Weekly Topics/Archive
October 2015 (2/3)
At 7:00, we got up.
After breakfast, we packed all our belongings in our suitcase.
We were forced to postpone our stay in Wien due to the happening that
Hannah-chan got fever the day before leaving Bamgkok with her parent.
And also we move from Hotel Kummer to another hotel today.
At 10:00, we checked out.
Another hotel has been already booked by my daughter.
We got a font desk clerk to call a taxi for us to move a new hotel ERZHERZOG

Hotel ERZHERZOG RAINER WIEN (2015.09.13_11:54) |
We got my daughter to book the hotel as close as Old Town as possible.
[Note] pack ~in one's suitcase ; ~をスーツケースに詰め込む
belonging ; 持物, Old Town ; 旧市街
Hotel ERZHERZOG RAINER WIEN Vienna State Opera Hofburg Palace
Stephansdom St.Peter's Church
Though we get to the hotel before check-in time, we were lucky to give
an occupied room 303 when explaining our situation to the front desk clerk.
After my wife has washed my underware, we go out to stroll in the city
dressed casually.
We asked about the location of the hotel and our destination at the front
to put check marks to the corresponding point on the City Map.
Today, we are going to visit Hofburg Wien, Stephansdom and St.Peter's Church.
[Note] unoccupied room ; 空室, explain the situation to ~;~に事情を話す
dressed casuslly ; カジュアルな服装で, destination ; 行先,訪問地
put a check mark ; チェックマークを付ける, corresponding point ; 該当箇所
Hofburg Wien ; ホーフブルク王宮, Stephansdom ; シュテファン大聖堂
St.Peter's Church ; 聖ペーター教会
When you walk down Kartner Street toward the Ring Road (Ringstraße) of
Old Town from the hotel, you can see the Vienna State Opera facing the
intersection with the Ring Road.
It was built as part of the great remodeling plan of Vienna concentrating
the removal of the castle wall and the construction of the Ring which was
in the reign of Franz JosephⅠ.
It is a Neo-Renaissance style building which was completed in 1869.
At that time, Japan had only just entered its dawning era as the Meiji
due to end of the civil war called the Boshin War between the new
governmental army and the war party of the Old Shogunate army.
I guess there was the clear difference as state configuration between Japan
and Western Europe.
[Note] Vienna State Opera ; (オーストリア)国立オペラ座, Kartner Street ; ケントナ-通り
Ring Street ; リング通り, remodeling plan ; 改造計画, concentrating ~;~を中心として
in the reign of ~;~の治世中に(reign ; 治世,統治), civil war ; 内戦
Neo-Renaissance style ; ネオルネッサンス様式, Boshin War ; 戊辰戦争
war party of the Old Shogunate ; 旧幕府軍の主戦派, Meiji State (nation) ; 明治国家
enter the age of ~;~の時代に入る, the dawning era(age) ; 黎明期
Vienna State Opera (2015.09.13_12:16) |
We turn to the left at the intersection and walk the street lined with
along the Opern Ring.
The tree-lined leave have only just changed color.
The tree-lined street along Opern Ring (2015.09.13_12:19) |
An event for children was held in the alley.
It was so crowded with children and their parents.
OK, today is Sunday, huh?
An event for children held in the alley of Wien (2015.09.13_12:25) |
We could see the Hofburg palace across Opern Ring from the event site.
When we found the small gate, we entered the palace from there.
As it turned out afterward, this gate was the side gate.
Hofburg palace (2015.09.13_12:33) |
So, it follows that we are looking at the back side of the palace.
We looked for the main gate of the palace while walking, but couldn't find
The park in front of the palace (2015.09.13_12:47) |
When we passed through the park in front of the palace, we got to the
It was the front of Albertina there.
It's the museum that houses the great paintings like Monet, Picasso and
as well as the largest and most important collection of drawings and print
in the world.
Its building was originally the palace of the old Habsburgs.
The sculpture in front of Albertina
(2015.09.13_12:48) |
The albertina and the statue of horse-riding
prince Albert Casimir (2015.09.13_12:55) |
We can see carriages carrying tourists in the street.
They are well-matched with the surrounding buildings.
A sightseeing carriage waiting for tourists at Josefs plaza (2015.09.13_12:50) |
We can see the steeple of St.Stephen's Cathedral ahead.
We walk along the street towards the steeple.
A flower shop on the corner (2015.09.13_13:02) |
We got to Stephansplatz.
It bustles with many tourists.
The St.Stephen's Cathedral derived from its name is towering here.
St.Stephen's Cathedral (2015.09.13_13:13) |
St.Stephen's Cathedral (2015.09.13_14:02) |
I was planning to visit the Cathedral, but today was its regular closing
They say that it will be opened at 9:00AM tomorrow.
We take a short break at a cafe.
I ordered a beer and my wife ordered a tea and a cake.
We had a relaxed time while looking at those who are walking around the
[Note] tree-lined ; 並木の, alley ; 路地,小路, huh ; ははぁ
Hofburg palace/Hofburg Wien ;ホーフブルク宮殿,across A from B ;Aを挟んでBの向かい側に
As it turned out afterward ; 後で分かったことだが, turn out ; であることが分かる
it follows that ~;従って~ということになる, Albertina ; アルベルティーナ美術館
drawing ; 素描, steeple ; (教会などの)尖塔, St. Stephen's Cathedral ; シュテファン大聖堂
bustle with ~;~で賑わっている, derived from ~;~に由来する
The view of Stephansplatz from a cafe (2015.09.13_13:18) |
We walk along Graben Street towards the Hofburg palace.
There was a monument like this.
It's the plague column (pestsaule).
It' said that the plague running riot throughout Europe also struck Wien
It is the monument that Holy Roman Emperor, LeopoldⅠ built to thank God
for the close of the horrible plague.
The plague column (pestsaule) (2015.09.13_14:09) |
There was beautiful St.Peter's Church just around the corner.
It's said that St.Peter is one of the most beautiful church and the oldest
in Wien.
[Note] plague column (pestsaule) ; ペスト記念柱, strike ; (病気が)襲う
run riot ; (伝染病などが)猛威をふるう, LeopoldⅠ ; レオポルド1世
Holy Roman Emperor ; 神聖ローマ帝国皇帝, around the corner ; すぐ近くに
St.Peter's Church (St. Peter) ; 聖ペーター教会
St.Peter's Church (2015.09.13_13:13) |
In the church, the wedding ceremony happened to be held and so we couldn't
observe the inside of it.
Wedding ceremony held at the central alter of the church (2015.09.13_14:49) |
There were the monuments like these on Graben Street.
The strange monuments on Graben Street (2015.09.13_14:55) |
We turn to the left at the end of busy Graben Street and then walk along
Kohlmarkt Street.
The luxury brand stores are lined up on the street.
We can see a dome of imperial chapel ahead which is in the Swiss Wing of
Holfburg palace.
[Note] observe the inside of ~; ~の内部(中)を見学する, luxury brand ; 高級ブランド
be lined up ; 並んでいる, Swiss Wing ; スイス宮
When we went straight, we got to Michaeler plaza (Michaelerplatz).
There were the ancient Roman remains in the center of the plaza.
They are remains of the Roman military camp (Vindobona) which became the
prototype of pre-Christian Wien.
The ancient Roman remains in Michaeler plaza (2015.09.13_15:02) |
There are Holfburg palace and its main gate, Michael's Gate in front of
Michaeler plaza.
It's the spacious royal palace in which the Habsburg family at the height
its prosperity once lived for 650 years.
It's said the palace complex has 18 buildings and 19 gardens including
and the number of the rooms is over 2500.
[Note] Michaeler plaza ; ミヒャエル広場, remains ; 遺跡, Vindobona ; 宿営地
become the prototype of ~;~の原型になる, pre-Christian ; 西暦紀元前の
Michael's gate ; ミヒャエル門, the Habsburg family (=the Habsburgs) ; ハプスブルク家
at the height of one's prosperity ; 栄華を極めた, court ; 中庭
Michael's Gate of Hofburg palace (2015.09.13_15:01) |
There are the residences that successive emperors and prime ministers once
lived in the building on the right side of the gate.
The facade of the gate of the palace was completed from 1889 to 1893 under
the reign of Franz JosephⅠ.
There are two beautiful sculptures on either side of chalky facade that
into a slight arc.
The sculpture at the facade of Michaeler's Gate (2015.09.13_15:10) |
There is the Looshaus which was designed by an architect, Adolf Loos,
Michaeler plaza.
It's said that he was criticized by the public because its wall hasn't
decoration at all in contrast with that of the imperial palace.
And so he attached flower boxes in the windows of the house as a compromise
[Note] successive ; 歴代の, under the reign of ~;~の治世下, sculpture ; 彫像
form into an arc ; 弧を描く, chalky ; 白亜の,チョークの, Looshaus ; ロースハウス
in contrast with ~;~と対照的に, ~と大きく異なって, compromise plan ; 妥協策
The Looshaus (2015.09.13_15:03) |
St. Michael's Church
(2015.09.13_15:04) |
We can see a prominent church at the Michaeler
It's the Romanesque St.Michael's Church that was
built in 1250 and has a tower 78 meters in height.
Romanesque architecture is a medieval architectural style
that could be seen throughout Europe from the late 10th
to 12th centuries and is characterized by semi-circular
arches and thick wall.
When we passed through the Michael's Gate, we
got to the court of Holfburg palace.
There is a bronze statue of Emperor FranzⅡ(1768-1835) in the court of
the palace.
He is the last Holy Roman Emperor (reign ; 1792-1806) and also the first
Austrian Emperor, FranzⅠ(reign ; 1804-1835).
The statue of Emperor FranzⅡ (1768-1835) at the court of the palace (2015.09.13_15:07) |
We decided to look around Imperial Apartments, Silver collection, and
The entrance of the museum is under the dome of the Michael's Gate.
The entrance of Imperial Apartments, Silver chamber and Sisi Museum (2015.09.13_15:06) |
The following is an entrance ticket.
The ticket to Imperial Apartments, Silver chamber and Sisi Museum (2015.09.13_15:06) |
It's convenient for Japanese to be able to tour the museum listening to
explanations in Japanese with an audio instrument.
First, we toured the silver collection.
The collections of luxurious silverware and table furniture that were used
the daily life of emperor's family were on exhibition.
We could also see the oriental ceramics like the Kakiemon style of Imari-yaki
(Imari ware).
[Note] prominent ; 人目を引く, 目立つ, St. Michael's Church ; ミヒャエル教会
Romanesque ; ロマネスク様式の, Medieval ; 中世の, semi-circular arch ; 半円アーチ
Holy Roman Emperor ; 神聖ローマ帝国皇帝, silverware ; 銀器
tour ; を見学する,を見て回る, luxurious ; 豪華な, ceramic ; 陶磁器, Kakiemon ; 柿右衛門
be on exhibition ; 展示されている, Imari-yaki (Imari ware) ; 伊万里焼
Pls click the picture to see a full-sizee version
Parts of the various silver collections (2015.09.13_15:46) |
Next, we toured Sisi Museum.
I don't have any photos to show you from here because taking photos was
Sisi is known as a nickname for Elisabeth who married Franz JosephⅠ when
she was 16 years old.
In this museum, her life from her marriage until she is assassinated in
Geneva while her travelling is being introduced.
They are, for instance, the replica of her dress on the eve of marriage,
the imperial train used for her travel and death mask at the time of
assassination, etc.
[Note] Elisabeth ; エリザベート, assassinate ; 暗殺する, Geneva ; ジュネーブ
imperial train ; お召列車
Last, we toured the Imperial Apartments.
You can view Audience Chamber, the Office of Emperor and Bedrom, etc. in
the Emperor's living space, and Living & Bedroom, Dressing & Exercise
Room, etc. in the adjoining living space of the Empress Elisabeth.
We got a brief glimpse of the daily life of the Emperor and Empress at
For more information about “Imperial Apartments, Silver Collection and
Sisi Museum”, please visit the website “Vienna Hofburg”.
We got to Helden plaza (Heldenplatz) strolling along the street after
the museum.
There was a big arched Neue Burg.
The Neue Burg and Heldenplatz (2015.09.13_17:16) |
There are two statues of horse-rising hero in Heldenplatz.
The statue near Neue Burg is Prince Eugene's one.
Another statue which can be seen from the photo above is Archduke Charles's
Archduke Charles was the yonger brother of FrantzⅡ(1768-1835).
In the Battle of Aspern-Essing in 1809, the Austrian army under Archduke
Charles defeated the French army under Emperor Napoleon.
He's Austrian hero well-known for the battle.
When we went through Äußeres Burgtor (outer gate), walked out the Neue
Burg and crossed the Ring, we got to Maria-Theresien Platz.
There was Kunsthistorisches Museum here that we will visit tomorrow.
[Note] audience chamber ; 謁見の間, adjoining ; 隣接する
get a brief glimpse of ~; ~の様子を垣間見る, Helden plaza (Heldenplatz) ; 英雄広場
Neue Burg ; 新宮殿, Prince Eugene ; オイゲン公, Archduke Charles ; カール大公
the Battle of Aspern-Essing ; アスペルン・エスリンクの戦い, Äußeres Burgtor ; ブルク門
Maria-Theresien Platz ; マリア・テレジアン広場, Kunsthistorisches Museum ; 自然史(美術史)博物館
Kunsthistorisches Museum (2015.09.13_17:26) |
It is already past 5 PM and still light out.
I was a little tired from walking.
We stroll the tree-lined street back to the hotel that we walked this morning.
We can see a domed roof of a beautiful church beyond Karlsplatz.
According to the City Map, it's Karlskirche.
I really want to visit there tomorrow.
Karlskirche (2015.09.13_17:44) |
I was very happy that not only did I stroll through the Old Town in Wien
again today, but I could look at the history from ancient Roman times to
eary modern times when the Hababurgs had governed.
I was impressed by the depth of Wien and the glorious history of the
Habsburg dynasty that had reigned in Europe
I will become a male history buff for a while.
[Note] Karlsplatz ; カール広場, Karlskirche ; カール教会
the eary modern times ; 近世, male history buff ; 歴男 (buff ; マニア,~狂)
Japanese Diary / No.706-2015.10.20 /
At 7:30, I got up.
I had a good sleep because I might have been tired as expected.
When I open the curtain, it is clear and sunny.
Today we are going to visit only Schloss Schönbrunn.
It's because Gerry's sister will come to pick up us at the hotel to have
a dinner
with us and then take us to the site for Mozart Concert.
We get ready to stroll in the city after having a breakfast at the hotel
I decided to wear a thin blazer over a lonng-sleeve shirt to go out because
I didn't know whether it was hot or not.
I will walk with a waist porch and a backpack.
Since we decided to stay at the hotel in Wien from Sept. 12 to Sept. 15,
we bought the Vienna Cards valid for 72 hours at the front desk of the
We can ride unlimitedly subway trains, buses and trams in Wien for 72 hours
by using the card and also receive discount privileges from many designated
tourist sites, cafes and restaurants.
Anyway, It's convenient because we can save time and trouble for buying
[Note] Schloss Schönbrunn ; シェ-ンブルン宮殿(独語),long-sleeved ; 長袖の
valid for ~ hours ; ~時間有効の,unlimitedly ;無制限に
discount privilege ;割引特典,save time and trouble for ~;~の手間を省く
| |