Weekly Topics/Archive
August 2014
Let me show you some photos that Mr.K.Tada who went to Spain for cycling
trip with
me this May sent me from Iceland.
As I mentioned in this diary before, he is an active company president.
He has been away from hot Japan during Bon vacation to estivate in one
of the
northernmost country, Iceland.
The late-summer heat is severe every day here in Kusatsu even after the
has passed.
So I had him send the photos to me from Iceland because I wanted to get relief from
the heat by seeing them.
I 've got his OK to post them on my website, so let me show you them.
Now to Iceland, you can see it right here on a Google Map.
Tada-san says on his E-mail that temperature in Iceland is 6 to 7 degrees
in the mornings and evenings, 13 to 14 degrees even in the daytime and
he can forget summer heat.

Temperatures in Iceland (Thursday August 14 2014 at10:00 GMT) |
He says that he first went to see Earth's cracks.
Maybe these are their photos.
I had a strong impression that Iceland is an icy country.
Looking at these photos, it seems that Iceland is a country less cold than I imagine from
the country name.
In summer, we can see grasses and trees growing on the ground, and water
in the lake.
And the following is a glacier that he looked at from a distance.
The following are photos of a waterfall which flow into after glaciers
Pls click the picture to see a full-size version
According to him, geyser eruption can be seen everywhere in the country.
In Iceland, the abundant waterpower and geothermal power cover the power
Come to think of it, Japan is third only to the United States and Indonesia in the quantity
of geothermal resources.
Japan also has a great deal of renewable energy resources such as sun power,
power, and geothermal power.
I hope Japan breaks with nuclear power generation as soon as possible and cover most
of the power demand in combination with these resources.
Finally, I show you a photo of Yacht harbor.
Even in this cold country, there are some people who enjoy yachting in
By the way, could you get relief from the heat even for a few minutes?
K.Tada-san, thanks a lot.
[Note] be at (in) 〜 for the summer ; 〜で避暑する,Bon vacation ; お盆休み
estivate ; 避暑する,(人が)夏を過ごす, late-summer ; 残暑
had someone send something to me;人に何かを送ってもらう
get relief from the heat;避暑する
get someone's OK to 〜;〜してもよいという(人の許可を)得る
post 〜 on one's website;〜を自分のウェブサイトに載せる
have an impression that ;[that以下]という印象を持っている,icy;氷の
be less 〜 than −;−ほど〜ではない,glacier;氷河,from a distance;遠くから
waterfall;滝,geyser eruption;間欠泉の噴出 (geyser;間欠泉)
waterpower;水力, geothermal power;地熱,power demand ;電力需要
Come to think of it;そういえば, be − only to 〜;〜に次いで−位である
the quantity of resources;資源量
renewable energy resources;再生可能エネルギ−資源
break with 〜;〜を捨てる、break with nuclear power generation;脱原発する
Japanese Diary / No.635−2014.08.18 / 「アイスランドから避暑の便り」