Weekly Topics/Archive
March 2013
After breakfast at 7:30 am, we were at Katsuura Tokyu CC at 8:30 am.
Entirely different from yesterday's weather, we can see the blue sky and
feel really walm.
As may be expected of a resort area, we can see some villas standing in
row along the golf course.
This region must have a mild climate with the benefit of the Pacific warm
We can also see palm trees.
In spite of weekday, it is very crowded.
As might be expected, almost players were elderly people like us.
So, our tee-off time was due at 8:52 am, but it was about 30 minutes late.

Commemorative photo on the tee ground of the out course #1 hole |
It was really a crisp spring day.
I realized the coming of golf season.
Yesteday I had a practice round, but don't want to do so today.
My target gross score is less than or equal to 100.
So, what score can I make ?
At the 1st par 4 hole, I made a bogey. That's OK.
But though I got a par twice, I shot a double score twice, took 3 putts
three times and etc.
So, my score on the front nine was 50.
I selected a Japanese set meal with sashimi of Hatsugatsuo landed at Ktsuura
Port for lunch.
(Hatsugatsuo means the first bonito of the season.)
I enjoyed tasty local flavors in spring.
I made a par at tenth par 5 hole in the in-course in the afternoon.
But I had blowup hole twice, took 3 putt twice and so forth just like in
the front nine and so finished
the round with a total of 100.
Though I couldn't play my first round of golf this year with less than
100, it 's OK because of
getting 100 marks.
After all, the challenge is my putting skill, isn't it ?
It is to eliminate 3 putt.
After we enjoyed golf for the second successive day in spring Boso, we
drove back to JR
Tudanuma station in a car by a driver T.N-san.
T.N-san, thank you very much for everything.
Y.N-san, thank you for not only your souvenir from Hime-jima in Oita but
also your present from
the Olympic Games.
Everyone, I'll be seeing you again in the Kansai Ikoikai Reunion Golf Competition
on April.
[Note] as may be expected of ~; さすがに~だけあって
with the benefit of ~;~の恩恵を受けて,warm current;暖流、 in spite of ~;~にもかかわらず
be due at ~;~の予定である、 crisp ;(天候などが) さわやかな,すがすがしい
a live round of golf ;本番のラウンド(練習ではなくて)、 front nine;(ゴルフ) 前半9 ホ-ル,アウト
Japanese set meal;和食膳 (定食)、
landed at ~;~で水揚げされた,bonito ;鰹 (カツオ), made a par ;パ-です
take _ putts;(ゴルフ) _ パットする, and so forth;その他,~など(and etc)
at tenth par 5 hole;(ゴルフ) 10 番のロングホ-ルで、 blowup hole;大叩きのホ-ル
get 100 marks;100 点を取る、
challenge;課題, eliminate;撲滅する, in a car by a driver X;Xの運転の車で
I'll be seeing you again;また,お会いしましょう
I went on a overnight golf trip to Boso and enjoyed gof for the second
accessive day.
T.Nakanii-san living in Chiba who is my friend from university, one of
the mahjong circle members
and a golf friend arranged it.
In addition, he provided his villa, resort apartment in Katsuura as a place
to stay.
Warm days like the middle of April have continued for several days till
yesterday, but it has
been rainning since last night with sudden change in the weather.
However, according to the weather forcast, a rain front passes through
the Kanto plain around
9 am and then it should stop rainning.
It was around 7:30 am when I arrived at JR Tudanuma station.
I got picked up there with Y.Nojyo-san coming from Kumagaya and Yoshida-san
from Omiya by Nakanii-san to head to Ichihara CC.
We teed off around 9:52 am as the final party.
It stopped rainning just before teeing off as if it welcomed my first round
of golf in this season.
Just the same, the wind was chilly.

Ichihara course of Ichihara Golf Club |
Maybe it's because I played golf for the first time this year ?
I shot a nine at the starting middle hole because I didn't have enough
confidence to swing freely
and easily.
Although the golf course was not crowded and so we could play golf comfortably,
I made a number
of shots in the several holes of the out course and so changed the half of the round in the afternoon
to my practice round for tommorow round.
I don't want to tell you my today's score.
If I say in a small voice, my gross score is 107 (Out=52, In=57).
You also ended up with a disappointing score, aren't you ?
Today is a weekday's customer appreciation day of this golf club.
We, players can achieve specific benefits such as discount on the green
fee and present of a case
of instant noodles per player.
We headed to resort apartment, Point Vacation Relo Katsuura with their presents, Sapporo
Ichiban Hakodate Instant Noodles on the car.
[Note] Boso ;房総, for the second accessive day;2 日連続で
mahjong circle member;麻雀仲間, villa ;別邸,別荘, rain front;前線
get picked up;車で迎えに来てもらう, tee off;ティ-・オフする,スタ-トする
just the same;とはいうものの, やはり, shot a nine;(ゴルフ) 9 打たたく
don't have enough confidence to do ~;~する自信がない
freely and easily;のびのびと, half of the round;(ゴルフの) ハ-フ
end up with ~;~で終る, disappointing; がっかりの,期待はずれの
customer appreciation day;お客様感謝デ-、discount on ~;~の割引
achieve a specific benefit;特典を受ける
My brother-in-law who has worked as a professor at Doshisha University
will retire at the end
of this month.
Today I went out to attend his last lecture and then his retirement party
to which I was invited
by him.
The final lecture will be given at 3:45 pm at Shinmachi Campus and the
party will be held
at 6 pm at Niijima-kaikan.
I used this oppotunity to take a walk in Mibu-dera temple in Kyoto before
his lecture.
NHK broadcasts a period drama, “Yae no Sakura” every Sunday.
The drama is just about to get to the stage of the Ikedaya Incident in
the late Edo period.
Kyoto in the late Edo Period became the center of political chaos.
Public order in Kyoto deteriorated because the radical supporters of the idea of Sonno Joi
and anti-Shogunate gathered there from across the country.
( Sonno Joi means reverence for the Emperor and expulsion of foreigners.)
(Anti-Shogunate means overthrowing of the Tokugawa Shogunate)
At that time, Kyoto Shoshidai (Shogunate's military governor in Kyoto)
and Kyoto machi bugyo (Kyoto Magistrate's office) were responsible for
maintaining public
order in Kyoto.
However, Tokugawa Shogunate judged that they couldn't prevent public order
from worsening.
And so it created a new office of Kyoto Shugosyoku as the supreme security
apparatus and
installed Matsudaira Katamori as a head of the office.
It was Shinsen-gumi that engaged in police activities cracking down on
anti-Shogunate forces
under its control.
In 1864, there was the Ikedaya Incident that some members of Shinsen-gumi
attacked the sonno
joi shishi from Choshu Domain who gathered at the Ikedaya inn in Sanjo-kiyamachi,
Yes, the Shinsen-gumi was organized here in Mibu in March 1863.
At that time, Yagi, Maekawa and Nanbu Houses on Boujyo Street in front of the east gate of
Mibu-dera temple were used as Shinsen-gumi Tonsho or headquarters.
Yagi and Maekawa Houses still exist now.
I heard once Shinsen-gumi used the Mibu-dera temple precinct as a trainning
camp of the art
of war and did the training of military art and how to use cannon.
Please click the picture to see a full-size version

The main hall of Mibu-dera temple

Hengaku (temple's name tablet) displayed
on the main hall |
When I got to Mibu-dera, there was a quiet precinct.
The temple precinct includes a grave of Shinsen-gumi members called Mibuzuka.
There is also a grave of Shinsen-gumi head Kondo Isami.
After that, I visited an old Yagi House ,which was accommodation of Kondo
isami, Hijikata
Toshizou and etcof Shinsen-gumi members, and also well-known as Mibu Tonsyo.

Nagaya Gate of old Yagi House which is one of the remains of Mibu Tonsyo |
In March 1863, Shinsen-gumi was born at Yagi House here in Mibu village
of southern Kyoto.
It's said that a nameplate, “Matsudaira Higonokami Oazukari Shinsen-gumi
Yado”was put up
on the right gatepost of Nagaya Gate at that time.
A sword-cut of when the first Shinsen-gumi head, Serizawa Kamo and Hirayama Gorou were assassinated on the night of Semptember in 1863 (Bunkyu
3) remained on a drawing room's kamoi (lintel) of a main house.
It 's just a scenery left by Mibu Shinsen-gumi.
Since the opening time of the final lecture was getting closer, I left
Yagi House and headed
to Doshisha University by taxi.
Click on the link below to see more details on Mibu-dera temple.
Picture / Pilgrimage to old temples / 「壬生寺(京都)散策」
[Note] Mibu-dera temple ; 壬生寺, leisurely walk ; のんびり散策、take a walk ; 散策する
be about to do ~; まさに~しょうとしている、 get to the stage of ~;~の段階にさしかかる
period drama ;大河ドラマ、 Ikedaya Incident ;池田屋事件, in the late Edo Period;幕末の
political chaos ;政治的混乱, public order ;治安,社会的秩序、 deteriorate ;悪化する
radical supporter ;過激な志士、 Sonno Joi ;尊王攘夷, anti-Shogunate ; 倒幕
expulsion; 排除,排斥、
reverence for ~;~に対する尊敬の念, overthrowing ; 打倒、 Tokugawa Shogunate ;徳川幕府
Kyoto Shoshidai (Shogunate's military governor in Kyoto);京都所司代
Kyoto machi bugyo (Kyoto Magistrate's office) ;京都町奉行
preven ~ from worsening ;~の悪化を防ぐ, Matsudaira Katamori;松平容保
install someone as ~;(人)を~に就任させる, Shinsen-gumi;新撰組、 security apparatus;治安機関
crack down on ~;~を厳しく取締る、 anti-Shogunate forces; 反幕府勢力
sonno joi shishi;尊王攘夷志士、
Choshu Domain(Clan);長州藩、 Shinsen-gumi Tonsho or headquarters;新撰組屯所
temple precinct; 境内、 the art of war; 兵法, do the training of ~;~の訓練をする
military art; 武芸, cannon; 大砲, Hengaku ; 扁額(寺名が書かれた平板)、 nameplate;表札
gatepost ; 門柱、 kamoi (lintel); 鴨居, main house;母屋