ; 消費者庁、issue an order to improve ; 改善命令を出す
misleading reresentation ; 誇大表示、efficacy ; 効能、 potent ; 効き目のある、効能がある
without any resect to 〜 ; 〜を考慮せずに、consumption tax ; 消費税
take one's responsibility for 〜 ; 〜の責任を取る
It is said that Omi-zingu is a hall of karuta (Jaanese cards) as Emperor
composed the first poem of the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (The Ogura Anthology
100 Tanka poems by 100 Poets).
When I was looking around the precincts, I found several cards of Hyakunin
Isshu attached on the wall.
[Note] karuta (Jaanese cards) ; かるた(カルタ)、Emperor Tenji ; 天智天皇
compose ; 作曲する、創作する、Ogura Hyakunin Isshu ; 小倉百人一首
anthology ; (複数の作家による)選集、Tanka ; 短歌
Several cards of Hyakunin Isshu attached on the wall (2018.01.04_14:39) |
Do you know Emperor Tenji's poem included in
Hyakunin Isshu ?
That is as follows.
Aki no ta no |
Out in the fields this autumn day |
Kari ho no iho no |
They're busy reaping grain; |
Toma o arami |
I sought for shelter neath this roof, |
Waga koromode wa |
But fear I sought in vain, ― |
Tsuyu ni nure-tsutu |
My sleeve is wet with rain |
(1) A Hundred Verses from Old Japan
(The Hyakunin-isshu) translated by William N. Porter
(2)百人一首講座 (天智天皇1番)
I used to play the Hyakunin Issyu Karuta with my brothers and friends
at my home during
the New Year holidays in my childhood.
I remember my mother reading an opening verse of waka (a poem) on each
card with intonation.
Is there still such a custom now?
[Note] play the Hyakunin Issyu Karuta ; 百人一首のかるた取りをする
an opening verse of 〜 ; 〜の冒頭句 ( verse ; 詩の1行(節))、with intonation ; 抑揚を付けて
The competitive karuta master position and queen position finals take
here every January, too.
As it is said Emperor Tenji also assumed command of the establishment of the first roukoku (Jaanese water clock system), sun clocks, rokoku and etc. which were donated by clock
merchants from various places are displayed in the precincts of the shrine.
It has trouble attracting worshippers, dosen't it ?
The clock like this was displayed in the precincts.
[Note] competitive karuta master position finals ; 競技かるた名人位決定戦
assume command of 〜 ; 〜を指揮する、〜の指揮を執る
rokoku (Jaanese water clock system) ; 漏刻 (水時計)、donate ; を寄付(寄贈、寄進)する
have trouble doing 〜; 〜をするのに苦労する
The display of ancient fire clock (2018.01.04_14:45) |
We finished the second Hatsumode in this way.
I hope our prayers get answered.
Japanese Diary / No.841―2018.01.04 / 「二度目の初詣」
My granddaughter Hannah-chan was scheduled to come back temporarily
to Japan with her mother from Singapore at the end of the year.
However, it was cancelled to be on the safe side because she develoed
bronchitis a few days before leaving Singapore.
So, it was postponed until this May.
[Note] Gion-san ; 祇園さん、granddaughter ; 孫娘、be on the safe side ; 大事を取る
develope bronchitis ; 気管支炎に罹る
We were supposed to have bustling and busy New Year's days with Hannah-chan.
But I’ve spent boring days in Kusatsu with my wife because we didn’t need
care of her.
[Note] be supposed to〜; (本来なら)〜するはずだ、bustling ;賑やかな
In such an atmosphere, my wife asked me to go to Hatsumode.
(Hatsumode means that many Japanese people visit a Shinto shrine during
the first three days of January in order to make traditional New Year's
for health and happiness.)
We are going to have a New Year's party at my wife's parents' house in
this evening.
It was just set in consideration of an itinerary for Hannah's trip to Japan.
[Note] go to Hatsumode ; 初詣に行く、 in consideration of 〜; 〜考慮して
itinerary ; 旅程
So, we decided to go to a shrine before the new year’s party.
Our destination is Yasaka-jinja Shrine called by
the nickname Gion-san.
The frequency of my visit to a shrine has been increased since last year,
Biwaichi (cycling tour around Lake Biwa) while visiting shrines and trekking
to Izusan-jinja Shrine in Atami after AIOI’s end-year party.
[Note] frequency ; 回数、頻度、Biwaichi (cycling tour around Lake Biwa) ; 琵琶一
trekking ; トレッキング
To get to Yasaka-Jinja Shrine,we transfer to the Keihan Line at JR Yamashina
station, get off at Higashiyama station and then walk for about 10 minutes.
This route is very convenient compared to the bus route via JR Kyoto Station,
which we had ever used.
We stroll toward Yasaka-jinja Shrine from Higashiyama station.
We got to Higashiyama-dori Street after strolling along Shirakawa River
a sense of taste and elegance in that scenery.
From the photo below, my hair is really getting
[Note] with a sense of elegance in that scenery ; (景色が)風情のある
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
At Shirakawa River located in Higashiyama Sanjo (2018.01.02_13:36) |
There is a long line of Hatsumode visitors from the Sanjo area.
On the way, we stopped by Chionin Temple.
It’s relatively quiet around here.
On the second floor of Romon (two-storied gate) of the temple, the Japanese
and the flag of Jodo shu are flapping in the wind.
This is the first time I've seen the flag flying in the tepmle.
[Note] stop by (in) at ~ ; 〜に立ち寄る、Chionin Temple ; 知恩院
Romon (two-storied gate); 楼門、 flap (flutter, fly) ; はためく、ひるがえる
The view of Chion-in Temple (2018.01.02_13:46) |
After the new year’s visit to Chion-in Temple, we walk towards Maruyama
It was also very crowded with visitors for
In cold weather, we could see the performance by a Komuso like this in
front of
a wintry weeping cherry tree.
(Komuso means a mendicant Zen priest of the Fuke
sect with a shakuhatchi
bamboo flute, wearing a deep straw hat that covers
the face.)
[Note] Komuso ; 虚無僧、weeping cherry tree ; 枝垂桜、mendicant priest ; 托鉢僧
mendicant ; (形)施しもので生活する、Fuke sect ; 普化宗
shakuhatchi bamboo flute ; 尺八、straw ; 麦わらの
Near a weeping cherry tree in Maruyama Park (2018.01.02_14:12) |
Since we've come here, we decided to visit our ancestors’ grave to Otani Sobyo Mausoleum nearby.
In spite of one of the first three days of the New Year, it was quite crowded.
We worshipped at Otani Sobyo Mausoleum and Higashi Otani Cemetery.
[Note] the first three days of the New Year ; 正月三が日
At Otani Sobyo Mausoleum and Higashi Otani Cemetery (2018.01.02_14:16〜14:40) |
Again we walk through Maruyama Park to go to Yasaka-jinja Shrine.
This temple is very popular among the local people by a nickname of Gion-san.
It’s the shrine that hosts the Gion Matsuri
Festival which is one of three
gratest festivals in Japan and summer features in Kyoto.
[Note] Gion Matsuri Festival ; 祇園祭、summer feature ; 夏の風物詩
According to my wife who grew up near Teramachi Bukko-ji close to Shijo
Kawaramachi, she went to Okera Festival held in the shrine from New Year's
Eve to New Year’s Day with her parent.
[Note] Okera Festival ; をけら祭り
She said some worshipers lighted a match code with the sacred flame put
Okera Lantern in the precincts of the shrine, brought the lighted match
to their home while rotating it to keep the fire from going out, and then
it as source for offering a light on Kamidana (a household Shinto altar)
cooking ozoni (soup containing vegetables and rice cakes) while celebrating
the New Year and praying for state of perfect health over the year.
[Note] worshiper ; 参拝者、 match code ; 火縄、 sacred flame ; 御神火
keep the fire from going out ; 火が消えないようにする、match ; 火縄
offering a light on Kamidana ; 神棚に灯明を上げる、 household ; 家庭の、 ozoni ; お雑煮
state of perfect health ; 無病息災
On the approach and at the main shrine (2018.01.02_14:47〜14:58) |
As you can see from the pictures above, the precincts of the shrine, especially
the front of Haiden (a hall of worship), are crowded with worshippers.
We also prayed for safety of the family over the
I regreted that I didn’t pray for peace in the world first of all.
[Note] Haiden (a hall of worship) ; 拝殿、 first of all ; 先ず第一に
By the way, the Haiden of Yasaka-jinja Shrine is an architecture constructed
during the Edo period (an important cultural property).
In the general shrines, Haiden is built as an independent structure.
However I heard this shrine’s Haiden shares the building structure with
[Note] share A with B ; AをBと共有する(共同で使用する)、Honden (main shrine) ; 本殿
It’s said that over a million worshippers visit it for Hatsumode during thefirst three days of
the New Year annually.
It’s said the number of worshippers for Hatsumode to Tomioka Hachiman-gu
Shrine which caused that murder incident drastically decreased on the grounds
that it augurs ill.
It was as I suspected.
We think that we don't want to pray for protection from evil at such s
[Note] annually ; 例年、毎年、murder incident ; 殺人事件
on the grounds that ~ ; (that 以下)との理由で、 it augurs ill(well) ; 縁起が悪い(良い)
It was as I suspected. ; やはりそうでしたか、そんなことではないかと思った
pray for protection from evil ; 厄除けを祈願する
We leave the shrine through vermilion-lacquered West Romon (two-storied
The Romon constructed during the Muromachi period is the symbol of Yasaka
Shrine and also have been popular among the local people and tourists as the symbol of
the place Higashiyama.
[Note] vermilion-lacquered ; 朱塗りの
At west Romon of Yasaka Shrine (2018.01.02_15:06) |
Two statues enshrined at both sides of the Romon were not Nio-zo (statues
of Kongorikishi) which can be seen at temples but wooden statues of zuijin
which is well-known as one of dolls on hinadan (a doll-displaying stand)
in the
Girl’s Festival.
Zuijin means guards for noblemen during the Heian period.
I didn’t notice that till now.
That is generally common at other shrines, isn’t
[Note] enshrine ; 安置する、Nio-zo (statues of Kongorikishi) ; 仁王像、金剛力士像
hinadan (a doll-displaying stand) ; 雛壇、Girl’s Festival ; 雛祭り、notice ;
zuijin ; 随身
We walked along Shijo-dori Street towards Kamogawa River while being jostled
in the crowds of people for Hatsumode.
We stopped by at well-established soba noodle restaurant ‘Matsuba’ next
Minami-za theater for the first time in years to eat nishin soba (a bowl
of soba
in hot soup served with stewed herring on top).
Speaking of nishin soba in Kyoto, this restaurant is the originator of
nishin soba.
[Note] be jostled in the crowds of people ; 人波にもまれる
jostle ; (混雑で)押し合いへし合いする、押しのけて進む、well-established ; 老舗の
stewed ; とろ火で煮込んだ、herring ; にしん、 Speaking of ~ ; 〜と言えば
originator ; 創始者、元祖、本家
At soba restaurant Matuba in Kyoto (2018.01.02_15:26) |
This nishin soba really tastes good.
Both a large herring stewed in syrup and Kansai-styled soba soup really
good old taste and flavor for me.
[Note] stewed in syrup ; 甘露煮の、good old ; 懐かしい
We crossed Shijo-ohashi Bridge to participate in the next event.
We could see a bronze statue like this on Shijo-kawaramachi.
No, it was a performer.
Japanese street performance has gradually became
[Note] become refined ; 洗練されてくる
The view of Kamo-gawa River in the dusk
(2018.01.02_15:44) |
A street performer (2018.01.02_15:47) |
Japanese Diary / No.840―2018.01.02 / 「祇園さんへ初詣」