徒然横浜生活 Since 2003
    (I changed the title of my Home Page into new one from Feburary 2010.)

Weekly Topics/Archive
January 2010

The Hakone Ekiden                          No.103−Jan.3, 2010

 I celebrated New Year's Day at home with my wife for the first time in many years instead of

taking a trip.

So, I watched the 86th Hakone Ekiden relay race, which is one of the New Year's event.

 It's officially called the Tokyo-Hakone college ekiden relay race.

It was held on Jan.2 and 3,and 20 teams participated in this popular New Year event.

 I watched it on TV at home yesterday.

But today I went out to Gontazaka crossing on the Route 1 in Yokohama to watch the race,

walking for about 15 minutes from my house.

 The sidewalks were crowded with many spectators.

Spectators were cheering for the runners, waving a miniature flag each time they run past.

 On the first day,Toyo University finished in first place in the leg from Tokyo to Hakone.

In today's return leg, its runner run past the crossing in first place again.

After the last runner in the race run past the crossing,I returned home and watched the race

on TV again.

You can click the picture below to see a full-size version.
Ekiden runners running around the crossing in Gontazaka,Yokohama

 This year again, Toyo University won the overall title for the second year in a row.

TV announcer says teams that finish in the top 10 are seeded in next year's Hakone ekiden.

 You win some,and you lose some.

Anyway,I watched the race with mixed feelings.

[Note]  Ekiden relay race ; 駅伝、  crossing ;交差点

  the Tokyo-Hakone college ekiden relay race ;東京箱根間往復大学駅伝競走

  sidewalk ; (舗装された街路の)歩道、 cheer for 〜 ; 〜に声援を送る

  each time 〜 ; 〜するたびに、〜すれば必ず、  run past ; 走り過ぎる、通り過ぎる

  wave a miniature flag ; 小さな旗を振る、  leg ; (リレ−競走などの)区間、行程

  in the return leg ; 復路で、 win the overall title ; 総合優勝する

  for the second year in a row ; 2年連続で、 be seeded ; (チ−ムなどが)シ−ドされる

  mixed feelings ; 悲喜こもごもの複雑な気持

  You win some,and you lose some.; 勝つ時もあれば負けるときもあるさ

Japanese Diary / No.222−2010.01.03 / 「箱根駅伝」

Happy New Year !                             No.102−Jan.1, 2010

 Happy New Year !

As the new year starts, I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperious New Year.

I would like to thank to all of you for your kindness and support during the past year.

Your continued support will be greatly appreciated.
