Weekly Topics/Archive
October 2009
I went on an overnight trip to Karuizawa with three crew members of our
yacht club from Oct 11th.
We stayed at Mr.Tada's holiday house in Karuizawa by courtesy of him.
He was an owner of our club's yacht and also a captain of our yacht club.
Mr. and Mrs. Tada, thank you very much for your kindness.
First day, we enjoyed cycling in the area around the Karuizawa 72 Golf
Course by two rental
bicycle, his bicycle and battery-assisted bicycle.
I enjoyed cycling by a rental bicycle.
But I began to feel a pain in the muscle of my right leg after about an
And so I had to have my bicycle replaced with the battery-assisted one which Mr.Miyake was
riding on.
During the cycling, we dropped in KARUIZAWA TALIESIN for a break, where was located at the
side of Shiozawa Lake.
It had a variety of recreation facilities in the abundant nature.
We could enjoy the beautiful view of Mt.Asama which was smoking far off
in the distance.
Mt.Asama smoking far off in the distance |
The next day was National Sports Day.
I went hiking with two mates wearing new sneakers with a rucksack on my
It was very fine and a perfect day for hiking.
Miharashi-dai of the old Usui Toge was the starting point of this hiking |
We walked the whole distance of the hiking trail for advanced hikers from
Miharashi-dai of the old
Usui Toge to Kirizumi Onsen.
I was really surprised that I had to walk on the trackless mountain trail
on the way.
I was anxious about whether we might get lost in the mountain or not.
However, I could walked diligently with a easy mind because we were with Miyake-san who was
an expert climber and Tada-san carried his favorite GPS device.
We took a dip in a hot spring to relieve our tiredness at a spa in Kirizumi
Onsen I was free of
muscle pain of my legs owing to benefits of the hot spring.
And so I'm very fine today.
Anyway, we had a fine autumn day appropriate for Sports Day.
Hi, everyone, thank you very much for a nice trip to Karuizawa.
[Note] by courtesy of 〜 ; 〜の厚意で、 replace O1 with O2 ; O1をO2と取り替える
KARUIZAWA TALIESIN ; 軽井沢タリアセン、 far off in the distance ; はるか遠くで
National Sports Day ; 体育の日、 sneakers ; スニ−カ−
a perfect day for hiking ; ハイキング日和、 go the whole distance ; 踏破する
hiking trail ; ハイキング・コ−ス、 Usui Toge ; 碓氷峠、 advanced ;上級の
trackless ; 人跡未踏の,道のない、 be anxious about 〜 ; 〜を不安に思う
diligently ; もくもくと、精出して、 with a easy mind ; 安心して、 take a dip ;一浴びする
relieve tiredness ; 疲れを癒す、 be free of pain ; 痛みから解放されて
Japanese Diary / No.196−2009.10.13 / 「軽井沢サイクリング・ハイキング旅行」
Last Tuesday evening,I was at the Ikoikai Society reunion at Izakaya, ”Achou-sakanaya”
in Kanda,Tokyo.
A gathering place, "Achou-sakanaya” for members of the Ikoikai Society
reunion |
It was to provide encouragement for one of my classmate, Mr.Waida who would have surgery
for prostate cancer around the end of this month.
Around 10 classmates joined in it for him.
We enjoyed a drinking party making him the butt of a joke.
He looked perfectly healthy.
He said to us that he had only a little bit difficulty starting urination,
but kept having a drink with
dinner as usual and has been enjoying golf once a week.
We are sorry he couldn't enjoy golf and the Ikoikai society reunion with
us for some time after
Anyway, we hope his surgery will be successful.
Last weekend, I went to a marina in Ito in Eastern Izu in order to go in for a regular yacht race,
”The 4th SMYC Yacht Race” as a crew member of our yacht club.
The race was scheduled to start at 10 a.m.
The weather forecast on the TV said it would be occationally rainy in the
morning, and fine later.
However, it was rainning all the morning.
So we covered a part of the deck with an awning to protect from the rain at the marina and then
were waiting the rain would stop,having a drinking party under the awning
on the deck.
Yacht, the Aioi Y with an awning to protect from the rain |
We also waited for a call from SMYC Executive Committee about whether the
race is cancelled
or not.
After all, the race was cancelled.
But a party scheduled after the race was held according to plan.
Off course, the original opening time was moved foward from 5:00 p.m. to
1:30 p.m.
That means we enjoyed a drinking party twice a day.
[Note] provide encouragement for 〜 ; 〜(人)を激励する、 have surgery for 〜 ; 〜の手術を受ける
prostate cancer ; 前立腺ガン、 make someone the butt of a joke ; (人)を酒のさかなにする
the butt ; (批評・物笑いなどの)的、標的、対象(になる人)、 urination ; 排尿
have difficulty starting urination ; 尿が出にくい、 have a drink with dinner
; 晩酌する
go in for 〜 ; 〜(競技など)に参加する、 occasionally rainy ; 時々雨
all the morning ; 午前中ずっと、 awning ; 日よけ,天幕(甲板上の)
wait for a call from 〜 ; 〜からの連絡を待つ、 Executive Committee ; 実行委員会
move forward ; 繰り上げる
Japanese Diary / No.190−2009.10.03 / 「Waida-san の激励会」
Japanese Diary / No.191−2009.10.04 / 「2009年度 第4 回SMYC ヨットレ−ス」