Weekly Topics/Archive
January 2014
Which news do you predict will most likely come in 2014?
No.210−Jan.26, 2014 |
Last week (on January 3rd), I attended at the New Year's party of class
in Kanto area held at S company's guest house Akasaka-ryo in Akasaka-mituke,
Thanks to the cooperation of the classmate who was retired from S company,
it takes
advantage of this facility every year.
12 people including me were at the party.
They are almost regular attenders.
Even though they are over 70 years old already, it seems like they are
still in high spirits.
We drank much and had a chat about various topics.
We really enjoyed the party cheerfully and convivially.
This year, the party organizer planed a game as an entertainment at the
It's to predict the news that will most likely come in 2014.
The news items are listed in the table below.
Everyone who attended the party submits thier own written prediction result
the organizer.
We will judge our results at the next New Year's party.
Someone with a highest prediction hit rate will get a good bonus as a reward.
My prediction is as shown below.
Acceptance criteria for some news items are not necessarily clear.
We will have a disccusion about them at the next year's party.
Since these news items include many fluid political and economical issues,
it's quite
difficult to predict accurately which news is going to come.
I predicted them on the basis of my poor informations which has been stored in my
Some of them include my wishful thinking.
Nobody can predict what's going to happen in the world.
This is only a game. This is like a bet on a horse.
So, how will it end up ?
How do you predict them ?
The news which will most likely come in 2014 |
My prediction |
1 |
The Nikkei stock average rises above 20,000 yen.
(including instantaneous case) |
× |
2 |
The strong yen comes back and a dollar dips below the 90 yen level.
(including instantaneous case) |
○ |
3 |
The Japanese government freezes plans to raise consumption tax
rate to 10 percent. |
× |
4 |
The Japanese Government announced that the economy has got out
of deflation. |
○ |
5 |
The U.S. government bonds are finally trapped in default. |
× |
6 |
Japan-China summit is held. |
× |
7 |
The Syrian Civil War ends. |
× |
8 |
The US establishes diplomatic relations with Iran. |
× |
9 |
Apple,Inc. releases smartwatch iWatch. |
○ |
10 |
Mr.Haruki Murakami wins the Nobel Prize in Literature. |
× |
11 |
Japan places in the top 8 in the 2014 FIFA World Cup. |
× |
12 |
Japan wins a gold medal in both the men's and women's singles
of the figure skating in the 2014 Winter Olympics. |
× |
13 |
A pitcher Masahiro Tanaka gets 20th wins of the season in MLB. |
× |
14 |
Domestic political forces is realignd with nuclear issue. |
○ |
15 |
Japan is struck by a huge earthquake whose magnitude is more than
8 or seismic intensity is stronger than 6. |
× |
16 |
A super typhoon hits Japan. |
× |
17 |
Japan-South Korea summit is held. |
× |
[Note] predict ; 予測する,most likely ; 十中八九,たいがい, guest house ; 迎賓館
thanks to the cooperation of 〜;〜のおかげで,take advantage of 〜;〜を活用(利用)する
be in high spirits ; 意気軒高である,元気いっぱいである,convivially ; 愉快に
entertainment at the party ; パ−ティ−の余興,news items ; ニュ−スの項目
submit ; 提出する,prediction result ; 予測結果,get a bonus ; ボ−ナスが支給される
reward ; ご褒美,acceptance criteria ; 合否判定基準,fluid ; (状況が)流動的な
issue ; (世間の)関心事,注目を集める事柄,on the basis of 〜; 〜に基づき,〜を根拠に
wishful thinking ; 希望的観測,bet on a horse ; 競馬の賭け
end up ; で終る,最後は〜に落ち着く,Nikkei stock average ; 日経平均株価
dip below the _ yen level ; _円を割る
freeze plans to 〜; 〜する計画を凍結する,consumption tax rate ; 消費税率
get out of deflation ; デフレ−ションから却する,the U.S. government bonds ; 米国債
be trapped in 〜; 〜に陥る,の状態になる,default ; 債務不履行
Syrian Civil War ; シリア内戦,establish diplomatic relations with 〜; 〜と国交を樹立する
smartwatch iWatch ; 腕時計型端末 iWatch,the Nobel Prize in Literature ; ノ−ベル文学賞
places in the top 8 ; (競技で)ベスト8に入る,men's singles ; 男子シングル
figure skating ; フィギュアスケ−ト,get 20th wins ; 20勝達成する
MLB ; =Major League Basebal / メジャ−リ−グ,political forces ; 政治勢力,政界
realign ; 再編成する,nuclear issue ; 原発問題,seismic intensity ; 震度
summit; =summit meeting / 首脳会談
Japanese Diary / No.587−2014.01.26 / 「 2014年に起りそうなNews ?」
Since snow on the ground melted and the weather was good, I thought about
cycling and did that for the first time this year.
I changed my clothes in a hasty manner to leave home at 1:20 p.m.
I slipped a disk last autumn and so have refrained from making an excursion
by bike.
Since I recovered from it, I start warming up.
I decided to cycle on the affordable course that starts and finishes at
home and turns
back at the Karasuma Peninsula of Lake Biwa.
It was fine but cold due to the strong wind.
Especially on the outward Sazanami-kaido Road, I pedaled against the cold wind
blowing down from Mt.Hiei, Mt.Hira and Mt.Ibuki.
I got to the Karasuma Peninsula around 1:50 p.m.
There was no one around here, given the time of year.
I decided to cycle round the peninsula.
The photograph below is a mountain view on the opposite side of the lake
by panoramic
synthesis processing.
I couldn't see snow on Mt. Hiei, but could see Hira Mountains that had
snow on it.
Biwako-ohashi Bridge forms a beautiful contrast to their mountains, don't
it ?
I got to a lotus colony that I've ever visited during the blooming season.
As you can see, the desolate wintry scenery spread out before my eyes.
These dead leaves are replaced by lotus flowers in early summer.
The vitality of plant is amazing !
The air might be clean.
I can see clearly Mt. Mikami-yama known as Omi-Fuji.
Though it was blowing, the windmill known familiarly as Kusatsu-Yume-Fusya
working for some reason.
This is so wasteful !
I stopped at Michi-no-Eki (roadside rest area) , “Kusatsu”, nearby as usual
to have a lunch break at ROCK BAY RESTAURANT.
I ordered Gyu-hirekatsu-toji-zen.
The contents of the menu were as follows.
・Gyu-hirekatsu-toji (Fried beef cutlet steamed with beaten egg)
・Appetizer (Japanese red Konnyaku jelly, home-made tofu, Ayu stewed
in soy
sauce and sugar)
・Salad with vegetables grown locally
・Boiled rice, miso soup and pickles
・Dessert and coffee
Another order ; A glass of draft beer made in Ebisu Breweries (Medium)
They were very good because I was hungry.
I left the restaurant at 3 p.m. to return home.
I saw the unexpected scene at the shore of Lake Biwa on the way.
There were several people taking pictures by telescopic lens.
I got close there.
Holy smoke!
I saw a grace of bewick's swan swiming with a flock of wild ducks on the
water in front
of a hut with the “Kusatsu Waterfowl Observatory” nameplate!
I pressed the shutter button in a hurry.
The picture is as below.

A brace of bewick's swans swiming close to a shore of Lake Biwa |
Soon after that, they swam offshore, fluttered their wings and flied toward
Please click the picture to see a full-size version

After a while, they swam
offshore. → |

And then they fluttered
their wings. → |

They flied toward Otsu.
→ |

Only a flock of wild ducks remained on the water. |
For information about the flying routes etc, please click and see the picture

Kusatsu Waterfowl Observatory

Information on flying routes of bewick's swan, etc. |
I knew that bewick's swans flied over the sea to Lake Biwa every winter
but it was just lucky for me to be able to watch them in front of me.
Their pictures became my treasured ones.
Now then, data for today's cycling were as follows.
Elapsed time = 1 hour, Trip distance = 17.5 Km, Average speed = 17.3 Km/hour
[Note] in a hasty manner ; そそくさと,make an excursion ; 遠出をする
slip a disk ; ぎっくり腰になる, refrain from doing 〜; 〜するのを控える
affordable ; 手頃な,outward ; 往路の,行きの,against the wind ; 逆風をついて
There was no one around ; 辺りに人影はなかった
given the time of year ; この時期ともなると
panoramic synthesis processing ; パノラマ合成処理,lotus colony ; ハスの群生地
desolate wintry scenery ; 冬枯れの景色,vitality ; 生命力,windmill ; 風車
Kusatsu-Yume-Fusya ; 草津夢風車, for some reason ; なぜか
This is so wasteful. ; もったいないなあ, wasteful ; 無駄の多い
Gyu-hirekatsu-toji ; 牛ヒレカツとじ,something stewed in soy sauce and sugar ; 甘露煮
Ayu ; 鮎 ( sweetfish), stew ; とろ火で煮込む,pickles ; 漬物
telescopic lens ; 望遠レンズ,get close ; 近づく,Holy smoke! ; なんとまあ!
Waterfowl Observatory ; 水鳥観察所, Bewick's swan ; コハクチョウ
a brace of 〜 ; ひとつがいの, a flock of 〜; 〜の群れ,wild duck ; 野ガモ(鴨)
offshore ; 沖へ, flutter one's wings ; 羽ばたく,treasured ; 貴重な,秘蔵の
Japanese Diary / No.584−2014.01.10 / 「初乗り」
I stopped at Yasaka Shrine with my wife for the first shrine visit of New
Year before attendance at a New Year's party.
We took the Kyoto City bus at a bus stop Kyoto-Eki-Mae.
When we got off at the nearest bus stop Gion, the sidewalks were so crowded
with worshippers along Shijo-dori and Higashioji-dori Street as expected.
Around west Romon Gate of Yasaka shrine which is crowded with worshippers |
We walk in the precincts with the stream of visitors through west Romon
There are many signboards and fabric banners reading “Ema”, “Omikuji”,
“Omamori”, “Yakuyoke” and “Goshinya” in the precincts.
I guess shrines are just now in their busiest period.
I threw a coin into the offertory-box in front of the worship hall haiden
and then
prayed for my family's peace and security, and also wished for a happy
new year.
My wife murmurs to me for some reason that she buys an amulet.
When I asked her why she would buy that, she answerd that it's because
it's a
lucky charm.
She bought an amulet for 1000 yen.
When I looked into a bag for charm, I found that there was only a strip
of narrow
paper on which the word “Yasaka-jinja shrine's charm” was printed.
This seems to be pretty good business !
Anyway, I was surprised to see various kind of amulets.
It seems to me that all of them take advantage of people's weakness.
The sales talk in this business sounds like a phrase, “Those who believe will be
Look ! You can get anything you want here.
I don't say any more because I feel like Heaven will punish me for saying
too much.
But then again, we have a feeling that we took safty and security in pledge
praying at a shrine and wearing a charm.
I guess it's a sort of self-satisfaction.

Main Hall |

South Romon Gate |
After that, we went through south Romon Gate and visited her ancestor's
at Higashiotani cemetery next to Otani Mausoleum.

The pathway leading up to the mausoleum |

The ornamental letter of Namu Amida Buddha |
It got to the time for leaving here.
We walked through Maruyama Park and across Shijo-ohashi Bridge to attend
a New Year's Party.
A shidarezakura (weeping cherry tree) at the park created a desolate wintry
as you can see.
[Note] stop at 〜; 〜に立ち寄る, New Year's visit to a shrine ; 初詣
the first shrine visit of New Year ; 初詣,sidewalk ; 歩道,worshipper ; 参拝者
Higashioji-dori Street ; 東大路通り,Romon Gate (two-story gate) ; 楼門
signboard ; 看板,a fabric banner reading 〜 ; 〜 と書かれた布製の垂れ幕(のぼり)
Ema ( votive horse tablet) ; 絵馬, Omikuji ( paper fortune) ; おみくじ
Omamori ( protective amulet) ; 御守り
Yakuyoke ( charm against bad luck) ; 厄除け
Goshinya ; 御神矢,be in one's busiest period ; 書き入れ時です
throw a coin into the offertory-box ; さい銭箱へさい銭を投げ込む
murmur ; つぶやく, for some reason ; なにやら,なんとなく,lucky charm ; 縁起物
bag for charm ; お守り袋, a strip of paper ; 短冊
Yasaka-jinja shrine's charm ; 八坂神社神符
take advantage of someone's weakness ; (人)の弱みにつけこむ,any more ; これ以上
Heaven will punish someone for it ; そんなことをすると罰が当たる
But then again ; とは言うものの,考えて見ると,take 〜 in pledge; 〜を担保にとる
Otani Mausoleum (Otani Sobyo) ; 大谷祖廟, ornamental letter ; 花文字
Namu Amida Buddha ; 南無阿弥陀仏,desolate wintry scene ; 冬枯れの景色
shidarezakura (weeping cherry tree) ; 枝垂れ桜,weeping ; したたり落ちる
Japanese Diary / No.582−2014.01.02 / 「初詣」
Happy New Year and a Prosperous 2014, everyone !
Thank you very much for all you did for me in the
past year.
I'd like to enjoy yachting, cycling, golf and others
with you again this year.
I'm looking forward to your continuous kind
May this year be happy and fruitful ! |
[Note] Happy New Year and a Prosperous 2014 ; 2014年新年おめでとう
May this year be happy and fruitful ! ; 今年も実り多い年になりますように