徒然横浜生活 Since 2003

Weekly Topics/Archive
            January 2008

Mahjong competition                       No.23-Jan.31, 2008

 Last night, I was present at the regular mahjong competition. which was organized

by a owner of the Japanese-style restaurant, "Shinobu" near my home.

 This competition has been held four times a year.

The members of it consisted of the regular customers of this restaurant.

 I have taken part in it since my retirement.

Even now, there is a trophy with which my name was recorded on its ribbon in honor

of my championship because I have once won.

 This time, twelve players entried into this competition.

Mahjon game was held four times, and each game might be ended within an hour.

The final score of each player was decided by the total which added his one in each


The ranking of this competition was judged by its score.

 The first matching of this game was decided by drawing.

From the following game, its matching was set in order of the previous total score of

each player.

So, all the players could have a good chance of reversal in the last game even though

they were in bad situation just before.

 At the time of my active service, since I had worked in the sales division, I used to

play mahjong on the way from work after 5 as a place of society with coworkers or

subordintes, and as a way of entertaining business associates.

 After retirement, I didn't have much opportunity to play mahjong.

So, I practiced it using the game software pre-installed on my computer for about an

hour before the competition.

 However,to my great regret,I finished with booby.

It was the worst day for me because I've never experienced anything so bad in this


 By the way, I heard that mahjong is calmly in fashion among the elderly these day

in order that it may prevent Alzheimer's disease.

 [Note] in honor of 〜 ; 〜を記念して, 〜に敬意を表して、 matching ; (競技の) 組合せ

  in ordr of 〜 ; 〜の順に、 reversal ; 逆転, どんでん返し,  subordinate ; 部下

  active service ; 現役, society ; 社交,交際、 
associate ; (会社などの) パ−トナ−

 Japanese Diary / No.45−2008.01.30 / 「定例麻雀大会」

New Year class reunion                 No.22-Jan.24, 2008 

 This Monday was just "Daikan" which was one of 24th solar term in traditional East

Asian lunar calendar.

It's said that "Daikan" and several days before and after that will be the coldest time

in one year.

 Actually, it was very cold when I came out of home.

 From the evening, I joined in the New Year class reunion at the guesthouse in


It was the facility for reception of the company which a friend of mine has still worked


 This year, eleven past classmates were at the party including me from every place of

metropolitan area.

It was a cheerful party as same as usual, while drinking, eating and talking very much.

 In the party, we talked about why we had the class reunion many times a year, and

why the percentage of attendance of this party is good.

We came to the conclusion that each of us was always lonesome.

 It was because we moved to Kanto area to get a job with company from our

hometown, Kansai area and had been workaholic for long time, and couldn't have

so many friends except our coworkers.

 So, we felt an impulse to meet close friends like classmates.

In addition to it, T.K-san as an organizer has worked very hard for our reunion.

 Consequently, it was very active every year.

 Everyone laughed out loud listining to this opinion.

But I felt I also should have been so.

 We broke it out, saying to an organizer of this reunion, "Please have the party in the

timely manner whenever someone will get lonely."

[Note]solar term ; 節気, lunar calendar ; 太陰暦,Daikan ; 大寒

    lonesome ; (特定の仲間を求めて)寂しい,workaholic ; 仕事中毒の人

    feel an impulse to do 〜 ; 〜 したいという衝動にかられる

    consequently ; その結果,結果として、 laugh out loud ; 大笑いする

Japanese Diary / No.44−2008.01.21 / 「新年クラス会」

Golf competitions twice a week        No.21-Jan.17, 2008

The view of the hole #10 of IN course.
 I enjoyed golf twice this week.

This Monday, I participated in the golf

competition among teams which was

organized by Kamakura Public Golf.

Ninty-six players were at the

competition from twelve teams.

Each team consisted of eight players.

The ranking of this competition was

decided by the total score of the top 6

from each team.

 It was very cold according to the weather forecast.

It might be less than 5 degrees centigrade on the golf course,I think.

 I played golf wearing a wind-breaker over my sweater and putting two sheets of body

warmer called "Kairo" in Japanese on the undershirt around my waist.

 My score was so-so, but I couldn't contribute to my team.

Fortunately, my team won the third prize, and we were awarded the traveling bags.

I'm going to use it when I'll take a golf trip to Thailand next month.

 Yesterday, I joined in the friendly golf competition on the same golf course as before.

I belong to the brotherhood of those who play golf for fun.

This competition was the regular one for members of this party.

17 players were at this competition.

 It was rather warm, so I was in good condition.

I had better score than many of other players beyond my expectation.

Unexpectedly, I took second place and luckily won ten thousand yen as a prize.

Furthermore, I won one of the near-pin prizes.

Anyway, it was a good week for me, but I lost a lot of money.

[Note] brotherhood ; 親睦会(団体),  fun ; 趣味 (楽しみ)

  beyond one's expectation ; 予想以上に、 unexpectedly ; 思いがけなく

Japanese Diary / No.41−2008.01.14 /
「鎌倉パブリックゴルフ 団体対抗戦オ−プンコンペ」
Japanese Diary / No.42−2008.01.16 / 「やんちゃ会ゴルフコンペ」

The New Year's Party in Kyoto and Uji       No.20-Jan.10, 2008
The view of the upper Kamo river from shijou bridge

 Hi, everyone.

Happy New Year!

 I visited my brother-in-law in Kyoto

with my wife on New Year's Eve to

visit his mother who had been in

hospital and stayed overnight at his


  My mother-in-law came back home

to join her family for New Year's Day

because the doctor in charge of her permitted her to do that only for one day.

On New Year's Day, she could celebrate the New Year with not only her family but also

about fifteen relatives.

This party was really cheerful because there were young and old men from a baby to

a 87-years-old grandmother.

We had a lot of chat about how we've been getting along, while drinking some alcohol

with delicious tradititional New year dishes.

 It was a calm day appropriate for the New Year in Kyoto.

But the street of downtown Kyoto was very crowded with people visiting the shrine or

the temple.

The night of New Year's Day, I visited my younger brother in my home town, Uji by

local train.

I had another New Year's Party with my two brother's family there.

I enjoyed a chat over various topics with them till midnight, while drinking some alcohol


 Anyway, my wife and I were very happy that we could celebrate the New Year with

each of our families.

[Note] doctor in charge ; 主治医、 traditional (Japanese) New Year dishes ; お節料理

 Japanese Diary / No.38−2008.01.01 / 「ファミリ−と新年を祝う」
