Weekly Topics/Archive
May 2017
I found an article titled “Public exhibition in Spring at Ashiura-kannon-ji
Temple” in the April issue of public relations magazine of Kusatsu City.
The contents was as follows.
A standing statue of Amida Nyorai and a standing statue of Jizo Bosatsu
Ashiura-kannon-ji Temple (Ashiura-cho, Kusatsu City) (both of them are
important cultural properties) are returned to their home after 30 years'
They have recently been repaired and so it has been decided that they are
temporarily returned to the temple from Shiga Prefectural Biwako Bunkakan
(Otsu City) with which they were deposited.
They will be opened to the public from May 4 to 7 during the Golden Week
[Note] public relations magazine ; 広報誌、in the April issue of 〜 magazine ; 〜誌の4月号で
after _ years' absence ; _年ぶりに、it has been decided that 〜 ; 〜することになった
Shiga Prefectural Biwako Bunkakan ; 滋賀県立文化館
deposit 〜 with -----;〜を---に寄託する
I, who proclaim myself “a reki-nan (young men who are interested in Japanese
history)”, can't miss out on this opportunity.
However, I'm not sure where the temple is located.
When I looked at Google Map to see where it is, it wasn't so far from my
The lighthouse did not shine on its base.
[Note] proclaim oneself ; を自称する
reki-nan (young men who are interested in Japanese history) ; 歴男
miss out on 〜 ; 〜(のチャンス)を見逃す
the lighthouse does not shine on its base ; 灯台下暗し
The location of Ashiura-kannon-ji Temple (Ashiura-cho, Kusatsu City) (2017.05.07) |
So, shortly after noon, I took a leisurely bike ride.
It's clear and sunny today, and also warm enough to sweat slightly during pedaling.
I pedal my bike in the countryside overlooking Mt. Hiei on the west and
Mt. Mikami known as Omi-Fuji on the east.
Intensely green fields of wheat and rice fields in the middle of rice planting
season are coexistent.
[Note] take a leisurely bike ride ; のんびり自転車に乗る(サイクリングをする)
sweat slightly ; 少し汗ばむ、overlook ; 見渡す、見渡せる、intensely green ; 濃緑色の
field of wheat ; 小麦畑、rice planting season ; 田植えシーズン、coexistent ; 共存している
The view of Mt.Hiei far away beyond fields
of wheat (2017.05.07_12:19) |
The rice fields after the completion of rice
planting (2017.05.07_12:24) |
The second community dotting in the countryside was Ashiura town.
After pedaling my bike on the mazy community road in the town, I got to
Ashiura-kannon-ji Temple in the green forest.
[Note] dot ; 点在する、mazy ; 迷路のような、community road ; 生活道路
The view of the temple gate at Ashiura-kannon-ji Temple (2017.05.07_12:36) |
The Nagaya-mon Gate as the front gate like a castle gate (2017.05.07_14:13) |
As soon as I saw the temple, I had a feeling of strangeness.
The temple was surrounnded by a moat and stone walls having a wall on them,
and the front gate (temple gate) was the Nagaya-mon like a castle gate.
It was because the temple had an atmosphere just like a castle.
[Note] have(feel) a feeling of strangeness ; 違和感を覚える、moat ; 堀
stone wall ; 石垣、Nagaya-mon ; 長屋門
The temple gate like a castle gate (2017.05.07_12:37) |
I cross the stone bridge over the moat, go through the Nagaya-mon and
the temple grounds.
There may be just a few visitors to the temple because of the final day of the
public exhibition today.
Scarlet felt mat was placed on the outdoor long chairs and a giant red-lacquered
Nodategasa (umbrella) was set up to create tea ceremony seats.
This scenery is really picturesque.
[Note] just a few ; ごくわずかの、scarlet felt mat ; 緋毛氈(ひもうせん)、scarlet ; 緋色の
red-lacquered ; 朱塗りの、Nodategasa (umbrella) ; 野点傘(のだてがさ)
tea ceremony seat ; 茶席、picturesque ; 絵になる、絵のように美しい
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The temple grounds at Ashiura-kannon-ji (2017.05.07_12:40) |
The following is the main hall.
I heard it was rebuilt in 2012.
The main hall at Ashiura-kannon-ji Temple (2017.05.07_13:55) |
I entered the main hall to tour the inside, listening to a volunteer guide.
He said its honzon (principal image of Buddha) is Eleven-Faced Kannon,
which is
hibutsu (a hidden Buddhist statue) normally withheld from the public.
Inside the hall is exhibited the paintings of previous chief priests, photos
of the
Buddhist statues and the temple's treasures, and explanatory descriptions
the temple history.
In the naijin (inner sanctum) on the front of the hall, a zushi (a cupboard-like
case with double doors) in which the hibutsu is enshrined is placed at the center,
and both standing statues of Amida Nyorai and Jizo Bosatsu on either side
of it.
Restoration of both statues had been carried out since last year and was
completed this March.
And so they have been returned to their temple after 30 years' absence and
opened to the public.
Taking photos is prohibited inside the hall and also their photos aren't
sold here.
I'm compelled to introduce their photos on the wall of the main gate taken
by me.
[Note] honzon (principal image of Buddha) ; 本尊、Eleven-Faced Kannon ; 十一面観音
hibutsu (a hidden Buddhist statue) ; 秘仏、(be) withheld from the public ; 一般公開されない
chief priest ; 住職、explanatory description ; 説明書き
zushi (a cupboard-like case with double doors) ; 厨子、on either side of 〜; 〜両側に、左右に
be compelled to do 〜; やむを得ず〜する
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
A standing statue of Amida Nyorai |
・Date ; Kamakura Period
・Sculptor ; unknown
・Parquet statue made of Japanese cypress
but with crystal eyes
・Height of statue ; 97.6 cm
・Type of inso (mudra) ; Raigo-in (Reasoning Mudra)
・Hairstyle ; crinkly and spiral hair
・Hondsome look represented by stern expression due to
long-slitted eyes and soft cheers
・The statue stands on a lotus seat with the head bent slightly
・The statue underwent restoration at Tokyo School of Fine
Arts in 1902.
・The statue has usually been deposited at Shiga Prefectual
Biwako Bunkakan. |
A standing statue of Jizo Bosatsu |
・Date ; Kamakura Period
・Sculptor ; unknown
・Parquet statue made of Japanese cypress
but with crystal eyes
・Height of statue ; 84.1 cm
・The common figure of a priest who is having his hair cut
off and wearing kesa with Hoju (a sacred jewel) in his left
hand and Shakujo (a pilgrim's staff) in his right hand
・The statue has usually been deposited at Shiga Prefectual
Biwako Bunkakan.
[Note] standing statue of Amida Nyorai ; 阿弥陀如来立像、sculptor ; 仏師
parquet ; 寄木造り、Japanese cypress ; ヒノキ、crystal eyes ; 玉眼、inso (mudra) ; 印相
Raigo-in (Reasoning Mudra) ; 来迎印、crinkly and spiral hair ; 螺髪 (crinkly ; 縮れた、波状の)
spiral ; らせん状の、渦巻きの)、hondsome look ; 端正な顔つき、stern expression ; 厳しい表情
long-slitted eyes ; 切れ長の眼、cheers ; 頬、lotus seat ; 蓮華の台座
with the head bent slightly forward ; 前傾姿勢で、undergo restoration ; 修復を受ける
Tokyo School of Fine Arts ; 東京美術学校、deposite ; 預ける
have one's hair cut off ; 髪の毛を剃り落とす、剃髪する、kesa ; 袈裟、Hoju (a sacred jewel) ; 宝珠
Shakujo (a pilgrim's staff) ; 錫杖、pilgrim's staff ; 巡礼者の杖
I subsequently toured Shoin (Study Hall).
According to a leterature on the temple history, Nagahara Goten where
Tokugawa Shogun stayed when he went to Kyoto, which was located in Nagahara,
Yasu Country, was transferred here at this temple and turned into the shoin
It's a building in the simple shoin-zukuri style without decorative design
and has
only about six rooms.
[Note] subsequently ; 続いて、その次に、leterature ; (印刷された)パンフレット、チラシ
in the shoin-zukuri style ; 書院造りの、without decorative design ; 装飾性のない
Shoin (important cultural propeties)
(2017.05.07_13:57) |
Rooms inside the Shoin (2017.05.07_13:53) |
Visitors got an explanation about the temple history from a volunteer
It was easy to understand and also very nice because what I have questioned
became clear.
When I summarize the history of Ashiura-Kannon-ji Temple from his
explanation, it's as follows.
We can see that it was an old temple with a long history.
[Note] get anexplanation about 〜; 〜の説明を受ける
what I have questioned ; 疑問に思っていたこと
Short summarry of the history of Ashiura-Kannon-ji Temple |
・Sango (the title prefixed to the name of Buddhist temple) ; Daizi-zan
・Religious school ; Tendai sect (Currently)
・Kaiki (patron of a temple in its founding) ; Prince Shotoku (allegedly)
・Kaisan (founder) ; Hata no Kawakatsu (allegedly)
(belonged to the Sanron Sect at that time)
<The temple history in the Middle Ages (the time around the Heian Period)
after the Nara Period remains unclear.>
・Restorer ; Restored in 1408 by Kanga who was a priest at Fukan-ji Temple
(later abandoned) in Kyoto
・Cultural properties ; Amida-do Hall, Shoin, wooden standing statue of
Nyorai, wooden standing statue of Jizo Bosatsu,
wooden seated statue of Yakushi Nyorai,
5 paintings including color on silk portrait of Prince
Shotoku and other (all important cultural properties)
<Short summary of the history surrounding Ashiura-Kannon-ji Temple
after the restoration>
・During the fire attack against Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt. Hiei by Nobunaga
in 1571, many treasures from the temples in the surrounding areas ware
bought into Ashiura-Kannon-ji Temple for safety.
(It's called Shosoin Treasure House in Omi because it possesses many cultural
properties including 10 important cultural ones.)
・The 7th chief priest Keijun was entrusted to control water transport
of Lake
Biwa by Nobunaga.
・The 9th chief priest Sensyun was appointed to Funa bugyo by Hideyoshi
in 1591.
After that, the temple had had the right to ship navigation management
Lake Biwa for about 100 years, 7 generations to 13th chief priest Chosyun.
・He won strong trust from Hideyoshi and was committed to the renovation
of Enryaku-ji Temple, which was damaged during the fire attack against
Mt. Hiei..
・In 1592, he joined the army of Hideyoshi to Nagoya (currently Saga
Prefecture) in Kyusyu in the War of Bunroku to serve as his aide.
・Even in Tokugawa period after the Battle of Sekigahara, the 10th chief
Choken served as Kosui-bugyo
In 1633, he was appointed to Nagahara Goten kaichiku-bugyo by Iemitsu,
the third shogun.
・The 13th chief priest Chosyun was dismissed from daikan (regional officer)
of Ashiura-Kannon-ji Temple and Funa bugyo in 1685 due to the reform
of Bakuhan Taisei (the syogunate system).
<Since that time, the temple has disappeared from the meteoric political
stage in history and has continued to exist as a Tendai temple till the
present day.>
[Note] Sango ; 山号、 prefixed to 〜; 〜の前に付けられた、religious school ; 宗派
Kaiki ; 開基、patron ; 後援者、賛同者、Prince Shotoku ; 聖徳太子
allegedly ; (真偽のほどは分からないが)伝えられるところによると、Hata no Kawakatsu ; 秦河勝
Sanron Sect ; 三論宗、Middle Ages (the time around the Heian Period) ; 中古の時代
restorer ; 中興者、color on silk portrait of Prince Shotoku ; 絹本着色聖徳太子像
restoration ; 復興、中興、fire attack against Enryaku-ji Temple ; 延暦寺の焼き討ち
Shosoin Treasure House ; 正倉院、entrust ; 委任する、water transport ; 水上運送(交通)
Funa bugyo ; 船奉行、ship navigation management ; 航行管理、renovation ; 修復、復興
be committed to 〜; 〜に尽力する、join an army ; 従軍する、War of Bunroku ; 文禄の役
aide ; (要人などの)側近、補佐官、Battle of Sekigahara ; 関ヶ原の合戦
be dismissed from 〜; 〜を罷免される、首になる、daikan (regional officer) ; 代官
Bakuhan Taisei (the syogunate system) ; 幕藩体制、meteoric ; 華々しい
disappear from 〜; 〜から姿を消す
According to him, in the area where Ashiura-Kannon-ji Temple was located,
it seems that there was once a distribution base in trade via Hokuriku
Japan and Silla on the Korean peninsula and materials from Silla were carried
Yamato by water transport on Lake Biwa.
Kojiki (The Records of Ancient Matters) and Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan)
include descriptions of place names in this neighborhood, for example,
(currently, Anamura in Kusatsu City) and Ashiura-miyake (currently, Ashiura
Kusatsu City and Miyake in Moriyama City), I heard.
[Note] distribution base in trade ; 交易上の物流拠点、Silla ; 新羅、water transport ; 水上運送
Kojiki (The Records of Ancient Matters) ; 古事記
Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) ; 日本書紀、Chronicles ; 年代記
The Nihonsyoki, Vol.6, Suinin-ki (Period of Emperor Anka), includes the
following description, that is, “天日槍自菟道河泝之 北入近江國吾名邑而暫住 ---”.
It means Amenohiboko, Prince of Silla, entered Anamura, Omi Province and
lived there.
Furthermore, an article on Feburary 6 of the 2nd year of Emperor Ankan
includes the following description, that is, “--・丹波国蘇斯岐屯倉皆取音・近江国葦浦屯倉・尾張 国間敷屯倉・--”.
Miyake (屯倉)means a area directly controlled by the imperial court during
Japan's Yamato period.
[Note] Suinin-ki (Period of Emperor Anka) ; 垂仁紀(垂仁天皇の時代)
Amenohiboko ; 天日槍(あめのひぼこ)(新羅の王子), Emperor Ankan ; 安閑天皇
imperialcourt ; 朝廷
Also, there is a place named Oroshimo near here.
I have always wondered why it is read that way.
I was convinced of his explanation that the origin of the current name
came from
what materials was unloaded here.
Though both Kojiki and Nihonshoki describe Japanese mythology, it's strange
me that they seem to be very true.
[Note] I wonder why 〜 ; どうして〜か不思議に思う、that way ; そんなふうに、あのように
be convinced by someone's explanation ; (人の)説明に納得する、origin ; 起源
Japanese mythology ; 日本神話
Well, subsequently, I tour Amida-do Hall.
It's said that the main hall at Fukan-ji Temple (temple subsequently abolished)
inside Kyoto Gosho (Old Imperial Palace) has been relocated here during
Tenbun period and still remains.
The standing statue of Amida Nyorai would have been the main image, but
usually deposited at Prefectural Biwako Bunkakan in Shiga.
[Note] abolished ; 廃止された、Kyoto Gosho (Old Imperial Palace) ; 京都御所
relocate ; 移転する、Tenbun period ; 天文時代、still remain ; 現存する、deposit ; 預ける
Amida-do Hall at Ashiura-Kannon-ji Temple (important cultural properties) (2017.05.07_14:03) |
Successive chief priests in Ashiura-Kannon-ji Temple in charge of Funa Bugyo
from the period of Nobunaga's reign to Ieyasu's one had took charge of
transport of Lake Biwa.
Since Ashiura-Kannon-ji temple has conserved unique landscape like a castle
remains, the area surrounding the temple is designated as a national historic
“The ruins of Ashiura-kannon-ji Temple”
It's said that the temple served as the political and militaly general
staff in those
I was surprized to see that there was such a temple near my house.
[Note] successive ; 歴代の、take charge of 〜 ; 〜を管掌する、の管理を引き受ける
the period of Nobunaga's reign ; 信長(統治)の時代、conserve ; を保存する
ruins ; (建物などの)遺跡、廃墟、serve as 〜 ; 〜としての役割を果たす、general staff ; 参謀
I leave the temple and head to my home in the countryside.
The paddy fields were right in the middle of rice planting.
The brand of rice called “Mizukagami” has been planted in these fields.
It's rice in Omi which I usually eat.
I think it tastes better than “koshihikari”
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Paddy fields that were right in the middle of rice planting
(2017.05.07_14:26) |
The brand of rice called
“mizukagami” that has been
planted in these fields |
[Note] right in the middle of 〜; 〜の真っ最中の、taste good : 美味しい
Japanese Diary / No.801−2017.05.07 / 「里帰りの仏像を観る」