Weekly Topics/Archive
December 2008
From last Thursday to Friday,I went out for a year-end golf trip held by
Ikoikai reunion society to
Katsuura in the Boso peninsula with a warm climate again this year.
It just happened that some mates had previous commitments on that day,and
so only five mates were
at the event.
First day,we headed off in three separate cars to the resort condominium
in Katsuura which we were
sheduled to stay overnight at.
I got picked up in front of Mitsukyo station of the Sotetsu Line by one of my mates, Kinoshita-san around
11 a.m. to go there.
After finishing our lunch at a soba restaurant on th way,while taking a break, we arrived there shortly
before 3 p.m..
It was a little bit windy here in Katsuura located near the sea but warmer
than Yokohama.
It may be due to the effect of a warm ocean current.
After a while,all particicipants in the trip arrived.
We first raised a glass of beer or shochu to our reunion in the room.
We enjoyed mahjong after a long time till the convivial party from 6 p.m.
as previously arranged.
After that,we walked to a sushi restaurant in downtown Katsuura as our
regular banquet space.
After wetting our whistle with a glass of beer,we enjoyed a chat over various
topics each other,
while smacking our lips over various kinds of fresh fish and selfish dishes
with local brand sake,"Koshigoi".
The convivial party at the sushi restaurant |
Just as expected of famous brand of sake in Boso brewed by Yoshino Syuzo
Co., Ltd., it was a bit dry
but very nice.
Also I ate the fish dish called "Namerou"made from horse mackerel
for the first tme.
It went well with the sake.
We finished the party with some sushi.
About 2-hours of the party went by very quickly.
On the second day,we got up at seven in the morning and took a hot spring
bath to relax our body
for golf.
It was the same brown sodium hydogen carbonate spring bath as that of the
public bath in Yokohama.
My skin got smooth because the spring was alkaline.
And then we prepared for golf having a Japanese-style breakfast sufficiently.
We came to the Camel Golf Resort by car shortly before 9 a.m.
I felt as if I was in an exotic atomosphere like a warm southern land because I saw some palm trees
growing in the front yard at the golf club.
The view of the front yard at the golf club |
Unlike the day before,it was calm and the temperature was around 14℃.
We were blessed with fine weather.
It was really an ideal day for golf.
We started playing on the out course,forming ourselves in groups of three.
None of the members of the Ikoikai reunion society have got the score
under 100 gross on this course
in the past three rounds although the total yardage of the course wasn't
so long, 6,200 Yards.
It might have been because they drunk too much at the convivial party the
day before.
Or it might be because it was the tough course full of strategic characteristic
which was designed under
the supervision of a past Japanese leading pro golfer,Mr.Jumbo Ozaki.
Anyway,it was the biggest challenge in this golf trip that someone would
get a score under 100 gross.
Off course,I also aimed for it.
Unfortunately,I wasn't able to realize the target although I was in good
I would like to do that next time.
After finishing the golf,we took a bath at the golf club and then started
for home.
On the way home,we stopped by at a restaurant,GUST in Ootaki to have an
awarding ceremony,
while taking a break.
An awarding party at a restaurant, GUST in Ootaki |
Utmost interest was about who won first place, or who won a bet.
It looked like our scores were too close each other.
According to the official result,though Mr.Kinoshita had the same net score as Mr.Nakanii, Mr.Kinoshita
won first place.
It was because Mr.Kinoshita had a lower handicap than Mr.Nakanii.
Hi,Kinoshita-san,congratulations on your win.
And also, Waida-san, congratulations on your achievement of our goal.
Just for the record,Nakanii-san,congratulations on winning a bet.
Actually, it was really a close golf competition this time.
Aftr that,we started for home again in three separate cars.
Waida-san, thank you for kindly offering us the opportunity to stay overnight
at your resort condominium.
And Kunisawa-san and Nakanii-san, thank you for jobs well done.
Anyway, I had a nice golf trip with everyone.
I'm looking forward to seeing you with other members again at an end-year
party on the 22nd of
[Note] it just happen that 〜 ; たまたま〜(ということ)である、 previous commitments ; 先約
Ikoikai reunion society ; いこい会、 resort condominium ; リゾ-トマンション
shortly before 3 p.m. ; 午後3 時前に、 warm ocean current ; 暖流、 reunion; 再会
convivial party ; 懇親会,宴会、 banquet space ; 宴会場、 wet one's whistle ; 喉を潤す、(酒を)一杯やる
have a chat over various topics with 〜;〜と四方山話をする
smach one's lips over 〜;〜に舌鼓を打つ, fish and selfish dish; 魚介料理
Just as expected of 〜; さすがは〜だけあって、 famous brand of sake ; 銘酒、 horse
mackerel; アジ( 鰺 )
go with 〜;〜と調和する,〜とよく合う、 go by; (時間が)経過する
sodium hydrogen carbonate spring ; 重曹鉱泉、 alkaline ; アルカリ性の
be blessed with 〜 ; 〜に恵まれる、〜の恩恵を受ける、 yardage ; (ゴルフの)距離
strategic characteristic ; 戦略性、 under the supervision of 〜 ; 〜の監修下で
a score under 100 gross ; グロスで100未満のスコア、 realize a target ; 目標に達する
be in good shape ; 体調が良い、 start for home ; 家路に着く、帰路に着く
Just for the record;ついでに言うと,ちなみに、 thanks for a job well done ; ご苦労さまです
Picture Picture / Golf / 「2008房総忘年ゴルフ」
Japanese Diary / No.104−2008.12.14 / 「2008年度・忘年房総ゴルフ旅行」
Last Saturday,I went to the marina in Ito to do the general yacht cleaning
and to decorate it with
christmas lights.
On that day,it was an ideal day for cleaning for this time of late Autumn.
I got one of the crew members of the yacht club,tamma-san to pick me up
at JR Atami station as usual.
First, we went to see the illustration exhibition of the drawing class
held in Ito-fureai-center in downtown Ito
because we were invited to it by Mr.Bruce, one of our clew members.
A scene at the illustration exhibition |
He was one of the pupils in Uchida drawing class and has taken lessons
in painting with his wife.
Off course, his sketch was also exhibited with his wife's work.
Although it's been only a year since he started to take lessons,his work
was really good.
Hi,Mr.bruce,please show us your work of colored illustration at the next
We're looking forward to seeing it.
We came to Ito Sunrise Marina in two cars around noon.
Since it was very fine and warm,we washed some sheet of sails,many life
jackets and other goods for
sailing and dried them in the sun first of all.
Two sheet of sails and many life jackets under drying in the sun |
After the work has come to the end of the first stage, we had a short break
with some alcohol like syotyu
and Japanese sake and then had a cup of ramen cooked by the captain for
lunch on the deck.
The short break with some alcohol on the deck |
After that,we divided the cleaning of the yacht and the decoration of it
with christmas lights among us.
We could smoothly decorate them to the yacht because we did that last year.
The result of a test for lighting was good.
Christmas lights under test for lighting
You may not be able to see clearly the small LED lamps lighted because
it hasn't got dark yet. |
The Xmas lights would be automatically lighted from 6 p.m. to the midnight evry night till the beginning of
coming New Year.
You did a fine job.
Hi, everyone, thank you very much for a lot of the pleasant sailing for
the past year.
See you again at an end-year party on the 20th of December.
[Note] the general yacht cleaning ; ヨットの大掃除、 christmas light ; クリスマスの照明
drawing class ; 絵画教室、 the work has come to the end of the first stage
; 仕事が一段落した
divide A among B ; B の間で手分けしてA をする
Please click on the icon below if you want to see more pictures.
Picture Picture / Yacht Sailing / 「アイオイ号の大掃除とイルミネ-ション飾り付け」
Japanese Diary / No.101−2008.12.01 / 「アイオイ号の大掃除とイルミネ−ション飾り付け」