徒然横浜生活 Since 2003

Weekly Topics/Archive
March 2008

The Yacht race for the first time this year            No31-Mar.27, 2008
Preparations for sailing at Sunrise Marina
Preparations for sailing

 Last Sunday,I enjoyed sailing in a yacht with four regular crews for the first

time this year.

First sailing was in the yacht race of our club in Ito marina.

 It was warm sunny day unlike the day before,but not so good for the race

because it was breezing slightly.

 The race was held around 10 a.m. on the course off Sunrise marina in Ito between the starting

point and the stationary buoy floating on the sea about one nautical mile distant from it.

 Although our yacht started sailing several tens of seconds late,it led the race around the halfway


 On the later half of the race,it became calm on the sea and then we went off the course.

So,we made a few mistakes in sail handling so that the sail couldn't catch enough wind.

 Our yacht lost the lead to the following one near the goal.

After all,we ended in the second place.

 After the race,an awarding party was held at a restaurant near the marina.

We had a pleasant chat about the race for a while,drinking some beer or wine.

 The party was over after we wished everyone good luck each other on the next race.

[Note]  warm sunny day ; ポカポカ陽気の日、 it breezes ;(風が)そよそよと吹く

  off 〜 ; 〜(海岸などの)沖で(に)、 buoy ;ブイ(浮標)、 stationary buoy ; 定点ブイ

  nautical mile ; 海里( 1,852 m )、  several tens of second ; 数十秒

  lead the race ; レ−スでトップに立つ、  cvalm ; 無風の 

  go off the course ; コースをまちがえる(ずれる)、 lose the lead to 〜 ; 〜に抜かれる

Japanese Diary / No.55−2008.03.27 / 「今年初めてのヨット・セ−リング」

The 49th Buddihist Memorial Day's Ceremony for my late
                           No.30-Mar.30, 2008

 The 49th memorial day's ceremony for my late mother-in-law begun at 11 a.m. on Mar 16th

at her place with reading of the sutras by a Buddhist monk of Jodo Shinshu.

 The monk was reading a sutra aloud for about 40 minutes,while we were offering incense

according to degree of kindred,her family and relatives.

And then he also gave us some preaches on the schedule of the deceased.

 After that,we moved to the memorial park in Higashiyama-Otani with the monk.

We poured some water on the gravestone to purify and placed flowers on the monument.

The cinerary ceremony followed this,with reading of the sutras by him again.

 All the visitors at the grave moved to Japanese style hotel located in a quiet neighborhood

surrounded by nature.

The ceremony was over after we commemorated the deceased for two hours or so.

while smacking our lips over set of Japanese dishes.

 Everyone must be tired.

 The 49th memorial day's ceremony is the first lagest one after a funeral in Buddhism.

According to Japanese Buddhism folkways,the dead make a long trip,getting across death's river.

 In the middle of the trip,they will be taught and judged every seven days.

On the 49th day,the judge of Hell will judge their action in life as right or wrong and then give

a judgement on them.

The soul of the dead can get to Buddha's world by this judgement.

As it's the last day of mournning for the dead on that day, the bereaved family can also return

to regular life from the next day.

 I have something on my mind.

In Buddhism,whether the dead can get to Heaven or not depend on their action in life as above.

 Although I believe I have basically lived in the past, with my personal motto,"Be honest,fair and

faithful.", I've not always been so.

I recognize that I've done something wrong in some degree.

 I'd like to know the definition of good and evil in Buddhism.

If I could know that,I would try to behave myself according to that standard.

I hope the judge of Hell will forgive me for my past behavior and then I will get a ticket for Heaven.

It's because I don't want to have difficulty even in the next world.

 However,I learned phisics when I was at school.

So,I'm convinced that the life after death never exist because I think scientifically about things.

 But it may be view of the world that is admitted only in this world.

I feel terrible if it was so.

Hi,everyone,what do you think about it ?

I really think that our everyday's deed in this world is very important in order for us to be happy in the

next word.

 I just fetched a resigned sigh about I got so older that I thought about the next world I think I would

like to enjoy spending naturally the rest of my life with my own thoughts.

[Note] reading of the sutras ; 続経、  read a sutra aloud ; 続経する、 Jodo Shinshu ; 浄土真宗

  degree of kindred ; 血縁度、 preach ; 説教、 
the deaceased ; 故人, purify ; 清める

  cinerary ; 納骨の、 smack one's lips over 〜 ; 〜に舌鼓を打つ、 set of Japanese dishes ;会席料理

  commemorate someone ; ( 誰か )を偲ぶ、 folkways ; 習俗、 death's river ; 三途の川

  the judge of Hell ; 閻魔 (えんま)、 the bereaved family ; 遺族、 mourn for 〜 ; 〜(人)の喪に服する

  have something on one's mind ;気になることがある、 as above ; 上述の通り

  have not always been 〜 ; 必ずしも〜ではなかった、 in some degree ; 多少, 少しは, 幾分か

  behave oneself ; (自己をコントロ−ルして)振舞う、 be convinced that 〜 ; 〜を確信している

  view of the world ;世界観、 the next world ; あの世、来世、 this world ; 現世

  fetch a resigned sigh ; あきらめのため息をつく

Japanese Diary / No.53−2008.03.16 / 「義母の49日法要(2)」

The 49th Buddihist Memorial Day's Ceremony for my late mother-in-law(No.1)
No.29-Mar27, 2008

 From Saturday 15th of March to Sunday the 16th, I came to Kyoto with my wife to attend the

49th Buddhist memorial day's service for my late mother-in-law.

 Although it was too early to enjoy the cherry blossoms,Kyoto station where served as a gateway

for the scinic spots in Kyoto was very crowded with many tourists.

I could see it because it was weekend on that day and major hotels in Kyoto were already fully

booked on that date when I made a hotel reservation from home using Internet a few weeks ago.

 After we bought some cakes and flowers as an offering to the altar at the department store next to

the station,we came to the hotel by city bus in Shijo-Kawaramachi where we were going to stay

that night.

 We visited my brother-in-law's place where was several minute walk after taking a little break

at the hotel.

Everything was ready arround the altar for the next day's memorial service.

We made offering of some cakes and flowers at the altar and recited Namu Amida Buddha,

burnning incense.

 It seemed as if my mother-in-law would be talking to me with a smile when I looked at her color

photograph on the altar of the past days which made a trip to Chugoku regions together last


 After a while,I went out to a restaurant in Gion on foot to have dinner with my brother-in-law and

his wife,sister-in-law and my wife.

 The traditional wooden townhouse,Machiya,appeared on the both sides of the street soon after

we went straight on Shijo street to Yasaka temple from Shijo Bridge and then took a right on

Hanamikoji street.

 The street was lined with a variety style of restaurants filled with light and it seemed to me that

they waited for tonight's customers to visit.

 Many tourists and the couple were strolling leisurely the street.

I was not sure whether they visited here to catch a glimpse of a row of "Machiya" in Gion.

 A maiko might be called by customer.

She who was made up with powder and rouge,and was dressed up in Kimono,came from


I took in beautiful and atomospheric scenery for a brief while.

 We had a nice dinner for about 2 hours,while having a chat over various topics.

After that,we decided to go bar-hopping under the influence of alcohol.

 My sister-in law came back home because the night progressed.

We walked along Machiya to another bar for about several minutes,sobering up with night air.

This was the Japanese style bar in Miyagawa town that my brother-in-law has frequented.

As soon as we opend the door,I listened to pure Kyoto-Japanese for the first time in decades,

''Hi,, Mister,I'm so glad you come."

I unconsciously said to myself,"How soft Kyoto-Japanese is ! "

 Although it was a popular Machiya in appearance, there was a nice bar when I got into it.

A set of "Hina-Ningyo" was displayed on the shelf across from the counter.

It was excellently in harmony with hostesses wearing Kimono.

 At the back counter,some earlier customers seemed to be pretty far gone between two maikos.

 A hostess and her assistants entertained us with humor in really unique Kyoto-Japanese.

But I can't remember anything about what conversation I had with them because I might be very


 Anyway,I could have a lot of pleasant time with everyone.

Thanks a lot.

[Note] the 49th Buddhist memorial day's ceremony ; 49 日法要

  serve as 〜; 〜として役立つ,〜の役目をする、 
be fully booked ; (予約が)満室である

  offering ;お供え, altar ; 祭壇、 Machiya ; 町家, make offering 〜;〜をお供えする

  recite Namu Amida Buddha; 南無阿弥陀仏を唱える,burn incense : 焼香する

  take a right : 右折する, be lined with 〜 ; 〜が立ち並ぶ、 stroll leisurely ; そぞろ歩く

  catch a glimpse of 〜 ;一目見る,ちょっと見る、 maiko; 舞妓

  come from nowhere ; どこからともなく現れる、 take in beautiful scenery ; 美しい景色に見とれる

  atmospheric ; 趣のある、 have a chat over various topics ; 四方山話をする

  go bar-hopping ; はしごをする,under the influence of alcohol ; 酒の勢いで

  sober up ; 酔いを覚ます, frequent ; (人などが)<場所> へしばしば行く

  in appearance ; 見てくれは,外観は、 be pretty far gone ; かなりできあがっている( 酔って )

  really unique : コテコテの、 can't remember anything about 〜;何も覚えていない

Japanese Diary / No.52−2008.03.15 / 「義母の49日法要(1)」

Income tax declaration                    No.28-Mar.13, 2008
Income-tax return form
return form

 I was so much depressing this week.

It was because the deadline for the submission of the tax return was fast


 This year,we,taxpayers have to submit it to the tax office within the designated

period between Feb18th and Mar17th.

 Yesterday,I made out my tax return taking about half a day.

It's the fourth this year for me to file my annual income-tax return by myself since I retired from

the company.

 From morning,I filled some items like my gross income,net income,and some deduction amount

in the forms of the return in accordance with a guidance sent from the tax office.

 Fortunately,I knew that I overpaid the taxes last year,so I would be refunded about forty thousand

yen by The National Tax Administration Agency.

 I mailed the tax return with some necessary attached documents like withholding slips about public

pention from Social Insurance Agency and corporate pension fund, and some deduction certificates

to the nearest tax office.

Anyway,I felt my sense of accomlishment because I could submit the returns by the deadline.

[Note] income tax declaration ; 納税申告、 depressing ; 憂鬱な

  tax return/return ; 納税申告(書)、 make out ; (書類など) を作成する

  file an income-tax return ; 納税申告する、 fill in 〜 ; 〜に必要事項を記入する

  gross income ; 総収入、 net income ; 所得,実収入、 reduction ; 控除

  form ; (文書の) 用紙、  in accordance with 〜 ; 〜のとおりに、〜に従って

  refund O1 O2 ; O1(人)にO2(料金・税金など) を還付する、 attached document ; 添付書類

  The National Tax Administration Agency ; 国税庁、 withholding slip ; 源泉徴収票

  Social Insurance Agency ; 社会保険庁、 corporate pension fund ; 企業年金基金

  feel a sense of accomplishment ; 達成感を味わう

 Japanese Diary / No.51−2008.03.13 / 「納税申告」

Japan Grand Prix International Orchid Festival 2008  No.27-Mar.7, 2008

 Last Saturday,on Mar 1st,I went to Tokyo Dome with my wife to see The Japan Grand Prix

International Orchid Festival 2008 which was the world's largest orchid show.

 According to the guide,this year's festival was the 18th anniversary of it.

And it was the 3rd for me this time.

 Every time that I visited this festival,there were very crowded with visitors but it made an great

impression on me.

 As soon as I came in the festival place,I really felt as if spring had come.

It was because there were lots of colorful and lively orchids exhibited in the Dome.

Orchids of a variety of colors
Orchids of a variety of colors

Orchid of which its petals are rich white color with hint of  purple
Orchid of which its petals are rich white color with hint of purple
Yellow orchid
Yellow orchid
Violet orchid
Violet orchid

Pink orchid
Pink orchid

 Approximately,a hundred thousand tropical,mild,oriental and Japanese orchids were exhibited.

The only orchid which was selected as The Japan Grand Prix,the Queen of all flowers,was

displayed in the central zone in the middle of the Tokyo Dome.

What a beautiful orchid it was !

 To my great regret,I gave up an exotec Andean orchid,"Masdevallia",from Peru because many

visitors stood up in line waiting for the admission to its exihibition booth.

 As every orchids were too beautiful,so I was very busy to take their pictures by my digital camera.

Anyway,no matter how many times I see orchids,it soften and brighten my heart.

  Japan Grand Prix International Orchid Festival ;世界らん展日本大賞(グラン・プリ)

  make an impression on 〜 ; 〜に感動を与える, tropical orchid ; 洋蘭(ラン)

  a hundred thousand ; 十万、  to my great regret ; とても残念なことに、 Andean ; アンデス山脈の

  Masdevallia ; アンデス山脈のランの一種の名前、 no matter how many times 〜 ; 何回〜しても

  soften ; なごませる、 petal ; 花びら,  with hint of 〜; (色などが) 〜 混ざった

Japanese Diary / No.50−2008.03.07 / 「世界らん展日本大賞 2008」
