Weekly Topics/Archive
January 2015
I went on a two day one night cruise to Suruga Bay with 12 yachting mates
on Jan.10th.
We split up and departed from the harbor in 3 yachts.
They are SERAPH U(Captain; T.T-san) and LADY BIRD V(Captain; A.T-san) from
Izu Marine Harbor within shizuura Port in Numazu and Chesapeake (Captain;
T.K-san) from
Omosu Marina in Numazu.
For the first time this year, I fully enjoyed sailing turning back at Heta
Port in West Izu.
I got on board SERAPH Ufrom Izu Marine Harbor to Heta Port in the outward
and Chesapeake from Heta to Omosu in the inward passage.
[Note] go on a cruise ; 遊覧の船旅に出かける,split up ; (集団が)分かれる, turn back ; 折り返す
get on board 〜 ; 〜に(乗船,搭乗,乗車)する, outward passage; 往路
outward ; 外へ向かう,行きの,inward ; 内向きの,帰りの,inward passage; 復路
We stayed at the guest house“ IRIE” in Heta.
We had glorious view of Mt.Fuji while soaking in the outdoor hot tub on
the roof of the house.
After that, we enjoyed the convivial New Year Party with the delicious
food including two mates
who joined only in the party.
[Note] guest house ; 民宿,have glorious view of 〜 ; 〜の絶景を眺める,convivial ; 楽しい,愉快な
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version.

The view of Mt.Fuji from Heta Port |

The great New Year Party at the guest house “IRIE” |
In Suruga Bay, the weather was fine these two days , but the waves were
In the outward passage, SERAPH Usailed against the west wind and then her
crews were sometimes caught in the sea water spray.
In the inward passage, Chesapeake had clear sailing at a speed of 6 knots
before the wind.
[Note] be caught in the spray ; しぶきがかかる,have clear sailing ; 順風満帆
before the wind ; 順風を受けて
(2015.01.10_11:18AM) |

(2015.01.10_10:31AM) |

(2015.01.10_11:18AM) |
3 yachts sailing on Suruga Bay |
“The view of Mt.Fuji that can be seen in Suruga Province is greater than
in Kai Province.”
I see what it means.
Exactly, the view of Mt.Fuji from yacht on Suruga Bay was really fantastic.
[Note] Suruga Province ; 駿河(地方),Kai ; 甲斐, I see what it means.; その通りですね

The view of Mt.Fuji from Yacht Chesapeake on Suruga Bay (2015.01.11_10:16AM) |
I will give you the details later. Don't miss it!
Japanese Diary / No.658−2015.01.15 / 「2015 新春クル−ジング・新年会」
As the new year starts, I wish you
all the best for your continued
good health and happiness.
I'm looking forward to enjoying yachting,
cycling,golf and other hobbies with you.
I appreciate your continued
support for their activities.