徒然草津生活 Since 2010


 バンコク(Bangkok in Thailand) 在住の娘が,休暇を利用してBoyfriend のGeri

 彼のホ-ムタウンであるオストリア西部の地方都市,ニ-ト(Nied) からザルツブルグ

以下は,娘からのE-mail です。

 Hello, oto san and oka san

  Geri, his parents (Josef and Josefine) and I are now in the
 mountain of European Alps!!!
 This morning we left his parents' place in Ried (western part of
 Austria) and just arrived at Filzmoos in Salzburg (southern part
 of Austria).
 Please check the world map !!!

  We are going to ski around the beautiful mountains for the next
 2 days!
 The wether is perfect- super sunny, though temprature is really
 low like -9C.
 Enjoy the photos that we took so far.
 ciao ciao


 E-mail に添付されていた写真です。
Geri やそのファミリ-とオ-ストリアをエンジョイしているのが伝わってきます。



 娘とお世話になっているGeri に感謝の意を伝えるために以下のMail の返信を出しました。
先方のPC は日本語を受け付けないようですので,已むなくつたない英文ですが一生懸命

 Hello, Hiromi and Geri

 Guten Morgen

  Thank you for your sending us some fantastic pictures from Austria.
 We enjoyed them very much.
 How wonderful the view of snow-covered mountains in the blue sky
 is !
 I checked Austria Map on Google Map and found Ried and Filzmoos
 in Salzburg.
 I also found Innsbruck on the map.
 I remembered that it hosted a Winter Olympic Games in the past.

  By the way, could you ski well ?
 I remember that I was skiing while carrying Hiromi on my back
 when you were a child.
 I've never skied for more than 20 years.
 And so if I do that, I could break my leg or arm skiing.


  I thank you for your parent's hospitality extended to Hiromi
 during her visit to your Parents' Home in Ried.
 Please remember me to your parents.

  Please enjoy skiing around the beautiful mountains.
 And then send us more pictures from Austria.
 We are looking forward to receiving them from you.


