Weekly Topics/Archive
February 2016
According to the weather forecast, it's rather walm for Feburary and the
temperature reaches about 15 ℃ in the daytime.
Since it was cold for some time past and so I seldom went out, I haven't
getting enough exercise recently.
So, I decided to go out to Kyoto with my exercise.
My destination is Jonan-gu shrine located in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City.
It's because the local TV program reported that pulm blossoms have
gradually been getting to be at their best.
It's said the plum blossom seson begins around the end of Feburary every
but they have started to bloom earlier due to warm winter this year.
I'm from Uji City close to Jonan-gu shrine and the highschool I attended
also called Jonan Highscool.
However, I 'm surprised there was such a historical site as Jonangu shrine.
I've never visited there.
It's likely for me to be told by someone that sometimes you don't see what
under your nose.
I left my home in Kusatsu after seeing information about access to Jonangu
shrine on the Web site.
JR/Kintetsu Kyoto Station Kintetsu Takeda Station Jonangu shrine
Mausolem of Emperor Shirakawa |
I got on a Kintetsu local train at Kyoto station and got off at Takeda
I intended to transfer to a bus here, but had to wait for it for 25 minutes
to the low frequency of operation.
I took a taxi to save time, but could go from the station to the shrine
the basic fare.
I hear we can walk down there in about 5 minutes.
At 14:20, I got off in front of torii gate where is the entrance to Jonangu
The following is an east torii gate (called ichi-no-torii gate).
The east torii gate (called ichi-no-torii gate) (2016.02.19_14:27) |
By the way, regarding Jonangu shrine, the following is a simple explanation
of the shrine taken from its related Web sites.
For more information, please visit the following link.
[Note] plum blossom viewing ;観梅,Jonan-gu shrine ;城南宮
for some time past ;ここしばらくの間,get exercise ;運動をする
be at their best ; 見頃である,It's likely to ~ ; ~になりそうだ
Sometimes you don't see what is under your nose. ; 灯台もと暗し
intend to ~ ; ~するつもりだ,~する予定です,low frequency of operation ;少ない運転頻度
within the basic fare ; ワンメーターで,torii gate ; 鳥居 (=shrine gate)
regarding ~ ; ~に関して,~について
The shrine located in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City
There is originally Mahataki-jinja shrine in this place.
In the transfer of the national capital to Heian-kyo, it came to be called “
Jonanshin”because it was located in south of Heian-kyo.
In the later part of the Heian period, it became the chinju-sha shrine
a part of Tova villa (Jonan villa) which was built by the retired Emperor
Shirakawa to conduct Insei.
It has attracted people's faith in hoyoke, as it is located in the southwest
imperial palace (back demon's gate).
[Note] the transfer of the national capital to Heian-kyo ; 平安遷都
Mahataki-jinja shrine ; 真幡寸神社,Jonanshin ; 城南神,chinju-sha shrine ; 鎮守社
conduct Insei ; 院政を行う,retired Emperor ;上皇,Toba villa ;鳥羽離宮
faith in hoyoke ;方除け信仰,back demon's gate ;裏鬼門,imperial palace ;御所(Dairi)
Since the area of Toba where Jonangu shrine was located in was the front
entrance of Heian-kyo and was an important center of transportation as
well as being a scenic area in the riverside district of the Kamogawa River,
noble families used it as a resort area.
Jonangu was ravaged by the maelstrom of war like Onin War but was
revived in Edo period.
It became a major battle field of the battle of Toba-Fushimi between the
new government and the old Shogunate army in 1868 of the end
of Edo Period.
During the Meiji Period, it was renamed “Mahataki-jinja shrine” but
restored its name to “Jonangu shrine” in 1968.
At the same time, a new sessha (auxiliary shrine) named “Mahataki-jinja
shrine” was built within the precint.
[Note] front entrance ; 表玄関, scenic area ;景勝地,riverside district ; 水郷
A as well as B ;BだけでなくAも,noble family ;貴族,Onin War ;応仁の乱
battle of Toba-Fushimi ;鳥羽伏見の戦い,old shogunate army ;旧幕府軍
restore A to B ;AをBに戻す,sessha ;摂社(auxiliary shrine),auxiliary ;補助/付属の
precinct ;境内
[Reference] ・Wikipedia;“Jonangu (in Japanese only)”
・Official web site of Jonangu shrine (in Japanese only)
From this information, I found the reaon why I haven't known of Jonangu
When I was young, this shrine was still called “Mahataki-jinja shrine”
wasn't improved yet enough to be what it is now.
So it may be because it was a non-descript local shrine.
When you enter the precinct from the east torii gate and walk along the
grave path, you can see a torii called Jonan torii gate on my right.
There was the signboards explaining the history of the shrine in front
of it.
[Note] know of ~;~について知っている,non-descript ; 特徴のない,どこにでもあるような
gravel path ;砂利道
Jonan torii gate (2016.02.19_14:27) |
Signboard about the history
of Jonangu (2016.02.19_28) |
Signboard about the site of battle
of Toba-Fushimi (2016.02.19_29)
Temizuya (purification trough) (2016.09.19_14:31) |
When I went through the torii after purifying myself at the temizuya, I
could see the haiden (front shrine), honden (main shrine) and etc.
The map of the shrine buildings and shin-en (shrine garden) is as below.
[Note] Shinen means the precincts of a shrine, or its garden.
When I'm looking over where plum blossoms are in bloom, I can see the
entrance of shin-en just on my left.
Today I came here to admire the plum blossoms.
I'm going to worship at the shrine after enjoy seeing the plum blossoms.
I walk along the grave path after paying an entrance fee of 600 yen.
When I get to the garden named “Haru-no-yama (mountain in spring)”,
the surrounding area became brighter.
Let me show you some pictures.
Pink and white shidareume (weeping plum blossoms on sprays) are in bloom
like bamboo screens and are flowing in the breeze.
It's announcing the advent of spring.
[Note] Temizuya (purification trough) ; 手水舎,trough ; おけのような形の容器
purify ;清める,haiden (front shrine) ; 拝殿, honden ( main shrine) ; 本殿
the shrine buildings and shin-en ; 社殿と神苑,worship at the shrine ; 神社を参拝する
surrounding area ; 周辺,周り, be in bloom ; 咲き誇る,weeping ;したたり落ちる
spray ; (花や実を付けた)小枝,bamboo screen ; すだれ,the advent of spring ; 春の到来
shidareume (weeping plum blossoms on sprays) ;枝垂れ梅
flow in the breeze ;そよ風にたなびく
Pink and white plum blossoms blooming on the “Haru-no-yama” (2016.02.19_14:38) |
Wow, is it best for me to describe these as gorgeous?
I have never seen the plum blossoms in full bloom like these before.
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
White shidareume (201609.19_14:45) |
Pink shidareume (201609.19_14:45) |
Plum blossoms and falling camellias on the tsukiyama( small hill) (2016.02.19_14:48) |
According to a free brochure of the shrine, there are three stages in seeing
the plum blossoms.
The blooming status is between the beginning of blooming and Rokubuzaki
(the 60
percent of blooms).
It means people feel the advent of spring while looking for the plum blossoms
beginning to bloom.
The blooming status is in full bloom.
It means people enjoy admiring the plum blossoms in full bloom.
The blooming status is the starting of falling.
It means people wait for the cherry blossom season while cherishing the
falling plum
Although still in 70 percent of blooms today, as you can see in the picture,
I admired the beauty of another dimension.
Following the visitor's route, you meet a variety of tasteful gardens.
Accoding to the shrine brochure, about 50 kinds of grasses and trees associated
with the Tale of Genji have been planted in the garden.
They would add color in each season.
[Note] describe ~ as gorgeous ; ~を絢爛豪華と表現する,in full bloom ; 爛漫の,満開の
camellia ; 椿,椿の花,tsukiyama (small hill) ; 築山,blooming status ; 開花状態
Rokubuzaki (the 60 percent of blooms) ; 六分咲き
cherish the falling plum blossoms ; 散りゆく梅を惜しむ
cherish ;(いい思い出などを)胸にしまっておく, admire the beauty of ~;~の美しさに見惚れる
visitor's route ; 拝観順路, tasteful garden ; 趣のある庭,associated with ~;~とゆかりの
the Tale of Genji ; 源氏物語
Heian-no-niwa (The Garden of Heian) (2016.02.19_14:51) |
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
(The Garden of Momoyama)
(2016.02.19_14:59) |
(The Garden of Muromachi)
(2016.02.19_15:01) |
(The Garden of Jonan villa)
(2016.02.19_15:12) |
After that, I worship at the main shrine.
I prayed for my family's health as much as anyone else.
Honden (The main shrine)
(2016.02.19_15:20) |
Haiden (The front shrine)
(2016.02.19_15:20) |
I hear that an event called “Kyokusui-no-en”will held at Jonan-gu shrine
every spring and autumn.
It's the elegant event that participants remind visitors of the past dynasty
while composing waka poets on the bank of a stream in the garden.
If I have the chance, I'd like to watch it.
About an hour of the plum-blossom viewing later, I left Jonan-gu shrine.
I walked back to Kintetsu Takeda Station.
On the way, I could see the tomb of Emperor Shirakawa who ruled the cloister
It was a small and lonely tomb.
The tomb of Emperor Shirakawa (2016.02.19_15:37) |
[Note] as much as anyone else ; 他の人と同じように, compose a waka poet ;和歌を詠む
tomb ;墓所,霊廟,rule the cloister government ; 院政を敷く
Japanese Diary Archive / No.737-2016.02.19 /「城南宮で観梅」
I joined in the New Year's Cruising of AIOI Yacht Club during February
At 9:50AM, H.H-san come to pick me and AIOI's captain K.T-san from Tokyo
up at JR Atami Station and drove to OMOSU Yacht Harbor in Numazu City.
It's because we are taken into care by T.K-san who is the owner of his
Chesapeak and A.T-san who is the owner of his yacht RoseTableM to enjoy
an overnight cruising that turn back at Heda port located on the west coast
of Izu.
They are a member of AIOI Yacht Club and also yachtsmen based at Omosu
Yacht Harbor.
[Note] join in ~;~に参加する,be taken into care by ~;~の世話になる
turn back at ~;~で折り返す,based on ~;~で活動する
On the way, we stopped by a convenience store to buy our lunch boxes and
I hear good cheer is provided at New Year's Party this evening.
And so I will have Sukeroku-zushi and two big cans of highball.
We arrived at the harbor a little bit behind our schedule.
2 yachts are already in the standby state for sailing out.
13 crew members go on board dispersedly.
I changed into a yachting costume at once.
As soon as I boarded RoseTableM, they sailed out around 11AM.
[Note] stop by ~;~に立ち寄る,good cheer ;ご馳走,sukeroku-zushi ; 助六寿司
highball ; (飲物の)ハイボ-ル, behind schedule : 予定より遅れて, sail out ; 出港する
dispersedly ; 分散して,change into ~;~に着替える,board ; 乗船する
RoseTableM waiting to leave at Omosu Yacht Harbor (2016.02.06_10:30)
(Photo by tamma-san) |
The actual cruising route is shown on the Google map below.
travel by car
outward voyage (Omosu Yacht Harbor⇒Osezaki⇒Heda Port)
return voyage (Heda Port⇒Omosu Yacht Harbor)
It's a sunny day with moderate wind today.
This is perfect weather for sailing.
We get out of Uchiura Bay to Suruga Bay, seeing Awashima Island on our
We can see Mt. Fuji clearly.
It's a spectacula sight as it's been said that Mt. Fuji can be seen more
beautiful in Suruga than in Kai, isn't it?
Pls click the picture to see a large-scale version
RoseTableM getting out of Uchiura Bay,seeing
Awashima Island on our right
(2016.02.06_11:10) |
The view of Mt. Fuji on Suruga Bay
(2016.02.06_11:20) (Photo by tamma-san) |
After a while, we made a toost with champagne and juice, praying for our
safe sailing.
[Note] make a tooast with ~;~で乾杯する
Pls click the picture to see a large-scale version
Photo by tamma-san |
To our good voyage. Cheers! (2016.02.06_11:27~11:41) |
On Suruga Bay, O.K-san who is our yachting and cycling friend is sailing
single-handedly on his yacht Blue-Lion from Omosu Yacht Harbor.
[Note] single-handedly ;単独で,自力で
Pls click the picture to see a large-scale version
Chesapeak (2016.02.06_12:24) |
Blue-Lion (Photo by K.T-san) |
RoseTableM (Photo by K.T-san) |
Both RoseTableM and Chesapeak head to Osezaki where we drop in for
lunch, sailing smoothly.
[Note] smoothly ;快調に, drop in for lunch ; 昼食に立ち寄る
The crew members of RoseTableM sailing to Osezaki (2016.02.06_12:32) (Photo
by tamma-san) |
The captain T.K-san who take the helm of Chesapeak and its crew members
(2016.02.06) (Photos by K.T-san) |
At 13:20, we got to the floating pier in Osazaki.
Blue-Lion has already arrived here.
[Note] floating pier ;浮桟橋, take the helm of ~;~の舵を取る
At the floating pier in Osezaki (Left side; RoseTableM / Right side; Blue-Lion) (2016.02.06_13:21) |
Since the gangway ladder that connect quay with the floating pier is lifted
up as you can see, we can't go on land.
It may be because marine leisure like snorkeling, scuba diving and sea
bathing is in the off-season.
[Note] gangway ladder ;タラップ, quay ;岸壁, connect A with B ; AとBをつなぐ
Landing on the floating pier in Osezaki |
The closed gangway ladder |
(2016.02.06) (Photos by K.T-san) |
And so we took a lunch break in the cabin of each yacht.
RoseTableM has a spacious and deluxe cabin, hasn't it?
There is a good bed space on the side of the bow.
[Note] take (have) a lunch break ; 昼食休憩する, bow ; 船首
spacious ; 広々とした,ゆったりした
The bed space of RoseTableM (2016.02.06_13:29) |
There are such facility and equipment as a kitchen, refrigerator and stylish
dining table in the center of the cabin.
In the kitchen, T.T-san is making sandwiches put ham and vegetable between
two slices of baguette, and K.A-san is cooking potage soup containing cream
and corn.
[Note] facility and equipment ; 設備・機器,baguette ;バゲット
stylish ;お洒落な,上品な
T.T-san making sandwiches and K.A-san cooking potage soup inthe kitchen
(2016.02.06_13:33) |
This fancy sandwich looks delicious, right?
After I have had skeroku-zushi, I had also a sandwich and a cup of the
They were really delicious!
[Note] fancy ; おしゃれな,装飾的な
Pls click the picture to see a large-scale version
The lunch break in the cabin (2016.02.06_13:29_13:46) |
We had a group picture taken before leaving Osezaki.
The group picture taken on the floating pier, Osezaki (with Koseki-san
of Blue-Lion)
(2016.02.06_14:06) (Photo by tamma-san) |
At 14:15, we sailed out of the floating pier in Osezaki, leaving Blue-Lion.
Even in this season, a local diving school seems to be now in business.
We get out to Suruga Bay while avoiding divers and then headed to Heda.
At 14:23, we sailed through the sea which is off the Osezaki Lighthouse.
[Note] off Osezaki Lighthouse ;大瀬崎灯台沖に, in business ; 営業中で,商売を行って
RoseTable that sail through the sea which is off the Osezaki Lighthouse
(2016.02.06_14:23) (Photo by tamma-san) |
The scenery of Mt. Fuji without a cloud is amazing!
[Note] without a cloud ; 雲一つない, on the background of ~;~を背景に
Chesapeak sailing on the sea of Suruga Bay on the background of Mt. Fuji
(2016.02.06) (Photo by tamma-san) |
We entered Heda port after 15:00.
Tamma-san called the owner of Minsyuku “Irie” on his iPhone to ask him
about the anchorage.
RoseTableM got slowly close to a fishing boat “Iriemaru” owned by the
Minsyuku to moor alongside of it.
[Note] anchorage ; (船の)停泊,停泊地, moor ; 停泊する,係留する,
alongside of ~;~のそばに,~と並んで, get close to ~;~に接近する
at the quay of ~; ~の岸壁に
Pls click the picture to see a large-scale version
RoseTableM mooring at the quay of Heda port
(2016.02.06_15:11~15:52) (Photos by tamma-san) |
RoseTable and Chesapeak which have moored at the quay of Heda port
(2016.02.06_16:05) (Photos by tamma-san) |
After the following Chesapeak has also moored, we headed to Irie by its
Minsyuku “Irie” (2016.02.06) |
There's still time before New Year's Party begin at 18:00.
So, I went to a public one day visit hot spring facility “Michi no Eki Kurura
Heda”nearby with a few people.
It was a fresh free-flowing sulfate spring rich in sodium (Na) and calcium
We got relaxed in the spring for about an hour.
[Note] one day visit ; 日帰りの, Michi no Eki Kurura Heda ; 道の駅くるら戸田
fresh free-flowing ; 源泉掛け流しの,sulfate spring ; 硫酸塩泉
get relaxed in ~;~でリラックスする,~でゆっくりする
We had a New Year's Party after coming back to the minsyuku.
We are allowed to take alcohols into this minsyuku.
We brought not only beer, shochu and wine but also wine glasses here.
We first made a toast with a glass of beer and then enjoyed fresh sashimi
and boiled local fish as main dishes.
As is to be expected, here is the minshuku which is operated by fisherman.
[Note] as is to be expected ; さすがに,予想通りに
fast and furious ;(宴会などが)たけなわの,にぎやかな
Fast and furious New Year's Party
(2016.02.06_18:03) (Photo by tamma-san) |
Boiled fish as a main dish
(2016.02.06_18:01) |
After that, the after-party was held in our room.
We looked back on our last year's activities like yachting and cycling,
at the images projected on the wall using a projector.
I recalled them with a happy memory.
[Note] look back on ~;~を振り返る
recall ~with a happy memory ;~を懐かしく思い出す
The scenery of the after-party (2016.02.06_19:40) |
In the middle of it, Bruce-san who is a member of AIOI Yacht Club and now pass winter in Sydney, Australia also joined us on Skype.
[Note] in the middle of ~; (時間的に~の)中ほどで, pass winter ; 避寒する
Bruce-san who joined in our after-party on Skype (2016.02.06_19:36) |
It's on January 7 of the following day.
I had a breakfast with everyone after warming myself up in the outdoor
on the top floor.
I had another bowl of rice since fisherman's dish served at breakfast was
[Note] warm oneself up ;体を温める, have another bowl of rice ; ご飯をお代りする
The scenery of breakfast (2016.02.07_08:43) (Photos by tamma-san) |
We went to the port after preparing for going on board.
We can see Mt. Fuji through a break in the clouds.
[Note] through a break in the clouds ; 雲の切れ目から
The view of Mt. Fuji from Heda port (2016.02.07_09:48) |
We left Heda port at 10:25 after loading our baggaage into yachts.
We left T.A-san's family and G.S-san here who go back home by land.
[Note] by land ; 陸路で
Crew members who prepare for sailing out
(2016.02.07_10:17) |
RoseTableM sailing out of Heda port
(2016.02.07_10:30) (Photo by tamma-san) |
We took pictures of each other's yacht against the background of Mt. Fuji
after arriving off the coast of Heda.
Look! This scenery will make a good picture, right?
[Note] each oter's (yacht) ; お互いの(ヨット),against the background of ~;~を背景に
make a good picture ;絵になる
RoseTableM against the background of Mt. Fuji (2016.02.07_10:52) (Photo
by tamma-san) |
Chesapeak against the background of Mt. Fuji (2016.02.07_10:57) |
After that, both yachts headed to Omosu, changing tack in order to catch
the best winds in their sail.
In case of RoseTableM, T.S-san who went on board only for the return trip
took the helm in the first half and T.T-san did that in the latter half.
When RoseTableM was out at sea, it sailed smoothly at the speed of 5 to
knots, catching the east wind.
We watched Chesapeak get smaller and smaller.
[Note] change tack ; 針路を変える, catch the wind in one's sail ; 風を帆に捉える
return trip ; 帰路,復路, take the helm ; 舵を取る, be out at sea ; 沖合に出る
get smaller and smaller ; 見る見るうちに小さくなる
Chesapeak that looks smaller and smaller off Osezaki (2016.02.07_12:51) |
RoseTableM sailed straightly to the sea off Shizuura.
[Note] in top gear ; 快調に
RoseTable sailing in top gear (2016.02.07_12:52) |
We head to Omosu after entering Uchiura Bay by tacking twice.
We put away the sails and switched it from sailing to an engine operation.
[Note] put away ; しまう,片付ける, engine operation ; エンジン運転/操作
Numazu Imperial Villa ; 沼津御用邸
Off the coast of the Numazu Imperial Villa
RoseTableM passing through the sea off
Awashima Island (2016.02.07_13:29) |
At 14:05, we returned to Omosu Yacht Harbor and Chesapeak followed after
a while.
I went for a first yachting of the season.
Being blessed with good weather, beautiful Mt. Fuji, delicious dishes and
good partner, I could enjoy New Year's Cruising.
A.T-san, T.K-san and tamma-san, thank you very much for all you have
done for us.
H.H-san, thank you a lot for your pick-up service.
Everyone! I hope you will play with me with yachting and cycling this
season too.
[Note] be blessed with ~;~に恵まれている,~の恩恵を受ける
Thank you for all you have done for us ; 我々のためにいろいろとありがとう
Japanese Diary Archive / No.736-2016.02.11 /
「2016・アイオイ倶楽部 新春クル-ジング」