Weekly Topics/Archive
May 2011
I have planned a "Sado-ichi" for five days and four nights from
May.24(Tues) to May.28
(Sat) with yacht mates.
"Sado-ichi" means in the world of cycling that people cycle round
Sado Island.
They are not only sailors but also cyclists.
So I've been very busy preparing for it for some time.
To enjoy cycling in Sado Island, I have to send my bicycle to the island.
Japan Cycling Association (abbrev. JCA) offers the home-delivery service
of bicycle called
"Cycling-Yamato-bin" for cyclists by tying up with Yamato Transport
This service is offered using home-delivery service called "Yamato-bin"
, which is applied
to deliver the heavier package than that of package-delivery service.

Cycling tag |
I will use this service.
It is similar to the express delivery service of golf bag.
However, users must meet the following three requirements
to make use of "Cycling-Yamato-bin".
(1) A user is to be a member of JCA.
(2) A bicyucle is to be packed in a rinko-bag.
(3) A cycling tag is to be put on the bag.
The tag is issued to a member of JCA by JCA.
I will use the rinko-bag for the first time and so first started by
procuring the bag and the rear-end protector, which are essential goods.
The rear-end protector is a metalic material for protecting a bicycle gear
when people pack
a bicycle in the bag.

Rear-end protector on the upper side
and front-end protector on the lower side |
I 've practiced packing my bicycle in a rinko-bag over the past three days.
On the first day, I practiced bicycle disassembly, setting of rear-end
protector and bicycle

Part of the rear wheel after disassembly |

The rear-end protector attached to the frames
of rear wheel |
I used this opportunity to clean the dirty bicycle and lubricate gears,
the chain and others.
Fortunately, my bicycle became terribly clean.
On the second day, I practiced packing my bicycle in a bag after its disassembly.
I was confused about how to fasten two tires to the body of bicycle with
three belts.
Click the thumbnail-size image below to see the full-size image.
Two tires fastened to the body with three belts |
My bicycle placed at a prescribed position
on the bottom of the rinko-bag |
My bicycle packed in the rinko-bag |
It took about an entire hour to finish packing.
It might be because I had to make a note and take some photos not to forget
how to pack.
On third day, I measured how long it takes me to finish packing at earliest.
Maybe I got the hang of packing.
I could pack it in 20 minutes.
I could breathe again.
I'm going to send my bicycle to a hotel in Niigata around May.18.
Anyway, I can hardly wait till "Sado-ichi".
[Note] rinko-bag ; 輪行袋、 five days and four nights ;4泊5日
Sado-ichi ; 佐渡一,Japan Cycling Association ; 日本サイクリング協会
home-delivery service of bicycle ; 自転車宅配サ−ビス
home-delivery service / package-delivery service ; 宅配便
meet the following requirements ;下記の条件を満たす、 procure ; 調達する
rear-end protector;リアエンドプロテクタ−(金具)、 over the past three days ; ここ3日間にわたって
disassembly;分解、use this opportunity to 〜 ; ついでに〜する
lubricate the gears ; ギアに注油する、 fasten A with B ; A をBで固定する
at a prescribed position ; 所定の位置、 thumbnail-size image ; サムネイルサイズの画像
an entire hour ;まる1時間、 at earliest ;最短でも、 get the hang of 〜;〜のこつをつかむ
can breath again;ホツと一安心する、 can hardly wait ;待ち遠しい
Yesterday at the end of Golden Week holidays, I enjoyed sailing with crew members of
a yacht, the Aioi, after a long interval.
The sailing has been cancelled twice in a row due to bad weather, so I've
been waiting
for the day for a long time.
I was scheduled to meet two of them at 9 a.m. at JR Atami station.
So I was going to take the 7:54 a.m. express train "Odoriko #101" from JR Yokohama
station which would be due at 8:53 a.m. at JR Atami.
As I arrived at Yokohama station 20 miutes early, I had a leisurely breakfast at Doutor
Coffe shop in the station.
When I looked at the direction board at the platform, I couldn't find any
information about
the departure time of the express train on the board.
According to the station attendant, it has been cancelled to save electricity
since the Great
Tohoku Earthquake.
Though I checked the train schedule using the route search on the Net,
I've got a big problem.
So I caught an incoming local train.
I knew I would arrive at Atami 20 minutes late, and so told those involved
that I will go
directly to the marina by way of JR Ito station.
I met with an unexpected happening !
It was a beautiful sunny day and also a southwest wind was blowing.
It was really perfect weather for sailing.

A yacht, the Aioi in Sunrise Marina, Ito City preparing for sailing out.
(Photo by tamma-san) |
I got on the Aioi in a T-shirt and a short-pants.
The Aioi's capacity is 12 people.
The crew numbers reached full capacity.
Maybe this was because it's been a long time since they sailed.
Chen-san and her two friends, who were young ladies from Mallaysia, also got aboard
for the first time.
Chen-san has been working in the Asian sales division since a year ago
at the company
of KT-san who are an owner of the Aioi.
Since the average age of crew members on board decreased at once, there was
a cheerful atomosphere on the deck.
And so I felt exhilarated.

On the deck of the Aioi sailing toward Hatsushima Island (Photo by tamma-san) |
We sailed to Hatsushima Island off the coast of Ito.

The panoramatic view of Hatsushima Island (Photo by tamma-san) |
Anchoring off the coast of the island, we enjoyed a delicious bottle of
red wine with several kinds of apprtizers cooked by KK-san called the Aioi's

KK-san called the Aioi's chef cooks an appetizer for wine |
The strong west wind blew on the way back from the island.
The Aioi returned to the marina around 5 p.m. while sometimes suffering
from the sea spray.
We had a pleasant sailing, being blessed with good weather and also good
I thank everyone.
The following "Picture" is full of photos of yesterday's sailing.
Please click and see the link below.
( However, please be advised that the password is needed to see the "Picture".)
Picture / Yacht Sailing / 「伊東沖でゆったりセ−リング」
[Note] twice in a row ;続けて2回
I've been waiting for the day for a long time ; その日が待ち遠しかった
take the 7:54 a.m. train ; AM7:54 の列車に乗る
be due at 〜;〜[場所に/時間に]到着予定である,direction board;案内板
station attendant ; 駅員、 I've got a big problem ; えらいことになった
route search ; 路線検索、 incoming ; 入って来る、 those involved ; 関係者
in a T-shirt and a short-pants ; 半袖シャツと半パン姿で
reach full capacity ; 定員一杯になる、 got aboard ; 参加する、乗船する
feel exhilarated ; 浮き浮きする、 the panoramatic view of 〜 ; 〜の全景
sea spray ; 波しぶき、 be blessed with good weather ; 天候に恵まれる
please be advised that ;(that 以下のことを)ご承知おき下さい
Japanese Diary / No.358−2011.05.09 / 「久し振りのセ−リング」
My house in Yokohama is a house built for sale from Misawa Homes Co.,Ltd completed
in December 1980.
In August following year, I bought and moved in this house taking out heavy
I have repainted a exterior wall and a roof of the house, have renewed
a flooring and
a interior wall and have redone a bathroom only once since then.
However, it was built 31 years ago and so actually became a shabby house.
My wife tell me that the steel frame of the balcony has been eaten up with
rust and
she absolutely feel fear because it sounds kind of a creak and is likely
to crumble when
she is hanging out the laundry on the valcony.
So I decided to renovate my home after
an interval of 10 years or so.
An easy choice for renovation is to rebuild
my house.
But I don't have enough money to do so.
After all, I decided to keep the renovations
to a minimum.
That is to say, they are replacement of the old
roof with new one, renovations of balcony,
a downstairs toilet and a lattice window of
the kitchen, and repaint on the gate and
the hand railing of the outside stairs.
I found out for the first time that asbestous
boards are used as the material in the
bottom of the roof 's eaves in my house.
So the building renovation company, MISAWA HOMEING Co., Ltd adoped a methode
involves covering the old roofs with a special kind of lightweight roof
The harmful substance, asbestos will be removed from my house, when it
will be scrapped someday in the future.
I returned home in Yokohama this time because I had to be with workers
for a few days
under renovation.
My house has already been set up scaffolding and completely covered with sheets of
dustproof plastic, and a roofing work had been finished.
During Golden Week this year, I will refrain voluntarily from trip and devote myself to place
a check on renovation work as an ordering party.
Everyone, how are you getting along ?
[Note] house built for sale;分譲住宅、 move in ;入居する
take out heavy loans ;多額の借金をする、 repaint ; 塗り替える
renew ; 更新する、 redo (redid/redone) ; 改装する、 shabby house ; ぼろ家
be eaten up with rust ; 錆でボロボロになっている、 creak ; きしみ(音)
crumble ; 崩落する、 renovate one's home ; 家をリフォ−ムする
keep 〜 to a minimum ; 〜を最小限に抑える、 replacement of A with B ; A のB との交換(取替え)
lattice window ; 格子窓、 hand railing ; 手すり、 asbestous board ; 石綿ボ−ド、 eave ; 軒
building renovation company ; 建築リフォ−ム会社、 harmful substance ; 有害物質
set up scaffolding ; 足場を組む、 sheets of dustproof plastic ; 防塵プラスチックシ−ト
refrain voluntarily from 〜 ; 〜を自粛する、 devote onself to 〜 : に専念する
place a check on 〜 ; 〜を監督(検査)する、 ordering party ; 発注当事者
Japanese Diary / No.357−2011.05.04 / 「自宅のリフォ−ム」