Weekly Topics/Archive
March 2017 |
It's been fine and also warm sunny weather since morning today.
According to a local news report yesterday, plum blossoms were at their
at Tenma Tenjin Shrine in Osaka and a special site of the precincts was
with Tenma Tenjin Sake Festival.
I was greatly interested in the news and went out to enjoy “umemizake”(sake
viewing plum blossoms).
The following map shows the location of Tenma Tenjin Shrine.
The location of Tenma Tenjin Shrine in Osaka (2017.03.12) |
[Note ] be bustling with ~ ; ~で賑わっている、precincts ; (神社の)境内
Tenma Tenjin Shrine ; 天満天神社、umemizake (sake viewing plum blossoms) ; 梅見酒
I decided to take only the JR Line to Tenma Tenjin to save the trouble
I took a special rapid train on the JR Tokaido Line from Kusatsu Station to
Amagasaki Station and then transferred to the JR Tozai Line here to go
to Osaka
Tenma-gu Station.
I arrived at Osaka Tenma-gu Station at 11:38.
I walk Tenjinbashi-suji shopping street from here.
There are big lanterns labeled as “a pilgrimage route to Osaka Tenma-gu
”hanging in the street.
I feel like the smell of Osaka comes out of nowhere.
Osaka Tenjinbashi-suji shopping Street in the morning (2017.03.12_10:46) |
[Note] save the trouble of ~; ~の手間を省く、pilgrimage route to ~; ~への参詣道
out of nowhere ; どこからともなく
What a blast from the past!
I have done a part time job as a staff member in the Tenma Tenjin Summer
Festival (Tenjin Festival) in my poor student days.
I remember that it was held on the hot day in July.
Before the main event called “funatogyo”, there is an event that many staff
members parade in procession wearing various costumes with a mikoshi (portable
shrine) from the shrine to the boarding place of Yodogawa River through
shopping street.
I remember vividly that I paraded wearing a white costume like Shinto
Off course, at that time the shopping street wasn't arcaded.
On the way, I sometimes drank sacred sakes that were served on the street.
I must have been fond of sake since my young days.
It takes about 5 minute to walk the street to get to Tenma Tenjin Shrine.
The number of visitors has suddenly increased near the shrine gate.
The shrine gate of Tenma Tenjine Shrine (2017.03.12_10:49) |
[Note] What a blast from the past! ; いやあ、懐かしいなあ!
do a part time job ; アルバイトをする、funatogyo ; 船渡御、in procession ; 行列で
mikoshi (portable shrine) ; 神輿、vividly ; 鮮明に、Shinto priest ; 神主
arcaded ; (通路などが)アーケード付きの、sacred sake ; お神酒 (sacred ; 神聖な)
be fond of ~; ~が好き、shrine gate ; 鳥居
The precincts were crowded with many visitors.
I don't know whether they are worshippers or plum blossom viewers, but
the cite of the Sake Festival was especially crowded with drinkers.
There was a simple ticket selling stand for the Sake Festival.
I immediately bought a ticket sheet with eleven 100 yen tickets for 1,000
Visitors can taste local sakes all over the country for 100 yen at least.

The cite of the Sake Festival ↑
The ticket sheet for the Sake Festival ➡
[Note] worshipper ; 参拝客、plum blossom viewer ; 梅見客
buy something for ~ yen ; を~円で買う、taste ; 試飲する
First, I worshipped at the main sanctuary after walking further into the
The main sanctuary of Tenma Tenjin Shrine (2017.03.12_10:56) |
Mochi pounding was held to treat visitors to mochi on the side of the
The mochi-tsuki (pounding boiled rice into mochi) for treating visitors
to mochi
(2017.03.12_10:55) |
There was the main gate of the shrine on this side.
It would seem that I entered the precincts from the postern gate.
I got out of the precincts to reenter the shrine from the main gate.
The main gate of Tenma Tenjin Shrine
(2017.03.12_10:58) |
The Chinese zodiac pelorus on the ceiling
of the main gate (2017.03.12_10:57) |
[Note] worship at ~ ; ~に参拝する、礼拝する、main sanctuary ; 本殿
walk further into ~ ; ~の奥に進む、mochi pounding (rice-cake making); 餅つき
treat someone to ~; 人に~を振舞う(おごる)、postern gate ; 裏門( postern ; 裏の)
it would seem that ~ ; どうやら~(that以下)のようである、reenter ; 入りなおす、再び入る
“Kasujiru” was sold for 200 yen a cup in the precencts near the main sanctuary.
Since it looked so delicious, I ate it with a good-luck mochi treated.
It was really delicious.
When I've finished my meal, I walked around seeing the plum blossoms in
Though the number of them is not so many, they are at their best.
Plum blossoms blooming in the precincts (2017.03.12_11:13) |
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Plum blossoms blooming in the precincts (2017.03.12_11:11~11:13) |
[Note] kasujiru ; かす汁、good-luck mochi(rice-cake) ; 開運餅
Tenjin-san (heavenly gods), as you know without needing telling, is known
the god of learning.
As you can see in the following picture, ema (votive horse tablets) for praying
the success in entrance exams were hanging so densely.
Ema for praying the success in examination hanging densely (2017.03.12_11:12) |
[Note] Tenjin-san (heavenly gods) ; 天神さん
ema(a votive horse tablet) ; 絵馬 ( votive ; 願掛けの)
praying the success in entrance exams ; 合格祈願, densely ; 密集して
After that, I walk to the event cite of the Sake Festival.
On the way, I saw a street performance by a monkey trainer like this.
Visitors who stopped to see it were giving applause to monkey's acts.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The street performance by a monkey trainer (2017.03.12_11:14~11:17) |
[Note] street performance ; 大道芸、monkey trainer ; 猿回し
gave applause to ~ ; ~に拍手喝采を送る
I got to the event cite of the Sake Festival.
The tented booths like stall were lined up in a portion of the precincts.
At each booth, the local sake from brewerirs all over the country were
chilled with
ice to wait for drinkers.
The scene in the event cite of the Sake Festival (2017.03.12_11:18) |
Almost all the local sake were junmai-shu (sake made without added alcohol)
and junmai ginjo-shu.
“Dassai” which is one of my favorite sake brands was also exhibited and
Let me show a part of their brands to you.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The local sakes that were exhibited at each booth in the event cite
(2017.03.12_11:33~11:57) |
I sampled some brands of sake with Osaka specialty takoyaki which I bought
the stall.
One cup of sake costs 100 to 300 yen, but the cup means a plastic ochoko
sake cup).
I exampled six brands of local sake, that is, only six cups of sake, but
got a good
buzz on.
I walk around the precincts to see the plum blossoms and then say goodbye.
Plum blossoms blooming in the precincts (2017.03.12_12:09) |
Goodbye to Osaka Tenma-gu
(2017.03.12_12:11) |
[Note] be lined up ; (主語)が並んでいる、stall ; 屋台、露天、in a portion of ~; ~の一角に
sample ; 試飲する、Osaka specialty ; 大阪名物 (specialty ; 名産品)
get a buzz on ; ほろ酔い気分になる
I imagine that today's Sake Festival must be a colaboration between Tenma
Tenjin Shrine and sake breweries for mutual benefit.
At any rate, I was very surprised that they are shrewd in business.
That is just you would expect from Osaka.
I entered a sanuki udon restaurant in the shopping street to refresh my
It may be because of a self-service restaurant.
I was amazed at low prices.
For example, su-udon (Udon noodles in hot broth without toppings) was 100
I ordered gyusuji bukkake-udon (udon noodles topped with the stewed cow
meat) without hesitation.
For the first time in a long time, I got a taste of Osaka broth soup.
It was so delicious.
Udon restaurant in the shopping street
(2017.03.12_12:18) |
Udon noodles topped with the stewed
cow line meat (2017.03.12_12:21) |
[Note] sake brewery ; 酒造会社、mutual benefit ; 共存共栄
be shrewd in business ; 商魂たくましい(shrewd ; 抜け目のない、やり手の)
This is just you would expect from ~; さすがは~ですね、refresh one's palates ; お口直しをする
palate ; 好み、味覚、口蓋、udon restauant ; うどん屋、be amazed at ~; ~にびっくりする
su-udon (udon noodles in hot broth without toppings) ; 素うどん (broth ; だし汁、スープ)
udon noodles topped with the stewed cow line meat ; 牛すじぶっかけうどん
without hesitation ; 迷わず、ちゅうちょなく、get a taste of ~ ; ~を味わう
Osaka broth soup ; 大阪のだし汁
And I said goodbye to Tenjinbashi-suji shopping street.
Bye-bye, welcome dolls.
Welcome dolls on the arcade at the entrance of Tenjinbashisuji
shopping street (2017.03.12_12:36) |
Japanese Diary / No.795-2017.03.12 / 「天満天神(大阪)へ観梅」
When I was running through articles in Kanagawa-version of the newspaper
over coffee, a paragraph heded “Special opening of Buddha statues by Unkei”
caught my eye.
According to the article, Buddha statues sculpted by Unkei who was one
of a
representative sculptor of Buddhist images in the Kamakura period, which
designated as nationally important cultural properties, is open to the
at Joraku-ji Temple of the jodo sect in Yokosuka City today.
[Note] Buddha statue ; 仏像、running through ~ ; ~にざっと目を通す
paragraph heded ~ ; ~という見出しの文、catch someone's eye ; (人)の目に留まる
sculptor of Buddhist images ; 仏師、jodo sect ; 浄土宗、sculpt ; ~(の像)を彫刻する
designated as a nationally important cultural property ; 国の重要文化財に指定されている
Talking of Buddha statues sculpted by Unkei, I imagine the statue of Kongo
Rikishi at Todai-ji Temple in Nara.
Since I have thought that Unkei was active as a sculptor based in Nara
strong demand for Buddha statues at that time, I wondered why there are
Buddha statues sculpted by him at this temple in Kanto area.
When I read the article carefully, I knew all of Unkei's five Buddha statues
that have been enshrined at this temple are open to the public.
I once immersed myself in touring old temples, but have been away from
it for some time past.
However, as soon as I read the article, it ignited my heart.
So now is the time to act.
I decided to visit the temple to observe Unkei's Buddha statues in the
sunny weather.
[Note] Talking (Speaking) of ~ ; ~と言えば、with strong demand for ~ ; ~の需要の多い
wonder why ~ ; どうして~かと不思議に思う、enshrine ; 安置する
immerse oneself in ~ ; (関心事、活動など)~に夢中になる、没頭する、にはまる
touring old temples / pilgrimage to old temples ; 古寺巡礼
be away from ~;~から遠ざかっている、 for some time past ; ここしばらくの間(ずっと)
ignite ~; ~に火をつける、を刺激する、燃え立たせる、now is the time to act ; 善は急げ
Location of Joraku-ji Temple (March 3, 2017) |
I took the train to Zushi Station on the JR Yokosuka Line via Yokohama
From here, I took a local bus for about 25 minutes, got off at Joraku-ji Bus Stop
and could see a signboard of Joraku-ji Temple.
At Joraku-ji Bus Stop (12:06, March 3, 2017) |
I can see Joraku-ji Temple in front after 3 minutes walk from the bus
I imagine the temple is usually empty, but it is crowded with visitors
the principal image sculpted by master sculptor is unveiled today.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Main hall of Joraku-ji Temple
(12:09, March 3, 2017) |
An explanation signboard about Amida Sanzon-zo
(the statue of Amida Triad)
(12:08, March 3, 2017) |
There are the explanation signboards about the origin of Joraku-ji Temple
and Amida Sanzon-zo(the statue of Amida Triad) at the entrance to the temple
[Note] empty ; 人けがない、principal image ; 本尊、master sculptor ; 大仏師
unveile; のベールを取る、(秘密などを)公表する、triad ; 3人組、3つ組
Amida Sanzon-zo(the statue of Amida Triad) ; 阿弥陀三尊像
Let me explain the origine of Joraku-ji Temple.
・Sango (Honorific mountain prefix) ; Kongou-zan
・Ingo (A title given to the temple) ; Syou-tyou-zyu-in
(A branch temple of Komyo-ji Temple in Kamakura)
・Completed ; 1,189 (5th year of the Bunji Era)
・Kaiki (Founding patron) ; Wada Yoshimori
・Kaisan (Founding priest) ; Zyakkei
・Cultural properties ;
①Principal image/Amida Sanzon-zo (the statue of Amida Triad)
(Sculped by Unkei, an important cultural property)
②Standing statue of Fudo Myoo
(Sculped by Unkei, an important cultural property)
③Standing statue of Bishamonten
(Sculped by Unkei, an important cultural property)
The above are excerpts from “A guide about Joraku-ji Temple”.
[Note] Sango (Honorific mountain prefix) ; 山号、honorific ; 敬称の、prefix ; 接頭語
Kaiki (Founding patron) ; 開基、Kaisan (Founding priest) ; 開山
Standing statue of Fudo Myoo ; 不動明王立像、Standing statue of Bishamonten ; 毘沙門天立像excerpt from ~ ; ~からの抜粋
When you enter the temple ground, you can see the main hall right in front.
The tablet of the main hall that has the word “Syou-tyou-zyu-in” on it (12:11, March 3, 2017) |
I enter the main hall to observe the inside.
A notice (12:11, March 3 ,2017) |
Though I saw a notice like this, I circled the inside
just one time in a clockwise direction.
It was quite the ordinary small hall.
“Unyou-Sansou”is a manner in Buddism.
In India, there used to be a concept that the right hand
is deemed clean and the left hand unclean.
And so it became a manner that ascetic monks circle
the Buddha three times clockwise.
I walk to a treasure house behind the main hall.
Five Unkei's buddha statues are open to the public here.
I pay the 500 yen admission fee.
I was surprised to see that visitors can observe the great sculptor's works at
a remarkably low fee.
[Note] notice ; 掲示、貼り紙、案内、circle ; ~の周りを回る
in a clockwise direction ; 時計回りに、quite the ordinary ~ ; ごく普通の、何の変哲もない~
manner in Buddism ; 仏教の礼法、be deemed ~/ be considered ~; ~と見なされる
ascetic monk ; 修行僧、clockwise ; 右回りに(の)、treasure house ; (博物館・美術館などの)収蔵庫
at a remarkably low fee ; 格安料金で
Visitors that walk to the repository |
The repository (12:20, March 3, 2017) |
They were housed in the narrow space in a row.
Since it's prohibited to take photos in this house, I reprint their photos
the picture postcards that I bought.
First, a standing statue of Bishamonten on the extreme left and a standing
statue of Fudo Myoo on the extreme right.
[Note] be housed / be stored ; 保存(収蔵)されている、in a row ; 横一列に、reprint ; 転載する
picture postcard ; 絵葉書、standing statue of Bishamonten ; 毘沙門天立像
on the extreme left ; 左端の、standing statue of Fudo Myoo ; 不動明王立像
Pls click the picture to see a full-siz e version
Standing statue of Bishamonten
(An important property) |
・Sculptor ; Unkei
・Parquet statue made of Japanese cypress
but with crystal eyes
・Height of statue ; 140.5 cm
・The pose stepped on Jaki (malicious ogre)
has an uplifting feeling and firm face is
They conjure up an image of a samurai in
Kamakura period.
・The statue is regarded as a guardian deity
of the northern direction and also a diety of
・The statue has a board referred to as
“meisatsu” which verify sculpture by Unkei. |
[Note] parquet ; 寄木造り、Japanese cypress ; ヒノキ、crystal eyes ; 玉眼
stepped on ~ ; ~を踏む、踏みつける、Jaki (malicious ogre) ; 邪鬼、malicious ; 悪意のある
ogre ; 鬼、have an uplifting feeling ; 躍動感がある
conjure up an image of ~; (物事が人に)想い出させる、be regarded as ~; ~とみなされる
guardian deity ; 守護神、referred to as ~ ; ~と呼ばれる、meisatsu ; 銘札
verify ; を証明する
Standing statue of Fudo Myoo
(An important property) |
・Sculptor ; Unkei
・Parquet statue made of Japanese cypress
but with crystal eyes, which is painted with
antique-rust colored paint on the body
・Height of statue ; 135.5 cm
・The statue of Myoo that preserves Buddhism
is full of dynamism and has a fierce facial
expression called funnu with sinister crystal
・The crystal eyes
・The statue had the same kind of “meisatsu”
as that in the statue of Bishamonten. |
[Note] standing statue of Fudo Myoo ; 不動明王立像
antique-rust colored ; さび状の古色を呈した、古色の、preserve ; を守る、を保護する
dynamism ; 力強さ、fierce ; どう猛な、ものすごい、facial expression ; 顔つき、形相
funnu ; 忿怒(ふんぬ)
Seated statue of Amids Nyorai
(An important property) |
・Sculptor ; Unkei
・Parquet statue made of Japanese cypress
with eyes carved directly into the surface,
which is painted with gold paint on the body
・Height of statue ; 141.8 cm
・The statue is full of massive feeling with firm
face and mighty chest.
Deeply curved folds in the robe show a feature
of Unkei's sculpture.
・The inso (the symbolic gesture with fingers)
is Raigo-in (Reasoning Mudra)
・Amida Nyorai is the principal image in
Gokuraku Jodo (Pure Land).
・Each Amida Sanzon-zo had not a “meisatsu”.
However, the handwriting of “陀羅尼(Darani)”
(Sanskrit character) writen in black ink
within the body of each statue of them was
the same as that of characters written on the
“meisatsu”and so they were identified as
Unkei's sculpture.
[Note] massive feeling ; 重量感、firm face ; 張りのある顔、mighty chest ; 厚い胸
folds in the robe ; 衣文(えもん)(彫刻などに彫られている衣類のしわ)
Unkei's sculpture ; 運慶作の彫像、inso (the symbolic gesture with fingers) ; 印相、
Raigo-in (Reasoning Mudra) ; 来迎印、reasoning ; 推論、論理的思考
Mudra ; (サンストリック語)身ぶり、Gokuraku Jodo (Pure Land); 極楽浄土
Amida Sanzon-zo ; 阿弥陀三尊像、handwriting ; 筆跡
Darani ; 陀羅尼(サンストリック語の音写、仏教の呪文の一種、ダーラニーとは「記憶して忘れない
mighty ; 強大な、Sanskrit character ; 梵字(サンストリック語)
be identified as~/ be verified as ~; ~と特定される
Standing statue of Kannon Bosatsu
(An important property) |
・Sculptor ; Unkei
・Parquet statue made of Japanese cypress
with eyes carved directly into the surface,
which is painted with gold paint on the body
・Height of statue ; 178.8 cm
・We can see the movement in the posture
tying the hair up and standing with the
waist slightly twisted.
[Note] posture ; 姿、姿勢、tie the hair up ; 髪を結い上げる
stand with the waist twisted ; 腰を捻って立つ
Standing statue of Seishi Bosatsu
(An important property) |
・Sculptor ; Unkei
・Parquet statue made of Japanese cypress
with eyes carved directly into the surface,
which is painted with gold paint on the body
・Height of statue ; 171.1 cm
・The shape of the statue ; Approximately same
・Seishi Bosatsu is the Bosatsu in Gokuraku
Jodo (Pure Land) with Kannon Bosatsu.
The following is the inscription writen in black ink on the “meisatsu”which
was found in the bodies of both standing statues of Fudo Myoo and
Bishamonten and so verified as Unkei's sculptures.
This inscription was also exhibited in the treasure house.
[Note] inscription ; 銘文
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
“Meisatsu” which had been stored in the body of standing statue of
Bishamonten and the inscription on the back of it
From this meisatsu, we can see the name of Yoshimori Wada who is
the client, his wife Mrs.Ono and the master sculptor Unkei, and that
Unkei led ten disciples.
This stutue was sculpted in 1189 (5th year of the Bunji Era).
[Reference(1)] 「三浦一族と和田義盛」(おおくすエコミュージアムの会 事務局編) |
By the way, it's Yoshimori Wada who asked Unkei to construct these statues.
At that time, he was a member of the Miura clan who was a “bushidan (Samurai
Group)” which was assumed to have extended his area of influence
to not only Sagami Province but also distant Awa Province based in Miura
[Note] client ; 依頼人、施主、disciple ; 弟子、the Miura clan ; 三浦一族 (clan ; 一族、氏族)
bushidan (Samurai Group) ; 武士団、 be assumed to ~ ; ~とみなされる、と推測される
extend one's area of influence ; 支配地を広げる、 based in ~ ; ~を拠点に
Yoshimori made Minamoto Yoritomo succeed in entering Kamakura in
support of Yoritomo's raising an army and also played an active role in
destroying the Heike clan.
He was a influential retainer in the Kamakura Bakufu (Shognate) who was
appointed as the first manager of warrior office (leader of gokenin (vassal))
in 1180 (4th year of the Jisho Era).
After Yoritomo's death, Hojo clan increased its power.
Yoshimori was deafeated in the battle against the Hojo clan who was opposed
to each other and then went to ruin in 1212 (3rd year of the Kenreki Era).
(The above was mentioned in the document of reference(1).)
[Note] succeed in ~ ; ~に成功する、in support ofbecame someone's ~ ;(人の)~を支援して
raise an army ; 挙兵する、play an active role in ~ ; ~で活躍する
influential ; 恵協力のある功、有力な、retainer ;家臣、 manager of warrior office ; 侍所別当
warrior ; 武士、侍、gokenin (vassal) ; 御家人、vassal ; 臣下
in the battle against ~ ; ~との戦いで、be opposed to each other; 対立する、反対する
go to ruin ; 滅亡する
And then another topic as a bonus.
As you may know, in this temple there was the grave of Hisoka Maejima who
is a founder of modern postal system.
It's said that he spent his last years in his villa in the temple grounds.
Maejima's grave with his bronze statue and his memorial tablet (2017.03.03_12:36) |
I never imagined that I would see these Buddha statues sculpted by master
sculptor Unkei on the day of Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival).
In addition, I was surprised to be able to see five Unkei's sculpture
It's a mistery where a group of Unkei sculpted these Buddha statues.
[Note] as a bonus ; おまけとして、postal system ; 郵便制度
spent his last years ; 晩年を過ごす、memorial tablet ; 記念碑、
never imagined that ~; ~(that 以下)とは夢にも思わなかった
Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival) ; 雛祭り
Japanese Diary / No.793-2017.03.03 / 「特別公開の運慶仏を観る」