Weekly Topics/Archive
March 2012
I got up at 5:20 a.m. with a wake-up call.
When I opened the curtains and looked down from the window, the ground
was wet but it had already
stopped raining.
I had three inari-sushi for breakfast that I bought at the supermarket
in front of JR Nagahama station.
I changed into cycling wear and then headed for Yutaka Park by the side
of the lake in which there was
the starting point.
The first group had already left around 5:45 a.m. and the second group
gathered in the square before

Participants of the second group who gathered in the square to left at
6:25 AM |
According to the organization home, a total of 1188 men and women between
the age of 10 and 75
from all over the country applied for the event.
Participants start and finish here at Yutaka Park.
We are divided into three groups of about 400 and cycle anticlockwise around
Lake Biwa north of
the Biwako Ohashi Bridge.
Off course, unlike a official marathon race, road traffic regulation is
not conducted.
After hearing the accounts of precautions during the event, the first pair of the second group started
at 6:25 AM, followed by pairs of 50 every 2 minutes.
I started at the starting gate at 6:31 AM as the fourth pair.

Everyone of the second group who wait to leave at the starting gate at
Yutaka Park |
Even though it is Sunday, many trucks and cars pass, making a zipping noise We pedal in line
on the left side of a public road but have to pay attention to safety.
I saw a participant who fix the flat tire early around the 1-kilometer
We have still a very long way to run.
Seeing such a scene, I do nothing but pray that I don't get a flat tire.
At 7:55 AM I arrived at the roadside station, Michi-no-Eki Azikama-no-sato
(Nishiazai-cho in
Nagahama City), at the 27.3-Km mark, where the first aid station was set.
First I have cleared the first hurdle.

A commemorative photo taken with mascot character “Azikamo-kun” at a roadside
Michi-no-eki Azikama-no-sato, where the first aid station was set |
We have to stop at every aid station and have a check on passing.
If we don't have a check, we are eliminated.
And here is also a supply base of refreshments to participants.
They are bananas, onigiri rice balls, confectionery, miso soup and local
specialties and were served
by local people.
After my break for 10 minutes, I restarted at 8:05 AM.
We run on the side walk of the Iwakuma Tunnel (about 780 meters long) and
then passed through
a row of cherry trees in Kaizu-Osaki, where is known as a cherry blossom
viewing spot.
I saw mystic landscapes along Lake Biwa in Oku-Biwako.

The mystic landscape along Lake Biwa in Oku-Biwako |
Last May, I experienced the cycling around Lake Biwa called biwaichi with
four colleagues of yacht
I also passed through the roadside station, Michi-no-Eki Shin-Asahi-Fusyamura
which at that time
we stopped at.
That brings back some memories.
At 9:35 AM I arrived at Biwako-Kodomono-Kuni (Adogawa-cho in Takashima City), where the second
aid station was set.

A picture taken at the Shiga Prefectural Biwako Kodomo-no-kuni, where the
second aid station was set |
After having some refreshments and taking a restroom break for 18 minutes,
I restarted.
You know, I felt sad and didn't feel good even at this age when I was overtaken by ladies' and girl's
cyclists coming on.
I thought there are very strong female athletes in the world.
At 11:30 AM I arrived at the roadside station, Biwako Ohashi Kome Plaza (Imakatata in Otsu City),
at the 93.4-Km mark, where the third aid station was set.
It was located near the Biwako Ohashi Bridge and a big Ferris wheel on
the shore looked like
a landmark.

Everyone at lunch at a roadside station, Biwako Ohashi Kome Plaza, where the third aid station
was set |
We have a lunch break here.
Its menu is very plain and includes two onigiri, miso soup with freshwater clam, a little bit of pikles and
a plastic bottle of Omi tea without a main dish.
Patience, patience, because everyone eat the same things.
But I ate a yohkan (sweet bean jelly) I brought with me, to get a feeling
of fullness.

Today's plain lunch menu (at the roadside station, Biwako Ohashi Kome Plaza) |
After my lunch break for 25 minutes, I restarted at 11:55 AM.
Since I will be eliminated if I finish within nine and a half hours, I
can't take so much time.
We run on the side walk of the Biwako Ohashi Bridge into Moriyama City.
Since it looked like rain, I wore a rain cape on the way.

Participants who cross the Biwako Ohasi Bridge |

Inachan on the Biwako Ohashi Bridge |
In this event, organizer let about a dozen semipro cyclists run as pace
So I can relax myself to know that they would come rushing over to us if
an unexpected accident
They indeed run faster.
I saw the scene that participants fix the flat tire here and there on the
Actually, I'm afraid that I might get a flat tire.
I took off a rain cape on the way because it looked like it was not going
to rain and became muggy.
It was 1:35 PM when I arrived at Kogan Ryokuchi Minami-Mitsuya Park in
Hikone City, where the
fourth aid station was set, after passing through Omihachiman city.
It is at the 124.7-Km mark from the starting point.

Cyclists waiting in a long line to get a freshly-fried croqutte containing
Ohmi beef at the forth aid station . |
Bananas, miso soup, local biscuits and croquettes containing Omi beef which
is one of local specialty
in this area were served here.
As pictured above, cyclists waited in a long line to get freshly-fried
After a 15-minute break, it was finally time to run from here to the finish.
I pedaled hard while paying close attention to safety and praying that
I don't get a flat tire.
At 2:56 PM, I reached the goal at Yutaka Park, doing high fives with some event staff greeting us.
I really feel refreshed.
It took 8 hours and 25 minutes from start to finish.
Everyone who has finished had a final check and then received a certificate
for completion in the
Cycling Around Lake Biwa and a prize for participation.

Cyclists who have made it through the finish line |

The certificate for completion
which was awarded to me |
I, wearing uniform number 2403, also received a certificate as shown
in the right picture.
Wow, I got a diploma, after a long absence.
I'm honestly glad as if I was awarded honors at the graduation.
Today's measurements by my cycle computer are as below.
・Trip Distance ; 151.27 Km
・Elapsed Time ; 8 hours 25 minutes
・Net Trip Time ; 7 hours 17 minutes
( Time after subtracting the total break time from Elapsed Time )
・Average Speed ; 20.8 Km/h |
Finally, I was taken a few commemorative photo for completion on the
event stage.
Though I say it myself, I have a happy face !

The commemorative photo for completion taken on the event stage with my
bike ESCAPE |
I was going to make a toast to my completion after returning to my hotel
and taking a shower.
I visited a local restaurant, Sumimoto where a hotel clerk recommended
me to enjoy local cuisine.
I still can't forget the taste of “funa-zushi” that I ate at Japanese restaurant when I took a cycling trip
around Lake Biwa with friends last year.
So I ordered “funa-zushi” as a reward for my completion and toasted with
a glass of beer while eating it.
Wow, it's a delicacy !

Special funa-zushi from restaurant Sumimoto

Seard Ohmi beef with local sake“mubyotan”
from Nagahama |
I ordered seard Ohmi beef, following it.
Off course, for Japanese sake, I chose cold local one.
The brand name of the sake that the okami-san (master's wife) of the restaurant recommended me was
“mubyotan” from Sato Brewery, which is the newest sake brewer in Japan
(established in March 2011).
I got squiffed fast.
Maybe it was because I pedaled for more than 7 hours although I took breaks
on the way and so was
I might sleep like a log tonight.
[Note] inari-sushi ; 稲荷寿司、 organization home; 大会本部、 apply for 〜; 〜に応募する
anticlockwise; 反時計回りに、 divide into three groups of 400: 400人ずつ3 組に分ける
organization home; 大会本部, unlike 〜; 〜と違って、 road traffic regulation; 交通規制
hear the accounts of 〜; 〜についての説明を受ける
make a zipping noise; ビュッビュッという音をたてる, in line; 一列に、 fix the flat tire;
at the -Km mark ; -Km 地点で, have a long way to go ; まだまだ道のりが長い
do nothing but do 〜; ただ〜するだけである、 get a flat tire; パンクする
clear the first hurdle;第1 関門を突破する、 aid station;エイド・ステ−ション、 roadside station ; 道の駅
be eliminated; (競技などで)失格する、 refreshment; 飲食物(元気を回復させる)、 onigiri rice ball; おにぎり
local specialties; 地元の特産品、 mystic landscape; 神秘的な景色
That brings back some memories; 懐かしいなあ、 take a restroom break; トイレ休憩する
Ferris wheel; 大観覧車、 plain; 質素な、freshwater clam;しじみ,a feeling of fullness;満腹感
pace maker; 先導者, about a dozen; 十数前後の、 come rushing over to 〜; 〜にすっ飛んでくる
muggy; 蒸し暑い、 rain cape; 雨合羽、 wait in a long line; 長い列に並んで待つ、 croquette; コロッケ
freshly-fried; 揚げたての、 do high fives with 〜; 〜とハイタッチする、 greet ; を迎える
feel refreshed;晴れ晴れした気分です、 certificate for completion;完走証明証
prize for participation; 参加賞, diploma ; 賞状、 make it through the finish line; 完走する, ゴ−ルインする
player wearing uniform number _; ゼッケン番号(背番号)_の選手、 after a long absence; 久し振りに,
honors; 優等賞、 subtract A From B; B からAを差し引く、 commemorative photo for 〜; 〜の記念写真
though I say it myself; 私が言うのも何ですが,私が言うのもおかしいですが
make a toast to 〜;〜に祝杯を挙げる, funa-zushi;鮒(ふな)ずし、 as a reward for 〜;〜のご褒美に
delicacy; 珍味, seard beef; 肉のタタキ、 okami-san; おかみさん, sake brewer; 酒蔵
get squiffed; ほろ酔い気分になる、 sleep like a log;爆睡(熟睡)する
Japanese Diary / No.431−2012.03.18 / 「びわ湖一周ロングライド2012(2/3)」
The 2012 Cycling Around Lake Biwa, organized by the JTB Sports Station will be held tomorrow,
in cooperation with Shiga Prefecture and with the support of Nagahama Tourism Association
and so on.
I will try to take a long ride for 148.4 kilometers, the longest distance
which I haven't ever travelled
in a day.
If we can't reach the goal, we can't get a certificate for Cycling Around
Lake Biwa.
So I'm going to Nagahama City, the venue of the event and stay at a hotel
near JR Nagahama Station.
I've already sent my bike ESCAPE to the hotel using the home-delivery service
Looking at the weather forecast section in a newspaper, it will be cloudy
in the morning, and rainy
later tomorrow.
And it will be fine the day after tomorrow.
Actually, I want for their forcasts to be replaced.
As expected, it was just raining lightly as pictured below when I arrived at JR Nagahama station.
What miserable weather !

JR Nagahama Station
in the light rain |

The name plate of JR Nagahama Station |

The view from the overpass
at JR Nagahama Station |
After check-in at a hotel, I went to Nagahama Civic Auditorium, where is
the site of Eve event,
to submit a confirmation document of my participation in tomorrow's event.
It was located near Yutaka Park, where is the main event site.
Nagahama Castle nearby could be seen dimly in the rain.
Click the thumnail-size image to see the full-size image

Yutaka Park, where is
the main event site

Nagahama Civic Auditorium, where is the site of Eve event

My uniform number

Talk show
at the Eve event site
I submitted the confirmation and then received my number cloth.
My number is 2403 and I was supposed to start in the second group.
At the site, there were some events like talk show and drawing.
What do I win ? I'm looking forward to a result of the draw.

Talk show as one of the Eve events |
I celebrated the eve of the event in a izakaya, while drinking some alcohol
that give me energy.
I went to bed at 9 p.m. because I have to get up early in the morning tomorrow.
Off course, I kept not only a wake-up call but also my mobile phone's alarm
clock set not to oversleep.
[Note] Cycling Around Lake Biwa ; びわ湖一周ロングライド、 with the support of 〜; 〜の後援で
Nagahama Tourism Association ; 長浜観光協会、 get a certificate for 〜; 〜の証明証を得る
venue; 開催地,会場、 miserable weater ; うっとおしいお天気、 as pictured below; 下の写真のように
overpass; 跨線橋, 陸橋、 Nagahama Civic Auditorium; 長浜文化芸術会館
confirmation document; 確認証、 dimly; ぼんやりと, かすかに、 uniform number; ゼッケン,背番号
be supposed to do 〜; (規則,取り決めなどにより)〜することになっている
keep an alarm clock set; 目覚まし時計をセットしておく、 oversleep; 寝過ごす
wake-up call; モ−ニングコ−ル
Japanese Diary / No.430−2012.03.17 / “びわ湖一周ロングライド2012 (1/3)”
It's the first Sunday of March today.
The annual Lake Biwa Mainichi Marathon took place.
This time, the race also doubles as Japanese Men's National Team Selection
Race for the 30th Olympic
Games in London this year.
I was previously planning to go to see the race and at the same time train
for cycling.
Although it looked like it was going to rain any second, I left home at 11:50.
When I was just pedaling on the cycle road, "Sazanami Kaido",
along the Lake Biwa, it started to drizzle.
I arrived at Shin-seta water purification plant which is the turning point
of the marathon course around
12:30 when a sound of the starter's gun would echo around Ojiyama Stadium
in Otsu City, Shiga
According to the organizer's website, the course outline and the height
graph are as below.
We still have nearly an hour before the lead runner will be coming to the
turning point.
I took shelter from rain in a Chinese noodle shop and had a lunch break.
This shop was very crowded with customers like me.
I left the shop 20 minutes before the runners would turn around.
It doesn't look like it's going to stop raining.
The Ohmi Ohashi Bridge looks blurred.

Inachan against the background of the Omi Ohashi Bridge |
There are already filled with visitors and supporters with their open umbrellas
on the both sides of
the road near the turning point.
Around 13:30 of estimated arrival time, a leading group of 14 to 15 runners
is coming, led by the Shiga
Prefectural Police on the white motorcycle.
I expected runners to arrive at any instant for a long time, but on the
other hand they run past at high
One after another, they turn around toward the goal in the cold spring
It took only ten minutes before the last runner turned around.
Click the thumbnail−size image below to see the full−size one

Turning point

The Shiga Prefectural Police on the white motorcycle |

The leading group
just after turning
The runners of the
followin group
A support car
After finally seeing off a support car, I headed for home.
It was only my bike ESCAPE that was cycling on the cycle road along the
lake in such rainy weather.
I pedaled very hard to watch the finish on TV after getting home.
I got home at 2:22 pm and could make it.
There was the scene on TV that two Japanese runners was running short of
the stadium.

2012 Lake Biwa Mainichi Marathon / A battle for the Japanese top runner
(NHK TV) |
In the world today, are we in the era of uncertainty?
Anyway, some accidents have happened since last year.
Unexpected things happened in this event as well.
Ndungu Samuel of Kenya won the race with a time of 2 hours 7 minutes 4
Surprisingly, he was a general runner and also the race was his first full
Click the thumbnail−size image below to see the full−size one

Winner : Ndungu Samuel (KEN) |

4th place : Yamamoto Ryo (JPN) |
And anoter unexpected thing happened.
Yamamoto Ryo who is also a general runner, took fourth place as a Japanese
top runner with a good
time of 2:8:44.
Some runner who attracted attention played second fiddle to him.
Can even a general runner participate in Oympic marathon?
No shit! I was astonished.
By the way, I trained for a cycling in the rain as a result.
Today's result was as below.
・Trip Distance = 27.3 Km ・Elapsed Time = 1 hour 17 minutes
・Average speed = 21.3 Km / h
I didn't want to get dripping wet and so seem to have cycled with a higher
speed than usual.
[Note] double as 〜;〜を兼ねる、 a national team selection race ;国の代表選考レ−ス
any second ; 今にも,すぐに,drizzle ;小雨が降る、 water purification plant;浄水場
turning point;折返し点(マラソン)、 echo around 〜; 〜響き渡る
starter's gun; スタ−ト合図用のピストル(号砲)、 lead runner ; 先頭ランナ−
take shelter from rain ; 雨宿りする、 turn around ; 折り返す, Uタ−ンする
it doesn't look like it's going to stop raining ; 雨が止みそうにない、 estimated arrival time ; 到着予定時刻
leading group ; 先頭集団(マラソンなど)、 run past ;走り過ぎる、 one after another ; 次々に
see off ; 見送る、 expect 〜 to arrive at any instant ; 〜の到着を今か今かと待つ
short of 〜; 〜の手前で、 era of uncertainty ;不確実性の時代、 Kenya;ケニア
general runner ; 一般参加のランナ−(←→invited runner)、 attract attention ; 注目を引く,注目される
play second fiddle to 〜; 〜(人)の後塵を拝する, no shit! ; うそ! まさか!
be astonished ; ものすごく驚く, get dripping wet; ずぶぬれになる
Japanese Diary / No.427−2012.03.04 / 「第67 回びわ湖毎日マラソン」