Weekly Topics/Archive
April 2013
The weather has been warmer than usual since the beginning of March.
Cherry trees have started blooming more than a week earlier and are almost
in full bloom now
even in Yokohama.
With such warm weather, the yachting season has arrived in addition to
the season for golfing
for me.
So today I enjoy sailing on the yacht, AIOI Y for the first time in this
By the way, as for the weather, according to the weather forecast two days
before, it would be
However, according to yesterday's forecast, it would be cloudy, and rainy
in the evening.
It was carried out as planned by captain's good decision.
Even if it rains, another event as a insurance against it is planned at
T.K-san's resort villa
in Atami.
It is to watch the slidshow of many pictures that were taken when M.M-san,
one of our crew
members, went on a trip to India.
I and several other crew members got picked up in front of JR Atami station
as usual.
This time, T.T-san who is tamma-san's bike friend joined us for the first
It is the first time for the AIOI to be operated since last December.
And so it took some time to prepare for leaving from Sunrise Marina.
We left the marina around 10:30 AM with eight crew members.
Wow, we're off the coast of Ito after a long interval.

Off the coast of Ito (Photo by tamma-san) |
umiwa hiroina ookiina tukiga noborushi higa shizumu
umiwa oonami aoinami yurete dokomade tuzukuyara
umini ofuneo ukabashite ittemitaina yosonokuni
I unconsciously sing a primary school song with pleasure.
Today's destination is not another country but Hatsushima island.
It is hazy and a little cold on the sea.
The mountainous view of Izu studded with white blossoms of the mountain
cherry is quite impressive and as if it were a canvas.
We sailed with the wind but sometimes with the help of the engine.
It was after noon when the AIOI entered the Hatsushima fishing port.

Some crew members of the AIOI Y landing in Hatsushima island |
Different from the weather forecast, cloudy morning turned to clear afternoon.
Let me introduce you to some scenery in the blue sky in Hatsushima island.
Please click the picture to see a full-size version.
The Oshima Cherry (Oshima zakura) is in full bloom in Hatsushima island.
Different from Someiyoshino, this cherry is characterized by blooming with
fresh green leave.

The Oshima Cherry in full bloom in Hatsushima island (Photo by tamma-san) |
We've been waiting for it !
It's time for lunch at reserved seats of restaurant “Hakusen”.

The restaurant “Hakusen” (Photo by tamma-san) |
First we made a toast with cold beer.
We had grilled squid legs with its guts as a side dish.
It was so good!
It's a local delicacy, isn't it?
And then I had a seasonal set meal the restaurant recommended , that is, rice bowls topped
with flavored slices of raw girella.
After lunch, we stopped by Hatsushima Oceanographic Museam and learned about geography of Sagami Bay's seabed.
Several earth's plates become intricately intertwined.
With this, I can probably understand that the earthquakes frequently occur.
Please click the picture to see a full-size version.
At Hatsushima Oceanographic Museam (Photos by tamma-san) |
When we got back to the pier, captan Tada was absorbed in operating the
adult toy.
It is an AR.Drone 2.0 made by Parrot.
It is a radio-controlled toy helicopter equipped with a HDD camera and
can be operated from
a smartphone.
It is also equipped with Li-ion battery and can take photos and record
them from the camera
during the flights.
Please click the picture to see a full-size version.

A photo of the lateral side
of an AR.Drone |

A photo of the upper side
of an AR.Drone |

A photo of an AR.Drone taken apart
His skill in operating it improves.
But it was fanned by the wind and crushed.
Luckily it crushed not into the sea but on the AIOI's deck.
He was able to fly it again because it didn't break down.
Please click the picture to see a full-size version.
T.K-san was absorbed in gathering wakame seaweed at the pier.
We could have miso soup with wakame seaweed tonight.
After playing with an AR Drone, we left Hatsushima island.
After returning to Sunrise marina, we played with an AR Drone again.
It was a pity I couldn't see a tumbling acrobatic performance.
After that, we had a small party at T.K-san's resort villa in Atami as
A cup of miso soup with wakame seaweed from Hatsushima island was very
We enjoyed watching some slidshows of images from M.M-san's trip to India
using OHP
as planned over a glass of wine.
K-T san, thank you for everything.
We were lucky because the forecast from the Meteorological Agency turned
out to be wrong.
It was good yachting weather for us.
I enjoyed the first sailing in this season, including to play with an adult
get picked up ; ピックアップしてもらう, primary school song ; 小学校唱歌
hazy ; かすみがかった, かすんだ,studded with 〜 ; 〜がちりばめられている
canvas ; カンバス, 油絵, be characterized by 〜 ; 〜が特徴だ
grilled squid legs ;イカゲソ焼き, guts ;はらわた, delicacy ;珍味
seasonal set meal ; 季節の定食, flavored ;(食材などが) 味付けされた
rice bowls topped with flavored slices of raw girella ; メジナ丼
girella ; (魚) メジナ, earth's plate ; 地殻プレ−ト
become intricately intertwined ; 複雑に絡み合っている
become intertwined ; 結び付く, can probably ; 〜できないこともない
stop by 〜 ; 〜に立ち寄る, oceanographic ; 海洋学の
Hatsushima Oceanographic Museam ; 初島海洋資料館
geography ; 地形, seabed ;海底
be absorbed in 〜;〜に夢中になる, 〜に余念がない,take apart ; 解体する
be fanned by the wind ; 風にあおられる, crush ; 墜落する
break down ; 故障する, wakame seaweed ; ワカメ(海藻), pier ; 桟橋
it 's a pity that 〜 ; 〜は残念だ, tumbling ; 宙返りの
acrobatic performance ; 曲芸, the Meteorological Agency ;気象庁
turn out to be 〜; たまたま〜である, 〜と判明する
Japanese Diary / No.523−2013.03.24 / 「初島へ今季初セ−リング」