Weekly Topics/Archive
July 2016 |
I enjoyed pottering around Mishima that tamma-san who is one of the Aioi's
members organized.
By the way, some people might have never heard of “pottering” before.
Let me explain it briefly to you.
Pottering means enjoying cycling while taking a stroll somewhere on the
That is to say, it means cycling around a destination leisurely and arbitrarily while
enjoying the views of the local area, visiting sightseeing or historical
observing the nature and having a gourmet cuisine.
It is said the origin of the word “pottering” is derived from “potter”,
which means
“wander about”.
I was worried about today's weather in the midst of the rainy season.
However, according to the weather forecast, it will be clear and then cloudy.
So, it was held as scheduled.
But we have to prepare ourselves for the heat because the temperature will
forecast to rise to about 32 degrees, which is the highest temperature this year.
[Note] have never heard of 〜 ; 〜のことは初耳である、leisurely ; のんびりと
arbitrarily ; 勝手に、気ままに、gourmet cuisine ; ご当地グルメ、origin of a word ; 語源
be derived from 〜 ; 〜に由来する、wander about ; ほっつき歩く, in the midst of 〜; 〜の最中で
Participants are 5 people who are cycling and yachting teams including
Except me, they are living in Shuzuoka prefecture.
We are supposed to meet at 8:15 AM in front of Mishima City tourist information
centre where is located at the south exit of JR Mishima station.
So, at 6:10 AM, I asked my wife to take me with my bike to the nearest
by car.
As I asked her knowing that it is unresonable, I was requested to massage her
sholders at a later date.
I moved from Shinyokohama to Mishima by Shinkansen.
In front of the tourist information centre, Tamma-san and Teraki-san was
their bike.
I also took out my bike from my bike bag in haste and then changed into
my cycling
[Note] yachting team ; ヨット仲間、(team ;チームスポーツに限らず、友人グループ、カップル、
仕事 仲間を指して使い、完全に「仲間」という意味でつかわれる。)
be supposed to 〜; 〔義務・規則・取り決め・約束・任務などにより〕〜することになっている
ask someone knowing that it is unresonable ; 無理を承知で(人に)お願いする
at a later date ; 後日、erect ; 〔機械などを使えるように〕組み立てる
Preparation for departure in front of the Mishima city tourist information
(2016.07.02_08:07) (photo by tamma-san) |
Other people have been ready and were waiting for us.
A commemorative group photo was taken with a self-timer for a digital camera.
The commemorative photo taken before depature (2016.07.02_08:20) (photo
by tamma-san) |
At 8:20 AM, we left the south exit of Mishima station.
Today's actual pottering route is about as follows.
Pottering route (2016.07.02)
After starting at Mishima Tourist City Information Centre ,we stop at ---
in turn and finally get back at the south exit of Mishima Station . |
First, we pedal to Shirataki Park nearby.
At Shirataki Park (2016.07.02_08:27) (Photo by tamma-san) |
Here is a cool place with spring water and the green of the forest.
Melted snow water coming from Mt. Fuji gush out here and there.
They make some small stream and then are flowing into Sakuragawa River.
Pls click the picture to see a Full-size version
The root of a big tree in the park is also a spring source
(2016.07.02_08:27) (Photo by tamma-san) |
The Sakuragawa River that melted
snow water flow into |
When we go out and pedal our bike along the river for a little while,
we can see
Komoike Park in a residential area.
Pedaling along Sakuragawa River
(2016.07.02_08:31) |
Komaike Park (2016.07.02_08:34) |
Photos by tamma-san |
Also in Konoike Park, Melted snow water coming from Mt. Fuji is gushing out.
According to the guide plate in the park, it's a source of the Sakuragawa
In Konoike pond, a carp and several ducks that have settled here were swimming
harmoniously together.
[Note] group photo ;集合写真、spring water ; 湧水、gush out ; 湧き出る
melted snow water ; 雪解け水、residential area ; 住宅街、settle ; 住み着く、定住する
Konoike pond ; 菰池、harmoniously ; 調和して、仲良く
Guide plate at Konoike park (2016.07.02_08:32) |
Duck parents and children swimming
in Konoike pond (2016.07.02_08:33) |
After that, we pedal along Sakuragawa River to head to Mishima-taisha
Pedaling along Sakuragawa River to head to Mishima-taisha Shrine (2016.07.02_08:39)
(Photo by tamma-san) |
We got to Mishima-taisha Shrine.
In front of the gate (torii) of Mishima-taisha Shrine (2016.07.02_08:41)
(Photo by tamma-san) |
The Mishima-taisha Shrine is the Ichinomiya of former Izu Province.
After Minamoto Yoritomo was exiled to Izu, he worshipped at Mishima-taisha
Shrine to pray for the revival of Genji (Minamoto clan) and for victory
in battle
when he raised his army to overthrow the Heike clan.
Since then, the Kamakura Shogunate had worshipped not only Turugaoka
Hachiman-gu Shrine but also it.
We park our bike to stroll in the shrine.
When we just entered the shrine precinct after walking through otorii (the great
torii gateway) , we could see shinto priests cleaning the precinct as a
religious service.
Cleaning of the precinct by shinto priest (2016.07.02_08:45) |
When we walk further into the precinct, we can see the stone-paved path
surrounded by a deep green leading to honden (main shrine), a sacred pond
on the
left and a small red shrine on the small island in the pond.
[Note] Ichinomiya of former Izu Province ; 伊豆の国の一ノ宮、be exiled to 〜 ; 〜に追放される
worship ; 礼拝に出る、revival of Genji ; 源氏の再興、Minamoto clan ; 源氏一族
victory in battle ; 戦勝、raise one's army ; 挙兵する、軍隊を召集する、overthrow ; 打倒(転覆)する
Heike clan ; 平家、Kamakura Shogunate ; 鎌倉幕府、otorii (the great torii gateway) ; 大鳥居
shrine precinct ; 境内、shinto priest ; 神職、morning religious service ; 朝のお勤め
stone-paved ; 石畳の、 sacred pond ; 神池
The sacred pond of Mishima-taisha Shrine (2016.07.02_08:45) |
On walking through the somon gate (main gate), we can see a hoop which
was used
at the event called “Chinowa-kuguri (passing through a hoop made of kaya
grass)”in the ceremony of “Nagoshi no O-harae” on June 30th.
We passed through the hoop according to the manner to drive away and cleanse
and vice that have unconsciously been committed for half a year.
[Note] somon gate (main gate) ; 総門、hoop ;(木などの)輪、kaya grass ; (草)萱
Chinowa-kuguri (passing through a hoop made of kaya grass) ; 芽の輪くぐり
drive away 〜; 〜を追い払う、cleanse ; 清める、浄化する、sin ; 罪、過失、vice ; 悪徳、穢れ
The somon gate(main gate) of Mishima-taisha
shrine (2016.07.02_08:47) |
“Chinowa-kuguri” in the “Nagoshi no O-harae”
(2016.07.02_08:48) |
There are the Shinrokuen (deer garden) and an old Kinmokusei (Osmanthus
fragrants) tree on the right side of the approach to the shrine.
Many deer with magnificent horns were kept in the Shinrokuen.
I don't really understand why deers have been kept in the shrine.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Deer at the Shinrokuen (2016.07.02_08:51) |
An old Kinmokusei tree
(2016.07.02_08:57) |
Kinmokusei tree is goshinboku (sacred tree) of Mishima-taisha Shrine.
They say it's been designated a natural monument in Japan because it's
an ancient
tree more than 1200 years old.
And there is a Honden (main shrine building) in the centre of the innermost
I prayed for my family's health here.
Since it was early in the morning, there were just a few worshippers.
As may be expected of a taisha (Grand shrine), the Mishima-taisha Shrine
extensive precincts.
The main building of Mishima-taisha Shrine (2016.07.02_08:58) |
We stopped at the House of Mishima Lunar Calendar Publisher nearby.
It was originally the house of the Kawai Family that had published the
Lunar Calendar for generations, which was remodeled and rebuilt as a small
[Note] Shinrokuen (deer garden) ; 神鹿園、Kinmokusei (Osmanthus fragrants) ; キンモクセイ
goshinboku (sacred tree) ; ご神木、natural monument ; 天然記念物, horn ; 角(つの)
ancient tree ; 古木、Honden (main shrine building) ; 本殿、innermost ; 最も奥(内側)の
just a few ; ごくわずかの、worshipper ; 参拝者、Lunar Calendar ; 太陰暦
the House of Mishima Lunar Calendar Publisher ; 三嶋暦師の館、for generations ; 代々
The House of Mishima Lunar Calendar Publisher (2016.07.02_10:12) |
Under a volunteer guidance, we observed it while listening to his explanation.
According to the pamphlet, Mishima-goyomi calendar is the oldest calendar
Japan as old Japanese one printed in “hiragana”.
Mishima-goyomi is a lunar-solar calendar.
They say it had been mainly distributed and used in eastern Japan from
Kamakura period to 1883. (Click here for more information)
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The exhibition room of the Mishima
Lunar Calendar Publisher
(2016.07.02_10:01) |
The exhibit / Mishima-goyomi calendars
in the Meiji period (2016.07.02_10:02) |
The exhibit / A printing block
of Mishima-goyomi calendar
←↑ (Photo bt tamma-san) |
The following is a commemorative photo taken by him just as we are about
to leave
The commemorative photo at the front door of the House of Mishima Lunar
Publisher (2016.07.02_10:10) |
Next, we head to the Hasunuma-gawa River.
[Note] Mishima-goyomi calendar ; 三嶋暦、hiragana ; ひらがな、仮名文字
lunar-solar calendar ; 太陰太陽暦、be distributed in 〜 ;〜で流通する
just as someone is about to 〜 ; (人)が〜しょうとしているときに、
Pedaling from the House of Mishima Lunar Calender Publisher to Hasunumagawa
(2016.07.02_10:18) |
The Hasunuma-gawa River is called “Miya-san no kawa”, since it originates
in the
Kohamaga-ike pond of Rakujyuen Park in which Komatsu no Miya villa had been
There were the monuments like a fountain, water wheels, etc.
The Hasunuma-gawa River (Miya-san no kawa) (2016.07.02_10:33) |
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
In the Hasunuma-gawa River (Miya-san no kawa) (2016.07.02_10:39) |
We pedal to the National Route 1 after cycling along city streets from
here to head
to Kakita River Park.
We stroll around the park after locking our bike at the corner of the park.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Parking in the corner of the park
(2016.07.02_11:03) |
The guide map of the Kakita River
Park (2016.07.02_11:05) |
The guide plate about the Kakita
River (2016.07.02_11:10) |
We acquired prior knowledge about the Kakita River by the guide map and
guide plate.
The fallen rain and melted snow around Mt.Fuji seeps underground and then
up spring water after passing through Mishima Yoganryu.
The Kakita River originates in the spring water that rises up in the Kakita River
Park in a cycle of 20 years or so.
It joins the Kano River after flowing for about 1.2 Kilometers and then
flows into
Suruga Bay.
A daily quantity of spring water is 0.7 to 1 million tons, which is the
largest in the
The Kakita River headwaters flowing in the park (2016.07.02_11:11) |
Today may be an extremely hot day.
Children and their parents were playing with water at places with spring
water in
the park.
We visited the observation decks to observe the spring water sources.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
The view of natural springs from the first observation deck
The round portions on the photos show the sources of the spring. |
The Kakita River flowing out
from springheads |
It's said the spring water source which can be seen at the 2nd observation
is a trace of an intake pipe used in a paper-mill in the past.
Its transparency is excellent.
The Kakita River has been named one of the “Three Clean-Flowing Rivers
[Note] the National Route 1 ; 国道1号線、acquire prior knowledge about 〜; 〜の予備知識を得る
seep underground ; 地下に染み込む、spring water ; 湧き水、Mishima Yoganryu ; 三島溶岩流
intake pipe ; 取水管、paper-mill ; 製紙工場、 transparency ; 透明度
Three Clean-Flowing Rivers ; 三大清流
The view of natural spring from the second
observation deck (2016.07.02_11:30) |
The Water Cycle of the Kakita River's Spring
(2016.07.02_11:34) |
The time was just up.
So we head to a Spanish food restaurant that tamma-san found on the Internet.
We entered Shimizu-cho when going south in rural area and then crossing
Bridge over the Kano River.
Pedaling a little bit along Prfectural Road 139, we got to the restaurant
It's true that it is a restaurant with a Spanish atmosphere from a design
of a
fighting bull on its nameboard.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
Restaurant “GAUDI l.cornet” (2016.07.02_12:19) (Photo by tamma-san) |
The first sip of cold beer is the best, isn't it?
When we order Spanish food to a clerk at the restaurant , she told us
this is cafe
“GAUDI” in the afternoon but restaurant “GAUDI l.cornet” at night.
That is, the proprietors of the shop are different during the day and the
So unluckily, we could not have Spanish foods.
I chose doria with seafoods from the menu.
It was very tasty.
Toast with cold beer (2016.07.02_12:30) (Photos by tamma-san) |
Enjoying doria with seafoods
for lunch (2016.07.02_12:47) |
When getting full, we started afternoon activities.
Around 13:30, we leave the caffe to head to Rakuzyu-en as the National
Site of
Scenic Beauty near the south exit of Mishima Station.
We got there in 20 minutes or so.
It's a nature-rich park surrounded with dense forest.
[Note] the time is up ; もう時間です、rural area ; 田園地帯、Prfectural Road 139 ; 県道139号
fighting bull ; 闘牛、a sip of 〜 ; 〜の一口(一杯)、proprietor ; (店などの)経営者
get full ; 満腹になる、Rakuzyu-en ; 楽寿園、National Site of Scenic Beauty ; 国指定名勝
dense forest ; 鬱蒼とした森
The entrance of Rakuzyu-en park (2016.07.02_13:53) |
We took a saunter in the park after paying the admission fee of 300 yen.
The following are just brief descriptions of the Rakuzyu-en park.
In 1890, Rakuzyu-en was build as a villa of Imperial PrinceKomatsu-no-miya
After the death of the prince, in 1911, it became a villa of Yi Un, Crown prince
of Korea and then was owened by a man of means in Izu.
After that, it was owned by Mishima City and has been open to the general
public as Mishima City Park.
Yi Un was the last crown prince of Korea when Yi Dynasty Korea was abolished
by Meiji Government, which was pursuing the invasion and colonization
Korean Peninsula, as a result of the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty in
When he was 11 years old, he came to Japan as a virtual hostage.
Since then, he had lived as the Japanese Imperial Family for 50 years.
Under the pretext of “To be a bridge between Japan and Korea”, Japanization
education to him was implemented.
In 1920, he was forced for political reasons to get married to Japanese
princess Nashimoto Masako.
[Reference] Mishima City official website
The Rakuzyu-en was built with the good use of terrain formed from Mishima
lava that was flown by the erruptions of Mt. Fuji more than approximately 100
million years ago.
The following is Kohama-ga-ike pond in the park.
In the shallows of the pond, the lava is exposed at the bottom of the pond
due to
a shortage of water.
[Note] take a saunter in the park ; 公園を散策する、brief descriptions of ; 〜 ; 〜簡単な説明
Imperial Prince Komatsunomiya ; 小松宮彰仁親王
Yi Un, Crown prince of Korea ; 韓国王世子李垠
Yi Dynasty Korea ; 李氏朝鮮、Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty ; 日韓併合条約
abolish ; 廃止する、pursue ; 推し進める、追及する、invasion ; 侵略、colonization ; 植民地化
virtual ; 実質的な、hostage ; 人質、Japanese Imperial Family ; 日本の皇族
under the pretext of 〜 ; 〜という美名の下、〜にかこつけて、Japanization ; 日本人化
implement ; 実施(実行、施行)する、terrain ; 地形、shallows of the pond ; 池の(浅)瀬
be exposed at (on) 〜 ; 〜に露出している、a shortage of water ; 渇水
The levas that is exposed at the bottom of the Kohama-ga-ike pond due to
a shortage of water |
The Kohama-ga-ike pond was formed by spring water from Mt. Fuji and has
been the starting point of the Hasunuma-gawa River (Miya-san-no-kawa).
As you can see on the following photo, it was in a drought state today.
The Kohamaga-ike pond in the Rakuzyu-en Park (2016.07.02_14:03) |
It's said that the pond's water level fluctuates with the seasons, rises
to be high
in the summer with heavy rainfall and falls to be low in the winter.
In this pond, the water level getting higher than 150 cm is defined as
a full water
There are the flowerbeds with only red flowers floating on the small spring-fed
pond in the green forest.
The flowerbeds floating on the small spring-fed pond (2016.07.02_14:11) |
We took a walk on a nature trail along the Kohama-ga-ike pond.
We can glimpse rugged lava stones here and there.
The park using Mishima lava (2016.07.02_14:17) |
We entered Rakujyu-kan in the park.
Since the time for observing was limited, we entered there at 14:30.
We observed there while listening to a curator's explanation.
In 1890, it was built as a villa of Imperial Prince Komatsu-no-miya Akihito.
It's a building built in the Kyoto style of architecture called “Takayuka
The guide plate of Rakujyu-kan
(photo by tamma-san) |
Inside the building, there were rooms decorated with
Fusuma-e ( painting on the sliding screen), Sugido-e
(painting on cedar-board doors) and the ceiling painting
by Japanese representative painters of the Meiji period.
We wrap up our pottering around Mishima here.
We had a coffee break after pedaling a little bit toward
Mishima station.
It's cafe “Floyd Mishima” with an interior shop.
Remarkably, this cafe had a bycycle parking lot
I had a breather over a glass of cold coffee.
[Note] drought ; 渇水、water level ; 水位、rainfall ; 降水量、full water level ; 満水位
flowerbed ; 花壇、spring-fed pond ; 湧水池、take a walk on a nature trail ; 遊歩道を散策する
glimpse ; 垣間見る、rugged ; ごつごつした、でこぼこの、Rakujyu-kan ; 楽寿館
curator ; (博物館、美術館などの)学芸員、Takayuka style sukiyazukuri ; 高床式数寄屋造り
in the Kyoto style of architecture ; 京都風の建築様式で
Fusuma-e ( painting on the sliding screen) ; 襖絵、ceiling painting ; 天井画
Sugido-e (painting on cedar-board doors) ; 杉板戸絵、 wrap up ; を終わりにする、切り上げる
remarkably ; 珍しいことに、have a breather ; 一服する
Caffe “Floyd Mishima” (2016.07.02_15:22) (Photos by tamma-san) |
We headed to Mishima Station after a break for a while.
I pack my bike in the bag for carrying a bike and then change into casual
Everyone who are busy getting ready to go home (2016.07.02_16:03) (Photo
by tamma-san) |
I got on the 4:15 p.m. train bound for Atami with tamma-san and teraki-san
who live in Kannami after saying good-bye to everyone.
I intend to load my bike onto a yacht when we will enjoy a long crusing
Kozu-shima island, part of the Izu island chain from July 15th to July
So, I decided to have my bike stored at tamma-san's home by his kindness.
I said good-bye to them after unloading my bike from the train at Kannami
My impression of Mishima City was the city of spring water that is the
gift from
Mt. Fuji and of history that is related to MINAMOTO no yoritomo.
It's ideal city for walking around the street.
Tamma-san, thank you for your wonderful plan.
By the way, today's travel data are as follows.
・Travel distance=17.4 Km, ・Travelling Time=1 hour 29 minutes
・Average speed=11.7 Km/h ・Maximum speed=23.0 Km/h
[Note] bag for carrying a bike ; 輪行バッグ(自転車を運ぶバッグ)、casual clothes ; 普段着
have my bike stored ; 自転車を預かってもらう、unload ~ from ; から〜を降ろす
Japanese Diary / No.751−2016.07.02 / 「三島ポタリング」